Shadowbringers (Quest)
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This article is about the Main Scenario Quest. For the expansion, see Shadowbringers. For the achievement, see Shadowbringers (Achievement). For the Dark Knight ability, see Shadowbringer (ability).
- Quest giver
- Alisaie
- Location
- The Tempest (X:16.5, Y:30.4)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 80
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Greater Purpose
- Next quest
Shaken Resolve
In the Middle of Nowhere
A Scandal in Komra
Hail to the Queen
Fantastic Mr. Faux
By the Time You Hear This
Yet Another Striking Opportunity
Akadaemia Anyder
For Every Child a Star
Worth Fighting For
A Monk's Legacy
Once, Twice, Three Times a Warrior
Gone but Not Forgiven
A Harmony from the Heavens
Oboro's Big Idea
Our Closure
Machinists for the Morrow
The Legend of Musosai
Gunblades of the Patriots
Rising to the Occasion
Whence the Healing Springs
A Home for a Tome
To Be Second Best
True Beauty
Love, Astrologically
Succession of Steel
Shadow Walk with Me
- Patch
- 5.0
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 647 / 960 (67.4%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 106 / 157 (67.5%)
“Alisaie appears to have made her decision.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks the Poetics vendors in Eulmore and the
Sundry Splendors vendor in The Crystarium.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Speak with Urianger.
- Speak with Y'shtola.
- Speak with Thancred.
- Speak with Ryne.
- Speak with the Capitol attendant.
- Enter
- Confront Hades in
The Dying Gasp.
- Speak with the Crystal Exarch.
- Speak with Tataru in the Rising Stones.
- Alisaie appears to have made her decision.
- Alisaie vows to press on, no matter how long it takes or how much it hurts. Speak with Alphinaud next for his decision.
- Alphinaud is eager to continue along the road, and behold more miracles at your side. Speak with Urianger next for his decision.
- Urianger would sally forth with you into the jaws of peril, and see you survive “unto the morrow.” Speak with Y'shtola next for her decision.
- Y'shtola would repay you for all the support you have given her, and implores you to do as your heart decrees. Speak with Thancred next for his decision.
- Thancred seizes upon the chance to express his appreciation for all you have done, and promises to guard your back during the coming battle. Speak with Ryne next for her decision.
- Unlike your fellow Scions, Ryne seems gripped by doubt and feelings of powerlessness. After some encouragement, however, you convince her to trust in the path she has chosen. With your party thus assembled, you turn to face the foreboding doors of the Capitol.
- You enter the Capitol building with your companions and find yourselves face-to-face with Emet-Selch himself. The Ascian belittles the value of the fragmentary lives which now populate the Source and its reflections, challenging you to prove yourself worthy of his people's legacy. With the gauntlet thrown down and the Exarch awaiting rescue, you steel yourself to wade into the infernal flames of the Final Days of Amaurot.
- ※To enlist your companion NPCs for this duty, speak with them near the entrance or access Duty Support via the main menu. Use the Duty Finder if you wish to complete the instance alongside fellow players.
- You battle your way past terrors made flesh, and arrive at the brink of the star's fiery oblivion.
- ※In the event that you leave the instance, you may re-enter by speaking with the attendant in the foyer of the Capitol.
- Though you survive the tragedy which befell Amaurot, Emet-Selch remains resolutely unimpressed by your efforts. Taking to the field, he brushes aside your comrades' every attack, refuting each argument leveled against him with the same easy contempt. Exhausted from battering yourself against the Ascian's adamant defenses, you are powerless to prevent the Light within from breaking its bonds, and you slump to the ground in agony. Emet-Selch has won.
- But then Ardbert is there at your side, and with his hand at your back, you find the strength to take another step. Emet-Selch's disbelief is compounded as the Exarch appears and intones a spell to bring you further reinforcements. Now enraged beyond measure, the Ascian casts aside his mortal form, and reveals to you his true name─Hades. The final hour─the final conflict─is at hand!
- ※The Dying Gasp can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- You wage a titanic battle not only against Hades, but the hopes and dreams of Ascian-kind, of which he is the keeper. In the end, however, your own unwavering conviction brings the ancient being low. You have done a great and terrible thing. Pen the conclusion to this momentous chapter of history, and make your return to the Ocular.
