Delubrum Reginae (Savage)
Delubrum Reginae (Savage)
- Level
- 80 (Sync: 80)
- Item Level
- 430 (Sync: 430)
- Difficulty
- Savage
- Unsyncing
- Not Allowed
- Time limit
- 180 minutes
- Req. quest
A Seaside Story
- Entrance
- Gangos (X:6.6, Y:5.0)
- Patch
- 5.45
- See also: Delubrum Reginae and Field Operations
Delubrum Reginae (Savage) is a 24-48 player duty wherein players must brave the depths of ancient Bozjan ruins, making effective use of lost actions to avoid its myriad perils and pitfalls.
After meeting the following requirements, players must speak with the Troubled Gentleman in Gangos (X:6.6, Y:5.0) to unlock this duty via a quest named A Seaside Story.
- Completed the
Fit for a Queen quest.
- A Resistance Rank of 15 or higher.
- Currently holding at least
700,000 mettle.
Entering Delubrum Reginae (Savage)
After forming a 24-48 player alliance, the alliance leader must speak with the Troubled Gentleman in Gangos (X:6.6, Y:5.0) to commence the duty.
Duty-specific Rules
The following duty-specific feature will be applied upon entering Delubrum Reginae (Savage):
Resurrection Restrictions
While inside Delubrum Reginae (Savage), players will be subjected to Resurrection Restricted, a status effect that prevents resurrection by certain means. Raise effects granted via a Healer-based Limit Break 3 or Lost Sacrifice are exempt from this restriction.
After being incapacitated, if you are not revived within a certain amount of time, you will be forcibly removed from the duty. Moreover, the option to return to the start of the instance when incapacitated has been replaced with an option to abandon the duty.
The following duty-specific rules and features are the same as those found in Delubrum Reginae:
- Countdowns, Field Markers, and Signs
- Party Composition
- Gear Effects
- Lost Actions
- Level Sync
- Penalties
- Rewards
- Traps
Savage Differences
For the most part, all encounters and pathways will be quite similar to those witnessed in the normal version, with players once again pitting themselves against the Trinity Seeker, Dahu, The Queen's Guard, the Bozjan Phantom, Trinity Avowed, and The Queen - typically using improved versions of mechanics witnessed in normal mode (in different orders, combinations, or levels of severity).
However, players will also contend with an additional mini-boss - the Stygimoloch Lord - who provides The Queen with a Royal Favor buff that can only be removed by slaying the new mini-boss. Also, an optional Solo Duty can also be accepted whilst Dahu is still alive, allowing one player to pit themselves against a Stygimoloch Warrior in a 1v1 battle. Assuming a player is successful in the duel, that player can acquire a major statistical buff ( Pride of the Lioness). However, if the Stygimoloch Warrior has not been engaged before Dahu is defeated, the optional encounter will disappear for the rest of the duty.
Savage mode also involves Thrice-come Ruin - a stackable debuff applied to any player who fails specific mechanics, converting into a fatal
Doom debuff if stacked three times, as the name implies. Once the Bozjan Phantom has been reached,
Thrice-come Ruin becomes
Twice-come Ruin - the same concept, except
Doom is applied to players who acquire two stacks instead of three, upping the pressure. Note that both versions of the debuff only expire at the end of the encounter (instead of lasting for 2 minutes like in the normal duty.) Seeing as the
Doom debuff from either version cannot be removed or nullified, avoiding mechanics throughout most encounters takes precedence, more so thanks to 'raise' mechanics being limited within the duty.
Remember - if you find yourself incapacitated for any reason, you will be forcibly removed from the duty if not resurrected by Resistance Reraiser, Lost Sacrifice, Lost Arise (only when used by players with Pure Essence of the Divine), or a healer-based Limit Break 3, so be sure to stand behind your designated trap-finders and exercise extra care during encounters.
Trinity Seeker
Keep in mind that the Trinity Seeker will enrage after the 9 minute and 15-second mark, causing it to unleash a short-cast Verdant Tempest (AoE) that will wipe the entire raid. Just like in normal mode, each phase is indicated by the Trinity Seeker using Verdant Path to swap to a different weapon. If you'd like to refresh your memory regarding weapon-based mechanics, they have been described on our Delubrum Reginae (Normal) page.
Newer mechanics and/or variations include:
- Mercifcul Arc - a devastating cleave-buster against its primary target. As a result, the main tank should (for the most part) keep Trinity Seeker facing towards the north, away from the rest of the raid.
- Manifest Avatar - causes the boss to leap towards the arena centre (facing southward) and summon numerous clones.
- Iron Rose - causes Manifest Avatar clones to fire straight-line AoE's towards random players.
- Baleful Firestorm - causes Manifest Avatar clones to appear at the outer edges of the arena and eventually charge through it. Players will need to skirt the outer edge of the arena to dodge their charges.
Mechanical Timeline: Trinity Seeker
First Phase
- Verdant Tempest
- Manifest Avatar
- First Mercy
- Second Mercy
- Third Mercy
- Fourth Mercy
- Fourfold Mercy
- Seasons of Mercy
- Verdant Tempest
- Merciful Arc
Second Phase
Initiated once the Trinity Seeker has been reduced to 80% health, or the fight goes on long enough for Merciful Arc to be cast.
Bear in mind that Phantom Edge (which can affect various other mechanics) is cast in a semi-random fashion. Players will need to react differently depending on whether it was (or was not) cast, so be wary! On that note: any use of (???) indicates the time where it might be used. If you'd like a refresher, said mechanics have been described on our Delubrum Reginae (Normal) page.
- Verdant Path
- Baleful Swathe
- Baleful Onslaught
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Baleful Onslaught
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Burning Chains
- Baleful Blade
- Manifest Avatar
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Baleful Firestorm
- Baleful Blade
- Verdant Tempest
Third Phase
Initiated once the Trinity Seeker has been reduced to 61% health after certain mechanics, or after the phase's mechanics have finished.
- Verdant Path
- Iron Impact
- Iron Rose
- Iron Splitter
- Manifest Avatar
- Iron Splitter & Dead Iron
- Iron Splitter & Dead Iron
- Iron Rose
- Verdant Tempest
Fourth Phase
Initiated once the Trinity Seeker has been reduced to 41% health after certain mechanics, or after the phase's mechanics have finished.
- Verdant Path
- Act of Mercy
- Manifest Avatar
- Baleful Firestorm
- First Mercy
- Second Mercy
- Third Mercy
- Fourth Mercy
- Fourfold Mercy
- Seasons of Mercy
- Burning Chains
- Verdant Tempest
- Merciful Air
- Manifest Avatar
- First Mercy
- Second Mercy
- Third Mercy
- Fourth Mercy & Iron Splitter
- Fourfold Mercy & Iron Splitter
- Seasons of Mercy & Iron Splitter & Iron Rose
- Verdant Tempest
Final Phase
- Verdant Path
- Baleful Swathe
- Manifest Avatar
- Phantom Edge (???)
