Level 33-35 Crafted Armor

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Level 33-35 Crafted Weapons and Level 33-35 Crafted Accessories

Crafted, level 33-35 recipes; quest rewards.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Skull Eyepatch Skull eyepatch icon1.png 33 33 Disciple of War Head 61 HQ icon.png68 61 HQ icon.png68 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png4Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png4Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Critical Hit +5 HQ icon.png6
Linen Turban Linen turban icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Head 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Skill Speed +6 HQ icon.png7
Linen Bandana Linen bandana icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Head 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Skill Speed +6 HQ icon.png7
Mythril Spectacles Mythril spectacles icon1.png 35 35 Any class Head 27 HQ icon.png30 47 HQ icon.png52 2 (5) Intelligence +4 HQ icon.png5Mind +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Critical Hit +6 HQ icon.png7
Heavy Steel Armor Heavy steel armor icon1.png 35 35 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 155 HQ icon.png172 155 HQ icon.png172 4 (5) Strength +12 HQ icon.png13Vitality +12 HQ icon.png13Critical Hit +15 HQ icon.png17
Altered Heavy Steel Armor Altered heavy steel armor icon1.png 35 35 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 155 HQ icon.png172 155 HQ icon.png172 4 (5) Strength +12 HQ icon.png13Vitality +12 HQ icon.png13Critical Hit +15 HQ icon.png17
Linen Shirt Linen shirt icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Body 89 HQ icon.png99 89 HQ icon.png99 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Dexterity +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Direct Hit Rate +10 HQ icon.png11
Heavy Steel Gauntlets Heavy steel gauntlets icon1.png 35 35 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Tenacity +6 HQ icon.png7
Fingerless Boarskin Gloves Fingerless boarskin gloves icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Hands 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Direct Hit Rate +6 HQ icon.png7
Heavy Steel Flanchard Heavy steel flanchard icon1.png 35 35 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 155 HQ icon.png172 155 HQ icon.png172 4 (5) Strength +12 HQ icon.png13Vitality +12 HQ icon.png13Determination +15 HQ icon.png17
Linen Sarouel Linen sarouel icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Legs 89 HQ icon.png99 89 HQ icon.png99 2 (5) Strength +7 HQ icon.png8Dexterity +7 HQ icon.png8Vitality +7 HQ icon.png8Direct Hit Rate +10 HQ icon.png11
Boarskin Crakows Boarskin crakows icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Feet 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Determination +6 HQ icon.png7
Altered Boarskin Thighboots Altered boarskin thighboots icon1.png 35 35 Disciple of War Feet 67 HQ icon.png74 67 HQ icon.png74 2 (5) Strength +4 HQ icon.png5Dexterity +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Determination +6 HQ icon.png7
Toadskin Duckbills Toadskin duckbills icon1.png 35 35 Any class Feet 27 HQ icon.png30 47 HQ icon.png52 2 (5) Intelligence +4 HQ icon.png5Mind +4 HQ icon.png5Vitality +4 HQ icon.png5Critical Hit +6 HQ icon.png7