- “Remember us...”
- With all your might behind the throw, the axe of incandescent Light shatters the bound soul of Emet-Selch.
- “Remember...that we once lived...”
- The Ascian's words ring in your ears, even as both Y'shtola and Ryne declare your soul free of the Wardens' taint. You have won.
- After an exhausting swim to the surface, you and your companions are given a hero's welcome by the people of Norvrandt. The Crystarium erupts in celebration, and you enter the city beneath a blessedly clear sky.
- You look on proudly as the Exarch proclaims that the First is saved, and that the Eighth Umbral Calamity no longer threatens the Source. But then a moment of confusion descends as those assembled puzzle over the steward's continued presence. His timeline has supposedly been unmade, yet with the man himself still very much alive, it would seem the summoned Scions are stuck in the First.
- Happy enough to postpone their return if it means the Exarch's life is spared, your comrades urge you to head back alone. Once the portal is prepared, you step through without further hesitation, eager to bring word of your success to Tataru.
- When traversing the rift, the steady beat of time is rendered mutable, and so your unexpectedly early return catches Tataru entirely off guard. The redoubtable secretary swiftly recovers, however, and regales you with what she knows of the situation in the Source. Wishing to confirm the current news from the front line, as well as contact her “surprise” helper, Tataru bids you take your ease for the moment─a brief respite before the ceaseless turning of two tumultuous worlds beckons you once more unto adventure.
Quest Acceptance
(optional) Alphinaud is lost in thought, his eyes downcast. There is, however, no sign of the self-doubt which once assailed him at the Falling Snows.
(optional) Thancred stares quietly into the distance. He seems calm and assured, his easy stance born of confidence rather than false bravado.
(optional) Ryne appears to be brooding over her choices, her faintly trembling hands betraying her mounting trepidation.
(optional) Urianger glances your way, his expression hesitant. You can see the struggle as he agonizes over the words he wishes to say.
(optional) Y'shtola meets your gaze with a strained smile. You seem to recall her wearing the selfsame expression when speaking with Lyse and Runar.
Alisaie: Do you remember that talk we had atop the tower in Mord Souq? Alisaie: I'm still of the same mind now as I was then. I don't abandon you, you don't abandon me, and together we make a difference in this fight. Alisaie: There's always hope if we look for it─I saw it again and again as you tore those veils of Light from the sky. Alisaie: If we keep taking that next step forward, there's a chance we'll find a way to save you. So no matter how long it takes or how much it hurts, you can count on me to keep on walking.
Speak with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Vauthry spoke of the disaster we would bring upon our own heads. The ceaseless conflict... Alphinaud: Imagine how he would sneer to see what's become of the First, not to mention your perilous predicament. Alphinaud: And yet who can deny the fire your deeds have ignited in people's hearts? Alphinaud: You achieved what my logic and ideals never could: uniting disparate peoples under the banner of hope and common purpose. Without you, that giant Talos would never have raised its head. Alphinaud: I have borne witness to many such miracles at your side, and would do so again. This is but another obstacle in the road. Alphinaud: So come, let us travel it. Drag me through wonder and danger, as you are wont to do, and I shall endeavor not to slow you down.
Speak with Urianger
Urianger: As well thou knowest, if we are to usher Emet-Selch unto his rest, we must needs bind his Ascian soul...and then shatter it with overwhelming force. Urianger: The former task requireth auracite, and such have I prepared─upon the Exarch's asking, no less, though 'twas ever mine intent to provide said boon. Urianger: The future whence our noble friend doth hail is a world fallen to Ascian artifice, and he would not see such grim history repeated. Urianger: In a sense, Emet-Selch's destruction will be the culmination of the Exarch's efforts─a reward for all he hath endured these many years. Urianger: Yet even as thou stridest into the jaws of peril, forget not but that his fondest wish─and that of many others, besides─is to see thee survive unto the morrow. Urianger: 'Tis in pursuit of that happiest of outcomes that I do pledge to remain at thy side.
Speak with Y'shtola
Y'shtola: Our time in the First has been a never-ending succession of trials, as arduous as our path in the Source ever was. Y'shtola: Yet through all our journeys together─through that deep and foreboding wood─you have helped me to stay true to my convictions. Y'shtola: Thus would I return the favor. Do as your heart decrees, without hesitation or regret. And that is all I will say on the matter.