- First Mercy
- Second Mercy
- Third Mercy & Baleful Blade
- Fourth Mercy
- Fourfold Mercy
- Burning Chains
- Verdant Tempest
- Manifest Avatar
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Iron Splitter
- Baleful Blade
- Manifest Avatar
- First Mercy
- Second Mercy & Burning Chains
- Third Mercy
- Fourth Mercy
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Fourfold Mercy
- Baleful Blade
- Phantom Edge (???)
- Baleful Onslaught
- Verdant Path
- Act of Mercy
Stygimoloch Warrior (Optional)
From here, one player can choose to take on a solo duty involving a 1v1 duel with a Stygimoloch Warrior - a vicious minotaur that will attempt to overpower its opponent using brute strength, knockback attacks and trap-related trickery, rendering Lost Perception as a mandatory Lost Action for the fight. Furthermore, the boss will frequently buff itself with a Damage Up buff that can be dispelled using Lost Dispel. Lastly, the presence of a DPS check means the challenger should be sporting whatever aggressive advantages they can muster.
Shortly after the duel commences, the outer wall of the square-shaped arena will become a death wall, killing the player if they touch it for any reason. If the boss is defeated, the victorious player can click on a statue to acquire Pride of the Lioness - a 2hr statistical buff - giving them a huge advantage in later encounters.
Below is a list of mechanics you can expect to see:
- Unrelenting Charge - causes the boss to relentlessly charge into the player three times in a row, inflicting a moderate knockback with each collision. Due to the presence of a death wall, players must pay attention to their positioning, or use a knockback prevention skill such as Arm's Length or Surecast to negate the knockback entirely.
- Surge of Vigor - a dispellable Damage Up buff that players should remove using Lost Dispel as soon as possible.
- Vicious Swipe - a large point-blank AoE that is typically followed by Crazed Rampage.
- Crazed Rampage - inflicts minor damage and knocks the player away. If you have been forced to retreat from the point-blank AoE, make sure you are not too close to a death-wall when Crazed Rampage goes off.
- Entrapment - causes the boss to leap towards the northern edge of the arena and begin to charge up Lethal Blow - a room-wide cleave with the only safe location being behind the boss. To complicate matters, Entrapment causes a literal maze of lethal traps to spawn throughout the arena - detectable only by using Lost Perception. Players will have a limited time to reveal the traps and find a safe route to the boss before Lethal Blow has finished casting.
- Focused Tremor - causes all tiles within the arena to light up one after the other, indicating the order in which they will eventually explode. While not overly threatening by itself, Focused Tremor is typically overlapped by other AoE mechanics, forcing the player to weave between the explosive tiles whilst safely maneuvering towards other safe locations. Watch your feet!
- Focused Slash - causes the boss to leap to a corner of the arena and charge up another arena-cleave. Only the area directly behind the boss is safe from the attack, which can overlap Focused Tremor - forcing the player to weave between the explosive tiles before moving into the safe location.
- Devour - emits a small frontal-cone AoE. If you are standing within the cone once it goes off, you will be unceremoniously devoured by the boss.
- Inescapable Entrapment - spawns special traps of varied types around the arena that can only be revealed via Lost Perception, leaving only a cross-shaped area near the center trap-free. Shortly afterwards, the boss will begin long-casting one of three follow-up mechanics that will automatically defeat the player if they do not trigger a specific type of trap to counter the mechanic in question.
- Explosive Trap - should be avoided at all costs as they will detonate on contact with the player.
- Toad Trap - transforms the player into a toad, allowing them to avoid Surging Flood.
- Freeze Trap - encases the player in ice, allowing them to avoid Surging Flames.
- Shrink Trap - minimizes the player, allowing them to avoid Withering Curse.
- Surging Flood - can be long-cast after Inescapable Entrapment, forcing the player to reveal and trigger a Toad Trap within a limited amount of time. If the player has not transformed into a toad before Surging Flood has finished casting, they'll suffer an immediate death. Bear in mind that there are always two Toad Tiles so that players who successfully transform in time can then morph themselves using the other Toad Trap back into their usual form to resume combat.
- Surging Flames - can be long-cast after Inescapable Entrapment, forcing the player to reveal and trigger a Freeze Trap within a limited amount of time. If the player has not been frozen before Surging Flames goes off, the player will be sent to an early grave.
- Withering Curse - can be long-cast after Inescapable Entrapment, forcing the player to reveal and trigger a Shrink Trap within a limited amount of time. If the player has not minimized themselves by the time Withering Curse has finished casting, they will immediately be defeated.
Later in the fight, Inescapable Entrapment will involve the boss long-casting two deadly follow-ups one after the other. For example - once the traps have been set, the moss might long-cast Surging Flood, forcing the player to transform into a toad, then follow-up with a long-cast Surging Flames, forcing the player to freeze themselves. In all cases, players have sufficient time to reveal all traps within the arena before they need to step on the one they need, so don't panic - but don't take too long either!
- Falling Strike - the boss tethers itself to the player, followed by a visible left or right 'rotation' marker spinning around the boss. After a delay, the boss will aim a cone AoE at the player which will begin to rotate in the indicated direction after the first AoE has detonated. Due to Falling Strike overlapping abilities such as Focused Tremor - the 4x quadrants of the arena detonating in a specific order - players will need to bait the Falling Strike cone AoE in a way that allows them to avoid the spinning assault as well as the exploding arena tiles.
- Leaping Spark - bombards the player with three consecutive blasts of unavoidable AoE lightning, inflicting moderate damage with each zap.
- Coerce - afflicts the player with a special debuff, with the debuff icon displaying an arrow pointing in a specific direction. Once the debuff expires, the player will be forced to walk uncontrollably in the indicated direction for about 1.5 seconds. Soon after Coerce is cast, the boss will initiate a Focused Tremor and Focused Slash combo - forcing the player to allow the expiring debuff to walk them safely through the exploding tiles (without walking into a death-wall), then quickly get behind the boss to avoid the arena-wide slash once the forced movement has ended.
- Sun's Ire - an enrage state. The goal is to defeat the boss before Sin's Ire is cast.
Dahu - a hyper version of Gowrow from Sohm Al (Hard) - is the second (non-optional) boss encounter in Savage. Mechanically, Dahu remains very similar to his normal counterpart, although his abilities will be done with increased severity and in a different order with a few noteworthy variations.
DON'T FORGET: If you wish to avail of the Pride of the Lioness buff from the Solo Duty against the Stygimoloch Warrior (see above), you must begin that encounter before Dahu has been defeated. Otherwise, the encounter (and chance for the buff) will disappear entirely.
Newer mechanics and/or variations include:
- Reverberating Roar - causes multiple AoE's to spawn underneath three random players three times in succession, forcing everyone to stay on their toes and dodge as necessary. Bear in mind that there will be no cast bar to indicate this - only a brief animation of Dahu unleashing a mighty roar.
- Hysteric Assault - similar to Feral Howl, all players will be viciously knocked away from Dahu and staggered for a few seconds, removing their ability to perform actions or movement for a few seconds. The raid will need to be mindful of where they're being punted, as knockbacks can be performed during mechanical overlaps that put players at risk of being pushed into a more dangerous location.
