Shadowbringers content


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See also: The Dalriada and The Bozjan Southern Front

Field Operation.png


Fair Skies.png Rain.png Wind.png Thunder (weather).png Snow.png
Zadnor banner.png
71 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
(Sync: 430)
Party size
1-72 man 1-72 Any class frame icon.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
180 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest A New Playing Field
Gangos (X:6.4, Y:5.7)
The echo icon1.png The Echo

The IVth Legion has retreated to the barren plateaus of Zadnor, their imperial flagship looming ominously on the horizon. What they hope to gain from their newfound base of operations remains to be seen, but the Resistance refuses to stand idle. As both sides are pushed to their limit, who will emerge the victor as the battle for Bozja reaches its bloody climax?

— In-game description

Zadnor is a level 71 field operation introduced in patch 5.55 with Shadowbringers.

This is an instanced area that up to 72 players can explore simultaneously, and is the second major battlefield of two in the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr storyline. Like the Bozjan Southern Front, Zadnor is a instanced encounter wherein players assist the Bozjan Resistance in their continued effort to reclaim their homeland from the IVth Imperial Legion.



All duty-specific mechanics (e.g., forming parties, level sync) are identical to those of the Bozjan Southern Front. For more information, see that page.

Mettle is obtained in much greater quantities in this duty than in the Bozjan Southern Front or Delubrum Reginae, making this the ideal location to farm mettle. However, the other Save the Queen duties are sources of useful Lost Actions and other rewards that are not found in Zadnor.

Advancement - Mettle and Resistance Rank

Mettle and Resistance rank are similar in concept to experience and leveling, respectively. Mettle is earned by completing skirmishes and critical engagements, and on reaching a certain amounts of mettle, you will be able to increase your resistance rank by talking to the commander. Increasing your Resistance Rank is needed to progress within the front, and unlocks additional features.

Features unlocked by Resistance Rank

Note: Completion of the quest Feature QuestLet Me Holster That for You grants an additional 10 capacity to the maximum holster capacity shown below.

Rank Mettle Required Maximum Holster Capacity New Features / Content Unlocked
16 Mettle 1,124,000 72 Feature QuestResolve Unshaken, can appraise Forgotten fragment of history icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of History, Forgotten fragment of rage icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Rage, Forgotten fragment of ferocity icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Ferocity
17 Mettle 1,930,000 74
18 Mettle 2,790,000 76 Feature QuestWhere Eagles Roost, Access to The Western Plateau (Second Area), can appraise Forgotten fragment of moonlight icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Moonlight, Forgotten fragment of hope icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Hope, Forgotten fragment of artistry icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Artistry
19 Mettle 4,435,000 78
20 Mettle 6,163,000 80 Feature QuestReaching Out
21 Mettle 8,663,000 82
22 Mettle 11,471,000 84 Feature QuestIn Their Shadow, Access to The Northern Plateau (Third Area), can appraise Forgotten fragment of desperation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Desperation, Forgotten fragment of tenacity icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Tenacity, Forgotten fragment of inspiration icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Inspiration
23 Mettle 15,602,000 86 Feature QuestRenewed Focus
24 Mettle 20,516,000 88
25 Mettle 25,870,000 89 Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen, Access to The Dalriada, can appraise Forgotten fragment of heroism icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Heroism, Forgotten fragment of cunning icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Cunning, Forgotten fragment of revelation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Revelation

Resistance Honors

Players who have reached the maximum Resistance rank can receive honors to permanently increase their strength when undertaking duties in Save the Queen areas.


After reaching Resistance rank 25 and completing the quest Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen, speak with the Resistance Councilor in Zadnor (X:35.7 Y:34.9).

Receiving Honors

After amassing sufficient mettle, players can speak with the Resistance Councilor to receive Proofs of Mettle in exchange for all of their stored mettle. It costs 20 million mettle to obtain 3 Proofs of Mettle. These may then be exchanged for three varieties of Resistance honors: Suns of Fortitude, Suns of Valor, or Suns of Succor. The number of proofs of mettle required to exchange for each Sun starts at one and increases by one every two of that Sun obtained, up to a maximum of five proofs of mettle needed.

