Waist/Level 51 - 60

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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Banneret's Tassets Ishgardian bannerets tassets icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG 72 58 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Skill Speed +14, Direct Hit Rate +20
Ishgardian Bowman's Ringbelt Ishgardian bowmans ringbelt icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH 58 58 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Determination +10, Direct Hit Rate +20
Ishgardian Chaplain's Corset Ishgardian chaplains corset icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 43 72 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Determination +10, Piety +15
Ishgardian Historian's Corset Ishgardian historians corset icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 43 72 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Critical Hit +14, Spell Speed +20
Ishgardian Knight's Tassets Ishgardian knights tassets icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 102 102 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Determination +14, Direct Hit Rate +14
Ishgardian Monastic's Ringbelt Ishgardian monastics ringbelt icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK, SAM 58 58 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +20, Skill Speed +14
Ishgardian Outrider's Ringbelt Ishgardian outriders ringbelt icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN 58 58 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +20, Determination +10
Ishgardian Outrider's Ringelt Ishgardian outriders ringelt icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN 58 58 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +20, Determination +10
Wyvernskin Belt of Aiming Wyvernskin belt of aiming icon1.png 52 125 ARC, BRD, MCH 52 52 1 Dexterity +20, Vitality +23, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +13
Wyvernskin Belt of Casting Wyvernskin belt of casting icon1.png 52 125 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 39 66 1 Vitality +21, Intelligence +20, Determination +9, Spell Speed +19
Wyvernskin Belt of Fending Wyvernskin belt of fending icon1.png 52 125 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 92 92 1 Strength +20, Vitality +23, Direct Hit Rate +13, Tenacity +19
Wyvernskin Belt of Healing Wyvernskin belt of healing icon1.png 52 125 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 39 66 1 Vitality +21, Mind +20, Determination +13, Piety +10
Wyvernskin Belt of Maiming Wyvernskin belt of maiming icon1.png 52 125 LNC, DRG 66 52 1 Strength +20, Vitality +23, Critical Hit +19, Determination +9
Wyvernskin Belt of Scouting Wyvernskin belt of scouting icon1.png 52 125 ROG, NIN 52 52 1 Dexterity +20, Vitality +23, Critical Hit +13, Direct Hit Rate +19
Wyvernskin Belt of Striking Wyvernskin belt of striking icon1.png 52 125 PGL, MNK, SAM 52 52 1 Strength +20, Vitality +23, Determination +9, Direct Hit Rate +19
Woad Skychaser's Belt Woad skychasers belt icon1.png 53 130 ROG, NIN 59 59 0 Dexterity +23, Vitality +27, Determination +15, Direct Hit Rate +15
Woad Skydruid's Belt Woad skydruids belt icon1.png 53 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 44 74 0 Vitality +24, Mind +23, Determination +11, Piety +17
Woad Skyhunter's Belt Woad skyhunters belt icon1.png 53 130 ARC, BRD, MCH 59 59 0 Dexterity +23, Vitality +27, Skill Speed +22, Direct Hit Rate +15
Woad Skylancer's Belt Woad skylancers belt icon1.png 53 130 LNC, DRG 74 59 0 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +22, Direct Hit Rate +15
Woad Skyraider's Belt Woad skyraiders belt icon1.png 53 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 103 103 0 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Skill Speed +15, Tenacity +22
Woad Skywarrior's Belt Woad skywarriors belt icon1.png 53 130 PGL, MNK, SAM 59 59 0 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +15, Direct Hit Rate +22
Woad Skywicce's Belt Woad skywicces belt icon1.png 53 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 44 74 0 Vitality +24, Intelligence +23, Determination +15, Direct Hit Rate +15
Holy Rainbow Apron Holy rainbow apron icon1.png 54 90 All Classes 35 61 1 Control +43
Wyvernskin Field Belt Wyvernskin field belt icon1.png 54 90 All Classes 35 61 1 Perception +23
Dhalmelskin Belt of Aiming Dhalmelskin belt of aiming icon1.png 54 133 ARC, BRD, MCH 53 53 1 Dexterity +21, Vitality +25, Skill Speed +14, Direct Hit Rate +20
Dhalmelskin Belt of Casting Dhalmelskin belt of casting icon1.png 54 133 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 40 67 1 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Determination +10, Spell Speed +20
Dhalmelskin Belt of Healing Dhalmelskin belt of healing icon1.png 54 133 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 40 67 1 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Critical Hit +20, Spell Speed +14
Dhalmelskin Belt of Scouting Dhalmelskin belt of scouting icon1.png 54 133 ROG, NIN 53 53 1 Dexterity +21, Vitality +25, Determination +10, Direct Hit Rate +20
Dhalmelskin Belt of Striking Dhalmelskin belt of striking icon1.png 54 133 PGL, MNK, SAM 53 53 1 Strength +21, Vitality +25, Determination +14, Skill Speed +14
Titanium Plate Belt of Fending Titanium plate belt of fending icon1.png 54 133 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 93 93 1 Strength +21, Vitality +25, Skill Speed +14, Direct Hit Rate +20
Titanium Plate Belt of Maiming Titanium plate belt of maiming icon1.png 54 133 LNC, DRG 67 53 1 Strength +21, Vitality +25, Determination +10, Direct Hit Rate +20
Darkscale Belt of Fending Darkscale belt of fending icon1.png 55 136 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 110 110 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27
Darkscale Belt of Slaying Darkscale belt of slaying icon1.png 55 136 Disciple of War 60 60 0 Strength +25, Dexterity +25, Vitality +27
Darkscale Belt of Sorcery Darkscale belt of sorcery icon1.png 55 136 All Classes 45 75 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +25, Mind +25
Orthodox Plate Belt of Fending Orthodox plate belt of fending icon1.png 55 136 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 110 110 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Determination +17, Tenacity +16
Orthodox Plate Belt of Maiming Orthodox plate belt of maiming icon1.png 55 136 LNC, DRG 75 60 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Orthodox Sash of Casting Orthodox sash of casting icon1.png 55 136 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 45 75 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +25, Determination +12, Direct Hit Rate +23
Orthodox Sash of Healing Orthodox sash of healing icon1.png 55 136 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 45 75 0 Vitality +25, Mind +25, Critical Hit +23, Piety +12
Orthodox Twinbelt of Aiming Orthodox twinbelt of aiming icon1.png 55 136 ARC, BRD, MCH 60 60 0 Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Orthodox Twinbelt of Scouting Orthodox twinbelt of scouting icon1.png 55 136 ROG, NIN 60 60 0 Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +23, Skill Speed +16
