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Hamakaze is a Hyur in The Ruby Sea. He is a member of The Confederacy that has been stationed in Isari, a small fishing village on the East Othard Coastline.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Knocking on Heaven's Door Feature quest 61 Hamakaze


Hamakaze: The both of us were born and bred in Isari, which is presumably why the chief has stationed us here. It is good to be home for a time.

Feature quest Knocking on Heaven's Door

Hamakaze: You're [Forename], correct? The one Rasho is looking for, if I'm not mistaken.
Hamakaze: He told me that if you showed up, I should send you to Kyusei in Crick.
Hamakaze: Why? Buggered if I know! Nobody tells me anything around here. You'd be better off asking Kyusei himself.
Hamakaze: That Kyusei fellow is usually guarding a little wooden shack by the aetheryte, although I can't see why. As far as I know, there's not much in it worth pilfering.