Warwolf Armor

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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide, Warwolf Weapons and Warwolf Accessories

Warwolf Armor is bought from Storm Sergeant at Wolves' Den Pier for 250-1000Wolf Mark

Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Warwolf Barbut of Fending Warwolf barbut of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Head 109 109 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Determination +11
Warwolf Belt of Aiming Warwolf belt of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Dexterity +9 Vitality +10 Critical Hit +12
Warwolf Belt of Casting Warwolf belt of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9 Intelligence +9 Critical Hit +12
Warwolf Belt of Fending Warwolf belt of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 95 95 Strength +9 Vitality +10 Critical Hit +12
Warwolf Belt of Healing Warwolf belt of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9 Mind +9 Determination +8
Warwolf Belt of Striking Warwolf belt of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Strength +9 Vitality +10 Skill Speed +12
Warwolf Bliaud of Healing Warwolf bliaud of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 57 105 Vitality +20 Mind +20 Determination +18
Warwolf Boots of Aiming Warwolf boots of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Dexterity +12 Vitality +14 Skill Speed +16
Warwolf Boots of Healing Warwolf boots of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12 Mind +12 Determination +11
Warwolf Bracers of Striking Warwolf bracers of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Determination +11
Warwolf Breeches of Aiming Warwolf breeches of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Dexterity +20 Vitality +22 Skill Speed +27
Warwolf Caligae of Striking Warwolf caligae of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Critical Hit +16
Warwolf Chausses of Casting Warwolf chausses of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20 Intelligence +20 Critical Hit +27
Warwolf Corselet of Striking Warwolf corselet of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Body 81 81 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Critical Hit +27
Warwolf Crakows of Casting Warwolf crakows of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12 Intelligence +12 Critical Hit +16
Warwolf Cuirass of Fending Warwolf cuirass of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Body 153 153 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Determination +18
Warwolf Eyepatch of Striking Warwolf eyepatch of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Head 58 58 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Determination +11
Warwolf Gaskins of Healing Warwolf gaskins of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20 Mind +20 Spell Speed +27
Warwolf Gauntlets of Fending Warwolf gauntlets of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 109 109 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Determination +11
Warwolf Gloves of Aiming Warwolf gloves of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Dexterity +12 Vitality +14 Skill Speed +16
Warwolf Gloves of Casting Warwolf gloves of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12 Intelligence +12 Spell Speed +16
Warwolf Gloves of Healing Warwolf gloves of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12 Mind +12 Determination +11
Warwolf Hat of Casting Warwolf hat of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Head 41 75 Vitality +12 Intelligence +12 Spell Speed +16
Warwolf Hat of Healing Warwolf hat of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Head 41 75 Vitality +12 Mind +12 Determination +11
Warwolf Haubergeon of Maiming Warwolf haubergeon of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Body 105 57 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Skill Speed +27
Warwolf Jerkin of Aiming Warwolf jerkin of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Body 81 81 Dexterity +20 Vitality +22 Critical Hit +27
Warwolf Kecks of Striking Warwolf kecks of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Critical Hit +27
Warwolf Kite Shield Warwolf kite shield icon1.png 70 GLA, PLD
Level 50
Shield 152 152 Strength +6 Vitality +7 Direct Hit Rate +8
Warwolf Leg Guards of Maiming Warwolf leg guards of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Feet 75 41 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Skill Speed +16
Warwolf Mask of Aiming Warwolf mask of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 58 58 Dexterity +12 Vitality +14 Critical Hit +16
Warwolf Robe of Casting Warwolf robe of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 57 105 Vitality +20 Intelligence +20 Spell Speed +27
Warwolf Sallet of Maiming Warwolf sallet of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Head 75 41 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Skill Speed +16
Warwolf Skirt of Maiming Warwolf skirt of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 105 57 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Determination +18
Warwolf Solleret of Fending Warwolf solleret of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Feet 109 109 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Determination +11
Warwolf Tassets of Maiming Warwolf tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 65 35 Strength +9 Vitality +10 Determination +8
Warwolf Trousers of Fending Warwolf trousers of fending icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 153 153 Strength +20 Vitality +22 Skill Speed +27
Warwolf Vambraces of Maiming Warwolf vambraces of maiming icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 75 41 Strength +12 Vitality +14 Critical Hit +16