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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
South Shroud (25, 20)
Guildleve NPC

Nyell is a Hyur in South Shroud. He is a Levemete.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Leves of Quarrymill Feature quest 20 Nyell

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver


Battlecraft Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Belly Up Levequest quest 20 Nyell
It's Hard Being Moogle Levequest quest 20 Nyell
It's a Trap Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Killing Beasts Softly Levequest quest 20 Nyell
No Leaves Left Behind Levequest quest 20 Nyell
The Root of the Problem Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Treevenge Levequest quest 20 Nyell
What's Yours Is Mine Levequest quest 20 Nyell
More than Meets the Eye Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Necrologos: Olidious Separation Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Necrologos: The Beholders Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Refugee Raw Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Revisiting Raimdelle Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Rope a 'Lope Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Up the Creek Levequest quest 25 Nyell

Tradecraft Leves

Alchemist Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Blind Man's Bluff Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Potion of dexterity icon1.png  Potion of Dexterity
Dripping with Venom Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Weak blinding potion icon1.png  Weak Blinding Potion
Hush Little Wailer Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Weak silencing potion icon1.png  Weak Silencing Potion
Conspicuous Conjuration Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Whispering ash wand icon1.png  Whispering Ash Wand
The Wailers' First Law of Potion Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Hi-potion icon1.png  Hi-Potion
You Put Your Left Hand In Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Engraved goatskin grimoire icon1.png  Engraved Goatskin Grimoire

Armorer Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
I Was a Teenage Wailer Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Iron alembic icon1.png  Iron Alembic
No Hand-me-Downs Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Iron vambraces icon1.png  Iron Vambraces
Not Enough Headroom Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Iron celata icon1.png  Iron Celata
Get Shirty Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Steel chainmail icon1.png  Steel Chainmail
Hot for Teacher Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Heavy iron armor icon1.png  Heavy Iron Armor
Need for Mead Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Conical alembic icon1.png  Conical Alembic

Blacksmith Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Powderpost Derby Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Initiates saw icon1.png  Initiate's Saw
The Devil's Workshop Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Brass viking sword icon1.png  Brass Viking Sword
When Rhalgr Met Nophica Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Spiked knuckles icon1.png  Spiked Knuckles
I Saw What You Did There Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Iron chocobotail saw icon1.png  Iron Chocobotail Saw
Lancers' Creed Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Crowsbeak hammer icon1.png  Crowsbeak Hammer
That's Some Fine Grinding Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Initiates mortar icon1.png  Initiate's Mortar

Carpenter Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Grinding It Out Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Mudstone grinding wheel icon1.png  Mudstone Grinding Wheel
Polearms Aplenty Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Iron spear icon1.png  Iron Spear
Wall Not Found Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Walnut lumber icon1.png  Walnut Lumber
Heal Away Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Yew crook icon1.png  Yew Crook
Storm of Swords Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Elm macuahuitl icon1.png  Elm Macuahuitl
Toys of Summer Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Steel spear icon1.png  Steel Spear

Culinarian Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Food Fight Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Shepherds pie icon1.png  Shepherd's Pie
For Crumbs' Sake Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Honey muffin icon1.png  Honey Muffin
Picnic Panic Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Apple tart icon1.png  Apple Tart
I Love Lamprey Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Eel pie icon1.png  Eel Pie
Love's Crumpets Lost Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Crumpet icon1.png  Crumpet
Whirled Peas Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Pea soup icon1.png  Pea Soup

Goldsmith Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Dog Tags Are for Dogs Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Brass ring icon1.png  Brass Ring
Music to Their Ears Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Brass ear cuffs icon1.png  Brass Ear Cuffs
One and Only Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Staghorn staff icon1.png  Staghorn Staff
Dancing with the Stars Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Toothed staghorn staff icon1.png  Toothed Staghorn Staff
Keep the Change Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Fluorite earrings icon1.png  Fluorite Earrings
Necklet of Champions Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Horn necklace icon1.png  Horn Necklace

Leatherworker Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Hands On Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Fingerless goatskin gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Goatskin Gloves
Open to Attack Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Goatskin jacket icon1.png  Goatskin Jacket
Packing a Punch Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Goatskin cesti icon1.png  Goatskin Cesti
Campaign in the Membrane Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Toadskin jacket icon1.png  Toadskin Jacket
No Risk, No Reward Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Toadskin cesti icon1.png  Toadskin Cesti
Quicker than Sand Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Padded leather duckbills icon1.png  Padded Leather Duckbills

Weaver Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Getting Handsy Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Cotton dress gloves icon1.png  Cotton Dress Gloves
The Telltale Tress Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Cotton coif of gathering icon1.png  Cotton Coif of Gathering
Whatchoo Talking About Levequest quest 20 Nyell 1 Cotton doublet vest of crafting icon1.png  Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting
Bet You Anything Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Velveteen sarouel of gathering icon1.png  Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering
Pantser Corps Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Initiates slops icon1.png  Initiate's Slops
Put a Lid on It Levequest quest 25 Nyell 1 Velveteen wedge cap of gathering icon1.png  Velveteen Wedge Cap of Gathering

Fieldcraft Leves

Botanist Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Fueling the Flames Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Just the Artifacts, Madam Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Nowhere to Slide Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Shaken, Not Stirred Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Appleanche Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Moon in Rouge Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Mushroom Gobblin' Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Over the Underbrush Levequest quest 25 Nyell

Fisher Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Blind Ambition Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Dark sleeper icon1.png  Dark Sleeper
Food Chain Reaction Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Faerie bass icon1.png  Faerie Bass
Sounds Fishy to Me Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish
The Long and the Shortcrust Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Black eel icon2.png  Black Eel
A Shocking Soiree Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Black ghost icon1.png  Black Ghost
A Watery Web of Lies Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Yugram salmon icon1.png  Yugr'am Salmon
Fishing 101 Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Dark bass icon1.png  Dark Bass
The Truth Will Set You Free Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Five-ilm pleco icon1.png  Five-ilm Pleco

Miner Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Elemental Housekeeping Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Location, Location, Location Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Look How They Shine for You Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Rock My Wall Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Baby, Light My Way Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Can't Start a Fire Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Fool Me Twice Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Tag, You're It Levequest quest 25 Nyell