Speak with Thancred
Thancred: Well, this has put everyone in a solemn mood, hasn't it? Honestly, we're not even sure this will be the end of it. Thancred: But I suppose we should speak our minds when we have the opportunity. You taught me that much in Amh Araeng. Thancred: So forgive me this moment of sentiment, [Forename]. By dragging me into this sorry mess, you've given me the chance to think and act as I should have. For Ryne's sake. Thancred: Words cannot express how much this has changed my life, or how grateful I am for your support... Thancred: ...So I shall express my gratitude through action instead. No matter where you decide to go, I will be there, guarding your back.
Speak with Ryne (cutscene)
Ryne: When Minfilia entrusted me with her power, she warned me that no matter how strong you become, you can still fall victim to despair; you can still feel powerless. Ryne: And she was right. After you collapsed on Mt. Gulg, my hands wouldn't stop shaking... Ryne: If I made a mistake, if I failed to bind the Light within you... I was terrified you would die. Ryne: Even now, you could be moments from turning, and I wouldn't know how to save you! Ryne: You, Thancred, the others, you've all been there when I needed help. Minfilia surrendered her life to me─her legacy. Ryne: I should be ready to do the same for you! And I want to, I do! But I just... Ryne: ...I'm not good enough. Ryne: She told me to follow your example, and I've tried, I've really tried... <sob>
<What will you say?> <Then you shouldn't hang your head.> <I'm not asking to be saved.>
<Then you shouldn't hang your head.> Ryne: I shouldn't...?
<I'm not asking to be saved.> Ryne: But the Light, it─ You'll─ How can you go on?
<What will you say?> <Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero.> <We must all keep looking forward, like the heroes who never gave up hope for this world.> <...>
<Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero.> Ryne: ... Ryne: I'm not sure I— Ryne: ...Actually, never mind. I think I'll understand better if I try it for myself.
<We must all keep looking forward, like the heroes who never gave up hope for this world.> Ryne: ... Ryne: I'm not sure who you— Ryne: ...Actually, never mind. I think the answer might be different for all of us.
<...> Ryne: ...I see. If I'm to become what I wish to become, then there are some answers I need to work out for myself.
Ryne: No, nothing will come of brooding here in self-pity. I've made my decision, [Forename]─I'm going with you!
Speak with the Capitol attendant
Capitol Attendant: Welcome to the Capitol. All visitors must present an official writ of permission before admittance will be granted. Capitol Attendant: Your documents appear to be in order. You may proceed into the Capitol─but any guests you may choose to bring with you must remain in your vicinity at all times.
Emet-Selch: This really is unacceptable. I gave you very specific instructions. Alphinaud: Emet-Selch! Emet-Selch: My invitation was for an abomination, ripe with the power to bring about the world's annihilation. Emet-Selch: Not this half-broken...thing. Whatever am I to do with you? Emet-Selch: And I see you insist on keeping the same familiar company. Are you so lost without them? Y'shtola: It is not [he/she] who is lost without the familiar. Y'shtola: Not content with remaking an entire city, you aim to fill it with the reconstituted souls of the dead. Emet-Selch: I may have gotten a little carried away, in my attention to detail. Added a few unnecessary flourishes... Emet-Selch: Weeell, there's no point trying to hide it. Yes. Emet-Selch: Once the rejoining of worlds is complete, Zodiark will regain His full strength and shatter His prison. Emet-Selch: Then we shall offer up the Source's remaining inhabitants in sacrifice, that we might resurrect our brethren who died to bring Zodiark into existence. Emet-Selch: But what was it that you came here to do, exactly?
<What will you say?> <We came here to stop you.> <We came here for the Exarch.>
<We came here to stop you.> Emet-Selch: Did you now? One last do-or-die attempt to foil my plans before your mind dissolves into madness? Emet-Selch: How very, very...heroic of you. Emet-Selch: In every single age, there is always someone who wants to stand up to the evil Ascians. Emet-Selch: Always the same arrogance, the same insistence that the world belongs to them. As if theirs were the only rightful claim, theirs the only existence worthy of preservation!