Orthodox Twinbelt of Striking Orthodox twinbelt of striking icon1.png 55 136 PGL, MNK, SAM 60 60 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +16, Direct Hit Rate +23
Dragonskin Belt of Maiming Dragonskin belt of maiming icon1.png 56 139 LNC, DRG 79 62 1 Strength +24, Vitality +25, Critical Hit +21, Skill Speed +15
Dragonskin Belt of Scouting Dragonskin belt of scouting icon1.png 56 139 ROG, NIN 62 62 1 Dexterity +24, Vitality +25, Critical Hit +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Dragonskin Belt of Striking Dragonskin belt of striking icon1.png 56 139 PGL, MNK, SAM 62 62 1 Strength +24, Vitality +25, Determination +11, Direct Hit Rate +21
Hallowed Ramie Sash of Aiming Hallowed ramie sash of aiming icon1.png 56 139 ARC, BRD, MCH 62 62 1 Dexterity +24, Vitality +25, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Hallowed Ramie Sash of Casting Hallowed ramie sash of casting icon1.png 56 139 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 41 79 1 Vitality +23, Intelligence +24, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Hallowed Ramie Sash of Healing Hallowed ramie sash of healing icon1.png 56 139 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 41 79 1 Vitality +23, Mind +24, Determination +11, Piety +16
Titanium Tassets of Fending Titanium tassets of fending icon1.png 56 139 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 113 113 1 Strength +24, Vitality +25, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Halonic Auditor's Ringbelt Halonic auditors ringbelt icon1.png 57 142 ARC, BRD, MCH 78 78 0 Dexterity +28, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +16, Direct Hit Rate +23
Halonic Exorcist's Corset Halonic exorcists corset icon1.png 57 142 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 46 100 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +28, Determination +19, Spell Speed +16
Halonic Friar's Ringbelt Halonic friars ringbelt icon1.png 57 142 PGL, MNK, SAM 78 78 0 Strength +28, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Halonic Inquisitor's Corset Halonic inquisitors corset icon1.png 57 142 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 142 142 0 Strength +28, Vitality +28, Skill Speed +16, Tenacity +23
Halonic Ostiary's Corset Halonic ostiarys corset icon1.png 57 142 LNC, DRG 100 78 0 Strength +28, Vitality +28, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +23
Halonic Priest's Corset Halonic priests corset icon1.png 57 142 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 46 100 0 Vitality +25, Mind +28, Determination +13, Spell Speed +23
Halonic Vicar's Ringbelt Halonic vicars ringbelt icon1.png 57 142 ROG, NIN 78 78 0 Dexterity +28, Vitality +28, Determination +19, Direct Hit Rate +16
Adamantite Tassets of Fending Adamantite tassets of fending icon1.png 58 145 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 143 143 1 Strength +26, Vitality +26, Skill Speed +15, Tenacity +21
Adamantite Tassets of Maiming Adamantite tassets of maiming icon1.png 58 145 LNC, DRG 100 79 1 Strength +26, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Chimerical Felt Corset of Casting Chimerical felt corset of casting icon1.png 58 145 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 57 100 1 Vitality +23, Intelligence +26, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +21
Chimerical Felt Corset of Healing Chimerical felt corset of healing icon1.png 58 145 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 57 100 1 Vitality +23, Mind +26, Spell Speed +15, Piety +17
Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming Serpentskin ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 58 145 ARC, BRD, MCH 79 79 1 Dexterity +26, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +15, Determination +18
Serpentskin Ringbelt of Scouting Serpentskin ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 58 145 ROG, NIN 79 79 1 Dexterity +26, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +21, Determination +13
Serpentskin Ringbelt of Striking Serpentskin ringbelt of striking icon1.png 58 145 PGL, MNK, SAM 79 79 1 Strength +26, Vitality +26, Skill Speed +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Dragonskin Belt of Crafting Dragonskin belt of crafting icon1.png 59 140 All Classes 41 83 1 Control +53
Dragonskin Belt of Gathering Dragonskin belt of gathering icon1.png 59 140 All Classes 41 83 1 Perception +25
Sharlayan Conservator's Belt Sharlayan conservators belt icon1.png 59 148 ARC, BRD, MCH 96 96 0 Dexterity +30, Vitality +29, Skill Speed +17, Direct Hit Rate +24
Sharlayan Custodian's Belt Sharlayan custodians belt icon1.png 59 148 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 175 175 0 Strength +30, Vitality +29, Determination +15, Skill Speed +24
Sharlayan Emissary's Belt Sharlayan emissarys belt icon1.png 59 148 ROG, NIN 96 96 0 Dexterity +30, Vitality +29, Skill Speed +24, Direct Hit Rate +17
Sharlayan Pankratiast's Belt Sharlayan pankratiasts belt icon1.png 59 148 PGL, MNK, SAM 96 96 0 Strength +30, Vitality +29, Determination +15, Skill Speed +24
Sharlayan Pathmaker's Belt Sharlayan pathmakers belt icon1.png 59 148 LNC, DRG 122 96 0 Strength +30, Vitality +29, Critical Hit +17, Direct Hit Rate +24
Sharlayan Philosopher's Belt Sharlayan philosophers belt icon1.png 59 148 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 70 122 0 Vitality +26, Intelligence +30, Critical Hit +17, Spell Speed +24
Sharlayan Preceptor's Belt Sharlayan preceptors belt icon1.png 59 148 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 70 122 0 Vitality +26, Mind +30, Critical Hit +17, Piety +19
Adamantite Plate Belt of Fending Adamantite plate belt of fending icon1.png 60 150 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 167 167 1 Strength +28, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Chimerical Felt Sash of Aiming Chimerical felt sash of aiming icon1.png 60 150 ARC, BRD, MCH 92 92 1 Dexterity +28, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Chimerical Felt Sash of Casting Chimerical felt sash of casting icon1.png 60 150 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 67 117 1 Vitality +23, Intelligence +28, Determination +14, Spell Speed +21
Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Scouting Serpentskin hunting belt of scouting icon1.png 60 150 ROG, NIN 92 92 1 Dexterity +28, Vitality +26, Determination +14, Direct Hit Rate +21
Serpentskin Hunting Belt of Striking Serpentskin hunting belt of striking icon1.png 60 150 PGL, MNK, SAM 92 92 1 Strength +28, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Serpentskin Satchel Belt of Healing Serpentskin satchel belt of healing icon1.png 60 150 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 67 117 1 Vitality +23, Mind +28, Critical Hit +15, Piety +18
Serpentskin Voyager's Belt of Maiming Serpentskin voyagers belt of maiming icon1.png 60 150 LNC, DRG 117 92 1 Strength +28, Vitality +26, Critical Hit +15, Determination +20
Mistfall Belt of Casting Mistfall belt of casting icon1.png 60 160 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 79 139 0 Vitality +28, Intelligence +33
Mistfall Belt of Healing Mistfall belt of healing icon1.png 60 160 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 79 139 0 Vitality +28, Mind +33
