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'''PvE''' = Player vs. Environment - PvE activities are [[dungeons]], [[trials]], [[FATEs]] etc.
'''PvE''' = Player vs. Environment - PvE activities are [[dungeons]], [[trials]], [[FATEs]] etc.

'''PvP''' = Player vs. Player - [[PvP]] activities are [[The Wolves' Den]], [[Frontlines]], and [[Rival Wings]].
'''PvP''' = Player vs. Player - [[PvP]] activities are [[The Wolves' Den]], [[Frontline]], and [[Rival Wings]].

'''RDM''' = [[Red Mage]]
'''RDM''' = [[Red Mage]]

Revision as of 02:58, 13 March 2022

A# = Alexander raids, with the number indicating the "floor". Alexander: Gordias represents A1-A4, Alexander: Midas represents A5-A8, and Alexander: The Creator represents A9-A12. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. A9S refers to Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)).

ACC = Accuracy became Direct Hit Rate

ACN = Arcanist

Adds = Additional Enemies that spawn during boss fight

AF = Artifact Armor; The iconic armor of your job that is obtained by completing the level 45 and 50 job quests. (iLvl 50) Additional sets added every expansion at each new level cap.

AFK = Away From Keyboard

Aggro = Drawing the attention of enemies

AK = Amdapor Keep; An entry-level level 50 dungeon that drops iLvl 60 gear.

ALC = Alchemist

Anima = The Anima Weapons series of weapons, introduced in Heavensward.

Animus = The second upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. Animus weapons are ILvl 100.

AoE = Area of Effect: Abilities that do damage or inflict debuffs to multiple enemies

AP = Attribute Points: points you get from leveling. You can spend the points to gain extra base attributes. Completely removed.

ARC = Archer

ARM = Armorer

ARR = A Realm Reborn

AST = Astrologian

Atma = The first upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. Atma weapons are nominally iLvl 100, but with stats between 90 and 100. Also refers to a set of items that are required to perform the upgrade.

B# = Bahamut raids, with the number indicating the "floor" of the raid. The Binding Coil of Bahamut represents B1-B5, The Second Coil of Bahamut represents B6-B9, and The Final Coil of Bahamut represents B10-B13. Also known as T#, referring to "Turn #".

BCoB = The Binding Coil of Bahamut; the game's first 8-man raid instance. The raid is split into 13 parts called "Turns", with turns 10 to 13 being the hardest instances in ARR and also known as The Final Coil of Bahamut.

BiS = Best in Slot; The single best item for a specific class / job to use in a specific gear slot.

BLM = Black Mage

BLU = Blue Mage

Bonus = Shorthand for "first-time clear" since adventurers new to a duty grant the party a bonus for first-time completion. Often used to indicate "No bonus" - i.e. only players who have already cleared the duty are allowed.

BRB = Be Right Back

BRD = Bard

BSF = The Bozjan Southern Front

BSM = Blacksmith

BTN = Botanist

CC = Crowd Control - abilities that disable or immobile enemies such as Sleep. OR Copycat Cassie if inside Eureka Pagos

CD = Cooldown of abilities

CLL = Castrum Lacus Litore

CM = Castrum Meridianum; The penultimate dungeon of the 2.0 storyline quests.

CNJ = Conjurer

Coil = The Binding Coil of Bahamut; The game's first 8-man raid instance. The raid is split into 9 parts called "Turns", with turns 6 to 9 known as the Second Coil of Bahamut.

Crit = Critical Hit

CRP = Carpenter

CT = Crystal Tower

CUL = Culinarian

DAL = The Dalriada

DD = Damage Dealer, a class/job that focuses on dealing damage.

DEF = Defense

DEX = Dexterity

DF = Duty Finder; A system implemented to automatically create parties of players that are wishing to enter a specific duty or instance.

DH = Direct Hit Rate; Replaced Accuracy as a stat. All gear that had Accuracy now has Direct Hit Rate in the same amount. Affects the rate of slightly higher damage hits.

DL = Darklight; An iLvl 70 gear set obtained from some level 50 dungeons. Was the original set of uncapped tome gear.

DNC = Dancer

DoH = Disciples of Hand; Classes that utilize crafting materials to create various items and gear (ALC, ARM, BSM, CLN, CRP, GSM, LTW, WVR).

DoL = Disciples of Land; Classes that gather raw materials from the Eorzea (BTN, FSH, MNR).

DoM = Disciples of Magic; Battle classes that output primarily magic damage (ACN, CNJ, THM).

DoT = Damage over Time; An ability that deals consistent damage over a given amount of time to a target.