<We came here for the Exarch.> Emet-Selch: Well, you can't have him. The wisdom that man guards may open up new worlds of possibilities. Emet-Selch: He has unlocked the secrets of travel across the rift─and through time as well, it would seem. Quite an accomplishment for one of his “incomplete” nature. Emet-Selch: I must explore the limits of his capabilities, and harness that power for the Ardor.
Emet-Selch: Even now, after everything, you refuse to see reason. Emet-Selch: You think it unfair that you are subject to suffering? That your lives will be sacrificed for the ancients? Emet-Selch: Look at me! I have lived a thousand thousand of your lives! Emet-Selch: I have broken bread with you, fought with you, grown ill, grown old! Sired children and yes, welcomed death's sweet embrace. Emet-Selch: For eons have I measured your worth and found you wanting! Too weak and feeble-minded to serve as stewards of any star! Emet-Selch: Have your recent spats with Vauthry and his sin eaters taught you nothing? Emet-Selch: Have you not learned that your ignorance and frailty beget only endless misery? Emet-Selch: How long do you mean to perpetuate this farce? How much more must I endure your bumbling interference? Emet-Selch: Let us imagine that the laws of reality are again undone, and the world faces true annihilation. Do you honestly believe that half your number would sacrifice themselves to save the other? Emet-Selch: Of course they wouldn't! Emet-Selch: And if you had witnessed history unfold as I have, you would reach the same conclusion! Emet-Selch: You cannot be entrusted with our legacy. Emet-Selch: I will bring back our brethren. Our friends. Our loved ones. The world belongs to us and us alone.
Alphinaud: Emet-Selch! Alphinaud: We understand. Truly. But it makes no difference. Alphinaud: The ones you love are in the past. Alphinaud: While ours are here in the present. Alphinaud: One day, we too will be ashes and dust, but not today. Our time is not yet finished. Alphinaud: We share your conviction...and that is why we will not abandon our course. Emet-Selch: You think us the same? You think your tattered soul of equal worth to those I lost? Emet-Selch: Then come─earn your place. Prove yourselves worthy to inherit this star.
Emet-Selch: Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. Emet-Selch: A fitting backdrop...for your final judgment. Emet-Selch: I shall wait within, but do not spend too much time on your preparations. There's no telling how much longer the guest of honor will last.
Optional dialogue
Alisaie: I won't ask you to hold back─that time is long past. I'll just try to snuff out the worst of the embers before they reach you.
Alphinaud: Just say the word, [Forename]. However harrowing the scenes that await us, they will not sway us from our course.
Urianger: In those Final Days, 'tis said that monstrous beasts were set loose in the city─terrors made flesh by sorceries run rampant. Urianger: If Emet-Selch hath been faithful in his reconstruction, then we must be prepared to face many such abominations.
Y'shtola: I reasoned that Emet-Selch would not harm the Exarch until he had learned the tower's secrets, but his parting words suggest otherwise. Y'shtola: Let us make haste. Your friend may not have the luxury of decades to wait for you this time.
Thancred: Ready when you are, [Forename]. If it's proof he wants, we'll give him a fight the likes of which he's never seen.
Ryne: I can feel it, beyond the flames...a Darkness waiting to swallow our Light. Ryne: Wherever you are, Minfilia, watch over us and guide our steps...
Enter Amaurot
Post Duty Cutscene
Emet-Selch: Well, well, you prevailed... Emet-Selch: Nevertheless!
Emet-Selch: Your performance was underwhelming, and I remain unconvinced of your worthiness. Emet-Selch: Oh, you tower over your misbegotten ilk, no doubt. But should I bring my full strength to bear, well...you would be as leaves in the wind. Emet-Selch: The gulf between us is a reflection of the disparity between the world as it was...and what it has become.
Alisaie: Our worlds may not live up to your lofty standards... Alisaie: But they are our worlds! Our homes! Full of life and love and hope! Alisaie: And we won't stand by and let you destroy them! Alphinaud: Alisaie! Emet-Selch: You are a mistake. Emet-Selch: For we who have known perfection, the shattered Source and these shards are ghastly mockeries of the true world. Emet-Selch: The ephemeral lives you exalt are pale imitations, utterly devoid of meaning. Alphinaud: Belittle us all you like, but we will rise again and again, and give the lie to your insults through word and deed. Alphinaud: We define our worth, not the circumstances of our creation! Emet-Selch: Hmph, more prattle.