Mistfall Belt of Striking Mistfall belt of striking icon1.png 60 160 PGL, MNK, SAM 109 109 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31
Mistfall Sash of Aiming Mistfall sash of aiming icon1.png 60 160 ARC, BRD, MCH 109 109 0 Dexterity +33, Vitality +31
Mistfall Sash of Scouting Mistfall sash of scouting icon1.png 60 160 ROG, NIN 109 109 0 Dexterity +33, Vitality +31
Mistfall Tassets of Fending Mistfall tassets of fending icon1.png 60 160 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 198 198 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31
Mistfall Tassets of Maiming Mistfall tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 160 LNC, DRG 139 109 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31
Valerian Dragoon's Plate Belt Valerian dragoons plate belt icon1.png 60 160 LNC, DRG 139 109 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31, Skill Speed +26, Direct Hit Rate +18
Valerian Fusilier's Twinbelt Valerian fusiliers twinbelt icon1.png 60 160 ARC, BRD, MCH 109 109 0 Dexterity +33, Vitality +31, Critical Hit +18, Determination +25
Valerian Rogue's Twinbelt Valerian rogues twinbelt icon1.png 60 160 ROG, NIN 109 109 0 Dexterity +33, Vitality +31, Skill Speed +26, Direct Hit Rate +18
Valerian Shaman's Sash Valerian shamans sash icon1.png 60 160 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 79 139 0 Vitality +28, Mind +33, Determination +25, Piety +16
Valerian Smuggler's Twinbelt Valerian smugglers twinbelt icon1.png 60 160 PGL, MNK, SAM 109 109 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31, Determination +25, Direct Hit Rate +18
Valerian Terror Knight's Plate Belt Valerian terror knights plate belt icon1.png 60 160 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 198 198 0 Strength +33, Vitality +31, Determination +18, Direct Hit Rate +26
Valerian Wizard's Sash Valerian wizards sash icon1.png 60 160 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 79 139 0 Vitality +28, Intelligence +33, Determination +25, Direct Hit Rate +18
Griffin Leather Survival Belt Griffin leather survival belt icon1.png 60 170 Disciple of Land 76 133 1 Perception +30
Griffin Leather Tool Belt Griffin leather tool belt icon1.png 60 170 Disciple of Hand 76 133 1 Control +62
Yasha Kawa-obi of Aiming Yasha kawa-obi of aiming icon1.png 60 170 ARC, BRD, MCH 116 116 0 Dexterity +35, Vitality +33, Skill Speed +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Yasha Kawa-obi of Casting Yasha kawa-obi of casting icon1.png 60 170 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 84 147 0 Vitality +30, Intelligence +35, Determination +19, Spell Speed +29
Yasha Kawa-obi of Fending Yasha kawa-obi of fending icon1.png 60 170 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 211 211 0 Strength +35, Vitality +33, Skill Speed +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Yasha Kawa-obi of Healing Yasha kawa-obi of healing icon1.png 60 170 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 84 147 0 Vitality +30, Mind +35, Critical Hit +29, Piety +18
Yasha Kawa-obi of Maiming Yasha kawa-obi of maiming icon1.png 60 170 LNC, DRG 147 116 0 Strength +35, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +29, Skill Speed +20
Yasha Kawa-obi of Scouting Yasha kawa-obi of scouting icon1.png 60 170 ROG, NIN 116 116 0 Dexterity +35, Vitality +33, Determination +19, Skill Speed +29
Yasha Kawa-obi of Striking Yasha kawa-obi of striking icon1.png 60 170 PGL, MNK, SAM 116 116 0 Strength +35, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +29, Determination +19
Astral Silk Sash of Aiming Astral silk sash of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH 110 110 1 Dexterity +33, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Astral Silk Sash of Scouting Astral silk sash of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN 110 110 1 Dexterity +33, Vitality +32, Skill Speed +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Astral Silk Sash of Striking Astral silk sash of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK, SAM 110 110 1 Strength +33, Vitality +32, Determination +19, Skill Speed +29
Asuran Kawa-obi of Aiming Asuran kawa-obi of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH 123 123 0 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36, Skill Speed +32, Direct Hit Rate +22
Asuran Kawa-obi of Casting Asuran kawa-obi of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 89 156 0 Vitality +32, Intelligence +36, Determination +21, Spell Speed +32
Asuran Kawa-obi of Fending Asuran kawa-obi of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 223 223 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Skill Speed +32, Direct Hit Rate +22
Asuran Kawa-obi of Healing Asuran kawa-obi of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 89 156 0 Vitality +32, Mind +36, Critical Hit +32, Piety +21
Asuran Kawa-obi of Maiming Asuran kawa-obi of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG 156 123 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +32, Skill Speed +22
Asuran Kawa-obi of Scouting Asuran kawa-obi of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN 123 123 0 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36, Determination +21, Skill Speed +32
Asuran Kawa-obi of Striking Asuran kawa-obi of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK, SAM 123 123 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +32, Determination +21
Belt of the Behemoth King Belt of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 223 223 2 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +22, Determination +30
Belt of the Behemoth Queen Belt of the behemoth queen icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG 156 123 2 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Determination +21, Skill Speed +32
Belt of the Black Griffin Belt of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 89 156 2 Vitality +32, Intelligence +36, Critical Hit +32, Spell Speed +22
Belt of the Falling Dragon Belt of the falling dragon icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN 123 123 2 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +22, Determination +30
Belt of the Last Unicorn Belt of the last unicorn icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH 123 123 2 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +32, Skill Speed +22
Belt of the Rising Dragon Belt of the rising dragon icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK, SAM 123 123 2 Strength +36, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +32, Skill Speed +22
Belt of the White Griffin Belt of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 89 156 2 Vitality +32, Mind +36, Spell Speed +32, Piety +21
Deepmist Belt of Aiming Deepmist belt of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH 123 123 0 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36
Deepmist Belt of Maiming Deepmist belt of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG 156 123 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36
Deepmist Belt of Scouting Deepmist belt of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN 123 123 0 Dexterity +36, Vitality +36
Deepmist Belt of Striking Deepmist belt of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK, SAM 123 123 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36