Ray Rank Proofs of Mettle Cost Cumulative Proofs Cost
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 4
4 2 6
5 3 9
6 3 12
7 4 16
8 4 20
9 5 25
10 5 30

The number of proofs in your possession can be confirmed at any time via the HUD.

Resistance Honors2.png


  • Ray of Fortitude - Increases maximum HP (+5% per stack).
  • Ray of Valor - Increases damage dealt (+3% per stack).
  • Ray of Succor - Increases healing potency (+10% per stack).

The more of these honors in your possession (up to the cap of 10 each), the greater their effect. The number and types of each Sun in possession will be displayed as permanent buffs that are not lost on death. These effects are only active in Save the Queen duties.

Obtaining 10 of each Sun will complete the Suns of Bozja achievement, which unlocks "The Emblazoned" title.

The Dalriada

The Dalriada is a special engagement that takes place on a separate map and serves as the "finale" to Zadnor. Available after reaching Resistance Rank 25 and completing the prerequisite quests, it is a raid dungeon that allows up to a maximum of 48 players, and is accessed in the same way as Castrum Lacus Litore is in the Bozjan Southern Front. When it pops, click the Register button in the Resistance Recruitment list, and if you are selected, click Commence.

Overworld Enemies

Zone 1: The Southern Plateau

Zone 2: The Western Plateau

Zone 3: The Northern Plateau


See also: Zadnor FATEs

Bozjan mythril coin icon1.png  Bozjan Mythril Coins and Bozjan platinum coin icon1.png  Bozjan Platinum Coins will only drop after completing The Dalriada for the first time.

Zone 1: The Southern Plateau

FATE Boss Location EXP Experience Mettle Mettle Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Coins Notable Rewards Prereq. Mob/FATE
Bozjan Fight.png
A Wrench in the Reconnaissance Effort
(X:29.4, Y:35.5) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Bozjan NM.png
An Immoral Dilemma
(X:22.8, Y:34.3) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
1 Field notes on llofii, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Llofii, Part II
4th Legion Gunship
Bozjan NM.png
Another Pilot Episode
(X:28.1, Y:29.3) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
4th Legion Hexadrone
Bozjan Fight.png
Breaking the Ice
(X:24.9, Y:31.2) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Deadly Divination
Bozjan NM.png
Deadly Divination
(X:24.9, Y:31.5) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Bozjan Fight.png
Meet the Puppetmaster
(X:24.1, Y:37.5) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on gilbrisbert icon1.png  Field Notes on Gilbrisbert
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Bozjan NM.png
Of Beasts and Braggadocio
(X:24.1, Y:37.5) 206,568-319,770 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on atori icon1.png  Field Notes on Atori
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Bozjan Gather.png
Parts and Parcel
(X:22.8, Y:34.3) 475,000-779,000 Experience 38,500-210,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on oboro icon1.png  Field Notes on Oboro
1 Compact axle icon1.png  Compact Axle
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
A Familiar Face
4th-make Hashmal (X:28, Y:29.7) 516,420-799,425 Experience 96,250-525,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 50 Bozjan mythril coin icon1.png  Bozjan Mythril Coin
2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Compact spring icon1.png  Compact Spring
Another Pilot Episode
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
From Beyond the Grave
4th-make Shemhazai (X:20.3, Y:37.5) 516,420-799,425 Experience 96,250-525,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Compact spring icon1.png  Compact Spring
1 Field notes on llofii, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Llofii, Part II
4th Legion Infantry
Critical engagement wave (map icon).png
On Serpents' Wings
Zirnitra (X:31.5, Y:37.5) 516,420-799,425 Experience 96,250-525,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Compact spring icon1.png  Compact Spring
An Immoral Dilemma
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
With Diremite and Main
Hedetet (Zadnor) (X:17.1, Y:32.1) 516,420-799,425 Experience 96,250-525,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Compact spring icon1.png  Compact Spring
4th Legion Nimrod
Critical engagement solo (map icon).png
The Broken Blade
Hypertuned Dabog (X:26.5, Y:35.7) - Experience 481,250-2,625,000 Mettle 120 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 99 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Compact spring icon1.png  Compact Spring
1 Field notes on dabog, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Dabog, Part II
A Familiar Face