Emet-Selch: Fool. Who are you? No one. Nothing. Emet-Selch: Once I have reclaimed my heritage, my first act will be to expunge your stain from history's weave. Emet-Selch: My world will have no need for heroes.
Emet-Selch: Still fighting the good fight...
Y'shtola: It is true that all we hold dear is fated to fade away. Y'shtola: But that is no reason for us to forsake it! Urianger: To take what steps we may, and thus mark the road for those who would follow. Urianger: To strive for the best of all futures... Be this not also thy purpose!?
Emet-Selch: Do not presume to speak of my future! Emet-Selch: And you! Why waste your final moments in futile defiance? Emet-Selch: Weary wanderer─you've no fight left to fight! No life left to live! Emet-Selch: Hah hah hah hah hah! You see! The Light will not be denied! Emet-Selch: Surrender to your fate, and let the transformation take you! Emet-Selch: Rise up in madness and fury! Devour the vermin infesting the land which is rightfully ours!
Thancred: Now, Ryne! Now! Ryne: Fight it... You have to hold on!
Ardbert: If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it? Ardbert: Could you save our worlds?
<What will you say?> <You know I could!> <What, all by myself?>
Ardbert: Hah. Ardbert: Take it. We fight as one!
(Ardbert speaking through the player) The world is not yours to end... This is our future. Our story.
Emet-Selch: No... It can't be... Emet-Selch: Bah, a trick of the light. You are a broken husk, nothing more. Emet-Selch: How can you hope to stand against me alone? Crystal Exarch: We stand together! Emet-Selch: How did─!? ...I'm surprised you can stand at all. Crystal Exarch: I could not well leave matters half-finished. Crystal Exarch: Let expanse contract, eon become instant! Crystal Exarch: Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call! Emet-Selch: Damn you! Damn you all!
<What will you say?> <I challenge you, Emet-Selch.> <It ends this day. One way or another, it ends.>
Emet-Selch: Very well. Let us proceed to your final judgment. Emet-Selch: The victor shall write the tale, and the vanquished become its villain! Emet-Selch: But come! Let us cast aside titles and pretense, and reveal our true faces to one another! Emet-Selch: I am Hades! He who shall awaken our brethren from their dark slumber!
Confront Hades in The Dying Gasp
Post Trial Cutscene
(Hades) I...will...not...yield. Should I surrender this fight, what will become of it all...? What will become of our triumphs? Our hopes? Our...our despair? No, no, no! I will not let it all be for naught!
Thancred: Enough, damn you!
Y'shtola: Such...infernal...strength...
Urianger: Now! Strike with all thy might!
Emet-Selch: Remember...remember us... Emet-Selch: Remember...that we once lived...
Alphinaud: It's over. Emet-Selch is no more! Alisaie: More importantly, how do you fare? Urianger: ...What dost thou see? Y'shtola: Her aether... It is...it is as it used to be. Y'shtola: As a disciple of Zodiark, the Ascian was the Darkness to your Light... Y'shtola: I can but assume that when you set your strength against his, the Light within you was spent. Ryne: No. It's more than that. Ryne: Under the strain of that incredible flood of aether, your soul had begun to break apart. Yet now it seems somehow...restored. Ryne: I tried to help you before the battle, but Emet-Selch stopped me. So, h-how did you─exactly what did you... Can you tell us what happened?
<What will you say?> <I had help from a hero of this world...> <I'll explain it all another time...>
Ryne: I see...
Crystal Exarch: Where to start...? Crystal Exarch: I believe I owe you all an apology. And you most especially.
<What will you say?> <Let's get out of here first!> <I'm tired—we'll leave the lecture for later.> <Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.>
<Let's get out of here first!> <I'm tired—we'll leave the lecture for later.> Thancred: No arguments here!
<Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.> Crystal Exarch: Well... 'Tis good to be awake!
Cutscene 2
Chai-Nuzz: So, those mad souls dove straight into the ocean over there, did they? Irvithe: Ah, a-all I could see from here was the whale, Master Chai... Dulia-Chai: 'Twas surely Alphinaud and those friends of his! They did something heroic, mark my words! Dulia-Chai: You need only look up there for proof of that! Chai-Nuzz: As you say, my love. Chai-Nuzz: They're sure to be back─any moment now. Any moment...
