Beastlord Weapons

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See also: Level 60 Gear Guide, Beastlord Armor and Beastlord Accessories

Purchase from the Mark Quartermaster in Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.5, Y:6.0) for 600-2,000Wolf MarkWolf Marks. As PvP Gear, this set originally existed to provide the PvP-exclusive stat, Morale.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Blade of the Behemoth King Blade of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 GLA PLD 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +50 Vitality +48 Determination +39 Skill Speed +56 
Battleaxe of the Behemoth King Battleaxe of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 MRD WAR 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +55 Determination +79 
Greatsword of the Behemoth King Greatsword of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 DRK 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Determination +55 
Spear of the Behemoth Queen Spear of the behemoth queen icon1.png 60 180 LNC DRG 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Determination +55 
Fangs of the Rising Dragon Fangs of the rising dragon icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Determination +55 
Katana of the Dragon Lotus Katana of the dragon lotus icon1.png 60 180 SAM 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Direct Hit Rate +55 
Claws of the Falling Dragon Claws of the falling dragon icon1.png 60 180 ROG NIN 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +55 Skill Speed +79 
Longbow of the Last Unicorn Longbow of the last unicorn icon1.png 60 180 ARC BRD 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +70 Vitality +67 Determination +79 Skill Speed +55 
Musketoon of the Last Unicorn Musketoon of the last unicorn icon1.png 60 180 MCH 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Determination +55 
Rod of the Black Griffin Rod of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 THM BLM 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +70 Vitality +60 Critical Hit +55 Determination +79 
Grimoire of the Black Griffin Grimoire of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 ACN SMN 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +70 Vitality +60 Determination +79 Spell Speed +55 
Rapier of the Black Griffin Rapier of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 RDM 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +70 Vitality +60 Determination +55 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Cane of the White Griffin Cane of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 CNJ WHM 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +70 Vitality +60 Determination +55 Spell Speed +79 
Codex of the White Griffin Codex of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 SCH 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +70 Vitality +60 Determination +79 Spell Speed +55 
Astrometer of the White Griffin Astrometer of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 AST 70 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Mind +70 Vitality +60 Determination +79 Spell Speed +55 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Behemoth King Shield of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 GLA PLD 400 400 0 Strength +20 Vitality +19 Critical Hit +16 Determination +23