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| tomestone-mendacity = 50
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Revision as of 00:37, 10 February 2018


Hells' Lid

Hells' Lid (image).png
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest An Auspicious Encounter
??? (X:???, Y:)"???" is not a number.

Having found themselves in somewhat dire financial straits, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are on the lookout for profitable ventures. Fortuitously, one appears to have presented itself: an anonymous missive from an individual seeking the aid of the warrior who laid low the Lord of the Revel. But before they will divulge the details, they would put your abilities to the proof. To wit, you are to venture into the hidden depths of Hells' Lid, a volcanic island once home to a host of oni─at least, according to ancient legend...

— In-game description

Hells' Lid is a level 70 dungeon introduced in patch 4.2 with Stormblood.







Otake-maru Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Belt of Aiming Farlander belt of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 349 349 1 Dexterity +118, Vitality +124, Determination +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Casting Farlander belt of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Waist 254 444 1 Vitality +111, Intelligence +118, Determination +80, Spell Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Fending Farlander belt of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 635 635 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Healing Farlander belt of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 254 444 1 Vitality +111, Mind +118, Critical Hit +114, Determination +80
Farlander Belt of Maiming Farlander belt of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Waist 444 349 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Determination +114
Farlander Belt of Scouting Farlander belt of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Waist 349 349 1 Dexterity +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Striking Farlander belt of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 349 349 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Boots of Aiming Farlander boots of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Boots of Casting Farlander boots of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Feet 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Intelligence +158, Critical Hit +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Boots of Healing Farlander boots of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Mind +158, Critical Hit +106, Spell Speed +152
Farlander Boots of Scouting Farlander boots of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Feet 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Determination +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Sollerets of Maiming Farlander sollerets of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Feet 513 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Sollerets of Striking Farlander sollerets of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 403 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Determination +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Thighboots of Fending Farlander thighboots of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 732 732 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Tenacity +152

Kamaitachi Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Gauntlets of Fending Farlander gauntlets of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 732 732 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Skill Speed +152
Farlander Gauntlets of Maiming Farlander gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Hands 513 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Skill Speed +106
Farlander Gauntlets of Striking Farlander gauntlets of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 403 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Determination +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Gloves of Aiming Farlander gloves of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Determination +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Gloves of Casting Farlander gloves of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Hands 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Intelligence +158, Determination +152, Spell Speed +106
Farlander Gloves of Healing Farlander gloves of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Mind +158, Determination +106, Piety +152
Farlander Gloves of Scouting Farlander gloves of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Hands 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Determination +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Hat of Aiming Farlander hat of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Determination +106
Farlander Hat of Casting Farlander hat of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Head 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Intelligence +158, Critical Hit +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Hat of Healing Farlander hat of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Mind +158, Critical Hit +106, Piety +152
Farlander Hat of Scouting Farlander hat of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Head 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Hood of Maiming Farlander hood of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Head 513 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Determination +106
Farlander Hood of Striking Farlander hood of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 403 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Skill Speed +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Wings of Fending Farlander wings of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 732 732 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Skill Speed +106

Genbu Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Acton of Casting Farlander acton of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Body 410 718 2 Vitality +241, Intelligence +256, Determination +247, Spell Speed +173
Farlander Acton of Healing Farlander acton of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 410 718 2 Vitality +241, Mind +256, Spell Speed +247, Piety +173
Farlander Bottoms of Aiming Farlander bottoms of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 564 564 2 Dexterity +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +247, Skill Speed +173
Farlander Bottoms of Casting Farlander bottoms of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Legs 410 718 2 Vitality +241, Intelligence +256, Critical Hit +247, Spell Speed +173
Farlander Bottoms of Healing Farlander bottoms of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 410 718 2 Vitality +241, Mind +256, Spell Speed +247, Piety +173
Farlander Bottoms of Scouting Farlander bottoms of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Legs 564 564 2 Dexterity +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +173, Skill Speed +247
Farlander Breeches of Fending Farlander breeches of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 1025 1025 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +247, Tenacity +173
Farlander Breeches of Maiming Farlander breeches of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Legs 718 564 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Determination +247, Skill Speed +173
Farlander Breeches of Striking Farlander breeches of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 564 564 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +173, Skill Speed +247
Farlander Mail of Fending Farlander mail of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 1025 1025 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Determination +247, Tenacity +173
Farlander Surcoat of Maiming Farlander surcoat of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG Body 718 564 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +173, Direct Hit Rate +247
Farlander Surcoat of Striking Farlander surcoat of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 564 564 2 Strength +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +247, Determination +173
Farlander Top of Aiming Farlander top of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 564 564 2 Dexterity +256, Vitality +268, Skill Speed +173, Direct Hit Rate +247
Farlander Top of Scouting Farlander top of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN Body 564 564 2 Dexterity +256, Vitality +268, Critical Hit +247, Determination +173

Additional Treasure Coffers

Treasure Coffer 1

Map Coordinates X: 9.5 Y: 16.6

Treasure Coffer 2

Map Coordinates X: 11.9 Y: 12.2

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Earrings of Aiming Farlander earrings of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +118, Critical Hit +80, Determination +114
Farlander Earrings of Casting Farlander earrings of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +118, Critical Hit +114, Direct Hit Rate +80
Farlander Earrings of Fending Farlander earrings of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +40, Vitality +124, Determination +114, Tenacity +80
Farlander Earrings of Healing Farlander earrings of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +118, Critical Hit +114, Piety +80
Farlander Earrings of Slaying Farlander earrings of slaying icon1.png 70 325 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +118, Critical Hit +114, Direct Hit Rate +80

Additional Treasure Coffer Items

Treasure Coffer 3

Map Coordinates X: 11.8 Y: 9.9

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Choker of Aiming Farlander choker of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +118, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +80
Farlander Choker of Casting Farlander choker of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +118, Determination +114, Spell Speed +80
Farlander Choker of Fending Farlander choker of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +40, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +80
Farlander Choker of Healing Farlander choker of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +118, Critical Hit +114, Spell Speed +80
Farlander Choker of Slaying Farlander choker of slaying icon1.png 70 325 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +118, Critical Hit +80, Determination +114

Additional Treasure Coffer Items

Treasure Coffer 4

Map Coordinates X: 12.5 Y: 6.5

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Bangles of Aiming Farlander bangles of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +118, Determination +114, Direct Hit Rate +80
Farlander Bangles of Casting Farlander bangles of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +118, Critical Hit +80, Direct Hit Rate +114
Farlander Bangles of Fending Farlander bangles of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +40, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +80
Farlander Bangles of Healing Farlander bangles of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +118, Determination +80, Piety +114
Farlander Bangles of Slaying Farlander bangles of slaying icon1.png 70 325 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +118, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +80

Additional Treasure Coffer Items

Treasure Coffer 5

Coordinates X: 12.6 Y: 4.5

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Farlander Ring of Aiming Farlander ring of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +118, Determination +80, Direct Hit Rate +114
Farlander Ring of Casting Farlander ring of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +118, Critical Hit +114, Determination +80
Farlander Ring of Fending Farlander ring of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Ring 1 1 1 Strength +40, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Determination +114
Farlander Ring of Healing Farlander ring of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Ring 1 1 1 Mind +118, Critical Hit +80, Spell Speed +114
Farlander Ring of Slaying Farlander ring of slaying icon1.png 70 325 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Ring 1 1 1 Strength +118, Determination +80, Direct Hit Rate +114

Additional Treasure Coffer Items

Additional Treasure Coffer Items


Gear Images

Dungeon Images
