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Use this for inline links to quests in text.



Parameter 1. Mandatory. Type of quest. Valid values include:
  • mainscenario: Main Scenario QuestMain scenario quests
  • main: Main Scenario QuestAlias of mainscenario
  • side: Side QuestSide quests
  • daily: Daily QuestDaily quests, mainly used for beast tribes
  • repeatable: Repeatable QuestRepeatable quests, not necessarily daily, but uses the same icon. Tooltip is different.
  • feature: Feature QuestFeature quests
  • repeatablefeature: Repeatable Feature QuestRepeatable feature quests, mainly used for quests related to relic weapons.
  • repfeature: Repeatable Feature QuestAlias of repeatablefeature
  • levequest: LevequestLevequests
  • maskedcarnivale: The Masked Carnivale The Masked Carnivale
  • fate: FATEFATEs, Full Active Time Events (Generic)
  • fate-enemies: FATE: Slay EnemiesFATE: Slay multiple enemies to fill the bar and complete the FATE.
  • fate-boss: FATE: Kill BossFATE: Kill a boss to complete the FATE.
  • fate-escort: FATE: EscortFATE: Escort an NPC to a given location to complete the FATE.
  • fate-defense: FATE: DefenseFATE: Defend critical NPCs or resources from enemies to complete the FATE.
  • fate-collect: FATE: Collect ItemsFATE: Collect items and turn them in to complete the FATE.
  • fate-path: FATE: ChaseFATE: Chase a boss to a destination.
  • fate-festival: FATE: FestivalFATE: Festival
  • gate: GATEGATEs, Gold Saucer Active Time Events
  • eureka: The Forbidden Land Eureka Eureka Duties
  • eureka-nm: Eureka: Notorious MonsterNotorious Monster FATEs in Eureka
  • bsf: Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Save the Queen Duties
  • zadnor: Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Save the Queen Duties
  • del-reg: Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Save the Queen Duties
  • skirmish-enemies: Skirmish: Kill EnemiesBozja/Zadnor Skirmishes: Kill Enemies
  • skirmish-boss: Skirmish: Kill BossBozja/Zadnor Skirmishes: Kill Boss
  • skirmish-defense: Skirmish: DefenseBozja/Zadnor Skirmishes: Defense
  • skirmish-collect: Skirmish: Collect ItemsBozja/Zadnor Skirmishes: Collect Items
  • ce-nm: Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterBozja/Zadnor Critical Engagements: Notorious Monster
  • ce-wave: Critical Engagement: Waves of EnemiesBozja/Zadnor Critical Engagements: Waves of Enemies
  • ce-solo: Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterBozja/Zadnor Critical Engagements: Solo Encounters
  • ce-assault: Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterBozja/Zadnor Critical Engagements: Assault Encounters
  • dutyroulette: Duty Roulette Duty Roulette
  • dungeon: Dungeon Instanced Dungeons
  • trial: Trial Instanced Trials
  • raid: Raid Instanced 8-player Raids
  • allianceraid: Alliance Raid Instanced 24-player Alliance Raids, same icon as 8-player raids, different tooltip
  • araid: Alliance Raid Alias of allianceraid
  • chaotic alliance raid: Chaotic Alliance Raid Instanced 24-player Chaotic Alliance Raids
  • caraid: Chaotic Alliance Raid Alias of chaotic alliance raid
  • ultimateraid: Ultimate Raid Instanced 8-player Ultimate Raids
  • uraid: Ultimate Raid Alias of ultimateraid
  • pvp: Player versus Player Player versus Player
  • guildhest: Guildhest Instanced Guildhests
  • ddungeon: Deep Dungeon Deep Dungeons
  • vdungeon: Variant Dungeon Variant Dungeons
  • cdungeon: Criterion Dungeon Criterion Dungeons
  • field-ops: Field Operation Field Operations
  • treasurehunt: Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt
  • stoneskysea: Stone, Sky, SeaStone, Sky, Sea
  • questbattle: Quest Battle Quest Battle
  • other: Other QuestOther quests. For quests and functions that don't fit any of the normal categories. Used for chocobo porters, Eureka quests, Bozja resistance rank increases, etc.
Parameter 2. Mandatory. Name of the quest.
Parameter 3. Optional. Set to large to make the icon bigger for use in a section header.
[display name]
Parameter 4. Optional. The display name of the duty, which can be set to differ from the actual name.
Parameter 5. Optional. The language of the linked page.