- Spit Flame - causes Dahu to mark and consecutively blast four players (one after the other) with a gout of flame, dealing moderate damage to each target. Seeing as the attack is capable of killing untargetable adds (which will form a full circle around the outer edge of the arena and charge up a large point-blank AoE via Hunter's Claw - making it impossible to be knocked back without being hit unless some of the adds have been killed to make space), marked players should ensure that their upcoming Spit Flame hits the adds whenever possible, preferably at cardinal or inter-cardinal positions.
- Burn - causes two players to acquire a flare marker which should be placed away from the rest of the group. Burn typically happens before a knockback mechanic, which puts players at risk due to untargetable adds at the outer edge charging up point-blank AoE's. By using Spit Flame, marked players will need to make safe locations (preferably at cardinal or inter-cardinal positions) so that players affected by Burn can be knocked back into a safe location away from the rest of the raid, who will also need to have a safe location created for them.
- Crowned Marchosias - causes targetable adds to enter the arena and automatically tether themselves to the main tank. Soon after, all adds will pepper the tethered victim with nasty auto-attacks (which should be mitigated however possible). The adds themselves should be burned down quickly so that they do not overwhelm the target.
Mechanical Timeline: Dahu
- Reverberating Roar
- Reverberating Roar
- Hot Charge
- Hot Charge
- Firebreathe
- Head Down
- Spit Flame
- Head Down
- Head Down
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- Feral Howl
- Hunter’s Claw
- Rotating Firebreathe (x5)
- Crowned Marchosias (adds)
- Reverberating Roar
- Head Down
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- Head Down
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- Spit Flame
- Head Down
- Hysteric Assault
- Burn (x2)
- Rotating Firebreathe (x5)
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- L+R-Sided Shockwave
- Hot Charge
- Firebreathe
Due to Dahu's being a mini-boss with a relatively low health pool, well-prepared groups will be capable of slaying the devious dino in around two minutes thanks to the presence of large windows of downtime. Should the fight go on longer, Dahu will enter a mechanical loop until defeated, or the raid wipes.
Queen's Guard
Just like in normal mode, players will enter a circular arena containing four mechanical enemies - the Queen's Knight, the Queen's Soldier, the Queen's Gunner, and the Queen's Warrior - with the outer ring of the arena serving as a death wall once the battle has commenced. All guard units have their very own mechanics and provide a veritable gauntlet mode for the raid - starting with all four enemies being fought simultaneously until they reach 80% health. Unlike normal mode, players will then face off against the guards in pairs (instead of each one individually), starting with the Knight & Warrior combo, then the Gunner & Soldier combo. Once each pair has been defeated, the final phase involves a wipe-capable DPS-check, causing all guards to long-cast an enrage mechanic whilst protecting themselves with Aetherial Wards that must be destroyed within a set amount of time.
Bear in mind that each unit has a tankbuster, a raid-wide attack of some description, and various mechanics unique to that unit. Whilst fighting a pair of guards together, killing one will cause the other to enrage, thus the group should make an effort to defeat both units at the same time whenever possible.
Below is a list of mechanics from each guard unit:
- Relentless Battery - signifies the beginning of a new set of mechanics. When fighting a pair of guards, both will cast it simultaneously.
Queen's Knight
Like all other guard-units, the Knight has a tank-buster (Rapid Sever) and raid-wide blast (Blood and Bone).
- Sword/Shield Omen - causes the knight-unit to adopt one of two stances - each of which will affect its two main mechanics: Optimal Play and Optimal Offensive.
Just like normal mode, the knight-unit will utilize two different stances - Sword Omen and Shield Omen. The effects of its two main mechanics - Optimal Play and Optimal Offensive - are determined by which stance the knight-unit is in while they are being executed.
- Optimal Play:
If the knight-unit is in Sword Omen stance, Optimal Play will emit a small point-blank AoE after being cast. As a visual aid, Sword Omen is indicated by three sets of blue crossed sword icons orbiting the boss.
If the knight-unit is in Shield Omen stance, Optimal Play will emit a tight donut-AoE covering the entire arena, except for a very small safe-zone within the knight's hitbox. For reference, Shield Omen is indicated by three sets of pink shield icons orbiting the boss.
- Optimal Offensive - causes the knight-unit to become untargetable and creates a large aetherial orb in the centre of the arena. After a delay, the knight-unit will charge up the orb before performing a dive-bomb into the centre, detonating the orb in one of two ways. Players will need to react depending on what stance the knight-unit is currently in.
If the knight-unit is in Sword Omen stance, it will dive into the centre of the arena and detonate the orb via a massive point-blank AoE that covers most of the battlefield - except for the outermost edges.
If the knight-unit is in Shield Omen stance, the knight-unit will inflict a knockback against both the orb and the raid, forcing all players to position themselves so that they are knocked a safe distance from the pushed orb (without being punted into the death wall).
Queen's Warrior
Like all other guard-units, the Warrior has a tank-buster (Rapid Sever) and raid-wide blast (Blood and Bone). New mechanics include:
- Boost - grants the warrior-unit a potent damage up buff which players should immediately remove via Lost Dispel.
- Bombslinger - deploys a hefty number of bombs throughout the entire arena - some of which are noticeably larger than others. Due to the volume of bombs, no true safe zone will be available on the ground. However, all bombs (and participants) will eventually be launched into the air soon after via Above Board.
- Reversal of Forces - causes the warrior-unit to tether itself to various players and bombs, reversing their weight. For example, if the warrior-unit tethers itself to a small bomb, that bomb will now be reversed (heavy), whereas any tethered large bombs will be reversed to become lighter. Similarly, any player tethered to the warrior will also have their weight reversed. After Reversal of Forces, all players will need to consider their weight (and that of the bomb they are standing next to) before Above Board launches everything into the air. For example, a player who has been reversed (heavy) can stand beside a non-reversed (light) small-bomb, or a reversed (light) large-bomb so that the heavy player drops to the ground before the bomb explodes. Alternatively, non-reversed (light) players can now stand beside a reversed (heavy) small-bomb, and so forth.
- Winds of Weight - creates four large AoE telegraphs around the arena - two wind-based and two lightning-based. Players will need to react depending on their weight via Reversal of Forces. If untethered (non-reversed / light), players will need to stand within the lightning-based AoE, whereas tethered players (reversed / heavy) will need to stand within the wind-based AoE.
Queen's Gunner
Like all other guard-units, the Gunner has a tank-buster (Shot in the Dark) and a raid-wide blast (Queen's Shot). New mechanics include:
- Gun Turret - summons two turrets - one to the east and one to the west. If the turrets are left alive long enough, they will eventually cast Explosion, resulting in an enrage and full team wipe. Gun Turrets can also cast Sniper Shot and be buffed by Higher Power.
- Sniper Shot - each Gun Turret aims a lethal blast towards their primary target that can only be survived via an invulnerability cooldown. Tanks beware!
