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*[[Ultima, the High Seraph Card]]
*[[Ultima, the High Seraph Card]]
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*[[Under the Stars Orchestrion Roll]]
*[[Fear (No. 1) Orchestrion Roll]]
*[[Fear (No. 1) Orchestrion Roll]]
*[[Antipyretic Orchestrion Roll]]
*[[Antipyretic Orchestrion Roll]]

Revision as of 01:40, 28 September 2020


The Orbonne Monastery

The Orbonne Monastery (image).png
Item Level
Party size
24 man 3 Tank role.png 6 Healer role.png 15 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Alliance Raids
Req. quest
Feature quest The City of Lost Angels

Beckoned by the auracite, you arrive at the Orbonne Monastery─vestige of an ancient civilization lost beneath the twisted roots and vines of a forbidden jungle. The Durai Papers claim this holy sanctuary to be where the tale of young Ramza Beoulve began. Tonight, it is where your tale ends.

— In-game description

The Orbonne Monastery is a level 70 raid introduced in patch 4.5 with Stormblood.


  • Clear the Jungle's Plea
  • Clear the Realm of the Machinists
  • Clear the Realm of the Templars
  • Clear the Lifeless Alley
  • Clear the Realm of the Thunder God
  • Clear the Crystalline Gaol



  • Energy Burst: Raid-wide AoE
  • Arm Shot: Tank Buster
  • Leg Shot: Places a land mine beneath three random players. If a player runs into a mine, it explodes for high damage and inflicts Paralysis.
  • Left/Right Handgonne: Hits a ~270-degree angle to the boss's left or right. Usually used twice in a row.
  • Maintenance: Boss tethers two to six robots inside and around the arena. Outside robots attack a line directly across the arena. Inside robots attack the quadrant they're in.
  • Ballistic Missile: Player-targeted AoE on one random player from each Alliance.
  • Searchlight: Floor markers track targets and detonate, similar to Phantom Train's spotlights.
  • Analysis + Last Testament: Ground, circle marker placed on each player with an opening on a side. Boss jumps out of the arena and appears randomly on the outside. Position character such that circle-marker hole faces the boss when cast finishes. The first time Mustadio casts this attack, a cutscene plays showing him lining up his shot while simultaneously allowing the players to determine his position. Afterward without the cutscene, less time is available to locate the boss and position accordingly.


NOTE: Throughout the fight, two types of special AoEs will spawn, each giving a specific Duty Action. The golden Shieldbearer makes the user immune to damage from the front. Moving or using other abilities while Shieldbearer is active will end the effect. The silver Swordbearer grants a short 180 degree arc attack that deals high damage to shielded enemies.

  • Divine Light: Raid wide damage.
  • Thunder Slash: The main Tank is targeted with a red arrow. After a short delay, Agrias will launch a Cone attack at the targeted player, dealing extremely high damage that is nearly guaranteed to kill non-Tanks.
  • Judgment Blade: AoE Knockback and inflicts Vulnerability Up. To avoid, step into one of the light pillars, face the boss, and use the Duty action Holy Shield.
  • Cleansing Blade: Six player-targeted AoEs on two players from each alliance.
  • Cleansing Strike: One random Alliance is pulled into another area where they are inflicted with a 1-minute Doom debuff and must slay all of the Tainted Soul and Taintless Soul adds that spawn. Tainted Souls slowly move toward the center of the area, where they explode for high damage and inflict Vulnerability Up. Taintless Souls stay put, but are highly resistant to any attack that isn't from the Sword duty action, and if left alone, will cast an attack that deals high damage. Once all of the adds have been killed, the Doom debuff will be dispelled and the alliance will be returned to the arena.
  • Consecration: Used immediately after Cleansing Strike. Two Swordbearer circles will spawn, and one of the two remaining alliances will be trapped within Halidom adds and pulled to specific areas around the arena. Several untargetable Ephemeral Knight adds will launch line attacks across the arena, through each add. The remaining alliance's goal is to use the Sword duty action to destroy the adds.
  • Hallowed Bolt: Two random players are marked for an AoE attack that hits twice in succession: Once as a circle AoE centered on the player, and once as a ring AoE centered on the player (or vice versa).
  • Heavenly Judgment: Agrias begins charging up a Holy Blade meter. Two Sword Knight adds and one Shield Knight add spawn, along with two Shieldbearer circles. The two Sword Knights will cast Mortal Blow, dealing damage in a massive circle around them. Meanwhile, a Swordbearer circle will spawn, alongside four Emblazoned Shield adds that tether to the Shield Knight and make it Invulnerable. If Agrias's Holy Blade meter reaches 100, Heavenly Judgment will wipe the raid.
  • Divine Ruination: One random player from each alliance becomes tethered to Agrias, while two Shieldbearer circles spawn. After a short delay, Agrias will launch a highly-damaging Line attacks at the tethered players. Non-tethered players can avoid damage by either using the Shieldbearer action or simply staying away from the tethered players.

