Night spawn icon1.png An early testing version of dark mode has been enabled as a desktop skin option for logged-in users. To enable it, go to Special:Preferences, and under the "Gadgets" tab, check both "darkMode" options. An icon to toggle dark mode will then appear in the top bar once you save the preferences. Please report any issues in our Discord server!


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Affects physical ranged damage, and damage dealt by Rogue frame icon.png Rogue's arms and Viper frame icon.png Viper's arms.

The affected Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS jobs are Bard frame icon.png Bard, Machinist frame icon.png Machinist, and Dancer frame icon1.png Dancer, and the affected Melee DPS jobs are Ninja frame icon.png Ninja and Viper frame icon.png Viper. These five jobs are the only ones to use this attribute.

Other jobs do not count as ranged, even if they have attacks that can hit outside of melee range. The physical damage of all other jobs is influenced by Strength.

Players may briefly increase their core Attributes by consuming certain Medicines, such as Tincture of dexterity icon1.png  Tincture of Dexterity.