Deepmist Sash of Casting Deepmist sash of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 89 156 0 Vitality +32, Intelligence +36
Deepmist Sash of Healing Deepmist sash of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 89 156 0 Vitality +32, Mind +36
Deepmist Tassets of Fending Deepmist tassets of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 223 223 0 Strength +36, Vitality +36
Griffin Leather Corset of Casting Griffin leather corset of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 80 141 1 Vitality +29, Intelligence +33, Critical Hit +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Griffin Leather Corset of Healing Griffin leather corset of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 80 141 1 Vitality +29, Mind +33, Critical Hit +29, Spell Speed +20
Griffin Leather Twinbelt of Fending Griffin leather twinbelt of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 201 201 1 Strength +33, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +29, Tenacity +20
Griffin Leather Twinbelt of Maiming Griffin leather twinbelt of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG 141 110 1 Strength +33, Vitality +32, Determination +27, Direct Hit Rate +20
Handmaster's Tool Belt Handmasters tool belt icon1.png 60 180 Disciple of Hand 89 156 0 Control +75
Landmaster's Survival Belt Landmasters survival belt icon1.png 60 180 Disciple of Land 89 156 0 Perception +37
Belt of the Daring Duelist Belt of the daring duelist icon1.png 60 185 LNC, DRG 163 128 0 Strength +38, Vitality +38, Critical Hit +23, Determination +32
Belt of the Defiant Duelist Belt of the defiant duelist icon1.png 60 185 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 233 233 0 Strength +38, Vitality +38, Determination +23, Direct Hit Rate +33
Belt of the Ghost Thief Belt of the ghost thief icon1.png 60 185 ROG, NIN 128 128 0 Dexterity +38, Vitality +38, Skill Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +33
Belt of the Lost Thief Belt of the lost thief icon1.png 60 185 ARC, BRD, MCH 128 128 0 Dexterity +38, Vitality +38, Determination +23, Skill Speed +33
Belt of the Red Thief Belt of the red thief icon1.png 60 185 PGL, MNK, SAM 128 128 0 Strength +38, Vitality +38, Critical Hit +33, Determination +23
Plague Bringer's Belt Plague bringers belt icon1.png 60 185 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 93 163 0 Vitality +34, Intelligence +38, Critical Hit +33, Spell Speed +23
Plague Doctor's Belt Plague doctors belt icon1.png 60 185 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 93 163 0 Vitality +34, Mind +38, Spell Speed +33, Piety +23
Ironworks Belt of Crafting Ironworks belt of crafting icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of Hand 87 153 1 Control +70
Ironworks Belt of Gathering Ironworks belt of gathering icon1.png 60 190 Disciple of Land 87 153 1 Perception +35
Prototype Gordian Belt of Aiming Prototype gordian belt of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH 134 134 0 Dexterity +40, Vitality +40, Critical Hit +25, Skill Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Belt of Casting Prototype gordian belt of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 97 170 0 Vitality +36, Intelligence +40, Critical Hit +25, Direct Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Belt of Healing Prototype gordian belt of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 97 170 0 Vitality +36, Mind +40, Determination +24, Spell Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Belt of Scouting Prototype gordian belt of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN 134 134 0 Dexterity +40, Vitality +40, Skill Speed +25, Direct Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Fending Prototype gordian tassets of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 243 243 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Critical Hit +25, Direct Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Maiming Prototype gordian tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG 170 134 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Determination +24, Direct Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Striking Prototype gordian tassets of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK, SAM 134 134 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Skill Speed +25, Direct Hit Rate +36
Dravanian Plate Belt of Fending Dravanian plate belt of fending icon1.png 60 195 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 253 253 0 Strength +41, Vitality +42, Critical Hit +26, Direct Hit Rate +37
Dravanian Plate Belt of Maiming Dravanian plate belt of maiming icon1.png 60 195 LNC, DRG 177 139 0 Strength +41, Vitality +42, Critical Hit +37, Direct Hit Rate +26
Dravanian Sash of Casting Dravanian sash of casting icon1.png 60 195 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 101 177 0 Vitality +38, Intelligence +41, Critical Hit +37, Direct Hit Rate +26
Dravanian Sash of Healing Dravanian sash of healing icon1.png 60 195 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 101 177 0 Vitality +38, Mind +41, Critical Hit +26, Piety +39
Dravanian Twinbelt of Aiming Dravanian twinbelt of aiming icon1.png 60 195 ARC, BRD, MCH 139 139 0 Dexterity +41, Vitality +42, Critical Hit +26, Determination +36
Dravanian Twinbelt of Scouting Dravanian twinbelt of scouting icon1.png 60 195 ROG, NIN 139 139 0 Dexterity +41, Vitality +42, Critical Hit +37, Direct Hit Rate +26
Dravanian Twinbelt of Striking Dravanian twinbelt of striking icon1.png 60 195 PGL, MNK, SAM 139 139 0 Strength +41, Vitality +42, Determination +25, Skill Speed +37
Ardent Belt of Aiming Ardent belt of aiming icon1.png 60 200 ARC, BRD, MCH 144 144 0 Dexterity +43, Vitality +45, Determination +38, Skill Speed +28
Ardent Belt of Casting Ardent belt of casting icon1.png 60 200 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 105 184 0 Vitality +40, Intelligence +43, Spell Speed +28, Direct Hit Rate +39
Ardent Belt of Fending Ardent belt of fending icon1.png 60 200 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 263 263 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Critical Hit +39, Tenacity +28
Ardent Belt of Healing Ardent belt of healing icon1.png 60 200 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 105 184 0 Vitality +40, Mind +43, Spell Speed +28, Piety +43
Ardent Belt of Maiming Ardent belt of maiming icon1.png 60 200 LNC, DRG 184 144 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Critical Hit +28, Determination +38
Ardent Belt of Scouting Ardent belt of scouting icon1.png 60 200 ROG, NIN 144 144 0 Dexterity +43, Vitality +45, Critical Hit +28, Direct Hit Rate +39
Ardent Belt of Striking Ardent belt of striking icon1.png 60 200 PGL, MNK, SAM 144 144 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Critical Hit +39, Determination +27
Augmented Handmaster's Tool Belt Augmented handmasters tool belt icon1.png 60 200 Disciple of Hand 105 184 0 Control +90
Augmented Landmaster's Survival Belt Augmented landmasters survival belt icon1.png 60 200 Disciple of Land 105 184 0 Perception +44
Void Ark Belt of Aiming Void ark belt of aiming icon1.png 60 200 ARC, BRD, MCH 144 144 0 Dexterity +43, Vitality +45, Critical Hit +28, Determination +38
