Category:Key Item
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Key Items are items that serve an important purpose in the game, such as completing a quest or for providing valuable information to the player (e.g. Trials of the Braves books to track Relic Weapon progress). These items cannot be sold or traded, and can usually be re-obtained from the giver of the item if discarded. Key Items may be accessed from a special tab in the player's inventory.
Pages in category "Key Item"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,661 total.
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- A-Towa-Cant's Ashes
- Abandoned Blade
- Abandoned Boulder
- Abandoned Rock
- Abbadon Tendon
- Acan Lord Coral
- Acrid-smelling Powder
- Adamantoise Egg
- Adamantoise Egg (Adamantoise Tears)
- Adventurer's Effects
- Aetherial Lamp
- Aetheric Rope
- Aetherometer
- Aetheryte Shard
- Agaricus Mushroom
- Age-worn Log
- Aged Bamboo
- Aged Grimoire (Key Item)
- Akyaali Crab Leg
- Alchemical Concoction
- Ale-stained Parchment
- Allagan Tomestone of Divinity
- Allagan Tomestone of Eikonology
- Allagan Tomestone of Theology
- Allagan Weapon Scrap
- Alpaca Escape Artist
- Alpaca Wool
- Alphinaud's Sketch
- Alumina Salts
- Amalj'aa Blood
- Amber Syrup
- Amdapor Glyph
- Amdapor Vellum
- Amethyst Ring (Key Item)
- Amh Araeng Deadwood
- Amra (Fresh Eats and Ripe Sweets)
- Ancient Bozjan Armor
- Ancient Bozjan Raiments
- Ancient Magicked Poppet
- Ancient Signet Ring
- Anila Core
- Anila Core (Harbinger of Breath)
- Anima Glass
- Anodized Cermet Plating
- Anole Egg
- Anti-gremlin Trap
- Antique Dagger
- Antling Mandible
- Aperitif Order Slip
- Aphid Nectar
- Apocryphal Horn
- Appetizing Sago Palm
- Aqua del Sol
- Arcane Epistle
- Archaeoskin Treasure Map
- Archer's Raiments
- Archon Egg
- Archon Loaf (Key Item)
- Armor Plating
- Aromatic Nectar
- Ash Sapling
- Ashkin Hearts
- Ashkin Remains
- Astral-aspected Water
- Astroscope Log (Key Item)
- Asvattha Seed
- Athala's Token of Love
- Audition Handbill
- Aurelia Umbrella
- Aurulent Quartz
- Automaton Core
- Automaton-filled Sack
- Avere's Ring
- Azeyma Rose (Quest Item)
- Azeyma Rose Oil
- Bacchus Grape Leaf
- Bacchus Grape Vines
- Bacchus Wine
- Baderon's Jottings
- Bag of Fragrant Substance
- Balloon Finger
- Bang Tosses
- Basic Provisions
- Basilisk Meat
- Basilisk Stew
- Basket of Sticky Moss
- Battered Broom
- Baut's Ring
- Beaknettle Flower
- Beautiful Bell Painting
- Bedrock Sample
- Beginner's Energy Tonic
- Bejeweled Bracelet
- Belah'dian Wardstone
- Bellbloom
- Bellfruit
- Bellyfiller Feed
- Biast Claw
- Bite-sized Stone
- Bitsy Basket (Key Item)
- Bitter Pellets
- Bitterdrake
- Black Cedar Branch
- Black Cedar Log
- Black Feather
- Black Scale
- Blackloam
- Bleatwort Cutting
- Blessed Band
- Blessed Scale
- Bloated Yumemi Shell
- Block of Snow
- Blood Orange Juice
- Blood-soaked Parchment
- Bloody Bandana
- Bloody Chunk of Almasty
- Bloody Encyclical
- Bloody Guisarme
- Blowgun (Key Item)
- Blowpipe Set
- Blue Flower
- Blue Mythril Ore
- Blue-flamed Candle
- Blunt Hunting Knife
- Blunt Sailor's Knife
- Blunt Whittle
- Boarskin Treasure Map
- Bog Yarzon Shell
- Bolting Bellbloom
- Bomb Claw
- Bomb Digit
- Bomb Finger
- Book of Netherfall I
- Book of Netherfire I
- Book of Skyearth I
- Book of Skyfall I
- Book of Skyfall II
- Book of Skyfire I
- Book of Skyfire II
- Book of Skywind I
- Book of Skywind II
- Bottle of Antidote
- Bottle of Arak
- Bottle of Brown Liquid
- Bow of the Gods
- Box for Tataru
- Boxed Hawker
- Br'aaxskin Treasure Map
- Branded Bark
- Brass Earplugs
- Brass Helm Wheel
- Brazo del Sol
- Breathtaking Dress
- Brickman Chunk
- Bright Bluecloud
- Brightseed
- Brilliant Golden Sap
- Brittle Parchment
- Broad-leaf Gysahl Greens
- Broken Alembic
- Broken Kickumbob
- Broken Spear
- Broken Yo-kai Watch
- Brown Clod
- Brown Glass Shard
- Brownie Brush
- Brushflower
- Buckwheat Seeds
- Budding Peach Tree Blossoms
- Bug Scrap
- Building Stone
- Bulging Gil Pouch
- Bulging Leather Sack
- Bulging Sack of Foodstuffs
- Bull Point Chisel
- Buried Coin
- Burlap Sack
- Burned Wood
- Burning Eye of Ravana
- Burnished Arrowhead
- Burnslate
- Buurtsag Tsai
- Buzzard Thigh
- Buzzing Burlap Sack