- Higher Power - provides a Damage Up buff to existing Gun Turrets which players should remove via Lost Dispel.
- Reading - afflicts all players with an Unseen debuff, represented by a circular icon around the player with one empty space at either the front, back, or one of the sides. The debuff is reminiscent of Analysis from Mustadio in The Orbonne Monastery - forcing players to aim the exposed/open side of their circular icon towards the Gunner during Queen's Shot, and then aim the exposed side towards an Automatic Turret firing into the arena from the outside.
- Automatic Turret - causes the gunner-unit to summon turrets outside of the arena - typically in a line on opposite sides, such as multiple turrets to the east and multiple turrets to the west. After a brief delay, all turrets will fire line-AoE's into the arena in the direction they are facing - indicated by a pointer-marker. If the raid has been affected by Reading, players will need to aim the exposed side of their circular marker towards a turret as it is firing.
- Queen's Shot - the above-mentioned raid-wide blast. If the raid has been affected by Reading, players must face the exposed side of their circular marker towards the Gunner before Queen's Shot goes off.
Queen's Soldier
Like all other guard-units, the Soldier has a tank-buster (Rapid Sever) and raid-wide blast (Blood and Bone). New mechanics include:
- Great Ball of Fire - creates fireballs within the arena of both small and large size - both of which will eventually explode. Keep in mind that the size of the explosion depends on the size of the fireball and that the soldier can also cast Fool's Gambit to convert the fireballs into toads which will leap around the arena to change their position before they explode. Make sure to keep an eye on them and remember the size of the fireball(s) so you can quickly determine where safe spots will be located.
- Icy/Fiery Portent - similar to the flaming/icy mechanics encountered in The Seat of Sacrifice. If Icy Portent is being cast, players must ensure that they are moving when it goes off to avoid being frozen solid. If Fiery Portent is being cast, players must ensure that they are not moving at all when it goes off to avoid taking damage.
- Double Gambit & Secrets Revealed - deploys non-targetable soldier-adds around the arena which are capable of leaping to different positions. At some point, the soldier-unit will tether to some of the adds. Later on, all adds will emit a large point-blank AoE from their location, covering the entire arena in telegraphs, yet only the adds that were previously tethered to the boss will execute their AoE attack. Any add that was not tethered to the boss will emit a fake AoE instead, which is safe.
DPS Check: Aetherial Wards
Assuming the raid successfully defeats each pair of guards, all four enemies will eventually leap into the arena together and begin hard-casting a wipe mechanic, initiating a DPS check.
During this time, all four units will be protecting themselves with an Aetherial Ward that must be destroyed. Each Aetherial Ward will periodically be affected by Coat of Arms - creating a barrier that counter-attacks players who hit it from a protected side. For example, one ward may counter players who hit it from the flanks (sides) but is unprotected from the front and rear, and so on. For reference, the counter-attacking side of each Aetherial Ward will be glowing brightly, so avoid hitting the glowing segments of a barrier at all costs. Additionally, each re-cast of Coat of Arms causes the position of the counter-sides to change, so if you see Coat of Arms about to go off, it is wise to cease your attacks until you re-identify safe-sides once more.
Unlike normal mode, additional mechanics will take place during the DPS check, such as:
- Aura Sphere - creates a sphere at the north and south edge of the arena - both of which will aim a lethal blast (Spite Smite) at their primary target. Similar to Gun Turrets from the gunner, each should be picked up by an invulnerability-capable tank so that the lethal blast can be avoided. Bear in mind that two tanks have likely used their invulnerability cooldowns to handle Gun Turrets earlier in the fight, so two other tanks should consider grabbing the spheres.
- Spiritual Sphere - summons twelve orbs around the arena that will eventually Fracture - creating point-blank AoE's at their current location. To meet the DPS check, players should be designated to stand within the AoE telegraphs and use Lost Reflect.
Once the wards have been destroyed, the Queen's Guard signals their retreat, allowing the raid to move on to the next boss of the duty.
First Phase
The raid will take on all four members of the queen's guard simultaneously - each one capable of performing its basic tank-buster and raid-wide AoE. Once a unit has been brought to 80% health, it will retreat from the arena until all four units have been sufficiently damaged, initiating the next phase of the battle.
Second Phase: Knight & Warrior
Bear in mind that if either unit is critically damaged before the other, the healthier unit will initiate a long-cast enrage. As a result, it is best to defeat both units at the same time to avoid any risks.
- Steelsting or Spellforge
- Relentless Battery
- Sword Omen or Shield Omen
- Bombslinger
- Reversal of Forces
- Optimal Offensive
- Above Board
- Boost
- Blood & Bone & Blood & Bone
- Relentless Battery
- Reversal of Forces
- Winds of Weight
- Sword Omen or Shield Omen
- Optimal Play
- Boost
- Blood & Bone & Blood & Bone
- Rapid Sever & Rapid Sever
Mechanics loop once again, with the final 2x Rapid Sever casts being followed by an (Enraged) Blood & Bone.
Third Phase: Gunner & Soldier
Just like before, if either unit is critically damaged before the other, the healthier unit will initiate a long-cast enrage. As a result, it is best to defeat both units at the same time to avoid any risks.
- Relentless Battery
- Great Ball of Fire
- Fool’s Gambit
- Automatic Turret
- Reading
- Queen’s Shot
- Rapid Sever & Shot in the Dark
- Blood and Bone & Queen’s Shot
- Relentless Battery
- Gun Turret
- Higher Power
- Sniper Shot
- Blood and Bone & Queen’s Shot
- Icy Portent or Fiery Portent
- Relentless Battery
- Double Gambit
- Automatic Turret & Secrets Revealed
- Reading
- Queen’s Shot
- Blood and Bone & Queen’s Shot
- Shot in the Dark + Rapid Sever
- Relentless Battery
- Automatic Turret
- Turret’s Tour
- Icy Portent or Fiery Portent
- Blood and Bone & Queen’s Shot
- Rapid Sever & Shot in the Dark
- Queen’s Shot & (Enraged) Blood and Bone
Final Phase: DPS Check
All four guards will re-enter the arena at inter-cardinal positions - each one shielding itself with an Aetherial Ward - all of which must be destroyed within 60 seconds to avoid a wipe. For a minute, the raid will contend with Spiritual Sphere and Aura Sphere mechanics, followed by two casts of Coat of Arms. The process will loop one additional time before the long-cast enrage goes off.
Bozjan Phantom
Players will take on the Bozjan Phantom in a rectangular arena with very obvious patterns that will serve as a visual aid during future mechanics. Just like normal mode, the northern and southern edges of the arena will become a literal death wall, forcing all players to avoid contact at all costs.
The fight itself is drastically different to the normal version with only a few mechanical concepts remaining the same. Differences include frequent add-based DPS & Heal checks (Summon) that require players to kill (or heal) numerous adds to make the boss targetable, then immediately silence the boss to prevent it executing a long-cast Malediction of Agony (enrage).
