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| tomestone-creation =
| tomestone-creation =
| tomestone-mendacity =
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| entrance =
| entrance = Kugane
| entrance-coordinates =  
| entrance-coordinates = 11.6,12.6
| req-quest = Songs in the Key of Kugane
| req-quest = Songs in the Key of Kugane
| patch = 4.1
| patch = 4.1

Revision as of 13:44, 3 January 2020

See also: The Royal Menagerie


The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain

The Minstrel's Ballad Shinryu's Domain Image.png
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest Songs in the Key of Kugane
Kugane (X:11.6, Y:12.6)

A god born of sorrow and despair. A man who lives only for death. As one they fought the Warrior of Light, and as one they fell. No words could do this titanic encounter justice... unless they come from the wandering minstrel, to whom no event is beyond improvement. As his nimble fingers pluck out the chords, his rich voice carries you to a place above the world, one that is at once familiar and foreign: Shinryu's domain.

— In-game description

The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain is a level 70 trial introduced in patch 4.1 with Stormblood.


Players must first complete the Main Scenario Quest Stormblood. Once complete, talk to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane to unlock the trial.




Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shinryu's Cane Shinryus cane icon1.png 70 335 CNJ WHM 133 (Magical) 3.44 112.37 2 Vitality +278, Mind +293, Spell Speed +189, Piety +270
Shinryu's Claws Shinryus claws icon1.png 70 335 PGL MNK 98 (Physical) 2.56 83.62 2 Strength +293, Vitality +308, Skill Speed +270, Direct Hit Rate +189
Shinryu's Codex Shinryus codex icon1.png 70 335 SCH 133 (Magical) 3.12 101.92 2 Vitality +278, Mind +293, Critical Hit +189, Piety +270
Shinryu's Daggers Shinryus daggers icon1.png 70 335 ROG NIN 98 (Physical) 2.56 83.62 2 Dexterity +293, Vitality +308, Skill Speed +189, Direct Hit Rate +270
Shinryu's Ephemeris Shinryus ephemeris icon1.png 70 335 AST 133 (Magical) 3.20 104.53 2 Vitality +278, Mind +293, Critical Hit +270, Piety +189
Shinryu's Greatbow Shinryus greatbow icon1.png 70 335 ARC BRD 98 (Physical) 3.04 99.30 2 Dexterity +293, Vitality +308, Determination +189, Direct Hit Rate +270
Shinryu's Greatsword Shinryus greatsword icon1.png 70 335 DRK 98 (Physical) 2.96 96.69 2 Strength +293, Vitality +308, Determination +270, Tenacity +189
Shinryu's Grimoire Shinryus grimoire icon1.png 70 335 ACN SMN 133 (Magical) 3.12 101.92 2 Vitality +278, Intelligence +293, Critical Hit +270, Determination +189
Shinryu's Katana Shinryus katana icon1.png 70 335 SAM 98 (Physical) 2.64 86.24 2 Strength +293, Vitality +308, Critical Hit +270, Skill Speed +189
Shinryu's Lance Shinryus lance icon1.png 70 335 LNC DRG 98 (Physical) 2.80 91.46 2 Strength +293, Vitality +308, Critical Hit +270, Direct Hit Rate +189
Shinryu's Longsword Shinryus longsword icon1.png 70 335 GLA PLD 98 (Physical) 2.24 73.17 2 Strength +209, Vitality +220, Critical Hit +193, Tenacity +135
Shinryu's Rapier Shinryus rapier icon1.png 70 335 RDM 133 (Magical) 3.44 112.37 2 Vitality +278, Intelligence +293, Determination +270, Spell Speed +189
Shinryu's Revolver Shinryus revolver icon1.png 70 335 MCH 98 (Physical) 2.64 86.24 2 Dexterity +293, Vitality +308, Determination +270, Skill Speed +189
Shinryu's Rod Shinryus rod icon1.png 70 335 THM BLM 133 (Magical) 3.28 107.14 2 Vitality +278, Intelligence +293, Critical Hit +189, Spell Speed +270
Shinryu's War Axe Shinryus war axe icon1.png 70 335 MRD WAR 98 (Physical) 3.36 109.76 2 Strength +293, Vitality +308, Critical Hit +270, Determination +189


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shinryu's Shield Shinryus shield icon1.png 70 335 GLA, PLD Shield 1133 1133 0 Strength +84, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +77, Tenacity +54


Shinryu glaring down at the Warrior of Light.
In the midst of battle, during the first phase.
In the midst of battle, during the second phase.