DoW = Disciples of War; Battle classes that output primarily physical damage (ARC, GLA, LNC, MRD, PGL).

DPS = Damage Per Second or a class/job that focuses on dealing damage.

DR = Either Duty Roulette or Delubrum Reginae depending on context.

DRG = Dragoon

DRK = Dark Knight

E# = Eden raids, with the number indicating the "floor". Eden's Gate represents E1-E4, Eden's Verse represents E5-E8, and Eden's Promise represents E9-E12. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. E9S refers to Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)).

EN = English: English speaking players

EM/EX = Extreme Mode. A third difficulty level for trials, above NM (Normal Mode) and HM (Hard Mode).

EW = Endwalker

FATE = Full Active Time Event

FC = Free Company; The FFXIV iteration of a guild. A large collection of players that can communicate together. A Free Company can use company-wide bonuses such as EXP gain and reduced teleportation rates.

FCoB = Final Coil of Bahamut

FFXIV = Final Fantasy XIV

FPS = Frames per second (or First Person Shooter)

FR = French: French speaking players

FSH = Fisher

GC = Grand Company; The 3 main military forces of Eorzea (The Immortal Flames, The Maelstrom, and The Order of the Twin Adder). You may join one of these forces and climb the ranks of the company after defeating Ifrit in the main story arc (lvl 20).

GCD = Global Cooldown - cooldown shared by multiple abilities, spells, or weaponskills.

GG = Good Game.

GH = Guildhest

GL = Guildleve

GM = Game Master, a moderator who enforces penalties against rules-breaking players.

GNB = Gunbreaker

GLA = Gladiator

GSM = Goldsmith

HM = Hard Mode Trials or Dungeons; A variation of a duty that is attainable at level 50. Hard mode variations are, as implied, increased difficulty and include more complex boss mechanics.

HoH = Heaven on High

HoT = Heal over Time; An ability that consistently heals a target over a given amount of time.


HQ = High Quality; A higher quality version of a craftable item or gear that will give higher stats than it's Normal Quality (NQ) counterpart. It is required that a crafter attain enough quality points in the crafting process to produce a High Quality item.

iLvl = Item Level; A property of a piece of gear that denotes the approximate effectiveness of the item. This is not the level required to equip the item. Higher item level gear is released in nearly every patch.

INC = Incoming: warning for incoming enemies

INT = Intelligence

IRL = In Real Life

JP = Japanese: Japanese speaking players

Kite = To attack a monster while running away often done by ranged attackers to deal damage while avoiding taking damage though it makes it difficult for the tank to pull the monster off.

LB = Limit Break; A powerful party ability in Final Fantasy that must be charged up prior to use and has varying effects depending on the class it is used by.

LF = Looking for; A common term used when searching for things or people. Variations include LFG, LFM and LFP being Looking For Group, Looking For More, and Looking For Party.

LNC = Lancer

LoS = Line of Sight

LoV = Lord of Verminion

LoVM = Lord of Verminion

LS = Link Shell; A permanent chat channel in which a collection of players can communicate together. Often formed to find players of similar interests with which you can play with together.

LTW = Leatherworker

MB = Market Board

MCH = Machinist

MIN = Miner

MGP = Manderville Gold Saucer Points

MND = Mind

MNK = Monk

Mob = Monster


MRD = Marauder

MSQ = Main Scenario Quests

MT = 1) Miss Tell, sending a whisper/tell to the wrong person. A previously sent message was sent to the wrong recipient or chat room. 2) Main Tank, the tank responsible for handling the main/hardest hitting enemy in a fight.

Myth = Obsolete. Allagan Tomestones of Mythology; A currency used to purchase end-game gear and crafting materials. This currency is no longer obtainable.

Nexus = The fourth upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. Nexus weapons are iLvl 115.

NIN = Ninja

Novus = the third upgrade step in the Zodiac series of weapons. Novus weapons are iLvl 110.

NPC = Non-Player Character

NQ = Normal Quality

O# = Omega raids, with the number indicating the "floor". Deltascape represents O1-O4. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. O4S refers to Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)). Also denoted as V#.

oGCD = "Off Global Cooldown" - An ability which has its own cooldown timer and can generally be used in-between global cooldown (GCD) abilities, spells or weapon skills.

OHKO = One Hit Knock Out

OMW = On My Way

OOM = Out Of Mana/MP; Used to announce to allies that you are very low or completely out of MP.

OT = Off-tank, referring to the second tank in 8-player content whose main responsibility does not include being the enemy's primary aggro target from the start.

P# = Pandaemonium raids, with the number indicating the "floor" of the raid. Asphodelos represents P1-P4.