Void Ark Belt of Casting Void ark belt of casting icon1.png 60 200 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 105 184 0 Vitality +40, Intelligence +43, Critical Hit +28, Spell Speed +39
Void Ark Belt of Fending Void ark belt of fending icon1.png 60 200 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 263 263 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Determination +38, Skill Speed +28
Void Ark Belt of Healing Void ark belt of healing icon1.png 60 200 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 105 184 0 Vitality +40, Mind +43, Critical Hit +39, Piety +30
Void Ark Belt of Maiming Void ark belt of maiming icon1.png 60 200 LNC, DRG 184 144 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Skill Speed +39, Direct Hit Rate +28
Void Ark Belt of Scouting Void ark belt of scouting icon1.png 60 200 ROG, NIN 144 144 0 Dexterity +43, Vitality +45, Determination +38, Direct Hit Rate +28
Void Ark Belt of Striking Void ark belt of striking icon1.png 60 200 PGL, MNK, SAM 144 144 0 Strength +43, Vitality +45, Skill Speed +39, Direct Hit Rate +28
Althyk's Belt of Aiming Althyks belt of aiming icon1.png 60 205 ARC, BRD, MCH 150 150 2 Dexterity +45, Vitality +47, Determination +40, Skill Speed +29
Althyk's Belt of Scouting Althyks belt of scouting icon1.png 60 205 ROG, NIN 150 150 2 Dexterity +45, Vitality +47, Determination +40, Skill Speed +29
Althyk's Belt of Striking Althyks belt of striking icon1.png 60 205 PGL, MNK, SAM 150 150 2 Strength +45, Vitality +47, Critical Hit +29, Skill Speed +42
Halone's Belt of Fending Halones belt of fending icon1.png 60 205 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 272 272 2 Strength +45, Vitality +47, Critical Hit +42, Skill Speed +29
Halone's Belt of Maiming Halones belt of maiming icon1.png 60 205 LNC, DRG 191 150 2 Strength +45, Vitality +47, Critical Hit +29, Skill Speed +42
Thaliak's Belt of Casting Thaliaks belt of casting icon1.png 60 205 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 109 191 2 Vitality +42, Intelligence +45, Critical Hit +42, Determination +28
Thaliak's Belt of Healing Thaliaks belt of healing icon1.png 60 205 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 109 191 2 Vitality +42, Mind +45, Critical Hit +29, Determination +40
Fabled Belt of Aiming Fabled belt of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC, BRD, MCH 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49, Determination +42, Skill Speed +30
Fabled Belt of Casting Fabled belt of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Intelligence +47, Spell Speed +30, Direct Hit Rate +44
Fabled Belt of Fending Fabled belt of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 282 282 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +44, Tenacity +30
Fabled Belt of Healing Fabled belt of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Mind +47, Spell Speed +30, Piety +49
Fabled Belt of Maiming Fabled belt of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC, DRG 198 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +30, Determination +42
Fabled Belt of Scouting Fabled belt of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG, NIN 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +30, Direct Hit Rate +44
Fabled Belt of Striking Fabled belt of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL, MNK, SAM 155 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +44, Determination +29
Gordian Belt of Aiming Gordian belt of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC, BRD, MCH 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49, Skill Speed +44, Direct Hit Rate +30
Gordian Belt of Casting Gordian belt of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Intelligence +47, Determination +29, Spell Speed +44
Gordian Belt of Healing Gordian belt of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Mind +47, Critical Hit +44, Piety +34
Gordian Belt of Scouting Gordian belt of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG, NIN 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49, Determination +29, Skill Speed +44
Gordian Tassets of Fending Gordian tassets of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 282 282 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Direct Hit Rate +44, Tenacity +30
Gordian Tassets of Maiming Gordian tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC, DRG 198 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Skill Speed +30, Direct Hit Rate +44
Gordian Tassets of Striking Gordian tassets of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL, MNK, SAM 155 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49, Determination +42, Direct Hit Rate +30
Mistbreak Corset of Casting Mistbreak corset of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Intelligence +47
Mistbreak Corset of Healing Mistbreak corset of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 113 198 0 Vitality +44, Mind +47
Mistbreak Ringbelt of Aiming Mistbreak ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC, BRD, MCH 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49
Mistbreak Ringbelt of Scouting Mistbreak ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG, NIN 155 155 0 Dexterity +47, Vitality +49
Mistbreak Ringbelt of Striking Mistbreak ringbelt of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL, MNK, SAM 155 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49
Mistbreak Tassets of Fending Mistbreak tassets of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 282 282 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49
Mistbreak Tassets of Maiming Mistbreak tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC, DRG 198 155 0 Strength +47, Vitality +49
Berserker's Belt Berserkers belt icon1.png 60 215 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 284 284 0 Strength +49, Vitality +52, Skill Speed +45, Direct Hit Rate +31
Conqueror's Belt Conquerors belt icon1.png 60 215 PGL, MNK, SAM 156 156 0 Strength +49, Vitality +52, Critical Hit +31, Determination +43
Panegyrist's Belt Panegyrists belt icon1.png 60 215 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 113 199 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +49, Critical Hit +45, Spell Speed +31
Prophet's Belt Prophets belt icon1.png 60 215 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 113 199 0 Vitality +47, Mind +49, Determination +43, Piety +35
Subjugator's Belt Subjugators belt icon1.png 60 215 ROG, NIN 156 156 0 Dexterity +49, Vitality +52, Skill Speed +31, Direct Hit Rate +45
Viking Belt Viking belt icon1.png 60 215 LNC, DRG 199 156 0 Strength +49, Vitality +52, Determination +30, Skill Speed +45
Wrangler's Belt Wranglers belt icon1.png 60 215 ARC, BRD, MCH 156 156 0 Dexterity +49, Vitality +52, Determination +30, Direct Hit Rate +45
Eikon Cloth Corset of Casting Eikon cloth corset of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 103 179 1 Vitality +44, Intelligence +46, Spell Speed +42, Direct Hit Rate +29
Eikon Cloth Corset of Healing Eikon cloth corset of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 103 179 1 Vitality +44, Mind +46, Determination +28, Piety +46
