Kirin's Osode Armor

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See also: The Forbidden Land, Eureka and The Forbidden Land, Eureka Gear Guide

Acquired from the Market Board or by exchanging 2 Cryptic seal icon1.png  Cryptic Seal (DoW gear) or 3 Damascene cloth icon1.png  Damascene Cloth (DoM) gear with the Nostalgic Fellow in Kugane (X:7.8, Y:14.2). The materials can be obtained from The Forbidden Land Eureka The Baldesion Arsenal.

This chest armor is best-in-slot for The Forbidden Land, Eureka due to its Elemental Bonus and Haste. (Elemental Armor +2, which is also more difficult to acquire, provides the same Elemental Bonus but no Haste, making it inferior).

DoM armor covers both the chest and head slots. It is not possible to equip any head armor or glamour if the cloak is equipped.

It is recommended that players new to Eureka purchase the armor from the Market Board. Note that it may be cheaper to purchase the individual materials to exchange from the NPC instead of the armor itself.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Kirin's Osode of Fending Kirins osode of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 446 446 5 Strength +108 Vitality +107 Critical Hit +110 Determination +77 Haste +3
Kirin's Osode of Maiming Kirins osode of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC DRG RPR Body 312 245 5 Strength +108 Vitality +107 Critical Hit +110 Direct Hit Rate +77 Haste +3
Kirin's Osode of Striking Kirins osode of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL MNK SAM Body 245 245 5 Strength +108 Vitality +107 Critical Hit +110 Direct Hit Rate +77 Haste +3
Kirin's Osode of Scouting Kirins osode of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG NIN VPR Body 245 245 5 Dexterity +108 Vitality +107 Critical Hit +77 Direct Hit Rate +110 Haste +3
Kirin's Osode of Aiming Kirins osode of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 245 245 5 Dexterity +108 Vitality +107 Critical Hit +110 Direct Hit Rate +77 Haste +3
Vermilion Cloak of Casting Vermilion cloak of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 312 545 5 Intelligence +177 Vitality +157 Critical Hit +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 Haste +3
Vermilion Cloak of Healing Vermilion cloak of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 312 545 5 Mind +177 Vitality +157 Determination +125 Piety +179 Haste +3


  • These armor pieces originate from Final Fantasy XI.
    • In FFXI, the Kirin's Osode is part of a 5-piece armor set, alongside the Genbu's Kabuto (head), the Seiryu's Kote (hands), the Byakko's Haidate (legs), and the Suzaku's Sune-Ate (feet).
    • In FFXI, the Vermillion Cloak is a crafted armor, with one of the required ingredients being 3 Damascene Cloth.