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Female ♀
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11,11)
Limsa Lominsa
Quest NPC

T'mokkri is a Miqo'te in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks. She is a Levemete.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Leves of Swiftperch Feature quest 10 T'mokkri

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver


Battlecraft Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
On the Lamb Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk
A Long and Winding Road Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk
Ain't Nobody Got Time for Rats Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk
Bug Bites Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk
Red Stead Redemption Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk
March of the Mandragoras Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk
No Pain, No Grain Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk
Far from the Vine Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk
At the Gates Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf
Shock Therapy Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf
No Egg to Stand On Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf
Jackal and the Livestock Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf
Field Testing Levequest quest 15 Orwen
Beasts of Bourbon Levequest quest 15 Orwen
First to Reave Levequest quest 15 Orwen
A Glamourous Life Levequest quest 15 Orwen
Another Egg Gone Levequest quest 20 Ourawann
The Light Stripes Levequest quest 20 Ourawann
Claw-struck Levequest quest 20 Ourawann
Man the Ore Levequest quest 20 Ourawann
Out to Sea Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
Birds of a Feather Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
Necrologos: Igneous Toil Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
Call Me Mating Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
Bud Bait Levequest quest 35 Aileen
Necrologos: Igneous Moil Levequest quest 35 Aileen
Walk Like a Mandragora Levequest quest 35 Aileen
Coeurl Scratch Fever Levequest quest 35 Aileen

Tradecraft Leves

Armorer Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Skillet Labor Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze skillet icon1.png  Bronze Skillet
Ain't Got No Ingots Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze ingot icon1.png  Bronze Ingot
Eyes Bigger than the Plate Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze plate icon1.png  Bronze Plate
You've Got Mail Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Bronze haubergeon icon1.png  Bronze Haubergeon
Bronzed and Burnt Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Bronze sallet icon1.png  Bronze Sallet
Headbangers' Thrall Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Bronze barbut icon1.png  Bronze Barbut
Greavous Losses Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Bronze sabatons icon1.png  Bronze Sabatons
All Ovo That Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Iron skillet icon1.png  Iron Skillet
Waste Not, Want Not Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Bronze celata icon1.png  Bronze Celata
Cover Girl Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Decorated bronze barbut icon1.png  Decorated Bronze Barbut
Kiss the Pan (Good-bye) Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Initiates skillet icon1.png  Initiate's Skillet
Fashion Weak Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Iron cuirass icon1.png  Iron Cuirass
Night Squawker Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Iron lantern shield icon1.png  Iron Lantern Shield
246 Kinds of Cheese Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Iron frypan icon1.png  Iron Frypan
Get Me the Hard Stuff Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Ironclad bronze buckler icon1.png  Ironclad Bronze Buckler
A Leg to Stand On Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Heavy iron flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Iron Flanchard
Ingot We Trust Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Steel ingot icon1.png  Steel Ingot
Insistent Sallets Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Steel sallet icon1.png  Steel Sallet
Eyes on a Hard Body Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Decorated buckler icon1.png  Decorated Buckler
Romper Stomper Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Steel-plated jackboots icon1.png  Steel-plated Jackboots
Aurochs Star Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Bull hoplon icon1.png  Bull Hoplon
Hollow Hallmarks Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Mythril ingot icon1.png  Mythril Ingot
Very Slow Array Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Mythril plate icon1.png  Mythril Plate
Get Me the Usual Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Heavy steel flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Steel Flanchard
Everybody Cut Footloose Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril-plated jackboots icon1.png  Mythril-plated Jackboots
Liquid Persuasion Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril chain coif icon1.png  Mythril Chain Coif
Distill and Know that I'm Right Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril alembic icon1.png  Mythril Alembic
Feasting the Night Away Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Hells kitchen icon1.png  Hells' Kitchen
Cobalt Aforethought Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Cobalt plate icon1.png  Cobalt Plate
Some Dragoons Have All the Luck Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 High mythril armor icon1.png  High Mythril Armor

Blacksmith Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Mending Fences Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze rivets icon1.png  Bronze Rivets
Proly Hatchet Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze hatchet icon1.png  Bronze Hatchet
Hells Bells Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 1 Bronze ingot icon1.png  Bronze Ingot
Stainless Chef Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Amateurs culinary knife icon1.png  Amateur's Culinary Knife
Bring Me the Head Knife of Al'bedo Derssia Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Bronze head knife icon1.png  Bronze Head Knife
I, Gladius Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 1 Viking sword icon1.png  Viking Sword
Farriers of Fortune Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Amateurs cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Amateur's Cross-pein Hammer
Port of Call: Ul'dah Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Bronze knuckles icon1.png  Bronze Knuckles
Anutha Spatha Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 1 Bronze spatha icon1.png  Bronze Spatha
Smelt and Dealt Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Iron ingot icon1.png  Iron Ingot
Riveting Run Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Iron rivets icon1.png  Iron Rivets
Awl or Nothing Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 1 Iron awl icon1.png  Iron Awl
Hearth Maul Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Iron sledgehammer icon1.png  Iron Sledgehammer
Claw Daddy Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Iron claw hammer icon1.png  Iron Claw Hammer
Unseamly Conditions Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 1 Iron pickaxe icon1.png  Iron Pickaxe
Cleaving the Glim Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Iron round knife icon1.png  Iron Round Knife
Time to Upgrade Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Iron ornamental hammer icon1.png  Iron Ornamental Hammer
Mors Dagger Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 1 Steel broadsword icon1.png  Steel Broadsword
The Naked Blade Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Steel falchion icon1.png  Steel Falchion
Out on a Limb Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Bas-relief steel saw icon1.png  Bas-relief Steel Saw
Can You Spare a Dolabra Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 1 Steel dolabra icon1.png  Steel Dolabra
Awl about Who You Know Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Wrapped steel awl icon1.png  Wrapped Steel Awl
You Spin Me Round Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Mythril broadsword icon1.png  Mythril Broadsword
Spice Cadet Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 1 Heavy steel mortar icon1.png  Heavy Steel Mortar
A Mixed Message Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril pliers icon1.png  Mythril Pliers
A Weighty Question Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril sledgehammer icon1.png  Mythril Sledgehammer
File That under Whatever Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 1 Mythril file icon1.png  Mythril File
No Refunds, Only Exchanges Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Cobalt file icon1.png  Cobalt File
I'd Rather Be Digging Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Electrum head knife icon1.png  Electrum Head Knife
You Stay on That Side Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Cobalt pliers icon1.png  Cobalt Pliers