Eikon Leather Ringbelt of Aiming Eikon leather ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC, BRD, MCH 141 141 1 Dexterity +46, Vitality +49, Determination +40, Direct Hit Rate +29
Eikon Leather Ringbelt of Scouting Eikon leather ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG, NIN 141 141 1 Dexterity +46, Vitality +49, Determination +40, Direct Hit Rate +29
High Mythrite Plate Belt of Fending High mythrite plate belt of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 256 256 1 Strength +46, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +29, Tenacity +42
High Mythrite Tassets of Maiming High mythrite tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC, DRG 179 141 1 Strength +46, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +42, Direct Hit Rate +29
High Mythrite Tassets of Striking High mythrite tassets of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL, MNK, SAM 141 141 1 Strength +46, Vitality +49, Critical Hit +42, Direct Hit Rate +29
Prototype Midan Belt of Aiming Prototype midan belt of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC, BRD, MCH 157 157 1 Dexterity +51, Vitality +55, Critical Hit +32, Direct Hit Rate +46
Prototype Midan Belt of Casting Prototype midan belt of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 114 199 1 Vitality +49, Intelligence +51, Critical Hit +32, Direct Hit Rate +46
Prototype Midan Belt of Fending Prototype midan belt of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 285 285 1 Strength +51, Vitality +55, Determination +31, Direct Hit Rate +46
Prototype Midan Belt of Healing Prototype midan belt of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 114 199 1 Vitality +49, Mind +51, Critical Hit +32, Spell Speed +46
Prototype Midan Belt of Maiming Prototype midan belt of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC, DRG 199 157 1 Strength +51, Vitality +55, Determination +44, Skill Speed +32
Prototype Midan Belt of Scouting Prototype midan belt of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG, NIN 157 157 1 Dexterity +51, Vitality +55, Critical Hit +32, Direct Hit Rate +46
Prototype Midan Belt of Striking Prototype midan belt of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL, MNK, SAM 157 157 1 Strength +51, Vitality +55, Determination +44, Skill Speed +32
Valkyrie's Belt of Aiming Valkyries belt of aiming icon1.png 60 225 ARC, BRD, MCH 157 157 1 Dexterity +54, Vitality +58, Determination +45, Skill Speed +33
Valkyrie's Belt of Casting Valkyries belt of casting icon1.png 60 225 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 114 200 1 Vitality +52, Intelligence +54, Critical Hit +33, Determination +45
Valkyrie's Belt of Healing Valkyries belt of healing icon1.png 60 225 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 114 200 1 Vitality +52, Mind +54, Critical Hit +48, Spell Speed +33
Valkyrie's Belt of Scouting Valkyries belt of scouting icon1.png 60 225 ROG, NIN 157 157 1 Dexterity +54, Vitality +58, Determination +32, Skill Speed +48
Valkyrie's Belt of Striking Valkyries belt of striking icon1.png 60 225 PGL, MNK, SAM 157 157 1 Strength +54, Vitality +58, Critical Hit +48, Skill Speed +33
Valkyrie's Ringbelt of Fending Valkyries ringbelt of fending icon1.png 60 225 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 286 286 1 Strength +54, Vitality +58, Determination +45, Skill Speed +33
Valkyrie's Ringbelt of Maiming Valkyries ringbelt of maiming icon1.png 60 225 LNC, DRG 200 157 1 Strength +54, Vitality +58, Critical Hit +33, Direct Hit Rate +48
Hailstorm Belt of Casting Hailstorm belt of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 115 201 1 Vitality +54, Intelligence +56, Critical Hit +49, Direct Hit Rate +34
Hailstorm Belt of Healing Hailstorm belt of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 115 201 1 Vitality +54, Mind +56, Critical Hit +49, Piety +37
Hellfire Belt of Fending Hellfire belt of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 287 287 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Critical Hit +49, Tenacity +34
Hellfire Belt of Striking Hellfire belt of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL, MNK, SAM 158 158 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Determination +33, Direct Hit Rate +49
Slipstream Belt of Maiming Slipstream belt of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC, DRG 201 158 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Determination +33, Direct Hit Rate +49
Torrent Belt of Aiming Torrent belt of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC, BRD, MCH 158 158 1 Dexterity +56, Vitality +60, Skill Speed +49, Direct Hit Rate +34
Torrent Belt of Scouting Torrent belt of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG, NIN 158 158 1 Dexterity +56, Vitality +60, Skill Speed +49, Direct Hit Rate +34
Yafaemi Belt of Aiming Yafaemi belt of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC, BRD, MCH 158 158 1 Dexterity +56, Vitality +60, Critical Hit +34, Determination +47
Yafaemi Belt of Casting Yafaemi belt of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 115 201 1 Vitality +54, Intelligence +56, Determination +33, Spell Speed +49
Yafaemi Belt of Fending Yafaemi belt of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 287 287 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Critical Hit +49, Determination +33
Yafaemi Belt of Healing Yafaemi belt of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 115 201 1 Vitality +54, Mind +56, Determination +33, Piety +53
Yafaemi Belt of Maiming Yafaemi belt of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC, DRG 201 158 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Determination +47, Skill Speed +34
Yafaemi Belt of Scouting Yafaemi belt of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG, NIN 158 158 1 Dexterity +56, Vitality +60, Critical Hit +49, Direct Hit Rate +34
Yafaemi Belt of Striking Yafaemi belt of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL, MNK, SAM 158 158 1 Strength +56, Vitality +60, Critical Hit +49, Direct Hit Rate +34
Sunstreak Belt of Aiming Sunstreak belt of aiming icon1.png 60 235 ARC, BRD, MCH 159 159 0 Dexterity +58, Vitality +63
Sunstreak Belt of Casting Sunstreak belt of casting icon1.png 60 235 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 115 202 0 Vitality +57, Intelligence +58
Sunstreak Belt of Fending Sunstreak belt of fending icon1.png 60 235 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 289 289 0 Strength +58, Vitality +63
Sunstreak Belt of Healing Sunstreak belt of healing icon1.png 60 235 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 115 202 0 Vitality +57, Mind +58
Sunstreak Belt of Maiming Sunstreak belt of maiming icon1.png 60 235 LNC, DRG 202 159 0 Strength +58, Vitality +63
Sunstreak Belt of Scouting Sunstreak belt of scouting icon1.png 60 235 ROG, NIN 159 159 0 Dexterity +58, Vitality +63
Sunstreak Belt of Striking Sunstreak belt of striking icon1.png 60 235 PGL, MNK, SAM 159 159 0 Strength +58, Vitality +63
The Belt of the Golden Wolf The belt of the golden wolf icon1.png 60 235 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 289 289 1 Strength +58, Vitality +63, Determination +48, Tenacity +35
The Belt of the Makai Guide The belt of the makai guide icon1.png 60 235 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 115 202 1 Vitality +57, Mind +58, Critical Hit +35, Spell Speed +50
