Crystal Exarch
Crystal Exarch
- Gender
- Male ♂
- Age
- 124
- Race
- Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
- Job
- Black Mage
White Mage
- Zone
- The Crystarium (7.6,11.2)
Crystal Exarch is a Miqo'te in The Crystarium.
Quests Started
Quests Involved In
“"May it serve as an undying promise, not only to those who looked to me for leadership, but to any soul who has known despair, that hope is everlasting."
The enigmatic mage who appeared along with the Crystal Tower held the title of Crystal Exarch for some nine decades. It is said that he was once a normal young man, but was irrevocably changed when he devoted his life to the First's salvation and bonded himself to the Allagan spire. His body began to crystallize in a process akin to necrosis, and he was obliged to suffuse those petrified parts with aether, animating the shards in a golem-like manner. Thus, ever did he remain a step distant—unable to fully share the truth of his condition or his origin with the citizens of the Crystarium he loved.
When night was returned to Norvrandt and his allies to their home in the Source, the Crystal Exarch vanished from the stage of history as abruptly as he had arrived. Nevertheless, the hope he inspired in the people of the First will ripple onwards through all the days yet to come.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 98
Additional Information
- See also: G'raha Tia