PC = Player Character

PF = Party Finder

PGL = Pugilist

PIE = Piety; A healer-only stat that increases MP regeneration rate. Only 'enough' is desirable, too much hurts damage output.

Pike = To stand and do nothing while in a dungeon.

Philo = Obsolete. Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy; A currency once used to purchase end-game gear and crafting materials. This currency is no longer obtainable.

PLD = Paladin

Poe = Allagan Tomestones of Poetics; A currency used to purchase item level 130/270/400 former end-game gear and crafting materials.

Pot = Potion OR any attribute-enhancing consumable used for quick burst damage (during high-end raids) OR Potency: the abstracted power of an attack, ability, or spell.

Prae = The Praetorium; The final dungeon of the 2.0 storyline quests featuring several boss battles and unskippable cutscenes.

PotD = Palace of the Dead

PST = Please Send Tell; Used when asking replying parties to send a message via tell. Also onomatopoeia for a whisper; whispering is another terminology for sending a private in-game message used commonly in games.

PT = Party

PUG = Pick Up Group; Used to refer to a group of players that are found via /shout chat or even duty finder. Generally any group that wasn't already previously associated with each other. Often confused as Pugilist (PGL).

Pull = To acquire the aggro of a specified monster to attract it to the party or on to the tank and off of a party member.

PvE = Player vs. Environment - PvE activities are dungeons, trials, FATEs etc.

PvP = Player vs. Player - PvP activities are The Wolves' Den, Frontline, and Rival Wings.

RDM = Red Mage

Relic/Relic Zenith = Relic Weapon; A powerful, iconic weapon that is attained through a considerably long quest chain that takes you through end-game dungeons and boss fights. A Relic weapon can be upgraded, first to a Relic Zenith and then to a Relic Atma, Animus, Novus and Nexus (see Zodiac Weapons), with new stages being added regularly.

RF = Raid Finder; Merged with Duty Finder, a system implemented to automatically create parties of players that are wishing to enter a specific duty or instance, but used exclusively for the most recent (and most difficult) content, such as Ex Trials and Savage raids.

RNG = Random Number Generator

ROG = Rogue

RPR = Reaper

SAM = Samurai

SCH = Scholar

SB = Stormblood, Spirit Bond

SCoB = The Second Coil of Bahamut; also know as Binding Coil of Bahamut turns 6 to 9.

SE = Square Enix; The company that made Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.

SGE = Sage

ShB = Shadowbringers

Soak = To deliberately stand in an enemy AoE, often required for certain boss attacks where failure to do so will cause massive group-wide damage.

Sol = See Sold.

Sold = Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery; A obsolete currency that was used to purchase item level 100 equipment and crafting materials.

SR = Speed Run; Appended to advertisements when arranging parties for instances, to indicate that you are looking to finish the dungeon as quickly as possible by taking shortcuts and skipping all possible enemies. Speed run groups often look for well-geared and experienced players to run through the dungeon even faster to maximize their gains by getting more dungeons completed.

ST = Syrcus Tower; the second raid in the Crystal Tower series.

Stack(s) (Noun) = The number of simultaneous applications of a given buff or debuff, indicated by a number on the icon.

Stack (Verb) = For multiple players to stand very close together, often required for boss fight mechanics.

StB = Stormblood, to be less ambiguous than SB

STR = Strength

T# = Bahamut raids, with the number indicating the "floor" of the raid. The Binding Coil of Bahamut represents T1-T5, The Second Coil of Bahamut represents T6-T9, and The Final Coil of Bahamut represents T10-T13.

TEN = Tenacity; a tank-only stat that replaced Parry. Reduces damage taken and increases amount healed by a small amount. Generally considered a dump stat.

THM = Thaumaturge

Tomes = Allagan Tomestones

TP = TP; Completely removed and replaced with MP for all classes. Most abilities that used TP now use no resource at all.

TT = Triple Triad

V# = Omega raids, with the number indicating the "floor". Deltascape represents V1-V4. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. V4S refers to Deltascape V4.0 (Savage)). Also denoted as O#.

VA = Void Ark

VIT = Vitality

WAR = Warrior

WB = Welcome Back

WHM = White Mage

WoD = World of Darkness OR Warrior of Darkness depending on context

WoL = Warrior of Light, the player character

WP = The Wanderer's Palace; Entry-level level 50 dungeon that drops iLvl 55 gear.

WS = Weaponskill

WT = Wondrous Tails

WTB = Wants to buy; Used when advertising that you are buying specific items or services from other players.

WTS = Wants to sell; Used when advertising that you are selling specific items or services from other players.

WVR = Weaver

Y = Yalm, an unit of distance in FFXIV