Zone 2: The Western Plateau

FATE Boss Location EXP Experience Mettle Mettle Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Coins Notable Rewards Prereq. Mob/FATE
Bozjan NM.png
A Just Pursuit
(X:11.7, Y:27.7) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on tsubame icon1.png  Field Notes on Tsubame
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
Bozjan NM.png
An End to Atrocities
(X:4.9, Y:25.3) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on fabineau icon1.png  Field Notes on Fabineau
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
4th Legion Death Machine
Bozjan NM.png
Challenge Accepted
(X:7.2, Y:28.9) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on pagaga icon1.png  Field Notes on Pagaga
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
Bozjan NM.png
Demented Mentor
(X:7.2, Y:28.9) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on lovro icon1.png  Field Notes on Lovro
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
Bozjan NM.png
Sever the Strings
(X:11.7, Y:27.7) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on kosyu icon1.png  Field Notes on Kosyu
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
Bozjan NM.png
Supersoldier Rising
(X:8.1, Y:24) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
1 Field notes on dabog, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Dabog, Part II
Bozjan Gather.png
Tanking Up
(X:8.1, Y:24) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
4th Legion Armored Weapon
Bozjan NM.png
Th'uban the Terrible
(X:8.6, Y:34.5) 217,440-336,600 Experience 184,000-240,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 A day in the life battles for the realm icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
Critical engagement wave (map icon).png
Here Comes the Cavalry
Clibanarius (X:6.5, Y:37.3) 543,600-841,500 Experience 460,000-600,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 A day in the life beyond the rift icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
Tanking Up
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Never Cry Wolf
Hrodvitnir (X:4.9, Y:25.3) 543,600-841,500 Experience 460,000-600,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 A day in the life beyond the rift icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
An End to Atrocities
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
There Would Be Blood
Hanbi (X:13.7, Y:26.1) 543,600-841,500 Experience 460,000-600,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 A day in the life beyond the rift icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
4th Legion Satellite
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Time to Burn
4th-make Belias (X:10.5, Y:21.5) 543,600-841,500 Experience 460,000-600,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 A day in the life beyond the rift icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
4th Legion Colossus
Critical engagement solo (map icon).png
Head of the Snake
Menenius sas Lanatus (X:5.3, Y:31.9) - Experience 2,300,000-3,000,000 Mettle 120 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 99 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 A day in the life beyond the rift icon1.png  A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
1 Field notes on menenius, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Menenius, Part II
Never Cry Wolf