The Thunder God

Note: Auto-attacks will hit the highest hate member of each party.

  • T.G. Holy Sword:
  1. Swords stabbed in ground: Get close, AoE hits far away
  2. Swords held sideways: Get away, AoE hits close
  3. Swords raised over platforms: Stay off the covered platforms. Later in the fight he may delay covering the platforms, or move the swords to a different platform.
  • Cleansing Strike: Reduces entire alliance to 1 HP and inflicts a Doom that is dispelled when those afflicted are healed to full hit points.
  • Duskblade: Creates a circle on each of the six platforms. Three players are required per circle to reduce the damage. When a circle is occupied by three or more players, curved spikes will erupt from the circle. This deals no damage, being purely an indicator that the circle is filled.
  • Shadowblade: Marks one player in each alliance with a large black AoE. When the attack goes off, each target will take moderate damage and a gradually-expanding black spheres will spawn on the spot each target was standing at the time. Standing inside the orbs inflicts a strong Bleed debuff, but the true danger of Shadowblade comes from allowing two spheres to overlap. Any spheres that intersect each other at any point will annihilate each other, removing the offending spheres from the field, but also inflicting a stack of a highly-damaging Bleed debuff to the entire alliance for each sphere that was destroyed (as two spheres are needed to actually overlap, the alliance will always be afflicted with at least two stacks of the debuff). Later on in the fight, two players in each alliance will be marked for this attack, with very little room for error to avoid overlap.
  • Crush Helm: Each party's tank receives 4 stacks of Vulnerability Up, followed by a tank buster.
  • Crush Armor: The boss tethers to each alliance's tank that strikes the tethered player with an attack that deals extremely high damage and inflicts a stack of Physical Vulnerability Up four times, with a noticeable delay between each attack. The tanks should immediately pass the tether off to another party member, as the debuff drastically increases the damage taken from the boss's auto-attacks. After a player is struck with the attack, another player should intercept the tether. Only a tank can survive two strikes of Crush Armor, but this will almost guarantee death to the next auto-attack received.
  • Crush Weapon: One player in each alliance is marked with a three-pronged black crosshair over their head, eventually dropping a large AoE beneath their feet that deals damage and inflicts Physical Vulnerability Up. The AoE will chase the player, striking four times in quick succession before ending.
  • Colosseum: The boss becomes untargetable, launches the entire raid to a new flat and open arena, spawns three Ephemeral Knight adds, and begins charging a Swordplay gauge.
    • Hallowed Bolt (1): One player in each alliance is marked with a red arrow that eventually creates a circle AoE followed by a ring AoE (or vice-versa) centered on the target. Getting hit by this attack deals moderate damage and inflicts a strong, non-dispellable Electrocution debuff.
    • Hallowed Bolt (2): Stack marker on one player in each alliance. In addition to dealing damage, the attack also inflicts a very short Magic Vulnerability Up debuff on those hit.
    • Divine Ruination: One player in each alliance is marked with a purple arrow and is tethered to the boss. After a short delay, the adds will launch a wide line AoE at their respective marked target. Stick to the edges of the arena to prevent your party's add from hitting the other parties.
  • Balance Asunder: Heavy raid-wide damage based on how far the Swordplay bar filled during add phase. If Orlandeau was allowed to reach 100%, his attack will wipe the alliance. If the alliance survives the attack, they will be returned to the initial platform.
  • Crush Accessory: An ice puddle will spawn, covering the entire arena save for the six furthest points from the boss on each of the circles. Players are inflicted with Frostbite for as long as they stand in the puddle. Three Icewolf adds will each spawn in one of the empty areas and begin to slowly cast Burst, killing the add, but dealing very high damage to the entire alliance and inflicting a stack of Vulnerability Up. Once all of the adds are gone, the puddle will be removed.