Much like normal mode, players will also have to travel within (or get knocked into) moving donut AoE's, except this time, the arena will also be bombarded with travelling point-blank AoE's, whilst various lanes pulse with multiple AoE blasts before becoming safe to enter. For the most part, players will begin in the north, travel to the south within a travelling left or right donut AoE, then remain to the south while avoiding lane-blasts and moving AoE circles before changing into a previously blasted lane to allow the moving AoE's to pass safely.
Newer mechanics and/or variations include:
- Weave Miasma - causes each of the four lanes to display two symbols at the northern side of the arena. The first row of symbols will be near the edge of the arena close to the ground, while another row will be higher up on the far side of the north wall. Each symbol indicates a mechanic that will fire down the lane. However, keep in mind that whichever symbol is glowing in that lane will fire first.
- Weave Miasma: Orange Donut - represents a travelling donut AoE circle. Players will need to move into the donut AoE's starting location and travel from north to south within it.
- Weave Miasma: Green Circle - represents a travelling circle AoE which will move from north to south that should be avoided at all costs.
- Weave Miasma: Purple Square - represents a pulsing lane-AoE that will render the lane completely unsafe for a total of three quick blasts. Players should avoid standing in a lane whenever it contains a glowing purple square. However, once all three pulses have gone off, players can then move into the previously blasted lane to avoid travelling circle AoE's or other hazards.
- Ice Spikes - a self-buff that can be removed via Lost Dispel. Any player who attacks the Bozjan Phantom while it has the Ice Spikes buff will be damaged and slowed, so make sure to remove the buff as soon as possible.
- Vile Wave - just like normal mode, the boss will turn towards a random player and aim a massive cone AoE in their direction. However, the savage version does not include an obvious telegraph, thus players should keep an eye on the cast-bar and move behind the boss whenever they see Vile Wave being charged.
- Summon #1 - when cast for the first time, the Bozjan Phantom will become untargetable in the centre of the arena and begin to long-cast an enraged Malediction of Agony which must be silenced at all costs. Unfortunately, this can only be accomplished once the raid defeats numerous waves of wraith-like adds -- Bloody Wraiths (which must be killed) and Misty Wraiths (which must be healed to full health). The first wave contains 2 x Bloody and 1 x Misty. The second wave contains 2 x Bloody and 2 x Misty. The third wave contains 3 x Bloody and 3 x Misty. It is worth noting that abilities such as Benediction will instantly heal a Misty Wraith to full health, so any raids containing multiple White Mage healers should co-ordinate their oGCD's if they wish to speed-heal misty wraiths. Once all adds of both types have been defeated, the boss becomes targetable once again, allowing the raid to Silence the long-cast enrage.
- Summon #2 - when cast for the second time, Summon becomes similar to that of the normal version - creating an untargetable wraith to the north or south of the arena that will eventually knock all participants from one end of the room to the other - typically overlapped by Weave Miasma lane mechanics. Bear in mind that Surecast and Arm's Length will not prevent the knockback at all, so watch out! At this point, players will need to identify the lane mechanics and pre-position themselves before the knockback to land safely. For example, players will typically need to aim themselves so that they are knocked into a donut AoE before it begins travelling.
Mechanical Timeline: Bozjan Phantom
- Malediction of Agony
- Weave Miasma
- Manipulate Miasma
- Weave Miasma
- Invert Miasma
- Manipulate Miasma
- Summon
- Malediction of Agony
- Weave Miasma
- Summon
- Manipulate Miasma
- Vile Wave
- Malediction of Agony
- ...And so on....
Given the Bozjan Phantom is akin to a mini-boss, any well-prepared raid will typically defeat it before a third cast of Summon - especially if at least one player is utilizing Lost Banish III to significantly improve the damage of the raid. Once the Bozjan Phantom has been defeated, players can proceed towards their next foe - Trinity Avowed.
Trinity Avowed
Participants will be happy to know that Trinity Avowed bears many similarities to the normal version. For example, the main threat of the battle still revolves around the Hot & Cold mechanic, forcing all members of the raid to manage their temperature by intentionally being hit by mechanics to heat (or cool) themselves into a neutral state. The boss will also be flitting between three different weapons just like normal mode, except this time, each new weapon marks the beginning of a weapon-specific phase (as opposed to simply using a weapon-swap to unleash one particular mechanic like in normal mode).
Furthermore, the snakes & ladders style maze is back with a vengeance, and the boss will complicate matters further by using an Elemental Brand debuff that will alter player temperatures once it expires. Just like in normal, any player who does not regulate their temperature into a neutral state before Intemperate detonates (or receive more than two stacks of either Hot or Cold) will be knocked out.
General Mechanics
- Quick March - debuffs the player with a forced-march icon - an arrow pointing in a specific direction. Once the debuff expires, the player will be forced to uncontrollably march in the given direction. The distance is equivalent to two floor tiles.
- Glory of Bozja - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage that is significantly more damaging than the normal version (and also applies a nasty bleed to boot). At least one player should utilize Lost Aethershield to help mitigate the damage.
- Wrath of Bozja - a vicious tank-busting cleave, indicated by a noticeable red marker on the primary target, though in savage mode, the tank-buster should be soaked by three tanks at once. Keep in mind that the cone-cleave can cover most of the arena, so make sure it is never aimed towards the rest of the raid.
- Unseen Eye - causes non-targetable clones of the Trinity Seeker to spawn around the outside of the arena in various lanes on all sides. After a delay, all clones will simultaneously shoot through the lane they are facing. Players will need to quickly identify a safe square to stand on before it is too late.
Hot & Cold
The main threat of the encounter is Hot & Cold, which causes all players to be assigned a temperature level that must be made neutral before their given Intemperate debuff expires. A marker above your head will display your current temperature in the form of a thermometer in the centre (neutral) with two (Cold) squares to the left and two (Hot) squares to the right. If any player acquires over two stacks of a particular temperature (or does not neutralize their temperature by the time Intemperate goes off), that player will immediately be KO'd.
However, savage mode involves an extra complication:
- Elemental Brand - debuffs players with a Hot Brand or Cold Brand ranging from 1-2. Once the debuff expires, players will suffer a temperature change relative to the brand. For example, if you have a neutral temperature (0) and are afflicted with a Hot Brand +2, your temperature will become +2 Heat once the debuff expires. If unsure, the element (hot or cold) and the amount of temperature change (+1 or +2) are visually indicated by the debuff icon (which you can also mouse over to double-check if you wish).
Just like normal mode, the goal is to keep your temperature in a neutral position by any means necessary before your time runs out, typically by getting hit by mechanics of the opposite element but of the same temperature value (i.e., if you have +2 Heat, you should intentionally eat a +2 Cold mechanic). For visual reference, temperature-effecting mechanics also display a thermometer-marker to indicate how hot or cold the mechanic is.
Temperature mechanics include:
- Freedom of Bozja (Staff) - causes a proximity marker to spawn in each corner of the arena, forcing the raid to stack in the centre to minimize damage. Once the markers have exploded, orbs of Fire and Ice will be left behind - each one emitting a point-blank AoE from their current location. Being hit by an AoE from one of the elements will affect the player's temperature - indicated by thermometer icons above each orb. For example, if you see an ice-orb with +2 squares in its thermometer, you will suffer +2 cold temperature by standing in the AoE.