Zone 3: The Northern Plateau

FATE Boss Location EXP Experience Mettle Mettle Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Coins Notable Rewards Prereq. Mob/FATE
Bozjan NM.png
A Relic Unleashed
(X:25.5, Y:14.3) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on kosyu icon1.png  Field Notes on Kosyu
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan Fight.png
Attack of the Machines
(X:12.1, Y:13.6) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan NM.png
Attack of the Supersoldiers
(X:16.7, Y:16.9) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
1 Field notes on meryall icon1.png  Field Notes on Meryall
Hypertuned Havoc
Bozjan NM.png
Hypertuned Havoc
(X:16.7, Y:16.9) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
1 Field notes on dabog, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Dabog, Part II
4th Legion Rearguard
Bozjan NM.png
(X:25.5, Y:14.3) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on yamatsumi icon1.png  Field Notes on Yamatsumi
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan NM.png
Seeq and You Will Find
(X:20.4, Y:16.6) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on daguza icon1.png  Field Notes on Daguza
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan NM.png
Still Only Counts as One
(X:14.6, Y:10.4) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan NM.png
The Beasts Are Back
(X:25.5, Y:14.3) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on atori icon1.png  Field Notes on Atori
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
4th Legion Roader
Bozjan NM.png
The Student Becalms the Master
(X:14.6, Y:10.4) 228,312-353,430 Experience 243,000-270,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Field notes on lovro icon1.png  Field Notes on Lovro
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Bozjan Fight.png
When Mages Rage
(X:20.4, Y:16.6) 228,312-353,430 Experience 256,500-283,500 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
1 Bleak memory of the dying icon1.png  Bleak Memory of the Dying
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Feeling the Burn
Blackburn (X:16.7, Y:16.9) 570,780-883,575 Experience 607,500-675,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Lurid memory of the dying icon1.png  Lurid Memory of the Dying
Attack of the Supersoldiers
Critical engagement wave (map icon).png
Lean, Mean, Magitek Machines
Kampe (X:15.3, Y:13.1) 570,780-883,575 Experience 607,500-675,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Lurid memory of the dying icon1.png  Lurid Memory of the Dying
4th Legion Helldiver
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Looks to Die For
Ayida (X:17.5, Y:9.9) 570,780-883,575 Experience 607,500-675,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Lurid memory of the dying icon1.png  Lurid Memory of the Dying
4th Legion Cavalry
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Worn to a Shadow
Alkonost (boss) (X:11.9, Y:7.7) 570,780-883,575 Experience 607,500-675,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Lurid memory of the dying icon1.png  Lurid Memory of the Dying
The Beasts Are Back
Critical engagement solo (map icon).png
Taking the Lyon's Share
Lyon the Beast King (X:22.5, Y:13.3) - Experience 3,037,500-3,375,000 Mettle 120 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 99 Zadnor lockbox icon1.png  Zadnor Lockbox
2 Lurid memory of the dying icon1.png  Lurid Memory of the Dying
1 Field notes on lyon, part ii icon1.png  Field Notes on Lyon, Part II
Feeling the Burn

Spawning Critical Engagements

Critical Engagements and the FATEs preceding them do not spawn on their own. A sufficient amount of 4th Legion magitek machines need to be defeated to trigger a CE or CE chain. There are certain limitations:

  • Each CE/CE chain as a cooldown of one hour
  • Only one CE/CE chain can be active in Zadnor at the same time. The Dalriada is exempt from this.
  • CEs/CE chains can be queued like Notorious Monsters in Eureka

The specific magitek machines that spawn a CE or CE chain can be pre-farmed. Killing sufficient numbers of corresponding machine will essentially queue the CE/CE chain, even if it is on cooldown or blocked by another CE. The CE will then start as soon as the blocking condition is lifted. Below is a table of the CE/CE chains in Zadnor with their corresponding triggering magitek machine.

Zone Enemy CE/CE chain
1 4th Legion Nimrod Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png With Diremite and Main
1 4th Legion Infantry Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png From Beyond the Grave
1 4th Legion Gunship Boss FATE icon.png An Immoral DilemmaCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png On Serpents' Wings
1 4th Legion Hexadrone Boss FATE icon.png Another Pilot EpisodeCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png A Familiar FaceCritical engagement solo (map icon).png The Broken Blade
2 4th Legion Satellite Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png There Would Be Blood
2 4th Legion Colossus Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Time to Burn
2 4th Legion Armored Weapon Boss FATE icon.png Tanking UpCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Here Comes the Cavalry
2 4th Legion Death Machine Boss FATE icon.png An End to AtrocitiesCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Never Cry WolfCritical engagement solo (map icon).png Head of the Snake
3 4th Legion Helldiver Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Lean, Mean, Magitek Machines
3 4th Legion Cavalry Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Looks to Die For
3 4th Legion Roader Boss FATE icon.png The Beasts Are BackCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Worn to a Shadow
3 4th Legion Rearguard Boss FATE icon.png Hypertuned HavocBoss FATE icon.png Attack of the SupersoldiersCritical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png Feeling the BurnCritical engagement solo (map icon).png Taking the Lyon's Share