Dulia-Chai: They are coming back, aren't they? I couldn't bear the thought of...of... Chai-Nuzz: There, there, dear. Everything will be all right...
Grithil: There! There! Look, over there! Over at the beach!
Alphinaud: I didn't think...we'd be swimming...the whole way back... Alphinaud: Heavens...heavens... Take me... Alisaie: Alphinaud!? Oh, hells...
Ryne: Wait! Where's Urianger!? Thancred: He must have fallen behind... Ryne: But...shouldn't we look for him!? Y'shtola: He'll wash up sooner or later.
(Alisaie) For the love of...Alphinaud!
Feo Ul: Welcome back, dear ones!
(Crystal Exarch) And thus did salvation come to the First. The lamps of Amaurot will fade along with Emet-Selch's enchantments, and the depths shall be as once they were. Mt. Gulg will one day fall, and the Talos below yield to wind and rain. This tale, too, will fade with time, passing into legend as the world heals and moves on. Nevertheless...
Cutscene 3
(Crystal Exarch) As aether obeys the cycle─as death and decay gives way to new life... So too do the memories we share inspire others to rise to greatness. For we who walk before may lead those who walk after. Your road goes ever on, as does your story. As does your legacy.
Cutscene 4
(Crystal Exarch) Such is the hero's lot─to touch the lives of countless others...
Wide-eyed Boy: Excuse me! You're the Warrior of Darkness...aren't you? Wide-eyed Boy: Where are you from, really? And how did you get to be so strong!?
Optional dialogue
Alisaie: <sigh> It would seem I don't know my own limits. I had thought to push on till dawn, but my body had other plans... Alisaie: Still, I did enjoy the carousing while it lasted. Even I need to forget my cares every now and then. Alisaie: What I don't need is to wake up to Alphinaud smirking at my bedside! He said my face was “a rare sight” while I slept. Gods, I hope I wasn't drooling...
Alphinaud: It would seem that the city celebrated long into the night...not that I would know. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I woke to find myself in the infirmary, having apparently collapsed from exhaustion. Alphinaud: My aching pride was somewhat soothed by the sight of Alisaie asleep in the bed next to mine. She must have been just as weary. Long has it been since I've seen her face so peaceful in repose... Alphinaud: Ah, 'twas a rare, tranquil morning, made unforgettable by the sight of those clear blue skies.
Ryne: Oh, [Forename], are you well? No ill aftereffects? To my eyes, you seem completely healed. It really is a miracle... Ryne: Speaking of happy surprises, I was amazed to see the crowd that greeted our return! I hadn't realized just how many people we'd met along the way... Ryne: And did you see their smiles!? Right then and there, I vowed to do whatever I could to keep that joy from fading!
Thancred: People came from malms around to join the festivities, but most seem to have stumbled home by now. Thancred: Even so, I daresay Norvrandt will echo to the sound of clinking mugs for some while yet. Thancred: I thought to indulge in a little revelry myself last night...until Urianger began to list all the names of my drunken conquests. I ended up drinking water. Water.
Urianger: The ending to this tale hath been a joyous one indeed. Myriad were the lessons learned, yet there is one of particular import... Urianger: 'Tis imperative that I master magicks to grant my feet purchase upon the water...or else allow me to part the sea at will. Urianger: I must needs visit Bismarck in due course, and scrub his teeth in thanks. Mayhap the airy arts of a faerie whale might be imparted to mortal men...? We shall see. We shall see...
Y'shtola: I knew the Night's Blessed were amongst the revelers, aye... But the Crystarium was so crowded, I thought it safe to speak my true name. Y'shtola: Poor Runar and his ilk were gripped with panic. As you may recall, 'tis customary not to reveal one's true name outside of family and ceremony... Y'shtola: Yet when I hurried to explain that all present were like family, I was greeted with an outpouring of tears. <sigh> An emotional people, the Blessed...