- Flames of Bozja (Bow) - spawns a wreath of lava at the eastern or western side of the arena that will eventually cover the majority of the battlefield in a persistent and lethal flame - except for a tile-wide strip on the opposite side of the platform. For example, if you see noticeable gouts of lava forming to the west, all players should move to the easternmost segment of the platform as soon as possible. Shortly afterwards, the inside of the flaming area will generate a mish-mash of black ladder-like patterns which will be used as pathing for a bundle of Fire Arrows and Ice Arrows - each with temperature values indicated by their thermometer icon.
In savage mode, the pathways will NOT light up to indicate possible arrow paths. Instead, players will have to look for the arrow they wish to be hit by and keep in mind that their true path always involves each arrow turning whenever it first encounters a branch - as in, they will never ignore a left or right path while travelling. It won't be long before all arrows simultaneously traverse the maze and reach their very own tile within the safe area. The square they land on will explode, dealing Fire or Ice damage to any player standing within the square and modify the temperature of players caught within it. Bear in mind that there will always be one safe tile during the ordeal, so players who already have a neutral temperature should identify the tile that will not be hit by any arrows at all and stand within it to avoid a temperature change.
- Unwavering Apparition (Sword & Shield) - causes the boss to become temporarily non-targetable and summon three clones of itself, all of which will slowly raise a sword of fire or ice to their left or right. After a delay, the boss and all its clones will simultaneously cleave across the arena in the direction of their weapon via Blade of Entropy. Keep in mind that all cleaves will display a thermometer to indicate the temperature value of their elemental attack and that you'll have a limited window of time to identify a safe square (if you do not wish to alter your temperature) or a square that will regulate your temperature, such as a +1 Hot cleave while you have +1 Cold temperature, and so forth.
Allegiant Arsenal - Swap Mechanics
Throughout the battle, Trinity Seeker will cast Allegiant Arsenal, causing it to equip one of three weapons. As soon as the boss equips a different weapon, a specific mechanic will immediately be unleashed, which is then followed by a mechanical phase specific to that weapon. In savage mode, the initial weapon-swap (opener) mechanics will not provide a telegraph, so players should keep an eye on the cast-bar and boss animations to identify what the follow-up will be and pre-emptively position themselves into a safe location.
- When you notice the boss equipping a Bow, a 270-degree frontal cone (Flashvane) will be projected across the arena in the direction the boss is facing, leaving a safe spot directly behind the boss. With the bow equipped, Trinity Avowed will later use Flames of Bozja and Shimmering Shot in-between other general mechanics.
- When you notice the boss equipping a Sword & Shield, the opposite happens - a 270-degree backward cone (Infernal Slash), leaving a safe spot directly in front of the boss. With the sword and shield equipped, Trinity Avowed will later use Unwavering Apparition in-between other general mechanics.
- When you notice the boss equipping a Staff, be prepared to run from a point-blank AoE (Fury of Bozja) which will immediately be dropped at the bosses current location. With the staff equipped, Trinity Avowed will later use Freedom of Bozja in-between other general mechanics.
Seeing as two of the three initial weapon-swap mechanics can cover the entire arena (excluding the directional safe spot), it is wise to stay within a moderate range of the boss at all times.
Mechanical Timeline: Trinity Avowed
The battle begins with Wrath of Bozja and Glory of Bozja, followed by repeated casts of Allegiant Arsenal - each one marking the start of a mini-phase. Once the boss has rotated twice through all three weapon types (and their associated mini-phases), it will enrage and wipe the raid via a short-cast Glory of Bozja.
- Bow Phase #1 - the boss cycles through Quick March, Wrath of Bozja, Flames of Bozja, Hot & Cold, Shimmering Shot, and Glory of Bozja.
- Bow Phase #2 - the boss cycles through Unseen Eye, Flames of Bozja, Hot & Cold, Elemental Brand, Quick March, Shimmering Shot, Glory of Bozja, and Wrath of Bozja.
- Staff Phase #1 - the boss cycles through Hot & Cold, Quick March, Freedom of Bozja, Elemental Impact, and Glory of Bozja.
- Staff Phase #2 - the boss cycles through Hot & Cold, Elemental Brand, Freedom of Bozja, Unseen Eye, Elemental Impact, and Glory of Bozja.
- Sword & Shield Phase #1 - the boss cycles through Hot & Cold, Unwavering Apparition, Blade of Entropy, Blade of Entropy, and Glory of Bozja.
- Sword & Shield Phase #2 - the boss cycles through Hot & Cold, Elemental Brand, Unwavering Apparition, Blade of Entropy, Blade of Entropy, and Glory of Bozja.
With Trinity Avowed finally defeated, players can head back to the previous room to unlock the Stygimoloch Lord mini-boss (see below) if they haven't done so already.
Stygimoloch Lord
The Stygimoloch Lord can be found within the Vault of Singing Crystal. This mighty minotaur must be defeated if you wish to remove the Royal Favor buff from The Queen - the final boss of the duty. To find the elusive mini-boss, at least one player must utilize a Mini Trap to shrink themselves in the room previous to the Trinity Avowed encounter, allowing them to walk underneath a gate by a lion statue and open it for the rest of the raid. Due to the presence of traps after the gate, be sure to stay behind players with Lost Perception so that they can root out any dangerous tiles on the way.
Much like Dahu and the Bozjan Phantom, the Stygimoloch Lord is also a mini-boss with lower health than core bosses and are typically defeated long before a group can acquire a fully charged Limit Break 3. However, an abundance of personal responsibility mechanics and the Twice-come Ruin debuff will still keep you on your toes.
After some introductory mechanics, the mighty minotaur will initiate an add phase which will require the use of Lost Reflect, Lost Dispel and Lost Perception to handle specific mechanics.
General Mechanics
- Thunderous Discharge - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage.
- Foe Splitter - the Stygimoloch Lord raises its arm and marks its primary target with a noticeable red icon, indicating a vicious tank-busting cleave. Make sure the boss is facing away from the rest of the group.
- Vicious Swipe - a point-blank AoE (with no telegraph or cast-bar) in the form of a spinning attack, damaging and knocking back anyone it hits. Players should try to maintain a moderate distance from the boss and keep in mind that Arm's Length and Surecast knockback prevention will have no effect.
- Whack - the boss aims a cone AoE towards a random player. After a very short delay, the boss will slam the ground, smashing anyone within the AoE, and then repeat the process an additional two times (for a total of three AoE slams). Assuming you aren't too far away from the boss, you'll be able to quickly sidestep the telegraphs with relative ease.
- Rapid Bolts - marks three players with an AoE circle. After a brief delay, all marked players will drop a ring of lightning at their current locations that will repeatedly detonate on the spot numerous times before disappearing. Be sure to move away from the rest of the raid and drop the circles at the outer edges of the arena.