Lost Actions








Forgotten Fragments

Lost Fragment How to Acquire Lost Actions Unlocked
Forgotten fragment of hope icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Hope Quest: Where Eagles Roost
Purchase: Resistance Quartermaster for 5 Bozjan Cluster
Lost Reraise.png  Lost Reraise
Forgotten fragment of moonlight icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Moonlight Quest: Where Eagles Roost
Enemies: (I) Zadnor Crawler
Light Curtain.png  Light Curtain
Forgotten fragment of rage icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Rage Quest: Resolve Unshaken
Enemies: (I) Zadnor Beetle
(II) Zadnor Gaur
(III) Zadnor Dhalmel
Lost Stoneskin II.png  Lost Stoneskin II, Lost Burst.png  Lost Burst
Forgotten fragment of ferocity icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Ferocity Quest: Resolve Unshaken
Enemies: (II) Zadnor Ziz
Lost Stoneskin II.png  Lost Stoneskin II, Lost Rampage.png  Lost Rampage
Forgotten fragment of desperation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Desperation Quest: In Their Shadow
Enemies: (I) Zadnor Cliffmole, Zadnor Wamouracampa
(II) Zadnor Yamaa
Lost Protect II.png  Lost Protect II, Lost Shell II.png  Lost Shell II
Forgotten fragment of tenacity icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Tenacity Quest: In Their Shadow
FATEs: Attack of the Machines, Feeling the Burn, Lean, Mean, Magitek Machines, Looks to Die For, Still Only Counts as One, Worn to a Shadow
Lost Bubble.png  Lost Bubble
Forgotten fragment of history icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of History Quest: Resolve Unshaken
FATEs: Another Pilot Episode, Breaking the Ice
Enemies: (Star) Anancus, Stratogryph, Vinegaroon Executioner
Lodestone (Lost Action).png  Lodestone
Forgotten fragment of inspiration icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Inspiration Quest: In Their Shadow
Enemies: (Star) Glyptodon, Molten Scorpion, Vapula
Lost Impetus.png  Lost Impetus
Forgotten fragment of artistry icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Artistry Quest: Where Eagles Roost
Enemies: (Star) Aglaophotis, Earth Eater, Lord Ochu
The Dalriada
Lost Chainspell.png  Lost Chainspell, Lost Assassination.png  Lost Assassination
Forgotten fragment of heroism icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Heroism The Dalriada Resistance Elixir.png  Resistance Elixir, Lost Excellence.png  Lost Excellence
Forgotten fragment of cunning icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Cunning The Dalriada Resistance Elixir.png  Resistance Elixir, Lost Blood Rage.png  Lost Blood Rage
Forgotten fragment of revelation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Revelation The Dalriada Resistance Elixir.png  Resistance Elixir, Lost Full Cure.png  Lost Full Cure

Field Records

# Name Rarity Location Source
31 Atori Moribe Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossOf Beasts and Braggadocio (X:24.1, Y:37.5)
Skirmish: Kill BossThe Beasts Are Back (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
32 Kosyu ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossSever the Strings (X:11.7, Y:27.7)
Skirmish: Kill BossA Relic Unleashed (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
33 Oboro Torioi Zadnor Skirmish: Collect ItemsParts and Parcel (X:22.8, Y:34.3)
34 Tsubame Oshidari ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossA Just Pursuit (X:11.7, Y:27.7)
35 Meryall Miller ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAttack of the Supersoldiers (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterFeeling the Burn (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
36 Lovro aan Slanasch ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossDemented Mentor (X:7.2, Y:28.9)
Skirmish: Kill BossThe Student Becalms the Master (X:14.6, Y:10.4)
37 Llofii pyr Potitus (Part II) ★★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAn Immoral Dilemma (X:22.8, Y:34.3)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterFrom Beyond the Grave (X:20.3, Y:37.5)
38 Fabineau quo Soranus ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAn End to Atrocities (X:4.9, Y:25.3)
39 Yamatsumi pyr Urabe ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossMean-spirited (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
40 Pagaga quo Vochstein Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossChallenge Accepted (X:7.2, Y:28.9)
41 Daguza oen Sus Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossSeeq and You Will Find (X:20.4, Y:16.6)
42 Gilbrisbert quo Buteo ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill EnemiesMeet the Puppetmaster (X:24.1, Y:37.5)
43 Dabog aan Inivisch (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill EnemiesSupersoldier Rising (X:8.1, Y:24.0)
Skirmish: Kill BossHypertuned Havoc (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterThe Broken Blade (X:26.5, Y:35.7) (Guaranteed drop)
44 Lyon quo Helsos (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterTaking the Lyon's Share (X:22.5, Y:13.3) (Guaranteed drop)
Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - Saunion and Dawon the Younger Chest
45 Menenius sas Lanatus (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterHead of the Snake (X:5.3, Y:31.9) (Guaranteed drop)
Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - Saunion and Dawon the Younger Chest
46 The Diablo Armament ★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - The Diablo Armament Chest
47 Cid Garlond ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
48 Fran Eruyt ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
49 Hien Rijin ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
50 Noah van Gabranth ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Resistance Provisioner
(X:35.7, Y:34.3)
Merchant (map icon).png
Resistance Quartermaster
(X:34.7, Y:35)
Merchant (map icon).png
Resistance Supplier
(X:35.9, Y:34.2)



