AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)
- See also: AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) and AAC Light-heavyweight M4
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)
- Level
- 100 (Sync: 100)
- Item Level
- 710
- Difficulty
- Savage
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Not Allowed
- Time limit
- 120 minutes
- Duty Finder
- Raid Finder (Raids)
- Tomestones
- Req. quest
- Talk to Gabbro after completing
The Neoteric Witch
- Location
- The Thundering
- Region
- Xak Tural
- Stone, Sky, Sea
- Available
- Patch
- 7.05
“Your match against the neoteric witch came to an abrupt end when the former heavyweight fighter decided to flee─but what if she hadn't? Inspired by a muse of your own from Gabbro's words, your thoughts drift back to that imaginary city of her creation once more, where you envision an altogether novel struggle taking place...
— In-game description
AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) is a level 100 raid introduced in patch 7.05 with Dawntrail. The raid is also known as M4S. Completing this duty is needed to unlock Futures Rewritten (Ultimate).
Phases & Abilities
Neoteric Witch: Wicked Thunder
Unlike Endwalker fourth-floor savage fights, this encounter does not have a door boss or checkpoint.
Players may fall off the edge of the arena to their deaths. Failing mechanics will typically inflict a non-stacking -25% Damage Down debuff for 30 seconds.
Each player should be assigned a clock position along with light parties. Pairs of players consisting of 1 DPS and 1 support, each with an assigned quadrant, should also be designated.
Phase 1
- The main tank should pull the boss north, as she will jump to the north edge for the first major mechanic.
- Wrath of Zeus: High magical raid-wide damage, requiring mitigation.
- Bewitching Flight: The boss jumps to the north edge and telegraphs five sprays of purple energy down from her wings, leaving gaps in between. These indicate thin line AoEs with the gaps safe.
- Four untargetable Gun Battery adds will spawn on the west wall. These will use untelegraphed line AoEs (Electray) in front of them, hitting either the upper or lower half of all tiles. These go off at the same time as Bewitching Flight, resulting in a criss-cross pattern of AoEs.
- The Bewitching Flight line AoEs will leave behind five purple electricity lines, which do not harm the player when moved over.
- Either the three inner lines will begin glowing, or the two outer lines, indicating late telegraphed wide line AoEs (Burst) through them.
- The party should spread to their assigned sides by light party, with tanks and melees closer to the boss and ranged/healers closer to the corners.
- Meanwhile, four Gun Battery adds will spawn on the east wall, while one more spawns on the north cardinal.
- The boss will cast Electrifying Witch Hunt, hitting either all DPS or all supports with medium-sized AoEs (Witch Hunt) that deal physical damage and inflict
Physical Vulnerability Up for 12s and
Forked Lightning for 7s. The boss's attack resolves at the same time as the initial electric line and Gun Battery AoEs.
- The remaining electric lines will begin glowing and the boss will cast Witch Hunt, a baited AoE attack that is indicated by the diamond markers on her.
- Pink diamonds touching each other: The four closest players will be hit.
- Blue diamonds not touching each other: The four furthest players will be hit.
- Depending on which role was hit during Electrifying Witch Hunt, players will need to resolve the baits to prevent lethal damage from the lingering Physical Vulnerability Up and avoid hitting anyone with Forked Lightning, while dodging the remaining electric line AoEs.
- For example, if DPS was the role that was hit first and the boss telegraphs far baits, then supports will need to be far to bait the Witch Hunt AoEs, while DPS are close. The party should remain fully spread to prevent overlap.
- Narrowing Witch Hunt or Widening Witch Hunt: The boss uses one of two similar attacks with a long cast. All players should report to modified clock spots for this mechanic, with melees swapping with the healers (so melees on west/east and healers southwest/southeast).
- Regardless of which one is used, the boss will telegraph four alternating diamond markers, either pink-blue-pink-blue or blue-pink-blue-pink. These function similarly as before, but will instead target two players at a time with baited AoEs.
- Both attacks consist of alternating untelegraphed point-blank (Lightning Vortex) and donut AoEs (Thundering). The diameter of point-blank AoE is the width of two tiles.
- If Narrowing Witch Hunt was cast, the donut AoE will be used first, so the safe spots are in-out-in-out
- If Widening Witch Hunt was cast, the point-blank AoE will be used first, so the safe spots are out-in-out-in.
