Gathering (Attribute)
Affects the rate at which items are successfully gathered. For miner and
botanist, too little Gathering can result in a miss instead of receiving an item. The success rate of gathering an item increases up to 100%, and is indicated next to the item in a node, based on the gathering attribute. Affects the yield increase (+1 to +3) of Bountiful Harvest / Bountiful Harvest II / Bountiful Yield / Bountiful Yield II depending on the node. Reaching specific gathering thresholds for a given node will randomly result a bonus in yield.
For fisher, a minimum gathering stat is needed to catch any fish. However, for rod fishing, the success rate of catching a fish typically never becomes 100%. Increasing gathering above the minimum requirement does not appear to significantly increase successfully catching a given fish (e.g., it is possible, although unlikely, for a level 1 fish to escape the hook with level 90 gear). For spearfishing, increasing gathering will increase the hitbox size of fish up to a certain length, making them easier to catch.