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Male ♂
Leader of The Confederacy
The Ruby Sea (23.0,8.0)
The Confederacy
Quest NPC

"All ties that bind a man must be renounced, without exception, if he is to find a place here. Former lovers and bitter enemies alike must learn to bury their past and work side by side, or else be cast out."

— In-game description

Rasho Mastbreaker is a Roegadyn in The Ruby Sea. He was first introduced with the Stormblood expansion, and leads a Far Eastern pirate faction known as The Confederacy. He makes a number of appearances within quest content that concerns his organization, and plays a minor role in questlines for the deep dungeon Heaven-on-High.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Under the Sea Main Scenario quest 62 Rasho

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Confederate Consternation Main Scenario quest 62 Alisaie
Alisaie's Stones Main Scenario quest 62 Hirase
Hope on the Waves Main Scenario quest 70 Yugiri
Conscripts and Contingencies Main Scenario quest 70 Hien
Seiryu's Wall Main Scenario quest 70 Hien
Knocking on Heaven's Door Feature quest 61 Hamakaze
On the Shoulders of Giants Feature quest 61 Kyusei


"No matter how deep a man's hatreds may run, he cannot let them dictate his actions. The good of the Confederacy takes precedence over all."

A thirty-seven-year-old native of Doma who lost his family to the Empire's invasion, Rasho was taken in by the Confederacy over two decades ago. He broke ties with his homeland as the pirates' oath required, but thoughts of revenge would linger, driving the Roegadyn to the practice field day after day, spear in hand. Then one day, Rasho's chance for vengeance arrived. Seeking to extract the Ruby Tithe from a passing ship, the pirates approached to see that an imperial officer stood upon the vessel's deck. Rasho made to leap the rails, but was stopped by his captain, and earned a stay in the brig for his actions. A fellow former Doman later visited him in his cell, warning that had he laid hands upon the imperial, every Confederate member would have paid the price. "Do not make me endure the loss of this family, as well." Sobered by his countryman's words, Rasho relinquished his hold on the past, and went on to assume leadership of the Confederacy.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 105