Ultima, The High Seraph

Phase 1:

  • Ultima is embedded in a wall for the first phase of the fight. In this phase, Ultima is considered omni-directional for the purposes of position-based abilities.
  • Holy IV: Targets the ground under several random alliance members, while also marking several other players with unavoidable AoEs that must be spread apart. Both sets of attacks deal heavy damage.
  • Auralight: Large melee-range AoE coupled with three line AoEs, all of which deal extremely high damage. The line AoEs will leave behind walls of ice, restricting movement temporarily.
  • Flare IV: Two random players are marked with player-targeted proximity AoEs and should stand clear of the rest of the alliance.
  • Grand Cross: Three untargetable Auracite Shard adds will sequentially fall from the ceiling in square AoEs, instantly killing anyone caught beneath them as they land. After all three have landed, they will all cast a highly-damaging cross-shaped attack. One "square" of the arena will always be safe from this attack, and in the first phase, the Auracite Shards will never land in the "row" closest to Ultima.
  • Demi-Aquarius: Summons Demi-Famfrit, who will cast Dark Ewers to travel across the arena in lines. At the same time, Ultima will cast Auralight.
  • Demi-Aries: Summons Demi-Belias to cast Time Eruption. Stand on a slow clock until the fast clocks detonate, then move to where a fast clock used to be. At the same time, Ultima will cast Holy IV. Unlike Belias's fight, the clocks are not in a set pattern.
  • Demi-Leo: Summons Demi-Hashmal who will create and cut down two Control Towers. Ultima will cast Holy IV again, so players may need to dodge it while also avoiding the falling towers.

Ultima will then re-summon all 3 for a three-round combo attack:

  • First combo:
    • Belias will cast Time Eruption, covering the arena in the fast and slow exploding clock faces
    • Famfrit will cast Dark Cannonade, marking up all players in a random party with red triangles. The marked players must stack on top of each other to prevent damage and being stunned.
    • Hashmal will cast Earth Hammer, creating a large weight over a random spot in the arena that will fall after the other two attacks have resolved, dealing proximity-based damage.
  • Second combo:
    • Famfrit will cast Dark Ewer, creating ewers that travel in a straight line across the arena.
    • Hashmal will begin to channel Extreme Edge, coating one of his arms in flames and dealing lethal damage to that side of the arena as he charges across.
    • Belias will cast Eruption, marking up one random player in each alliance, creating three staggered AoEs below them.
  • Third combo:
    • Hashmal will slowly cast Landwaster.
    • Famfrit will slowly cast Tsunami.
    • Belias will slowly cast Hellfire.
  • Halfway through their ultimate casts, the three demi-Lucavi will be slain by Mustadio, Agrias, and Orlandeau.

Phase 2:

  • Ultima will begin casting Ultimate Illusion. Midway through the channel, the Zodiac Braves will create a barrier. Stand inside of it.
  • Ultimate Illusion will destroy the floor everywhere except within the bubble, instantly killing any player who wasn't inside the barrier.
  • The entire alliance will gradually take roughly 4,000 damage every second.
  • Ultima will transform and invade the bubble, becoming a targetable Ruination. The barrier will rapidly take damage while the Ruination is alive, so the entire alliance must quickly work to destroy it. If the barrier is destroyed by the Ruination, the alliance wipes.
  • Eventually the barrier will shatter and the damage the alliance takes every second from Ultimate Illusion will increase.
  • As Ultima prepares for the final hit, Ramza will block it. The last remnants of the platform are destroyed, and the alliance is dropped into a new arena.

Phase 3:

  • Ultima will descend to the arena, now fully mobile and no longer omni-directional. If the alliance wipes, the fight will begin at Phase 3 from now on.
  • Redemption: High-damage tank buster.
  • Demi-Virgo: Can summon one of three types of Dominion add.
    • The first type spawn on the edges of the arena, casting line AoEs.
    • The second type create several small arrows on the arena that move in the direction they are pointing until they become an empty circle. Players must step into these circles to begin Clashing with an add, taking a small amount of personal damage from Penultimania as well as granting the player a Fearless buff, increasing the damage they deal for a short time. If an add is not intercepted, it will use Ultimate Flare, dealing high damage to the entire alliance and inflicting a stack of Vulnerability Up.
    • The third type is a single add that spawns within the arena (but is still untargetable), tethers to a player, and gradually deals damage to them with Life Drain. If another player intercepts the tether, they will gain the Fearless buff.
  • Eastward/Westward March: Shifts all adds East or West right before their line AoEs go off. Players should position themselves assuming the AoEs will move.
  • Grand Cross: The same as before, but will be combined with an Eastward or Westward March pushing the auracites before their AoEs. The row Ultima occupied in the first phase is now able to have an Auracite Shard drop into it.
  • Embrace: Taken directly from Rofocale, several small blue AoEs will appear on the arena, becoming invisible after a few seconds, but occasionally flashing. Any player that walks over one of the AoEs causes it to burst from the ground, dealing moderate damage and inflicting Bind on all nearby players.
  • Cataclysm: Knocks all alliance members to the back of the arena, stuns them, places an Acceleration Bomb the entirety of one random party, and creates a mini-maze to Ultima. Players must navigate the maze, pausing when the Acceleration Bomb timer runs out. If they take too long, an AoE starting at the back of the arena will move forward and kill them. While inside the maze, all player abilities are disabled, only regaining the use of them while inside Ultima's hitbox. Within the maze, small circle AoEs will randomly appear, and two adds will spawn to drop larger AoEs below themselves. Once Ultima has been reached, she will target a few players with Holy IV or Flare IV; the targeted players must run back into the maze to avoid splashing damage onto the raid. After a while, Ultima will return the arena to normal and begin reusing her attacks until she is defeated.


Mustadio Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ivalician Brave's Belt Ivalician braves belt icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 405 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ivalician Brave's Circlet Ivalician braves circlet icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Brave's Gauntlets Ivalician braves gauntlets icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Belt Ivalician holy knights belt icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 737 737 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Tenacity +101
Ivalician Holy Knight's Circlet Ivalician holy knights circlet icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Determination +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Gloves Ivalician holy knights gloves icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Belt Ivalician mercenarys belt icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Waist 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Mercenary's Circlet Ivalician mercenarys circlet icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Head 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Gauntlets Ivalician mercenarys gauntlets icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Hands 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Skill Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Mystic's Belt Ivalician mystics belt icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Mind +163, Spell Speed +101, Piety +144
Ivalician Mystic's Halfgloves Ivalician mystics halfgloves icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Ivalician Mystic's Hat Ivalician mystics hat icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Ivalician Oracle's Belt Ivalician oracles belt icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Waist 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Oracle's Halfgloves Ivalician oracles halfgloves icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Hands 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Spell Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Oracle's Mask Ivalician oracles mask icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Head 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Belt Ivalician royal knights belt icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Waist 516 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Royal Knight's Circlet Ivalician royal knights circlet icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Head 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Gloves Ivalician royal knights gloves icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Hands 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Skill Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Belt Ivalician sky pirates belt icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Hat Ivalician sky pirates hat icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Plunder Ivalician sky pirates plunder icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Determination +193, Direct Hit Rate +135

Agrias Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ivalician Brave's Circlet Ivalician braves circlet icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Brave's Greaves Ivalician braves greaves icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Brave's Trousers Ivalician braves trousers icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 654 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots Ivalician holy knights boots icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Circlet Ivalician holy knights circlet icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Determination +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Trousers Ivalician holy knights trousers icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 1190 1190 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Determination +313
Ivalician Mercenary's Circlet Ivalician mercenarys circlet icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Head 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Greaves Ivalician mercenarys greaves icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Feet 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Trousers Ivalician mercenarys trousers icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Legs 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Determination +219
Ivalician Mystic's Bottoms Ivalician mystics bottoms icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Mind +353, Determination +313, Spell Speed +219
Ivalician Mystic's Hat Ivalician mystics hat icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Ivalician Mystic's Shoes Ivalician mystics shoes icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Ivalician Oracle's Bottoms Ivalician oracles bottoms icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Legs 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Intelligence +353, Critical Hit +313, Determination +219
Ivalician Oracle's Mask Ivalician oracles mask icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Head 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Oracle's Shoes Ivalician oracles shoes icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Feet 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Determination +193, Spell Speed +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots Ivalician royal knights boots icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Feet 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Circlet Ivalician royal knights circlet icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Head 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers Ivalician royal knights trousers icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Legs 833 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Hat Ivalician sky pirates hat icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Shoes Ivalician sky pirates shoes icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Determination +135, Skill Speed +193
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Trousers Ivalician sky pirates trousers icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219