- 1111-Tonze Swing - causes the boss to charge up a hefty point-blank AoE covering the majority of the arena. Everyone should retreat to the outer edges as soon as possible.
- Crashing Hoof - creates a proximity marker at a random player. The boss will leap out of the arena and land with tremendous force at the marked location, dealing proximity damage to the entire raid. Simply move as far away from the proximity marker as possible to avoid unnecessary damage.
Add Phase
After unleashing some basic mechanics, the boss will leap toward the centre of the arena and become untargetable. Soon afterwards, circles of purple energy will form within the arena, leaving a safe outer ring and a safe inner ring - with each safe area also sporting small crevices at cardinal positions. Bear in mind that the purple patterns will eventually become a death wall, giving everyone a window of opportunity to position themselves safely within one of the two clear rings. Once the death wall is active, the Stygimoloch Lord will begin to unleash various add-based mechanics.
A total of four Stygimoloch Monk's will spawn within the arena - one per cardinal position. If any player is auto-attacked by a monk, they will acquire a stack of Twice-come Ruin. If a monk gets within range of another monk, they will tether to each other and move much faster, making it much easier for them to reach their target and apply Twice-come Ruin stacks with ease. Lastly, any monk that walks within the purple death-wall patterns will do so at a slower pace. As a result, each tank will need to pick a monk (add) and quickly generate enmity, then kite the monk around the safe area without ever letting the monk get too close to themselves or another monk. For best results, all four monks should be kited around the safe area in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction so that they can never reach each other. Meanwhile, the rest of the raid will need to burn down the monks as soon as possible, though this is complicated by the presence of various other mechanics.
- Ball of Fire - an add capable of casting Mana Flame (point blank AoE). In order to destroy a Ball of Fire, players will need to reflect the AoE via Lost Reflect.
- Ball of Earth - an add that will long-cast an unavoidable raid-wide AoE whilst protected via Stoneskin. Seeing as the AoE applies
Twice-come Ruin, players will need to utilize Lost Dispel to remove the stoneskin buff, then burn the add down before it can bombard the raid with debuffs.
- Entrapment - causes the Stygimoloch Lord and all remaining Stygimoloch Monk's to place Explosive and Poisonous traps around the outer safe-ring of the arena which can only be revealed via Lost Perception.
- Devastating Bolt - causes a ring of lighting to spawn within safe-rings of the arena. To avoid, players will need to dip into a safe-ring crevice, which gives them just enough room to avoid being fried.
- Rending Bolts - creates AoE circles beneath players, forcing them to stay on the move.
- Labyrinthe Fate - afflicts all members of the raid with one of two debuffs - Wanderer's Fate or Sacrifice's Fate - both of which will be triggers by a separate ability - Fateful Words.
-- All players with Wanderer's Fate will suffer a marginal knockback from the Stygimoloch Lord once Fateful Words has been cast. The knockback is extremely small, yet sufficient enough to punt a player into a death wall if they are not standing at the northernmost point of a safe-ring crevice.
-- All players with Sacrifice's Fate will suffer the opposite - a marginal push-in from the Stygimoloch Lord once Fateful Words has been cast. Players affected with Sacrifice's Fate will need to stand at the southernmost point of a safe-ring crevice to avoid being pulled into a death wall.
To handle all mechanics, a handful of players should be assigned to the central safe-ring (to Reflect, Dispel and detect traps), whilst the rest - particularly melee - move to the outer safe-ring, focusing on damaging monks at every available opportunity.
Mechanical Timeline: Stygimoloch Lord
First Phase
- Foe Splitter
- Vicious Swipe
- Whack
- 1111-tonze Swing
- Rapid Bolts
- Rapid Bolts
- Rush
- Rapid Bolts
- Rapid Bolts
- Crushing Hoof
- Whack
The first phase only lasts for the first 30% of health, so well-prepared groups will generally push the boss into the add phase before Rush takes place. If not, the mechanics will loop after the three casts of Whack.
Add Phase
The Stygimoloch Lord will leap to the centre and become untargetable, shortly followed by the arena generating two death-wall circles. Monks will spawn soon after, so tanks will need to generate enmity against their chosen add and start kiting as soon as possible.
- Entrapment
- Labyrinthe Fate
- Fateful Words
- Devastating Bolt
- Rending Bolt
- Labyrinthe Fate
- Devastating Bolt
- Rending Bolt
- Fateful Words
- Rending Bolt
- Devastating Bolt
Final Phase
- Thunderous Discharge
- Rapid Bolts
- 1111-tonze Swing
- Rapid Bolts
- Rapid Bolts
- Crashing Hoof
- Whack
- Foe Splitter
- Vicious Swipe
- Whack
If the boss survives this long, it will enter a mechanical loop until defeated.
The Queen
The Queen is your final obstacle in savage mode and is somewhat similar to her normal-mode counterpart, except for a few new mechanics and added complexities to her original abilities. Just like normal mode, the arena will involve a circular death wall that will occasionally fluctuate in size, so watch out!
The most notable differences are far more complex versions of the 'chess mechanics', as well as more mechanical combinations from the Queen's Guard during Relentless Play.
General Mechanics
- Empyrean Iniquity - inflicts unavoidable raid-wide damage coupled with vicious
Bleed debuffs. The overall frequency and damage output make Lost Aethershield a vital part of survival.
- Cleansing Slash - a spicy double-hit tank-buster that also applies a very nasty
Bleed, as well as a dispellable
Doom debuff that should be removed via Esuna as soon as possible. Tanks will need to Provoke between strikes to save the original target.
- Northswain's Glow - causes numerous glowing lava-like lines to slowly carve their way across the floor from three orange circles within the arena at inter-cardinal locations. In normal mode, a moderate point-blank AoE was dropped whenever at any point where two lines intersected. However, in savage mode, the AoE's will be much larger, typically occupying one half of the arena. Players will need to quickly identify which side is safe and retreat from intersecting lines as soon as possible.
- Judgement Blade - causes the Queen to teleport to one side of the arena and eventually charge through the center in a straight line while brandishing a sword to either her left or right, cleaving that side of the arena along the way, maiming anyone caught in her direct path standing on the wrong side.
- Gods Save the Queen - provides the Queen with a duty-bar (Sovereignty) which, well filled to maximum, causes the boss to teleport, summon orbs of lightning, and gain four different buffs (which should be removed as soon as possible via Lost Dispel). Meanwhile, the orbs - which soon begin to pulse - must be destroyed by having players reflect the damage using Lost Reflect. If destroyed, orbs leave behind puddles of lightning that provide a Lightning Resistance Up buff to any player who stands within them, which is required to survive Maelstrom's Bolt.
- Maelstrom's Bolt - rains down lightning, outright slaying any player who has not acquired a Lightning Resistance Up during Gods Save the Queen.
- Heaven's Wrath - causes a glowing blue line to slice across the arena. After a brief delay, the line will explode, pushing all players away from it. Seeing as the outer ring of the arena is a literal death wall, players should move to whichever side of the line has the most space between it and the outer ring. Thankfully, players can safely walk through the line before it explodes, but should not be standing on it when it detonates.
