Opo-opo (Mob)

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Opo-opos are forest-dwelling creatures that form colonies of several dozen animals headed by a single, dominant leader. With their long, prehensile tails and opposable thumbs, they are equally at home in the treetops as they are on the forest floor. In recent years, these quick and cunning creatures have acquired a taste for beans and other crops, during which time many a farmer has awoken to find his field plucked quite bare in the space of a single night.

— In-game description

Opo-opo is a Beastkin in North Shroud.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Animal skin icon1.png  Animal Skin Material N/A ABasic 1
Animal hide icon1.png  Animal Hide Material N/A ABasic 1
Galago Mint.png  Galago Mint Material N/A ABasic 1
Stolen mun-tuy beans icon1.png  Stolen Mun-Tuy Beans Key Item N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
North Shroud (X:25.0, Y:28.0) 2
North Shroud (X:26.9, Y:23.5) 7
North Shroud (X:27, Y:21) 5–9


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Matter of Perspective Class quest 5 Luciane
Death to the Bean Thieves Sidequest 6 Q'djawana

Hunting Log