Level 1-15 Crafted Weapons

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Level 1-15 Crafted Armor and Level 1-15 Crafted Accessories

Crafted, level 1-15 recipes.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bronze Bastard Sword Bronze bastard sword icon1.png 5 5 GLA PLD 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Viking Sword Viking sword icon1.png 7 7 GLA PLD 12 HQ icon.png13 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Ash Macuahuitl Ash macuahuitl icon1.png 10 10 GLA PLD 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Tenacity +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Spatha Bronze spatha icon1.png 13 13 GLA PLD 18 HQ icon.png20 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Tenacity +2 HQ icon.png2
Brass Bastard Sword Brass bastard sword icon1.png 15 15 GLA PLD 20 HQ icon.png22 Physical Damage.png 1 (5) Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Skill Speed +2 HQ icon.png2
Bronze War Axe Bronze war axe icon1.png 5 5 MRD WAR 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Labrys Bronze labrys icon1.png 8 8 MRD WAR 13 HQ icon.png14 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2
Cloud Axe Cloud axe icon1.png 10 10 MRD WAR 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +2 HQ icon.png2
Spiked Bronze Labrys Spiked bronze labrys icon1.png 13 13 MRD WAR 18 HQ icon.png20 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +3 HQ icon.png3
Iron War Axe Iron war axe icon1.png 15 15 MRD WAR 20 HQ icon.png22 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Skill Speed +3 HQ icon.png3
Bone Harpoon Bone harpoon icon1.png 5 5 LNC DRG 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Spear Bronze spear icon1.png 8 8 LNC DRG 13 HQ icon.png14 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2
Ramhorn Harpoon Ramhorn harpoon icon1.png 10 10 LNC DRG 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +2 HQ icon.png2
Feathered Harpoon Feathered harpoon icon1.png 12 12 LNC DRG 16 HQ icon.png18 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Skill Speed +2 HQ icon.png2
Brass Spear Brass spear icon1.png 14 14 LNC DRG 19 HQ icon.png21 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Direct Hit Rate +3 HQ icon.png3
Bone Hora Bone hora icon1.png 5 5 PGL MNK 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Leather Himantes Leather himantes icon1.png 8 8 PGL MNK 13 HQ icon.png14 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2
Ramhorn Claws Ramhorn claws icon1.png 10 10 PGL MNK 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +2 HQ icon.png2
Bronze Knuckles Bronze knuckles icon1.png 12 12 PGL MNK 16 HQ icon.png18 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Critical Hit +2 HQ icon.png2
Hard Leather Himantes Hard leather himantes icon1.png 14 14 PGL MNK 19 HQ icon.png21 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +3 HQ icon.png3
Bronze Daggers Bronze daggers icon1.png 5 5 ROG NIN 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Knives Bronze knives icon1.png 8 8 ROG NIN 13 HQ icon.png14 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2
Bronze Baselards Bronze baselards icon1.png 10 10 ROG NIN 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Critical Hit +2 HQ icon.png2
Brass Daggers Brass daggers icon1.png 13 13 ROG NIN 18 HQ icon.png20 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Skill Speed +3 HQ icon.png3
Brass Knives Brass knives icon1.png 15 15 ROG NIN 20 HQ icon.png22 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Direct Hit Rate +3 HQ icon.png3
Maple Shortbow Maple shortbow icon1.png 5 5 ARC BRD 11 HQ icon.png12 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +1 HQ icon.png1
Maple Longbow Maple longbow icon1.png 8 8 ARC BRD 13 HQ icon.png14 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2
Plumed Maple Shortbow Plumed maple shortbow icon1.png 10 10 ARC BRD 14 HQ icon.png16 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +2 HQ icon.png2
Wrapped Maple Longbow Wrapped maple longbow icon1.png 13 13 ARC BRD 18 HQ icon.png20 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +3 HQ icon.png3
Ash Shortbow Ash shortbow icon1.png 15 15 ARC BRD 20 HQ icon.png22 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Dexterity +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Skill Speed +3 HQ icon.png3
Bone Brand Bone brand icon1.png 5 5 THM BLM 11 HQ icon.png12 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1
Bone Staff Bone staff icon1.png 5 5 THM BLM 11 HQ icon.png12 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1
Copper Scepter Copper scepter icon1.png 9 9 THM BLM 13 HQ icon.png15 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1
Ramhorn Staff Ramhorn staff icon1.png 9 9 THM BLM 13 HQ icon.png15 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2
Bronze Scepter Bronze scepter icon1.png 12 12 THM BLM 16 HQ icon.png18 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Critical Hit +2 HQ icon.png2
Decorated Bone Staff Decorated bone staff icon1.png 12 12 THM BLM 16 HQ icon.png18 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +2 HQ icon.png2
Brass Cudgel Brass cudgel icon1.png 15 15 THM BLM 20 HQ icon.png22 Magical Damage.png 1 (5) Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +2 HQ icon.png2
Leather Grimoire Leather grimoire icon1.png 5 5 ACN SCH SMN 11 HQ icon.png12 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1
Maple Picatrix Maple picatrix icon1.png 8 8 ACN SCH SMN 13 HQ icon.png14 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2
Engraved Leather Grimoire Engraved leather grimoire icon1.png 10 10 ACN SCH SMN 14 HQ icon.png16 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Spell Speed +2 HQ icon.png2
Ash Picatrix Ash picatrix icon1.png 13 13 ACN SCH SMN 18 HQ icon.png20 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Direct Hit Rate +3 HQ icon.png3
Hard Leather Grimoire Hard leather grimoire icon1.png 15 15 ACN SCH SMN 20 HQ icon.png22 Magical Damage.png 2 (5) Intelligence +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Critical Hit +3 HQ icon.png3
Maple Wand Maple wand icon1.png 5 5 CNJ WHM 11 HQ icon.png12 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +1 HQ icon.png1
Maple Cane Maple cane icon1.png 6 6 CNJ WHM 11 HQ icon.png12 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +1 HQ icon.png1
Whispering Maple Wand Whispering maple wand icon1.png 8 8 CNJ WHM 13 HQ icon.png14 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +1 HQ icon.png1
Maple Crook Maple crook icon1.png 10 10 CNJ WHM 14 HQ icon.png16 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Determination +2 HQ icon.png2
Budding Maple Wand Budding maple wand icon1.png 11 11 CNJ WHM 15 HQ icon.png17 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Piety +2 HQ icon.png2
Ash Radical Ash radical icon1.png 14 14 CNJ WHM 19 HQ icon.png21 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +3 HQ icon.png3Vitality +2 HQ icon.png2Determination +3 HQ icon.png3
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Square Maple Shield Square maple shield icon1.png 1 1 GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLM 17 HQ icon.png19 17 HQ icon.png19 0
Bronze Hoplon Bronze hoplon icon1.png 8 8 GLA PLD 44 HQ icon.png49 44 HQ icon.png49 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1
Round Shield Round Shield Icon.png 10 10 GLA CNJ PLD WHM 23 HQ icon.png26 23 HQ icon.png26 0 Mind +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +1 HQ icon.png1
Leather Targe Leather targe icon1.png 12 12 GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLM 26 HQ icon.png29 26 HQ icon.png29 0 Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Scutum Bronze scutum icon1.png 13 13 GLA PLD 53 HQ icon.png59 53 HQ icon.png59 0 Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Tenacity +1 HQ icon.png1
Bronze Buckler Bronze buckler icon1.png 14 14 GLA THM PLD BLM 28 HQ icon.png31 28 HQ icon.png31 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +1 HQ icon.png1