Feature Quests

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
Revision as of 09:09, 25 October 2016 by Shirakami (talk | contribs) (Since the wiki hasn't worked with Featurequests yet, there is no way telling if a quest is a featurequest or not without checking in the game. I am currently only lvl 33, so I can only confirm featurequest up to that.)
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See also: Quests and Side Quests

General Unlocks

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Unlock Additional Reward Optional Reward
Where the Heart Is (Mist) 5 Ahctkoen Lower La Noscea (x31,y20) 280 132 Housing in The Mist
Where the Heart Is (The Goblet) 5 Imme Western Thanalan (x26,y24) 280 132 Housing in The Goblet
Where the Heart Is (The Lavender Beds) 10 Margeria Central Shroud (x21,y21) 855 167 Housing in The Lavender Beds
Good for What Ales You 14 Dodozan Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12) 2415 0 /stepdance emote
Help Me, Lord of the Dance 14 P'molminn Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x10,y9) 2415 0 /balldance emote
Saw That One Coming 14 Eral New Gridania (x12,y13) 2415 0 /harvestdance emote
Beauty Is Only Scalp Deep 15 S'dhodjbi Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y11) 3360 0 Aesthetician Jandelaines token icon1.png
Color Your World 15 Swyrgeim Western Thanalan (x12,y14) 3360 0 Dyeing Rose pink dye icon1.pngBone white dye icon1.pngIce blue dye icon1.png
It Could Happen to You 15 Well-heeled Youth Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x9,y9) 0 239 Gold Saucer
Rising to the Challenge 15 I'tolwann Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y10) 1680 0 Challenge Log Potion icon1.pngEther icon1.pngAllagan tin piece icon1.png
An Ill-conceived Venture (Gridania) 17 Troubled Adventurer New Gridania (x11,y12) 3640 418 Retainer Ventures Venture Icon.png 6
An Ill-conceived Venture (Ul'dah) 17 Troubled Adventurer Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x9,8) 3640 418 Retainer Ventures Venture Icon.png 6
An Ill-conceived Venture (Limsa Lominsa) 17 Troubled Adventurer Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x9,y11) 3640 418 Retainer Ventures Venture Icon.png 6
Forging the Spirit 19 Swynbroes Central Thanalan (x24,y13) 3920 0 Materia Assimilating Grade 1 carbonized matter icon1.png
Waking the Spirit 19 F'hobhas Central Thanalan (x23,y14) 3920 0 Materia Melding
My Little Chocobo (Maelstrom) 20 R'ashaht Rhiki Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x13,y12) 4060 0 Chocobo whistle icon1.png
My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder) 20 Vorsaile Heuloix New Gridania (x9,y11) 4060 0 Chocobo whistle icon1.png
My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames) 20 Swift Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8,y8) 4060 0 Chocobo whistle icon1.png
A Sight to Behold 20 Naoh Gamduhla New Gridania (x11,y13) 2030 320 Sightseeing Log
Melding Materia Muchly 25 Mutamix Bubblypots Central Thanalan (x23,y13) 4760 1172 Advanced Materia Melding
Broadening Horizons 29 Tyoh Moui New Gridania (x12,y11) 7220 306 White Wolf Gate Access
Gone to Pieces 30 Syntgoht Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x14,y10) 3705 0 Desynthesis
My Feisty Little Chocobo 30 Docette South Shroud (x17,y28) 7410 0 Companions
Bird in Hand 30 Luquelot Central Shroud (x20,y21) 3705 0 Chocobo Raising Krakka root icon1.png

Dungeons and Trials

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Dungeon/Trial Additional Reward Optional Reward
The House That Death Built 17 Nojiro Marujiro New Gridania (x12,y13) 3640 556 Palace of the Dead (Deep Dungeon)
Hallo Halatali 20Nedrick Ironheart Western Thanalan (x12,y14) 4060 258 Halatali (Dungeon) Iron gauntlets icon1.png, Goatskin armguards icon1.png, Cotton dress gloves icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png
Sirius Business 50 Diamanda Western La Noscea (x26,y26) 0 939 Pharos Sirius (Dungeon)

Levequests unlocks

By completing these quests, you will unlock the Levequests for that NPC. In order to complete the quest, you need to complete a trial Levequest.

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Optional Reward
Leves of Aleport 15 Orwen Western La Noscea (x27,y27) 3360 239
Leves of Moraby 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea (x23,y33) 4060 408
Leves of Swiftperch 10 T'mokkri Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y11) 1710 215 Leather jacket icon1.pngAmateurs dalmatica icon1.pngAllagan bronze piece icon1.png
Leves of Wineport 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea (x21,y21) 9020 407
Leves of Costa del Sol 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea (x30,y30) 7410 549
Leves of Camp Tranquil 30 Merthelin South Shroud (x16,y28) 7410 0 Steel cuirass icon1.pngToadskin jacket icon1.pngVelveteen robe icon1.pngAllagan silver piece icon1.png
Leves of Quarrymill 20 Nyell South Shroud (x25,y20) 4060 0 Iron cuirass icon1.pngGoatskin jacket icon1.pngCotton dalmatica icon1.pngAllagan silver piece icon1.png
Leves of Bentbranch 10 Gontrant New Gridania (x11,y13) 1710 215 Leather jacket icon1.pngAmateurs dalmatica icon1.pngAllagan bronze piece icon1.png
Leves of Hawthorne 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud (x17,y27) 3360 239
Leves of Horizon 10 Eustace Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x12,y9) 1710 215 Leather jacket icon1.pngAmateurs dalmatica icon1.pngAllagan bronze piece icon1.png
Leves of Little Ala Mhigo 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan (x18,y13) 4760 480
Leves of Camp Bluefog 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan (x22,y29) 11270 445
Leves of Camp Drybone 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan (x13,y24) 3360 239
Leves of Whitebrim 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands (x12,y16) 11270 445
Leves of the Observatorium 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands (x26,y28) 9020 407
Leves of Saint Coinach's Find 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona (x29,y12) 12420 445