Speak with the Crystal Exarch (cutscene)
Crystal Exarch: By your deeds has the blinding Light been banished from these skies, and the sin eaters driven to retreat. Crystal Exarch: Although our many hurts will be years in the mending, I have faith that this world and her people will one day be whole once more. Crystal Exarch: With no Rejoining in prospect, the Source need no longer fear the coming of an Eighth Umbral Calamity. Y'shtola: And with that triumph, the future from which you came will no longer come to pass... Yet, here you still stand. Crystal Exarch: ...So I do. I wonder if that other age continues onward somehow, cut adrift from time's flow? Or have I simply etched myself a place upon this new block of history? Crystal Exarch: Either way, this is an unexpected development. Crystal Exarch: As the summoner of your souls, my death was meant to release you back to your world. Crystal Exarch: Yet I am very much alive, and you are still stuck here in the First.
Alphinaud: I believe I speak for us all when I say that we are happy to postpone our return if it means your life is spared. We will seek out another way. Alisaie: Besides, I never had any intention of rushing home. There are people here I still need to thank, and this means I might actually have time to do so. Urianger: Yet we dare not neglect our comrades in the Source. Urianger: Mistress Tataru, to name but one, will be most anxious to know how things stand with us. Thancred: So─you'll just have to make the journey alone for the moment. Be sure and give a full report to our fellow Scions, would you? Oh, and we'd also appreciate any news you can bring us from back home. Crystal Exarch: Then I see no reason to delay. I can open the path from here. Y'shtola: I imagine we each have matters demanding our attention, so let this be a farewell for us all. Y'shtola: Send word when you've resummoned our friend. Y'shtola: Oh, and do try to ensure [he/she] arrives within the city next time. Crystal Exarch: Hah! Of course! I shall strive for utmost accuracy! No strange forests or unplanned passengers, I promise.
Ryne: I'm a little relieved, to be honest. I would have been terribly lonely if everyone had suddenly disappeared... Ryne: But I understand that you have to go. Safe journey, Warrior of Darkness. I hope to see you again soon!
Crystal Exarch: Just a moment while I attune the portal, then you can be on your way.
(Crystal Exarch) When I was a boy, many long years ago... ...I yearned to stand tall as the heroes of eld. But like a fool seeking to pluck the stars from the heavens, my every attempt to reprise their deeds fell short... And then, one day, an all but forgotten dream from my youth stood before me, in the flesh.
Crystal Exarch: A hero who looked to the horizon and beyond, and saw I knew not what. All I knew was that I would give anything to stand at that hero's side.
Crystal Exarch: Would that it were so easy... Crystal Exarch: The glory of the heavens was ever beyond the grasp of those who never thought to reach for it. But if I've gained anything from all of this, it is the courage to stretch out my hand. Crystal Exarch: Do you hear me, G'raha Tia? This is no time for sleeping!
Cutscene 2
Meanwhile, in the imperial palace in the Source...
Estinien: Hmph.
Gaius: To the west gate! I want to know what's happening there.
Estinien: Same as the others─struck down with a single blow. An unfortunate day to draw guard duty. Estinien: Forgive me. These were your people. Gaius: We took advantage of this slaughter to slip into the palace. 'Tis not for me to grieve them. ???: Aaagh! Gaius: That was the Emperor! Estinien: Wha─ Wait!
Gaius: Your Radiance! ???: Gaius! You've missed your part in this, I'm afraid. Gaius: Identify yourself, demon! Zenos yae Galvus: You were hoping for the Ascian? Zenos yae Galvus: The craven shed this skin and fled rather than face me. A pity─I was looking forward to crossing blades with myself. Zenos yae Galvus: But I cannot deny the feeling of satisfaction... Zenos yae Galvus: Body and soul, reunited at last! Estinien: What now? The game continues, but the pieces have changed. Gaius: Only if we trust in a paragon's words─a mistake I do not intend to repeat. Varis zos Galvus: Gaius! Varis zos Galvus: He speaks...the truth... Varis zos Galvus: Elidibus is gone... Tore a hole into the rift... Varis zos Galvus: Zenos... My foolish, greedy son... Varis zos Galvus: Was a second life not enough? Was the Empire too rich a prize to ignore? Varis zos Galvus: True freedom for our nation─our people─will never be won by a spoiled princeling! The burden of this throne is beyond you. Zenos yae Galvus: Hmph. 'Tis you, Father, who have struggled with this burden. Simply holding the Empire together has occupied your limited faculties. Zenos yae Galvus: But you may take comfort in knowing that I have no intention of pursuing your tedious agenda, nor am I interested in ruling over the Empire's lands. Zenos yae Galvus: I came only to remove that which ruins my sport. I will not have my prey stolen by your petty wars and cowardly weapons. Varis zos Galvus: You would kill me just for that...? Zenos yae Galvus: I need no other reason. Any and all who interfere with my hunt... Zenos yae Galvus: ...will not do so twice! Zenos yae Galvus: I heard the Ascian speak of Zodiark and Hydaelyn. Even the will of this star is but a construct of our own making... Zenos yae Galvus: We shall gorge upon their strength, and then, my friend, our contest shall begin anew. Gaius: Zenos!