- During each donut and point-blank AoE, two different players will need to bait the AoEs indicated from the diamond markers to prevent lethal damage from lingering Physical Vulnerability Ups. Note that these bypass tank invulnerabilities.
- Typically, tanks will take the first close baits, healers will take the first far baits, melee DPS will take the second close baits, and ranged DPS will take the second far baits. In other words, because the close-far baits always alternate, supports will always take the first and second baits, while DPS take the third and fourth.
- The diamond markers can be ignored, as they are only two movement patterns per role, depending on whether the cast is Narrowing or Widening.
- Wrath of Zeus
- Electrope Edge: The boss summons four untargetable Electromine adds to each of the four corner tiles. Each tile will also be highlighted with bright blue lines for the upcoming mechanic.
- Witchgleam: The boss uses four sets of line AoEs. Each set has two AoEs hitting random Electromines. The party should avoid being on the intercardinals to avoid unnecessary damage, although being hit by these does not inflict any debuffs.
- Two of the adds will be hit two times, while the other two will only be hit once. The pattern of adds hit only once will always be either on the north or south half of the arena, or on diagonally opposite quadrants.
- The number of times they are hit determines the size of the AoE that the adds will emit later. Adds that are hit once will only detonate their square (Spark), while adds that are hit twice will detonate their entire 2x2 quadrant (Spark II).
- Symphony Fantastique and Sidewise Spark: The boss will telegraph a half-room cleave hitting either the east or west half using the same telegraph as in normal mode, leaving only one safe quadrant with an add only hit once. In addition, she will either have eight small orbs or four large orbs floating around her, indicating either a full party spread or partner stack.
- The party must first identify the safe quadrant. Note that the corner tile with the add is unsafe.
- If the boss has eight small orbs, the party must fully spread in this L-shaped region, as each player will be hit with a medium-sized AoE that inflicts
Magic Vulnerability Up (Eight Star).
- If the boss has four large orbs, the party must stack with their partners in this L-shaped region, as all supports or all DPS will be hit with a large split damage AoE that inflicts
Magic Vulnerability Up (Four Star).
- Wicked Jolt: Telegraped magical line AoE tankbuster that inflicts
Magic Vulnerability Up and hits twice, requiring either a tank swap and heavy mitigation or an invulnerability cooldown. If using invulnerability, should use it late in the cast bar (around when it reaches the J in Jolt) so it will cover both hits and the follow-up auto-attack that will otherwise be lethal due to the lingering vulnerability.
- Electrope Edge: Each player will receive an
Electrical Condenser debuff lasting either 22 (short) or 42 seconds (long). Two DPS and two supports will have one timer length, while the remaining players will have the other length. When the debuff is active, players will have purple cubes around their character.
- When the debuff expires, the players will emit a square AoE whose size depends on how many lightning attacks they were hit by when they had the debuff. The arena will also be partitioned into a 5x5 grid with blue lines, so the size of the AoE is relative to the new tile size.
- Hit two times = A 3x3 AoE centered on the square the player is in (Spark II).
- Hit three times = A 5x5 AoE centered on the square the player is in (Spark III).
- Hit four or more times = A room-wide AoE that will wipe the party (Unmitigated Explosion).
- The target player will take moderate magical damage and be inflicted with
Lightning Resistance Down II when their debuff expires. However, anyone who is hit by another player's square AoE will take heavy damage and be inflicted with a stack of Sustained Damage.
- All players should report to their standard clock spots for Witchgleam. The boss will again use four sets of line AoEs, but these will be aimed at four random players, for a total of 16 hits.
- Each player must keep count of how many times they were hit.
- Long players should automatically add one to their hit count.
- Two short-debuff players will be hit twice, while the others will be hit thrice.
- Two long-debuff players will be hit once, while the others will be hit twice. However, they should consider themselves to be hit twice and thrice, respectively, due to the long debuff.
- Lightning Cage: The boss will telegraph multiple one-tile AoEs in a fixed pattern, which may be rotated to any cardinal. One cardinal tile at the edge of the arena will be safe, which is treated as the new north.
- The short debuffs will expire soon, so the party must spread to certain locations to resolve these debuffs.
- The long debuff players should go to the safe north tile.
- The short debuff players hit twice should go to the northwest and northeast tiles directly below the unsafe corner tile, with supports taking northwest and DPS taking northeast.
