The Swallow's Compass
The Swallow's Compass
- Level
- 70
- Item Level
- 330
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Light Party
4 man • 11
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Roulette
- Level 70 dungeon"Level 70 dungeon" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
- Req. quest
Tortoise in Time
- Entrance
- Yanxia (X:11.7, Y:26.9, Z:0.7)
- Patch
- 4.3
“Chiseled into the great wall which cuts across the plains of Yanxia, between two of the Dairyu Moon Gates, is the visage of Ganen, the legendary hero who united Doma. The first king of the new kingdom was not only a military genius, but also the founder of geomancy, and so after his death this royal mausoleum became a holy place to which his disciples would make pilgrimage. Alas, following the imperial invasion, it was abandoned and fell into disrepair, and none can say for certain what dangers lie within. Regardless, if Soroban's rigorous training under Genbu is to continue, you and your comrades must venture into these hallowed halls and obtain the tamate-bako of geomancy, an ancient relic with the power to manipulate time itself...
— In-game description
The Swallow's Compass is a level 70 dungeon introduced in patch 4.3 with Stormblood.
- Clout of the Tengu: Large AOE centred around Otengu.
- Yama-kagura: Line AOE of medium width, directed at one of the player other than the tank.
- Wile of the Tengu: One of the Eye themed abilities. Looking away from Otengu will dodge its effect. Not doing so will apply the Hysteria debuff.
- Tengu Ember: A number of Tengu Ember will appear. Those flames will start to move around the arena. Player hit by one of them will suffer minor damage and one (1) debuff stack of Suppuration (Maximum HP is reduced and damage taken is increased.). After some time the remaining ember will explode in medium sized AOE's.
- Might of the Tengu: A tank buster ability.
The abilities do not have a castbar. Watch for the messages on screen.
- Daidarabotchi is gathering aetherial energy...: Daidarabotchi will raise one of its arms and slam it down on the ground. Getting hit by this will result in medium damage and one (1) debuff stack of Vulnerability Up. It is suggested to stand on its other side.
- The Land take You, Claim You!: AOE that will follow the marked player.
- Swallow You, Consume You!: Daidarabotchi will hit the ground with its fist and create a circular, persistent AOE (a shimmering lake) around the centre of the area. That lake will grow over time and will cover ca. 75% of the area but will disappear again after some time.
- Mountain Falls : Blue AOE with a blue water drop on top around a player. Will deal damage after a short while.
Qitian Dasheng
- The Short End: Tankbuster.
- Both Ends: This ability has two flavours.
- The first will be signified by the normal weapon, raised. It will create a medium AOE around Qitian Dasheng. Getting hit by this AOE will knock the player back into the bluish outer ring. This debuff area will apply Bleeding and one (1) stack of Vulnerability Up.
- The second will be signified by an enlarged weapon with electric current on it, lowered. It will do the same, but with a save zone near Qitian Dasheng.
- In short: Normal weapon - stay away from the boss. Enlarged, electrified weapon - stay near the boss.
- Mount Huaguo: Area wide medium AOE.
- Monkey Magicks: ADD phase. Kill all Servant of the Sage before the Monkey Magicks meter is fully charged.
- Second Heaven: Ultimate, after Monkey Magicks meter is fully charged or all Servant of the Sage are killed. The amount of damage done depends on the level of the charge of the Monkey Magicks meter.
- Splitting Hairs: Qitian Dasheng splits in two Shadow of the Sage. Both mobs must be killed to end the fight. If only one is killed, the remaining will split again. It is suggested to damage both equally and kill them in very short succession, so a to avoid another split.
- Servant of the Sage: Spawn during Monkey Magicks phase. Frequently use an AOE.
- Shadow of the Sage: Two lesser copies of Qitian Dasheng. Both must be killed. Both retain the abilities or the original Qitian Dasheng. Note, that those copies share the health pool of the original Qitian Dasheng. That is, the health of the copies will drop according to the damage dealt.
Qitian Dasheng
Additional Loot
Treasure Coffer 1 (10.2, 12.1)
Treasure Coffer 2 (x10.7, y11.2)
Treasure Coffer 3 (x12.2,y7.9)
Treasure Coffer 4 (??, ??)
Treasure Coffer 5 (??, ??)
Additional Coffer Items
- Dzo Horn
- Earth Crystal
- Earth Shard
- Fire Crystal
- Fire Shard
- Gagana Skin
- Gazelle Hide
- Gazelle Horn
- Gyuki Hide
- Halgai Mane
- Ice Crystal
- Ice Shard
- Lightning Crystal
- Lightning Shard
- Manzasiri Hair
- Marid Hide
- Moth Scales
- Muud Suud Horn
- Rhino Beetle Carapace
- Tiger Skin
- Water Crystal
- Water Shard
- Wind Crystal
- Wind Shard
Gear Images
Dungeon Images