This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
No man's land i icon1.png  No Man's Land I 5 Successfully complete 10 skirmishes in Bozja. - 5.35
No man's land ii icon1.png  No Man's Land II 5 Successfully complete 50 skirmishes in Bozja. - 5.35
No man's land iii icon1.png  No Man's Land III 5 Successfully complete 100 skirmishes in Bozja. - 5.35
No man's land iv icon1.png  No Man's Land IV 10 Successfully complete 500 skirmishes in Bozja. Achievement title icon.png Skirmisher 5.35
Critical role i icon1.png  Critical Role I 10 Complete 10 critical engagements in Bozja. - 5.35
Critical role ii icon1.png  Critical Role II 10 Complete 50 critical engagements in Bozja. - 5.35
Critical role iii icon1.png  Critical Role III 10 Complete 100 critical engagements in Bozja. - 5.35
Critical role iv icon1.png  Critical Role IV 20 Complete 500 critical engagements in Bozja. Achievement title icon.png The Decisive Blow 5.35
Test complete icon1.png  Test Complete 10 Defeat Hypertuned Dabog in a duel in Zadnor. Achievement title icon.png The Hypertuned 5.55
Might makes right icon1.png  Might Makes Right 10 Defeat Menenius sas Lanatus in a duel in Zadnor. Achievement title icon.png Commander Conqueror 5.55
Untamed icon1.png  Untamed 10 Defeat Lyon the Beast King in a duel in Zadnor. Achievement title icon.png Lyon Tamer 5.55
Close encounters of the zadnoran kind icon1.png  Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind 20 Obtain the achievements Test Complete, Might Makes Right and Untamed. Achievement title icon.png Hero of Zadnor 5.55
Sharper than blades icon1.png  Sharper than Blades 20 Obtain the achievements Close Encounters and Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind. Achievement title icon.png Gunnhildr's Blade 5.55
Hell to pay i icon1.png  Hell to Pay I 10 Clear the Dalriada in Zadnor. - 5.55
Hell to pay ii icon1.png  Hell to Pay II 10 Clear the Dalriada in Zadnor 10 times. - 5.55
Hell to pay iii icon1.png  Hell to Pay III 20 Clear the Dalriada in Zadnor 50 times. Achievement title icon.png Dalriada Raider 5.55
No need for triage i icon1.png  No Need for Triage I 5 Resurrect another player in a Save the Queen area 10 times. - 5.35
No need for triage ii icon1.png  No Need for Triage II 5 Resurrect another player in a Save the Queen area 100 times. - 5.35
No need for triage iii icon1.png  No Need for Triage III 10 Resurrect another player in a Save the Queen area 500 times. Achievement title icon.png Guardian Angel 5.35
Mapping the realm zadnor icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Zadnor 10 Discover every location in Zadnor. - 5.55
Annals of liberation icon1.png  Annals of Liberation 10 Complete all Zadnor entries in your field record. - 5.55


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