Speak with Tataru in the Rising Stones (cutscene)
Tataru: But─ But─ But─! Tataru: [Forename]!? Is it really you!? Tataru: B-B-But how? When!? We didn't think you'd be back for ages!
<What will you say?> <Time moves in mysterious ways.> <Would you rather I went again?>
<Time moves in mysterious ways.> Tataru: Right! So it does! The reports you had delivered by that excitable little pixie said as much!
<Would you rather I went again?> Tataru: Oh, don't be daft! I just can't believe you're actually back! Tataru: We heard the good news from your pixie friend, but nothing compares to seeing you in the flesh!
Tataru: As for the situation on this side, the imperials are still eyeing our forces from afar. Tataru: From what I'm told, the Garlean armies have been slow to react, and seem reluctant to commit to any large-scale engagements. It's an odd sort of stalemate. Tataru: Otherwise, we've yet to see any sign of that awful “Black Rose” weapon we were warned about... Tataru: Oh! But I suppose we did call in an old friend to help out on that count. Tataru: Hee hee! Krile and I had a terrible time tracking him down, though it will be worth it to see the look on your face when you find out who it is! Tataru: Anyway, I was just about to make contact with this helper of ours, and then confirm the latest news from the front. Might you fancy having a rest while I do? Tataru: Ah, the Warrior of Light, back where [he/she] belongs, just as if nothing had happened! ...Though you do seem different somehow. You'll have to tell me all about your adventures when we next have a spare moment! Tataru: Until then, welcome back!
Cutscene 2
Elidibus: Oblivion has claimed him... Elidibus: Emet-Selch...gone. Lahabrea...gone. I alone remain─the last of the unbroken. Elidibus: Once more, I am moved to reevaluate the potential of these tattered souls. Elidibus: Ah, Zenos. Never did I dream you could overpower me so completely, possessed as I was of your body, and all its uncanny strength... Elidibus: And now that I have shared with you the truth of this world and its reflections, who can predict how events will unfold? ...Not I. Elidibus: “Emissary”... What a poor jest that title has become. The flow of history has become muddied, its currents wild beyond my capacity to direct them. Elidibus: You have wrested the advantage, Hydaelyn. The thieving hands of Your disciples tighten their grip on our star. Elidibus: The origins of the world remain hidden and its inhabitants ignorant of their broken existence, just as You and Your creators desired. Elidibus: They celebrate the gift of imperfect life─uncaring, unknowing as we weaken and fade. Elidibus: But do not imagine Yourself rid of us. Elidibus: Though Your champion has indeed proven the most egregious obstacle to our ascendance─a barbed thorn in my side─[he/she] may yet be removed and cast into the abyss. Elidibus: Oh yes...it can be done. I will keep these “heroes” mired in the First, and victory will be ours at the last. Elidibus: Warriors of Darkness now, are they? Then their fate is decided. Elidibus: They shall meet the same end as those who came before─death at the hands of Warriors of Light!
Cutscene 3
Thancred: It seems you were right. Ryne: Yes, there is something out there... Thancred: But it would mean crossing malms and malms of this infernal emptiness. Which is rather unhealthy for living creatures, as I understand it. Thancred: Even were we to restrict ourselves to brief forays, I don't like to imagine the effect it would have on our aether... Thancred: But...you still want to go. Don't you. Ryne: We may have saved the world, but we haven't reclaimed it. Thancred: Ah, when you put it that way... Thancred: ...What choice do we have? Thancred: Well, of course I'm going with you─that's what family is for, isn't it? Thancred: Come. Let's head back and prepare for this mad journey of yours. Ryne: Thank you, Thancred...