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MP, or magic points, are required to cast spells and use certain magical abilities. If the MP cost of a spell is greater than your remaining MP, you cannot cast that spell. MP slowly regenerates over time in and out of combat.

MP formerly varied based on Piety, much like HP does with Vitality. As of Patch 5.0 (Shadowbringers), the MP cap for all levels was changed to 10,000, and MP costs for all actions became fixed values.

All Disciples of Magic (Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS and Healer role.png Healer) have actions that require MP. Additionally, two Tank role.png Tank Jobs also have actions utilizing MP: Paladin frame icon.png Paladin and Dark Knight frame icon.png Dark Knight. For the tanks, spells are scaled on strength rather than intelligence or mind.


Resurrection spells are very taxing on the caster's MP reserves. In addition, the KOed player is only revived wtih 20% of their maximum MP, meaning consumables can be useful to them as well.

Item Effect HQ icon.png HQ Effect Source
Ether icon1.png  Ether Restores up to 6% of MP (600 points max). Restores up to 8% of MP (800 points max). Purchase from Vendors for Gil 60 gil, Crafted by Alchemist, or from Quests
Hi-ether icon1.png  Hi-Ether Restores up to 7% of MP (700 points max). Restores up to 9% of MP (900 points max). Purchase from Vendors for Gil 432 gil, Crafted by Alchemist, or from Quests
Mega-ether icon1.png  Mega-Ether Restores up to 8% of MP (800 points max). Restores up to 10% of MP (1000 points max). Purchase from Vendors for Gil 792 gil or Crafted by Alchemist
X-ether icon1.png  X-Ether Restores up to 10% of MP (1000 points max). Restores up to 12% of MP (1200 points max). Purchase from Vendors for Gil 1,108 gil, Crafted by Alchemist, from Duties, or from Quests
Max-ether icon1.png  Max-Ether Restores up to 12% of MP (1200 points max). Restores up to 15% of MP (1500 points max). Crafted by Alchemist or from Quests
Super-ether icon1.png  Super-Ether Restores up to 14% of MP (1400 points max). Restores up to 18% of MP (1800 points max). Crafted by Alchemist or from Quests