- The short debuff players hit thrice should go to the southwest and southeast corner tiles, with supports taking southwest and DPS taking southeast.
- Sidewise Spark: The boss will indicate a half-room cleave and either a full party spread or pair stacks, similar as before. She will always face north.
- If spread, players can spread to fixed positions on the safe half of the arena.
- If pair stacks, each long debuff player (the only ones still with purple cubes around them) will be hit with a large split-damage AoE. To resolve these, both supports hit two times should pair, while the supports hit three times should pair, and similarly for the DPS. The AoEs are relatively large, so the pairs should be careful to avoid overlap.
- These spread or stack AoEs will always increase the size of the long debuff players' upcoming Spark AoEs, which is why they should add 1 to their Witchgleam hit count.
- The boss casts Lightning Cage again, which functions similarly as before. This time, the short-debuff players (whose debuffs have expired) should go to the safe north tile, while the long-debuff players resolve their debuffs using the same positions as the short-debuff players during the first Lightning Cage.
- When the debuff expires, the players will emit a square AoE whose size depends on how many lightning attacks they were hit by when they had the debuff. The arena will also be partitioned into a 5x5 grid with blue lines, so the size of the AoE is relative to the new tile size.
- Wicked Bolt: A five-hit stack marker AoE on a random player, dealing heavy magical damage.
- Ion Cluster: All players will receive 3 stacks of either
Positron or
Negatron. One tank, one healer, and two DPS will all receive the same debuff, while the remaining players will receive the other debuff. The debuff colors will light party assigments in the upcoming mechanic. These debuffs must be fully cleansed in the upcoming mechanic before the timer expires, or the player will die.
- The boss will jump to the north edge and summon a large cannon. The boss will slightly rotate, indicating that the three columns in front of where she is facing will be hit with a five-hit magical AoE (Stampeding Thunder). These hits deal heavy damage so players should immediately move to the safe column, although tanks can survive all five hits. Afterwards, the boss will use an untelegraphed AoE hitting the same three columns, destroying the ground and cause anyone hit to fall to their deaths.
- Electron Stream: The boss will jump to the middle of the remaining column and charge two different colored AoEs from her cannon, one yellow AoE (Positron Stream) hitting either in front or behind her and one blue AoE (Negatron Stream) hitting the other side.
- Each player must be hit by the opposite AoE color as their debuff to cleanse one stack. Being hit with the same color AoE will instead grant an additional stack, which will eventually result in death.
- Each AoE deals heavy split magical damage and must be mitigated. In addition, the player closest to the boss on each side will take higher damage, requiring the tanks to be closest to the boss.
- After each hit, each player will receive additional debuffs, resolving after 5 seconds (blue debuffs or arrows) or 6 seconds (purple circle).
- Four players—one DPS and one support per light party—will all receive the same debuff, either
Spinning Conductor or
Roundhouse Conductor. When Spinning Conductor expires, the players will emit a small point-blank AoE (Spinning Current) that deals minor magical damage and inflicts
Magic Vulnerability Up, requiring them to spread. When Roundhouse Conductor expires, the players will emit a large donut AoE (Roundhouse Current), which must be positioned to avoid hitting anyone else.
- Two other players—one per light party—will receive the same debuff, either
Proximate Current or
Remote Current. When the debuff expires, they will aim at either the closest (Proximate) or furthest (Remote) player with a narrow conal AoE (Axe Current) that deals minor magical damage and inflicts
Magic Vulnerability Up.
- The remaining two players in different light parties will receive
Collider Conductor. This debuff must be cleansed by being hit with Axe Current, or the player will emit a room-wide AoE (Collider Current) that deals high damage and inflicts Damage Down. Dying will also instantly detonate the debuff, likely causing a wipe.
- Four players—one DPS and one support per light party—will all receive the same debuff, either
- Treating the boss as the new north on the respective half of the room, the debuffs can be resolved in a straightforward manner. All debuffs are resolved in melee range on the side that player took their recent colored line AoE.
Blue debuff players can stand on the circular rivets on the northwest and northeast of the tile, with supports going northwest and DPS going northeast, facing the boss. This will ensure that their AoEs do not hit anyone else.
Purple circle players stand directly in the middle of the tile.
Arrow debuff players position slightly in front of the
player on their side. This will ensure that their conal AoEs are always baited to the Collider players regardless of whether the bait is close or far. If close, it will bait to the player in their light party. If far, it will bait to the player in the other light party.