In normal mode, players were often forced to make a specific number of tile moves away from their starting square. In savage mode, players are given a set number of moves that they must correctly use to avoid numerous mechanics, then given a second batch of tile moves to avoid further mechanics and land on a single safe tile using their very last move. Using more (or less) than the given number of moves has dire consequences.
Below is a list of the chess-related mechanics (and their alterations).
- Queen's Will - summons two pawns at the outskirts of the board that will eventually fire cross-shaped AoE's down perpendicular lanes once Beck and Call to Arms is cast (see below). To complicate matters, the Queen will typically force each pawn to move a specific number of tiles beforehand.
- Beck and Call to Arms - causes the two pawns to tether to the Queen and be given a noticeable marker in the form of numerous red dots, indicating how many tiles forward the pawn will move. For example, if you notice a pawn facing a specific direction with two red dots, it will be forced to move forward two tiles in that direction. Once the pawns have finished moving, their cross-shaped AoE will be fired.
- Queen's Edict - causes the queen to become completely impervious to attack, summon a single safe-tile somewhere within the arena (which will visibly glow bright blue), summon four pawns at the outer edges (which will eventually fire straight-line AoE's down the lanes after they have been moved a set number of tiles), and debuff ALL players with a Movement Edict of either 2 squares, 3 squares, or 4 squares. Initially, players will need to use all of their given tile-moves to preemptively avoid lanes or tiles that will be shot by the pawns, whilst also positioning themselves in range of the safe tile, which they will need to reach when the ability is cast a second time, giving them a new number of moves to resolve. Bear in mind that the above numbers will never be used twice in a row, meaning players (after both edict casts) will acquire 5, 6, or 7 moves in total. Using too many (or too few) moves, in either case, will result in death.
- Gunnhildr's Blades - destroys all players who are not within the above-mentioned safe-tile.
Relentless Play
Like normal mode, Relentless Play summons a duo of Queen's Guard which will then unleash a combination of mechanics you have previously experienced in the Queen's Guard boss fight. Combinations include:
- Relentless Play #1 - Gunner & Warrior:
The duo of guards will cycle through Reversal of Forces + Automatic Turret, followed by Reading + Northswain's Glow, followed by Winds of Weight + Queen's Shot, and finally, Turret's Tour.
Just like your previous encounter with the queen's guard, players will need to face the open side of their markers towards the Gunner unit, then automatic turrets - all while avoiding Northswain's Glow from the queen, which will eventually detonate the arena except for limited safe spots.
- Relentless Play #2 - Soldier & Knight:
The duo of guards will cycle through Shield Omen, followed by Double Gambit + Optimal Offensive (whilst the queen uses Judgement Blade), followed by Secrets Revealed, and finally, an extra Judgement Blade from the queen.
Members of the raid will need to position themselves so that they are knocked into a side of the arena that is not being cleaved during Judgement Blade, then navigate to one of the two untethered pawns to avoid the fake-out AoE, one of which will be on the safe side of the second Judgement Blade cleave.
- Relentless Play #3 - Gunner & Knight:
The duo of guards will cycle through Automatic Turret, followed by a Shield Omen (or) Sword Omen, followed by Optimal Play, and finally, a Turret's Tour.
Players will need to keep an eye on whether the Knight is using Sword Omen or Shield Omen and react accordingly, then dodge the follow-up Turret Tour and anything else thrown in their way.
- Relentless Play #4 - Soldier & Warrior:
The duo of guards will cycle through Bombslinger, followed by Reversal of Forces, then Heaven's Wrath (knockback line), a Fiery Portent (or) Icy Portent, and finally, Above Board.
Players will first need to position themselves so that Heaven's Wrath knocks them into an appropriate bomb, then either stand still to avoid being frozen solid by Icy Portent or keep moving to avoid damage from Fiery Portent before Reversal of Forces launches everyone into the air. Just like the previous encounter with the queen's guard, players will need to take into account the Reversal of Forces (weight changes) when choosing a bomb to stand beside.
- Relentless Play #5 - All Guard Members:
The very last Relentless Play is a pre-enrage mini-phase where all four members of the queen's guard utilize their tank or raid-busters in tandem whilst the queen herself peppers the battlefield with her raid-wide attacks. It is an extremely damage-intensive phase that will require at least two Lost Aethershield users to mitigate through it - one for the opening AoE's and another for the follow-up AoE's.
- Blood and Bone + Blood and Bone
- Blood and Bone + Queen’s Shot
- Blood and Bone + Blood and Bone
- Blood and Bone + Queen’s Shot
- Empyreal Iniquity
- Blood and Bone
- Blood and Bone
- Blood and Bone
- Queen’s Shot
Mechanical Timeline: The Queen
First Phase
- Empyrean Iniquity
- Queen’s Will
- Northswain’s Glow
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Cleansing Slash
- Empyrean Iniquity
- Queen’s Edict
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Gunnhildr’s Blades
Second Phase
- Gods Save the Queen
- Sovereignty
- Maelstrom’s Bolt
- Relentless Play #1
- Cleansing Slash
- Relentless Play #2
- Empyrean Iniquity
- Queen’s Edict
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Beck and Call to Arms
- Gunnhildr’s Blades
Final Phase
- Cleansing Slash
- Relentless Play 3
- Sovereignty
- Maelstrom’s Bolt
- Empyrean Iniquity
- Relentless Play #4
- Relentless Play #5
- Sovereignty
- Enrage (Gods Save the Queen)
It is important to note that Delubrum Reginae (Savage) uses Personal Loot, so you have to be sure to click and loot each chest yourself.
Slimes & Golems
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Forgotten Fragment of Contention | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Clarity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Divinity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Finesse | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Observation | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Trinity Seeker
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Runner's Plating (Foot Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Foot Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Forgotten Fragment of Contention | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Clarity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Divinity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Finesse | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Observation | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Stygimoloch Warrior
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Forgotten Fragment of Contention | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Clarity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Divinity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Finesse | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Observation | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Queen's Guard
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Runner's Plating (Head Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Head Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Successful duel:
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Runner's Plating (Hand Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Hand Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Bozjan Phantom
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Forgotten Fragment of Contention | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Clarity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Divinity | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Finesse | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Observation | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Trinity Avowed
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Runner's Plating (Leg Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Leg Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Stygimoloch Lord
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Runner's Plating (Body Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Body Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
The Queen
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Head Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Body Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Hand Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Leg Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Orderly Runner's Secrets (Foot Gear) | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Save the Princess | Minion | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
This duty is associated with the following achievements:
Name | Points | Task | Reward | Patch |
Savage Queen of Swords I | 5 | Clear Delubrum Reginae (Savage). | Cerberus Horn | 5.45 |
Savage Queen of Swords II | 10 | Clear Delubrum Reginae (Savage) 5 times. | ![]() |
5.45 |
Savage Queen of Swords III | 20 | Clear Delubrum Reginae (Savage) 10 times. | - | 5.45 |