The Belt of the Makai Mark The belt of the makai mark icon1.png 60 235 ARC, BRD, MCH 159 159 1 Dexterity +58, Vitality +63, Critical Hit +50, Determination +34
The Belt of the Makai Monk The belt of the makai monk icon1.png 60 235 PGL, MNK, SAM 159 159 1 Strength +58, Vitality +63, Determination +34, Skill Speed +50
The Belt of the Makai Prayer The belt of the makai prayer icon1.png 60 235 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 115 202 1 Vitality +57, Intelligence +58, Critical Hit +50, Determination +34
The Belt of the Silver Wolf The belt of the silver wolf icon1.png 60 235 ROG, NIN 159 159 1 Dexterity +58, Vitality +63, Critical Hit +35, Determination +48
The Belt of the White Night The belt of the white night icon1.png 60 235 LNC, DRG 202 159 1 Strength +58, Vitality +63, Critical Hit +50, Determination +34
Augmented Hailstorm Belt of Casting Augmented hailstorm belt of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Intelligence +61, Critical Hit +51, Direct Hit Rate +36
Augmented Hailstorm Belt of Healing Augmented hailstorm belt of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Mind +61, Critical Hit +51, Piety +38
Augmented Hellfire Belt of Fending Augmented hellfire belt of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 290 290 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +51, Tenacity +36
Augmented Hellfire Belt of Striking Augmented hellfire belt of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK, SAM 159 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Determination +34, Direct Hit Rate +51
Augmented Slipstream Belt of Maiming Augmented slipstream belt of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG 203 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Determination +34, Direct Hit Rate +51
Augmented Torrent Belt of Aiming Augmented torrent belt of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Skill Speed +51, Direct Hit Rate +36
Augmented Torrent Belt of Scouting Augmented torrent belt of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Skill Speed +51, Direct Hit Rate +36
Midan Belt of Aiming Midan belt of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +51, Determination +34
Midan Belt of Casting Midan belt of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Intelligence +61, Determination +49, Spell Speed +36
Midan Belt of Fending Midan belt of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 290 290 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Skill Speed +36, Direct Hit Rate +51
Midan Belt of Healing Midan belt of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Mind +61, Determination +34, Piety +54
Midan Belt of Maiming Midan belt of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG 203 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +36, Skill Speed +51
Midan Belt of Scouting Midan belt of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +51, Determination +34
Midan Belt of Striking Midan belt of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK, SAM 159 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +36, Skill Speed +51
Filibuster's Belt of Aiming Filibusters belt of aiming icon1.png 60 245 ARC, BRD, MCH 160 160 1 Dexterity +64, Vitality +70, Determination +51, Skill Speed +37
Filibuster's Belt of Casting Filibusters belt of casting icon1.png 60 245 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 116 204 1 Vitality +63, Intelligence +64, Determination +51, Spell Speed +37
Filibuster's Belt of Fending Filibusters belt of fending icon1.png 60 245 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 291 291 1 Strength +64, Vitality +70, Critical Hit +37, Skill Speed +53
Filibuster's Belt of Healing Filibusters belt of healing icon1.png 60 245 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 116 204 1 Vitality +63, Mind +64, Determination +35, Spell Speed +53
Filibuster's Belt of Maiming Filibusters belt of maiming icon1.png 60 245 LNC, DRG 204 160 1 Strength +64, Vitality +70, Determination +51, Skill Speed +37
Filibuster's Belt of Scouting Filibusters belt of scouting icon1.png 60 245 ROG, NIN 160 160 1 Dexterity +64, Vitality +70, Critical Hit +53, Determination +35
Filibuster's Belt of Striking Filibusters belt of striking icon1.png 60 245 PGL, MNK, SAM 160 160 1 Strength +64, Vitality +70, Critical Hit +53, Skill Speed +37
Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Fending Heavy metal plate belt of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 263 263 1 Strength +60, Vitality +66, Determination +47, Tenacity +34
Heavy Metal Plate Belt of Maiming Heavy metal plate belt of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC, DRG 184 145 1 Strength +60, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +34, Skill Speed +49
Heavy Metal Tassets of Aiming Heavy metal tassets of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC, BRD, MCH 145 145 1 Dexterity +60, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +34, Determination +47
Heavy Metal Tassets of Scouting Heavy metal tassets of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG, NIN 145 145 1 Dexterity +60, Vitality +66, Critical Hit +34, Skill Speed +49
Heavy Metal Tassets of Striking Heavy metal tassets of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL, MNK, SAM 145 145 1 Strength +60, Vitality +66, Determination +47, Skill Speed +34
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Aiming Prototype alexandrian belt of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC, BRD, MCH 161 161 1 Dexterity +66, Vitality +73, Critical Hit +54, Skill Speed +38
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Casting Prototype alexandrian belt of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 117 205 1 Vitality +66, Intelligence +66, Critical Hit +38, Spell Speed +54
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Fending Prototype alexandrian belt of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 292 292 1 Strength +66, Vitality +73, Critical Hit +38, Tenacity +54
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Healing Prototype alexandrian belt of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 117 205 1 Vitality +66, Mind +66, Critical Hit +38, Determination +52
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Maiming Prototype alexandrian belt of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC, DRG 205 161 1 Strength +66, Vitality +73, Critical Hit +54, Determination +36
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Scouting Prototype alexandrian belt of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG, NIN 161 161 1 Dexterity +66, Vitality +73, Determination +52, Skill Speed +38
Prototype Alexandrian Belt of Striking Prototype alexandrian belt of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL, MNK, SAM 161 161 1 Strength +66, Vitality +73, Critical Hit +38, Determination +52
Star Velvet Sash of Casting Star velvet sash of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 105 184 1 Vitality +59, Intelligence +60, Critical Hit +49, Determination +33
Star Velvet Sash of Healing Star velvet sash of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 105 184 1 Vitality +59, Mind +60, Determination +33, Spell Speed +49