- Electron Stream repeats twice, although the AoE colors are randomized (requiring players to either stay on their side or swap) with potentially different follow-up debuff assignments each time, allowing players to cleanse all three stacks of their Ion Cluster debuff.
- Wicked Jolt. If using invulnerability for both tankbusters in phase 1 (a common strategy), the off-tank should provoke the boss before the second tankbuster cast begins. The main tank can provoke back after both tankbusters hit.
Phase Transition
- The boss will return to the center of the arena and face south. For this next mechanic, players should go to their assigned intercardinals using boss relative positioning, with tanks and ranged DPS northwest/northeast, and melee DPS and healers southwest/southeast. Each melee should partner with a ranged job. Players should fully spread in these positions.
- Electrope Transplant: The boss begins transforming and the arena transitions. Eight conal AoE telegraphs (Fulminous Field) will appear on each cardinal and intercardinal, leaving gaps in between to dodge. Afterwards untelegraphed conal AoEs will appear in the previous safe spots, requiring players to dodge into the center of the previously unsafe lanes. There will be seven sets of conal AoEs in total.
- During the fifth set of cones, either all DPS or all supports will be hit with an untelegraphed medium-sized circle AoE (Conduction Point) that deals magical damage and inflicts
Lightning Resistance Down II. If they are not already positioned, their quadrant partner who was not hit should move in front of them.
- The four hit players will be targeted with Forked Fissures, an untelegraphed line AoE dealing magical damage that will kill them due to the vulnerability unless if their partner is in front of them. These AoEs should be taken on the intercardinals.
- There will be a final set of untelegraphed conal AoEs immediately afterwards.
- This sequence repeats, requiring players to dodge seven more sets of conal AoEs while resolving the line AoE blocks.
- The entire party should stack in front of the boss at the south of the arena.
- The boss will use four successive instant raid-wide hits dealing heavy damage and requiring mitigation: Soulshock (magical), then two hits of Impact (physical), and finally Cannonbolt (physical), knocking the party up and back. If they are positioned correctly, they will land on the south platform.
Phase 2
- After a few seconds of downtime, the boss will become targetable. The arena is now a 4x3 grid of square tiles.
- Cross Tail Switch: Nine hits of catastrophic magical raid-wide damage. Using a level 3 tank limit break is highly recommended, although some additional healing and light mitigation even with a limit break are needed. To cover most of the hits, it should be used when the cast reaches "S" in "Switch".
- Wicked Blaze:
- Each light party should go to wall on their assigned side (group 1 west and group 2 east).
- 16 "exaflare" telegraphs (Sabertail) will spawn in a 4x4 pattern. For this mechanic, relative to the exaflare telegraphs, the bottom-most row and two middle columns are always unsafe, leaving only three possible rows to dodge into per light party.
- To identify the row to move into, players can look across the arena to find the row whose exaflare telegraph is pointing out of the arena, then dodge into that row once the telegraphs disappear.
- During the exaflares, both healers are also given a four-hit stack marker AoE (Wicked Blaze) dealing high magical damage and should be mitigated. The stack AoE is large, so each light party should fully be in the stack even if players are scattered during the exaflare dodges.
- Using Sprint is recommended.
- It is important that the healers do not die during this mechanic, as the multi-hit stack AoE will continue on a random player instead, likely causing a wipe.
- Wicked Special: The boss will display one of two animation-based AoE telegraphs.
- Orange flaming sword in middle: The two middle columns of tiles will be hit with a line AoE, leaving the two outer columns safe.
- Purple electric claws at sides: The sides of the arena will be hit with two line AoEs, leaving the inner halves of the two middle columns safe.
- Mustard Bomb:
- The boss will tether two random players, which must be taken by the tanks and spread. They will each be hit with a large magical tankbuster AoE that must be mitigated. The tankbusters inflict
Fire Resistance Down II and a
Mustard Bomb debuff. When the debuff expires, they will emit another AoE (Kindling Cauldron) that will deal lethal damage.
- At the same time, the six other party members must spread to the tiles around the tanks (one person per tile), as four random players will each be hit with a large AoE that deals high damage and inflicts
Fire Resistance Down II.