Culinarian Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Trout Fishing in Limsa Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 3 Grilled trout icon1.png  Grilled Trout
In Hot Water Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 3 Boiled egg icon1.png  Boiled Egg
Pork Is a Salty Food Levequest quest 1 T'mokkri 6 Table salt icon1.png  Table Salt
Whip It Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 3 Sweet cream icon1.png  Sweet Cream
A Real Fungi Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 3 Chanterelle saute icon1.png  Chanterelle Saute
Jack of All Plates Levequest quest 5 T'mokkri 3 Jack-o-lantern icon1.png  Jack-o'-lantern
Keep Your Powder Dry Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 3 Kukuru powder icon1.png  Kukuru Powder
Pretty Enough to Eat Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 3 Grilled carp icon1.png  Grilled Carp
Go Ahead and Dig In Levequest quest 10 T'mokkri 3 Mole loaf icon1.png  Mole Loaf
A Total Nut Job Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 3 Walnut bread icon1.png  Walnut Bread
Shy Is the Oyster Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 3 Raw oyster icon1.png  Raw Oyster
Omelette's Be Friends Levequest quest 15 T'mokkri 3 Dodo omelette icon1.png  Dodo Omelette
A Grape Idea Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 3 Grape juice icon1.png  Grape Juice
Feast of All Soles Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 3 Salmon meuniere icon1.png  Salmon Meuniere
Brain Food Levequest quest 20 T'mokkri 3 Walnut bread icon1.png  Walnut Bread
Cooking with Gas Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 6 Chicken stock icon1.png  Chicken Stock
Convalescence Precedes Essence Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 3 Ginger cookie icon1.png  Ginger Cookie
Fever Pitch Levequest quest 25 T'mokkri 3 Chamomile tea icon1.png  Chamomile Tea
Bloody Good Tart, This Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 3 Blood currant tart icon1.png  Blood Currant Tart
Pretty as a Picture Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 3 Dark vinegar icon1.png  Dark Vinegar
True Grits Levequest quest 30 T'mokkri 4 Cornmeal icon1.png  Cornmeal
No More Dumpster Diving Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 3 Knights bread icon1.png  Knight's Bread
Feeding Frenzy Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 3 Acorn cookie icon1.png  Acorn Cookie
Don't Turn Up Your Nose Levequest quest 35 T'mokkri 3 Sauerkraut icon1.png  Sauerkraut
Made by Apple in Coerthas Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 3 Apple juice icon1.png  Apple Juice
The Perks of Life at Sea Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 3 Jerked beef icon1.png  Jerked Beef
Moving Up in the World Levequest quest 40 T'mokkri 3 Rolanberry cheese icon1.png  Rolanberry Cheese
Bread in the Clouds Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 3 La noscean toast icon1.png  La Noscean Toast
The Egg Files Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 3 Deviled eggs icon1.png  Deviled Eggs
Culture Club Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri 1 Crowned pie icon1.png  Crowned Pie

Fieldcraft Leves

Miner Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Midden Fair Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
That's What the Money Is For Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr

Botanist Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Bleeding Them Dry Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr
Nature Calls Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr

Fisher Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
A Kelping Hand Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk 3 Malm kelp icon1.png  Malm Kelp
Soup to Guts Levequest quest 1 Wyrkholsk 3 Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby
Yummy in the Tummy Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk 3 Sea cucumber icon1.png  Sea Cucumber
They Taste Just as Pretty Levequest quest 5 Wyrkholsk 3 Coral butterfly icon1.png  Coral Butterfly
Brain Candy Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf 3 Pebble crab icon1.png  Pebble Crab
Just Add Water Levequest quest 10 Swygskyf 3 Tiger cod icon1.png  Tiger Cod
The Moral of the Coral Levequest quest 15 Orwen 3 White coral icon1.png  White Coral
The Deepest Cut Levequest quest 15 Orwen 3 Razor clam icon1.png  Razor Clam
Kitchen Nightmares No More Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr 3 Black sole icon1.png  Black Sole
Just Call Me Late for Dinner Levequest quest 30 Nahctahr 3 Indigo herring icon1.png  Indigo Herring

Additional Information