Packliege Armor

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Revision as of 22:46, 20 January 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide, Packliege Weapons and Packliege Accessories
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lionliege Armet Lionliege armet icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Head 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Bearliege Armet Bearliege armet icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Head 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +19 Skill Speed +27 
Snakeliege Helm Snakeliege helm icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Head 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +27 Skill Speed +19 
Hawkliege Armet Hawkliege armet icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Head 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Batliege Okabuto Batliege okabuto icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Head 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Direct Hit Rate +27 Skill Speed +19 
Birdliege Mask Birdliege mask icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Head 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Wolfliege Hat Wolfliege hat icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Head 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Hat Elkliege hat icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Head 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Swanliege Hood Swanliege hood icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Head 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elklord Hat Elklord hat icon1.png 50 110 SCH Head 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Spell Speed +19 
Lionliege Cuirass Lionliege cuirass icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Body 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Bearliege Cuirass Bearliege cuirass icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Body 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Snakeliege Scale Mail Snakeliege scale mail icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Body 127 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Hawkliege Cyclas Hawkliege cyclas icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Body 100 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +42 Skill Speed +29 
Batliege Osode Batliege osode icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Body 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Birdliege Coat Birdliege coat icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Body 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Determination +42 Skill Speed +29 
Wolfliege Coat Wolfliege coat icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Body 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Spell Speed +29 
Elkliege Robe Elkliege robe icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Body 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +29 Spell Speed +42 
Swanliege Coat Swanliege coat icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Body 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +29 Spell Speed +42 
Elklord Robe Elklord robe icon1.png 50 110 SCH Body 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Lionliege Gauntlets Lionliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Hands 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Bearliege Gauntlets Bearliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Hands 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Snakeliege Gauntlets Snakeliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Hands 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +27 Skill Speed +19 
Hawkliege Gauntlets Hawkliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Hands 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Batliege Kote Batliege kote icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Hands 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Birdliege Gloves Birdliege gloves icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Hands 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Wolfliege Long Gloves Wolfliege long gloves icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Hands 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Gloves Elkliege gloves icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Hands 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Swanliege Armguards Swanliege armguards icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Hands 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Elklord Gloves Elklord gloves icon1.png 50 110 SCH Hands 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Lionliege Breeches Lionliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Legs 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Skill Speed +29 
Bearliege Hose Bearliege hose icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Legs 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Snakeliege Brais Snakeliege brais icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Legs 127 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Hawkliege Gaskins Hawkliege gaskins icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Legs 100 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Skill Speed +42 
Batliege Haidate Batliege haidate icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Legs 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Skill Speed +29 
Birdliege Breeches Birdliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Legs 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Elkliege Slops Elkliege slops icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Legs 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Wolfliege Brais Wolfliege brais icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Legs 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Spell Speed +29 
Swanliege Hose Swanliege hose icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Legs 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +42 Spell Speed +29 
Elklord Slops Elklord slops icon1.png 50 110 SCH Legs 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +29 Spell Speed +42 
Lionliege Sabatons Lionliege sabatons icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Feet 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Bearliege Sabatons Bearliege sabatons icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Feet 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Snakeliege Greaves Snakeliege greaves icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Feet 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Hawkliege Boots Hawkliege boots icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Feet 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Batliege Sune-ate Batliege sune-ate icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Feet 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Birdliege Boots Birdliege boots icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Feet 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Wolfliege Thighboots Wolfliege thighboots icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Feet 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Thighboots Elkliege thighboots icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Feet 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Swanliege Boots Swanliege boots icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Feet 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Elklord Thighboots Elklord thighboots icon1.png 50 110 SCH Feet 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19