- The tanks must identify the two players who were not hit with an AoE (and therefore do not have a vulnerability) and transfer their Mustard Bomb debuff to them via contact, then remain spread. After passing, the tanks will receive the
Mustard Bombproof status, preventing the debuff from transferring back.
- It is also possible to use an invulnerability cooldown to survive the Mustard Bomb debuff explosion.
- The boss will tether two random players, which must be taken by the tanks and spread. They will each be hit with a large magical tankbuster AoE that must be mitigated. The tankbusters inflict
- Aetherial Conversion: The boss will store elemental aether in its two tails, either left then right or vice versa. It will always store the same element (fire or water) in both tails.
- Fire (orange): The tail will later use a massive circle AoE centered on the red dot on the floor in front of it. Anyone hit by these will die. The party can dodge by starting on the middle north of the inner tile closest to the boss and away from first tail to resolve, then move one tile across to the other side.
- Water (blue): The tail will use an untelegraphed knockback AoE dealing magical damage (Switch of Tides) and centered on the red dot on the floor in front of it. The knockback cannot be prevented with knockback immune. Using the red dot to guide, the party should position to be knocked back horizontally across the arena, then back across from the other red dot.
- Tail Thrust: The boss will resolve the stored Aetherial Conversion attacks in the order the tails glowed.
- Azure Thunder: Very high magical raid-wide damage requiring heavy mitigation. Will also spawn a lethal AoE at the sides of the arena, compressing it into a smaller circle for the next mechanic.
- Twilight Sabbath:
- The boss spawns four untargetable copies of its Phase 1 form (Wicked Replica) on the cardinals, denoted by falling blue circles. Two adjacent clones will spawn first, denoted by their summoning circles falling faster. The first clones will each telegraph Sidewise Spark, leaving a quarter of the room safe.
- The party should initially stack middle, as a massive circle AoE telegraph (Wicked Fire) will spawn on each player's location. After these are baited, the party should immediately run to the first safe quadrant.
- The two other clones will begin telegraphing Sidewise Spark, so the party should identify the next safe quadrant (which may be the same or different as the current one) and move to it. At the same time, the boss will cast Wicked Special, requiring the party to be middle or at the sides on the second quadrant.
- Midnight Sabbath:
- For this mechanic, all DPS players should be with their support partner and limit their movements to their assigned cardinal and intercardinal, with tanks and melees northwest/northeast and healers and ranged southwest/southeast. Their assigned cardinal is one counterclockwise of their intercardinal.
- The boss will summon eight Wicked Replica adds, one on each cardinal and cardinal. Either the four clones on all cardinals or all intercardinals will spawn first, followed by remaining four adds.
- Each add will either have a cannon or wings. All cardinal adds will have the same animation, and all intercardinal adds will have the same animation.
- Cannon clones will do a late telegraphed line AoE (Wicked Cannon) in front of them that should be avoided.
- Winged clones will do a late telegraphed donut AoE (Thundering) around them, requiring players to be near the clone. The size of the safe spot is roughly the same as the blue summoning circle.
- The boss will also either cast Scattered Burst or Concentrated Burst.
- Scattered Burst is initially an untelegraphed AoE (Wicked Spark) that hits each player for moderate magical damage and a 2 second
Magic Vulnerability Up, requiring the party to spread. Supports should spread left (facing the center of the arena) while DPS spread right.
- Concentrated Burst is initially an untelegraphed AoE (Wicked Flare) that hits all supports or all DPS for lethal damage if taken alone, but moderate magical damage and a 2 second
Magic Vulnerability Up if taken with a partner.
- Players will then be hit with the other AoE type, requiring them to either stack then spread with partners, or vice versa.
- Scattered Burst is initially an untelegraphed AoE (Wicked Spark) that hits each player for moderate magical damage and a 2 second
- There are many possible combinations, requiring the party to react to the clone animations and stack/spread casts instead of memorizing fixed patterns.
- For example, if cannon clones spawn first on the cardinals, and winged clones spawn second on the intercardinals, and the boss uses Scattered Burst, then players will first spread near the intercardinals to avoid the cannons, then remain on the intercardinals and stack to avoid the donuts.
- If winged clones spawn first on the intercardinals, and another set of winged clones then spawn on the cardinals, and the boss uses Concentrated Burst, then players will first stack on the intercardinals, then rotate to the cardinals and spread underneath the clone.
- Wicked Special
- The lethal AoE around the arena will disappear.
