Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr
Save The Queen
Bozja. Home of the Hrothgar. For years it has suffered under Imperial occupation. But now, with the Garlean Empire falling apart, the Resistance seeks to liberate it from their oppressors. The battlefields may be explored in parties of up to eight players, or solo. All players will be level synced, and all equipped items will be synced to 430. Unlike instanced duties, a given battlefield may be occupied by up to 72 players, with whom you may choose to cooperate if you so desire!
- Quest:
Hail to the Queen
- Disciple of War or Magic level 80
- Starting Location: Kugane (X:12.2 Y:12.3)
- Starting NPC: Keiten
- Prerequisite: Players must first complete
Shadowbringers, as well as the Return to Ivalice alliance raid series, ending with
The City of Lost Angels.
Players can enter Gangos via the Aetheryte in the Doman Enclave. From there, they can talk to the NPC Sjeros in Gangos (5.5, 5.4) to enter the other Save the Queen zones. If entering as a party, the leader must speak to the NPC.
Party Play
Similar to The Forbidden Land, Eureka, Save the Queen allows the use of party functions such as inviting party members, disbanding the party, and leaving the party without exiting the instance. You may use the Adventurer List to seek out players to form parties and explore the battlefield together. It is also possible to change your online status to "Looking for Party."
- Please note that if you enter an instanced Save the Queen zone as a member of a party, even if you leave it while within the instance, you will be returned to the party upon exiting the instance.
Cooperating with other adventurers
Unlike in instanced duties, but similar to The Forbidden Land, Eureka, you may form and leave parties with other players at will. You may also use the Adventurer List to seek out players to form parties and explore the battlefield together.
Gangos: Non-combat zone. The main hub for all Save the Queen content.
The Bozjan Southern Front: 72 player battlefield.
- Castrum Lacus Litore: Raid designed for up to 48 players. The Echo is applied for small groups.
Delubrum Reginae: 24 player raid.
- Delubrum Reginae (Savage): Savage raid designed for 24-48 players. Requires full premade group.
Zadnor: 72 player battlefield.
- The Dalriada: Raid designed for up to 48 players. The Echo is applied for small groups.
Changing Class and Jobs
You may change between Disciple of War and Magic classes and jobs in Gangos, and in Resistance bases with Aetherytes within the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor.
- This includes classes and jobs that have not reached level 80.
Resistance Weapons
Main article: Resistance Weapons
As you progress through Save the Queen, you will be able to create legendary weapons with which you may challenge the authority of the Empire and drive them out of Bozja.
Riding Mounts
Mounts can be ridden in the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor. Mount speed upgrades for the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor can be purchased from the Resistance Quartermaster for 25 Bozjan Clusters each.
- Mounts cannot fly in any Save the Queen zones.