The Thunder God Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ivalician Brave's Belt Ivalician braves belt icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 405 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ivalician Brave's Greaves Ivalician braves greaves icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Brave's Jacket Ivalician braves jacket icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 654 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor Ivalician holy knights armor icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 1190 1190 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Skill Speed +219, Tenacity +313
Ivalician Holy Knight's Belt Ivalician holy knights belt icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 737 737 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Tenacity +101
Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots Ivalician holy knights boots icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Belt Ivalician mercenarys belt icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Waist 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Mercenary's Greaves Ivalician mercenarys greaves icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Feet 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Jacket Ivalician mercenarys jacket icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Body 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Determination +313
Ivalician Mystic's Belt Ivalician mystics belt icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Mind +163, Spell Speed +101, Piety +144
Ivalician Mystic's Coat Ivalician mystics coat icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Mind +353, Critical Hit +313, Piety +219
Ivalician Mystic's Shoes Ivalician mystics shoes icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Ivalician Oracle's Belt Ivalician oracles belt icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Waist 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Oracle's Coat Ivalician oracles coat icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Body 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Intelligence +353, Critical Hit +219, Spell Speed +313
Ivalician Oracle's Shoes Ivalician oracles shoes icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Feet 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Determination +193, Spell Speed +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Ivalician royal knights armor icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Body 833 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Royal Knight's Belt Ivalician royal knights belt icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Waist 516 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots Ivalician royal knights boots icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Feet 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Belt Ivalician sky pirates belt icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Jacket Ivalician sky pirates jacket icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Shoes Ivalician sky pirates shoes icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Determination +135, Skill Speed +193

Ultima, The High Seraph Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ivalician Brave's Gauntlets Ivalician braves gauntlets icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Brave's Jacket Ivalician braves jacket icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 654 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Brave's Trousers Ivalician braves trousers icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 654 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor Ivalician holy knights armor icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 1190 1190 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Skill Speed +219, Tenacity +313
Ivalician Holy Knight's Gloves Ivalician holy knights gloves icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Trousers Ivalician holy knights trousers icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 1190 1190 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Determination +313
Ivalician Mercenary's Gauntlets Ivalician mercenarys gauntlets icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Hands 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Skill Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Mercenary's Jacket Ivalician mercenarys jacket icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Body 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Determination +313
Ivalician Mercenary's Trousers Ivalician mercenarys trousers icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN Legs 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Determination +219
Ivalician Mystic's Bottoms Ivalician mystics bottoms icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Mind +353, Determination +313, Spell Speed +219
Ivalician Mystic's Coat Ivalician mystics coat icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Mind +353, Critical Hit +313, Piety +219
Ivalician Mystic's Halfgloves Ivalician mystics halfgloves icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Ivalician Oracle's Bottoms Ivalician oracles bottoms icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Legs 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Intelligence +353, Critical Hit +313, Determination +219
Ivalician Oracle's Coat Ivalician oracles coat icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Body 476 833 2 Vitality +356, Intelligence +353, Critical Hit +219, Spell Speed +313
Ivalician Oracle's Halfgloves Ivalician oracles halfgloves icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Hands 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Spell Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Royal Knight's Armor Ivalician royal knights armor icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Body 833 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +219, Direct Hit Rate +313
Ivalician Royal Knight's Gloves Ivalician royal knights gloves icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Hands 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Skill Speed +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Ivalician Royal Knight's Trousers Ivalician royal knights trousers icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG Legs 833 654 2 Strength +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Jacket Ivalician sky pirates jacket icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Plunder Ivalician sky pirates plunder icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Determination +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Trousers Ivalician sky pirates trousers icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 654 654 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +396, Critical Hit +313, Direct Hit Rate +219


Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.

  • Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.

Completion Reward

Upon completing The Orbonne Monastery, players will also earn 2 Cracked Clusters per week and one Mullondeis Coin per run. This reward can be exchanged with Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.8) for items used to enhance equipment purchased with Allagan Tomestones of Genesis.


Gear Images

The Orbonne Monastery Gear1.jpg

Dungeon Images


The story for this exciting new raid was written by guest creator Yasumi Matsuno, director and writer of titles such as FINAL FANTASY TACTICS and FINAL FANTASY XII. The boss designs are courtesy of guest creator Keita Amemiya, creator and director of the GARO series. Prepare yourself for the exciting grand finale of Return to Ivalice!