- Wicked Thunder: Very high magical raid-wide damage requiring heavy mitigation.
- Aetherial Conversion: The boss will again store elemental aether in its two tails. Players must remember the order in which the tails glowed, as the stored attack does not resolve until much later.
- Flame Slash: A telegraphed line AoE that will destroy the two inner columns of tiles. Players should split to their assigned light party sides and spread vertically on the safe columns.
- Raining Swords: Spawns four towers on each column that must be soaked by one player each. The party should be pre-positioned to soak the towers, as the cast is quick. Failing to soak them will deal moderate raid-wide damage and inflict a stack of Sustained Damage. The towers will leave behind embedded swords that function in the next mechanic.
- Chain Lightning: The boss will conduct lightning through each sword, denoting the order in which they will emit a relatively large point-blank AoE.
- On each side, three swords will have lightning flow through it, while one is empty, denoting that it is safe.
- Each safe sword will be displayed twice in a row.
- All four swords on each side will eventually explode, but each one will only explode once. Therefore players can remember the dodge sequence as a four-digit code (e.g., 3214) with 1 being the uppermost sword and 4 being the lowermost.
- The combination of safe swords is random and different for each side.
- It is highly recommended to use Sprint if moving from 1 to 4 or vice versa.
- Being hit by a sword explosion will likely result in death for non-tanks.
- Melees should avoid gap closing to the boss when they are on the far sword because they will fall off the arena.
- The main tank will take heavy auto-attack damage during the sword dodges.
- The arena will regenerate afterwards, and the boss will cast Tail Thrust, resolving the previously stored attack.
- Mustard Bomb
- Aetherial Conversion: Again stores a later attack.
- Azure Thunder: Again compresses the arena into a circle.
- Ion Cluster: Assigns 1 stack of either
Positron or
Negatron to each player. Two supports and two DPS will all receive the same debuff, while the remaining players will receive the other debuff color. In addition, for each role group, two players will receive a 23-second (short) debuff while the other two receive a 38-second (long) debuff. In other words, each combination of debuff color and long/short timer will be given to one DPS and one support.
- Sunrise Sabbath:
- The boss spawns four cannon-wielding adds on the intercardinals, and two winged adds east and west.
- There will be two blue and two yellow cannon adds, but the color positions are random. They will reveal their color a few seconds after they spawn.
- The cannon adds will turn to the face the nearest player to them for several seconds. They will them hit them with a wide line AoE. These must be baited by opposite color short-debuff players to both cleanse their debuff and avoid hitting other players, which will cause deaths.
- The winged adds will indicate two briefly telegraphed towers that must each be soaked by two long-debuff players (Soaring Soulpress). Failing to do so will inflict high raid-wide damage and a stack of Sustained Damage. The locations where the towers are indicated by where the adds are facing. If they are facing directly across, the towers will spawn east and west. If they are facing diagonally, the towers will spawn north and south. The adds will jump to the where the towers spawn.
- After the first set of towers and cannon baits, the boss will cast Wicked Special, so dodge accordingly. Be careful not to confuse this telegraph with the stored aether in the tails.
- Afterwards, there will be another set of towers and cannon baits. The towers will now be taken by the initial short-debuff players, while the cannons will be baited by the long-debuff players. The party should take note of where the winged adds jumped to during the first part of the mechanic, because they will now face a new direction from their current location to indicate where the second towers are. Also, the cannon color pattern will again be randomized, although there will still be two blue and two yellow.
- Typically, supports will take the south or west tower, while DPS take the north or east tower.
- To determine cannon positions, supports will look northwest and scan counterclockwise until they find a cannon opposite their debuff, while DPS will look northeast and scan clockwise. Players should stand in the middle when looking for their cannons so they will need to travel the same distance regardless of which cannon they need to bait. Regardless, using Sprint is recommended.
- When baiting cannons, one method is to aim the cannons away from the cardinals where the towers are. To prevent hitting other players baiting cannons, stand as close to the wall as possible near the small circular rivets on the floor tiles.
- There is also an "uptime" strategy wherein the cannons are baited through the middle. This has the advantage of using waymarks on the south platform to guide where to stand, but requires more precise positioning.
- The lethal AoE around the arena will disappear and the boss will use Tail Thrust.
- Sword Quiver: Four hits of physical raid-wide damage, requiring healing and mitigation.