Gaganaskin Belt of Aiming Gaganaskin belt of aiming icon1.png 60 255 ARC, BRD, MCH 145 145 1 Dexterity +62, Vitality +69, Skill Speed +35, Direct Hit Rate +50
Gaganaskin Belt of Casting Gaganaskin belt of casting icon1.png 60 255 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 106 185 1 Vitality +62, Intelligence +62, Critical Hit +35, Spell Speed +50
Gaganaskin Belt of Fending Gaganaskin belt of fending icon1.png 60 255 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 264 264 1 Strength +62, Vitality +69, Critical Hit +50, Tenacity +35
Gaganaskin Belt of Healing Gaganaskin belt of healing icon1.png 60 255 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 106 185 1 Vitality +62, Mind +62, Determination +48, Spell Speed +35
Gaganaskin Belt of Maiming Gaganaskin belt of maiming icon1.png 60 255 LNC, DRG 185 145 1 Strength +62, Vitality +69, Determination +48, Skill Speed +35
Gaganaskin Belt of Scouting Gaganaskin belt of scouting icon1.png 60 255 ROG, NIN 145 145 1 Dexterity +62, Vitality +69, Critical Hit +50, Skill Speed +35
Gaganaskin Belt of Striking Gaganaskin belt of striking icon1.png 60 255 PGL, MNK, SAM 145 145 1 Strength +62, Vitality +69, Determination +48, Direct Hit Rate +35
Diabolic Belt of Aiming Diabolic belt of aiming icon1.png 60 260 ARC, BRD, MCH 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +40, Determination +54
Diabolic Belt of Casting Diabolic belt of casting icon1.png 60 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Intelligence +72, Critical Hit +40, Spell Speed +57
Diabolic Belt of Fending Diabolic belt of fending icon1.png 60 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 295 295 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Determination +38, Skill Speed +57
Diabolic Belt of Healing Diabolic belt of healing icon1.png 60 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Mind +72, Determination +38, Spell Speed +57
Diabolic Belt of Maiming Diabolic belt of maiming icon1.png 60 260 LNC, DRG 206 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Determination +54, Skill Speed +40
Diabolic Belt of Scouting Diabolic belt of scouting icon1.png 60 260 ROG, NIN 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Determination +38, Skill Speed +57
Diabolic Belt of Striking Diabolic belt of striking icon1.png 60 260 PGL, MNK, SAM 162 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +57, Determination +38
Shire Conservator's Belt Shire conservators belt icon1.png 60 260 ARC, BRD, MCH 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Determination +38, Skill Speed +57
Shire Custodian's Belt Shire custodians belt icon1.png 60 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 295 295 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Skill Speed +40, Tenacity +57
Shire Emissary's Belt Shire emissarys belt icon1.png 60 260 ROG, NIN 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +40, Determination +54
Shire Pankratiast's Belt Shire pankratiasts belt icon1.png 60 260 PGL, MNK, SAM 162 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +57, Skill Speed +40
Shire Pathfinder's Belt Shire pathfinders belt icon1.png 60 260 LNC, DRG 206 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +57, Skill Speed +40
Shire Philosopher's Belt Shire philosophers belt icon1.png 60 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Intelligence +72, Critical Hit +40, Determination +54
Shire Preceptor's Belt Shire preceptors belt icon1.png 60 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Mind +72, Critical Hit +57, Spell Speed +40
Sunburst Corset of Casting Sunburst corset of casting icon1.png 60 265 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 118 207 0 Vitality +76, Intelligence +75
Sunburst Corset of Healing Sunburst corset of healing icon1.png 60 265 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 118 207 0 Vitality +76, Mind +75
Sunburst Plate Belt of Fending Sunburst plate belt of fending icon1.png 60 265 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 296 296 0 Strength +75, Vitality +84
Sunburst Ringbelt of Aiming Sunburst ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 60 265 ARC, BRD, MCH 163 163 0 Dexterity +75, Vitality +84
Sunburst Ringbelt of Scouting Sunburst ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 60 265 ROG, NIN 163 163 0 Dexterity +75, Vitality +84
Sunburst Tassets of Maiming Sunburst tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 265 LNC, DRG 207 163 0 Strength +75, Vitality +84
Sunburst Tassets of Striking Sunburst tassets of striking icon1.png 60 265 PGL, MNK, SAM 163 163 0 Strength +75, Vitality +84
Alexandrian Belt of Aiming Alexandrian belt of aiming icon1.png 60 270 ARC, BRD, MCH 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +59, Determination +40
Alexandrian Belt of Casting Alexandrian belt of casting icon1.png 60 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Intelligence +78, Determination +40, Spell Speed +59
Alexandrian Belt of Fending Alexandrian belt of fending icon1.png 60 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 297 297 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +42, Determination +57
Alexandrian Belt of Healing Alexandrian belt of healing icon1.png 60 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Mind +78, Determination +57, Spell Speed +42
Alexandrian Belt of Maiming Alexandrian belt of maiming icon1.png 60 270 LNC, DRG 208 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +42, Determination +57
Alexandrian Belt of Scouting Alexandrian belt of scouting icon1.png 60 270 ROG, NIN 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Determination +40, Skill Speed +59
Alexandrian Belt of Striking Alexandrian belt of striking icon1.png 60 270 PGL, MNK, SAM 164 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +59, Determination +40
Augmented Shire Conservator's Belt Augmented shire conservators belt icon1.png 60 270 ARC, BRD, MCH 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Determination +40, Skill Speed +59
Augmented Shire Custodian's Belt Augmented shire custodians belt icon1.png 60 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 297 297 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Skill Speed +42, Tenacity +59
Augmented Shire Emissary's Belt Augmented shire emissarys belt icon1.png 60 270 ROG, NIN 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +42, Determination +57
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Belt Augmented shire pankratiasts belt icon1.png 60 270 PGL, MNK, SAM 164 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +59, Skill Speed +42
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Belt Augmented shire pathfinders belt icon1.png 60 270 LNC, DRG 208 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +59, Skill Speed +42
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Belt Augmented shire philosophers belt icon1.png 60 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Intelligence +78, Critical Hit +42, Determination +57
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Belt Augmented shire preceptors belt icon1.png 60 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Mind +78, Critical Hit +59, Spell Speed +42