Quest Link Template Examples
Type Input Output
Main Scenario {{questlink|main|It's Probably Pirates}} Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably Pirates
Side {{questlink|side|Out to Dry}} Side QuestOut to Dry
Daily {{questlink|daily|A Nutty Initiation}} Daily QuestA Nutty Initiation
Feature {{questlink|feature|And We Shall Call it Eureka}} Feature QuestAnd We Shall Call it Eureka
Repeatable Feature {{questlink|repfeature|Resistance is (Not) Futile}} Repeatable Feature QuestResistance Is (Not) Futile
Levequest {{questlink|levequest|A Feast in the Forest}} LevequestA Feast in the Forest
The Masked Carnivale {{questlink|maskedcarnivale|Lock up Your Snorters}} The Masked Carnivale Lock up Your Snorters
FATE: Slay Enemies {{questlink|fate-enemies|Supper Time}} FATE: Slay EnemiesSupper Time
FATE: Kill Boss {{questlink|fate-boss|Behold Now Behemoth}} FATE: Kill BossBehold Now Behemoth
FATE: Escort {{questlink|fate-escort|The Ceruleum Road}} FATE: EscortThe Ceruleum Road
FATE: Defense {{questlink|fate-defense|The End of the Sentry}} FATE: DefenseThe End of the Sentry
FATE: Collect Items {{questlink|fate-collect|Treasure Island}} FATE: Collect ItemsTreasure Island
FATE: Path {{questlink|fate-path|The Magitek Is Back}} FATE: ChaseThe Magitek Is Back
FATE: Festival {{questlink|fate-festival|Happiness Is a Warm Bunny}} FATE: FestivalHappiness Is a Warm Bunny
GATE {{questlink|gate|Air Force One}} GATEAir Force One
Eureka {{questlink|eureka|The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos}} The Forbidden Land Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos
Eureka: Notorious Monster {{questlink|eureka-nm|Wail in the Willows}} Eureka: Notorious MonsterWail in the Willows
BSF {{questlink|bsf|The Bozjan Southern Front}} Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr The Bozjan Southern Front
Zadnor {{questlink|zadnor|Zadnor}} Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Zadnor
Delubrum Reginae {{questlink|del-reg|Delubrum Reginae}} Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Delubrum Reginae
Skirmish: Kill Enemies {{questlink|skirmish-enemies|All Pets Are Off}} Skirmish: Kill EnemiesAll Pets Are Off
Skirmish: Kill Boss {{questlink|skirmish-boss|Conflicting with the First Law}} Skirmish: Kill BossConflicting with the First Law
Skirmish: Defense {{questlink|skirmish-defense|Unicorn Flakes}} Skirmish: DefenseUnicorn Flakes
Skirmish: Collect Items {{questlink|skirmish-collect|Parts and Recreation}} Skirmish: Collect ItemsParts and Recreation
Critical Engagement: Notorious Monster {{questlink|ce-nm|Metal Fox Chaos}} Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterMetal Fox Chaos
Critical Engagement: Waves of Enemies {{questlink|ce-wave|Lean, Mean, Magitek Machines}} Critical Engagement: Waves of EnemiesLean, Mean, Magitek Machines
Critical Engagement: Solo Encounter {{questlink|ce-solo|Beast of Man}} Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterBeast of Man
Critical Engagement: Assault Encounter {{questlink|ce-assault|The Dalriada}} Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada
Duty Roulette {{questlink|dutyroulette|Duty Roulette: Leveling}} Duty Roulette Duty Roulette: Leveling
Dungeon {{questlink|dungeon|Sastasha}} Dungeon Sastasha
Trial {{questlink|trial|The Bowl of Embers}} Trial The Bowl of Embers
Raid {{questlink|raid|Deltascape V1.0}} Raid Deltascape V1.0
Alliance Raid {{questlink|araid|The Copied Factory}} Alliance Raid The Copied Factory
Chaotic Alliance Raid {{questlink|caraid|The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)}} Chaotic Alliance Raid The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)
PvP {{questlink|pvp|Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)}} Player versus Player Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)
Guildhest {{questlink|guildhest|Basic Training: Enemy Parties}} Guildhest Basic Training: Enemy Parties
Deep Dungeon {{questlink|ddungeon|Palace of the Dead}} Deep Dungeon Palace of the Dead
Variant Dungeon {{questlink|vdungeon|The Sil'dihn Subterrane}} Variant Dungeon The Sil'dihn Subterrane
Criterion Dungeon {{questlink|cdungeon|Another Sil'dihn Subterrane}} Criterion Dungeon Another Sil'dihn Subterrane
Field Operation {{questlink|field-ops|Shades' Triangle}} Field Operation Shades' Triangle
Treasure Hunt {{questlink|treasurehunt|The Excitatron 6000}} Treasure Hunt The Excitatron 6000
Stone, Sky, Sea {{questlink|stoneskysea|The Burning Field}} Stone, Sky, SeaThe Burning Field
Other {{questlink|other|Triple Triad Trial}} Other QuestTriple Triad Trial

Example inter-language link

{{questlink|ultimateraid|The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)||Le Protocole Oméga (fatal)|fr}}

NOTE: If parameter 3 (size) is not specified and subsequent parameters are, there needs to be a || in the syntax.

Ultimate Raid Le Protocole Oméga (fatal)

Example in header: Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably Pirates

{{questlink|main|It's Probably Pirates|large}}