- Each hit will leave behind a glowing line on the arena. There will always be a north-south line and two diagonal lines. The fourth line will always be horizontal, but it can be on the north, middle, or south row of tiles.
- There will be four large gaps between the lines. Each player and their partner should move to the wall in these gaps and stack together, with tanks/melees taking the northwest/northeast and healers/ranged taking southwest/southeast-most gaps.
- The glowing lines will explode as late telegraphed line AoEs (Burst), while all DPS or supports will be hit with an untelegraphed physical split-damage conal AoE (Laceration) that inflicts
Physical Vulnerability Up.
- Sword Quiver will repeat two more times, each with a potentially different pattern of safe zones.
- Wicked Thunder (enrage): The boss must be defeated before this long cast finishes or the party will wipe.
30 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry
- 1 AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV (Guaranteed)
Treasure Coffer
One random Dark Horse Champion's Weapon will appear.
This duty is associated with the following achievements:
Name | Points | Task | Reward | Patch |
Savage Someone Your Own Size I | 5 | Complete AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage). | - | 7.05 |
Savage Someone Your Own Size II | 10 | Complete AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) 5 times. | - | 7.05 |
Savage Someone Your Own Size III | 20 | Complete AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) 10 times. | - | 7.05 |
All NPC lines are voice acted. Does not include conditional lines from Metem.
- Wicked Thunder: This is nothing personal, but I must have your soul! (upon pull)
- Metem: Wicked Thunder has returned to the ring!
- Wicked Thunder: If one needs wings, one need simply make them! (Bewitching Flight)
- Metem: She's grown wings! How wickedly divine! (Bewitching Flight)
- Wicked Thunder: There is no limit to electrope's potential. (Electrope Edge)
- Metem: She's gathering aether...but to what end!? (first Witchgleam)
- Wicked Thunder: How's this!? (second Witchgleam)
- Wicked Thunder: Take this! (Wicked Bolt)
- Wicked Thunder: Electrope has many uses. Watch and learn! (spawns cannon)
- Metem: Oooh, look at that massive cannon! Her skills are as sharp as ever! (Stampeding Thunder)
- Wicked Thunder: I'll erase you! (Electron Stream)
- Wicked Thunder: No... I cannot die here... (phase transition)
- Wicked Thunder: I have no choice but to surrender to electrope... (Electrope Transplant)
- Wicked Thunder: Aaarrrgh!
- Metem: Wicked Thunder is discharging vast amounts of aether!
- Wicked Thunder: I will not fail...
- Metem: Egads! Something is growing from her body!
- Wicked Thunder: My body will hold... It must!
- Wicked Thunder: Aaah... aaah!
- Wicked Thunder: Now our battle truly begins! (phase 2 targetable)
- Metem: She's taken electrope into her body and unleashed a new feral soul!
- Wicked Thunder: Hyaaah! (Cross Tail Switch)
- Wicked Thunder: Electrope converts even the aether of my flesh! (Aetherial Conversion)
- Metem: She's using electrope to convert her body's aether! (Tail Thrust)
- Wicked Thunder: How do you like this!? (Twilight Sabbath)
- Wicked Thunder: My flames return all to ash! (Flame Slash)
- Wicked Thunder: Rain, my blade, and drown my foes in cuts! (Raining Swords)
- Wicked Thunder: You cannot outrun lightning! (Chain Lightning)
- Wicked Thunder: Dance, my blade, and carve my enemy's flesh! (first Sword Quiver)
- Metem: A battle so electrifying I dare not blink! (second Sword Quiver)
- Wicked Thunder: No quarter! (third Sword Quiver)
- Wicked Thunder: It's over! I will have your soul! (Wicked Thunder enrage)
- On release, this raid had a very lenient DPS check to the point where groups were clearing nearly a minute before enrage during week 1, which was atypical for the final encounter of a savage raid tier. According to Square Enix[1], the lenient DPS check was in part due to significant job buffs in patch 7.05 for many jobs to match the output of the new pictomancer job, which was very strong on release.
- AAC Light-heavyweight (Savage) had the fastest world first clear in the history of savage raid progression: 8 hours 59 minutes.[2]
External Links
- Pastebin containing strategies - Shabadadu (NA data centers)
- Common party finder strategies for M4S - North America
- Phase 1 raidplan - OQ5 (EU data centers)
- Phase 2 raidplan - Q-Go (EU data centers)