Ice Shard

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Ice Shard

Item type
Carpenter frame icon.png 1
Armorer frame icon.png 1
Weaver frame icon.png 60
Culinarian frame icon.png 5
Market board icon1.png MB prices

A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric ice energy.

— In-game description



Node Area Level Req. Perception Respawn Coordinates
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 5 Mineral Deposit «5»
Providence Point (Coerthas Central Highlands) 1 (X:28.1, Y:16.4)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 5 Mature Tree «5»
Jadeite Thick (Central Shroud) 1 (X:, Y:)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 20 Mineral Deposit «5»
Skull Valley (Western La Noscea) 1 18 (X:28.5, Y:22.9)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 25 Rocky Outcrop «5»
Upper Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:22.9, Y:21.7)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 25 Mature Tree «5»
Upper Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:23.1, Y:21.6)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 25 Mineral Deposit «5»
Upper Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:16, Y:19.5)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 30 Mature Tree «5»
Silent Arbor (South Shroud) 1 (X:26.2, Y:19)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 30 Mature Tree «5»
Upper Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:17.4, Y:21.9)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 35 Mature Tree «5»
Lower Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:16.5, Y:30.2)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 35 Lush Vegetation «5»
Lower Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:17.4, Y:28.6)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 40 Mineral Deposit «5»
Dragonhead (Coerthas Central Highlands) 1 (X:24.2, Y:19.9)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 40 Mineral Deposit «5»
Urth's Gift (South Shroud) 1 (X:28.6, Y:22.8)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 40 Lush Vegetation «5»
Lower Paths (South Shroud) 1 (X:21.4, Y:28.6)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 45 Mature Tree «5»
Whitebrim (Coerthas Central Highlands) 1 (X:22.8, Y:17.8)



Dropped By

Creature Level Race Clan Location
Corrupted Sprite 80 Elementals Sprite The Diadem
The Sunken Temple of Qarn [[]]
The Sunken Temple of Qarn [[]]
The Sunken Temple of Qarn [[]]
The Sunken Temple of Qarn [[]]

Quest Reward

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Double Dealing Main Scenario quest 8 Staelwyrn
On to Bentbranch Main Scenario quest 10 Mother Miounne
Misdirected Woo Daily quest 1 Yazel Ahuatan the Able
One Ixal's Buzzard Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard
A Long Way to the Top Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent
Larboard and Lodging Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Out to Dry Sidequest 10 W'dhovaka
Way of the Carpenter Feature quest 1 Corgg
My First Saw Feature quest 1 Beatin
To Be the Wood Feature quest 5 Beatin
Supplies for the Sick Feature quest 10 Beatin
Way of the Armorer Feature quest 1 G'wahnako
My First Doming Hammer Class quest 1 H'naanza
From Thigh to Neck Class quest 5 H'naanza
The Base Fundamentals Class quest 10 H'naanza



Vendor Location / Coordinates Section Cost Unlock req.
0Vendor currently unavailable Dreamer (2016) Old Gridania (10.3, 9.1) General Fortune egg icon1.png 2

Free Company Submarine Ventures

Sector Map Rank Alias
Airship Sub icon.pngDeep-sea Site 4 Deep-sea Site 27 M
Airship Sub icon.pngSea of Ash 2 Sea of Ash 57 F

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Crystals are used as catalysts in every crafting recipe. Not every single recipe will use Ice Shards, but those that do are too numerous to list.