Allagan Tomestone of Mythology

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See also: Allagan Tomestones

Allagan Tomestone of MythologyAllagan Tomestone of Mythology was a type of Allagan Tomestones introduced in Patch 2.0 which could be used to purchase iLevel 90 gear and various other endgame items from Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6).

They were discontinued in Patch 2.4, and any unused Allagan Tomestones of Mythology could be exchanged for Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery with NPC Auriana in Mor Dhona until Patch 3.0 and the release of Heavensward.


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Valor Coronet Valor coronet icon1.png 90 PLD
Level 50
Head 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +21, Critical Hit +15
Warrior's Burgeonet Warriors burgeonet icon1.png 90 WAR
Level 50
Head 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Wyrm's Armet Wyrms armet icon1.png 90 DRG
Level 50
Head 78 44 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +21, Determination +11
Melee Circlet Melee circlet icon1.png 90 MNK
Level 50
Head 61 61 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Bard's Chapeau Bards chapeau icon1.png 90 BRD
Level 50
Head 61 61 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Sorcerer's Petasos Sorcerers petasos icon1.png 90 BLM
Level 50
Head 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Critical Hit +15, Spell Speed +21
Summoner's Horn Summoners horn icon1.png 90 SMN
Level 50
Head 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Cleric's Circlet Clerics circlet icon1.png 90 WHM
Level 50
Head 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Argute Mortarboard Argute mortarboard icon1.png 90 SCH
Level 50
Head 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +11, Determination +15
Valor Surcoat Valor surcoat icon1.png 90 PLD
Level 50
Body 158 158 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Determination +17
Warrior's Cuirass Warriors cuirass icon1.png 90 WAR
Level 50
Body 158 158 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Direct Hit Rate +24
Wyrm's Mail Wyrms mail icon1.png 90 DRG
Level 50
Body 110 62 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +24, Determination +24
Melee Cyclas Melee cyclas icon1.png 90 MNK
Level 50
Body 86 86 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +34, Skill Speed +24
Bard's Shirt Bards shirt icon1.png 90 BRD
Level 50
Body 86 86 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +24, Critical Hit +34
Summoner's Doublet Summoners doublet icon1.png 90 SMN
Level 50
Body 62 110 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit +34, Determination +17
Sorcerer's Coat Sorcerers coat icon1.png 90 BLM
Level 50
Body 62 110 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Direct Hit Rate +34, Spell Speed +24
Cleric's Robe Clerics robe icon1.png 90 WHM
Level 50
Body 62 110 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Spell Speed +24
Argute Gown Argute gown icon1.png 90 SCH
Level 50
Body 62 110 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit +24
Valor Gauntlets Valor gauntlets icon1.png 90 PLD
Level 50
Hands 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +21, Critical Hit +15
Warrior's Gauntlets Warriors gauntlets icon1.png 90 WAR
Level 50
Hands 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Wyrm's Gauntlets Wyrms gauntlets icon1.png 90 DRG
Level 50
Hands 78 44 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Melee Gloves Melee gloves icon1.png 90 MNK
Level 50
Hands 61 61 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Bard's Ringbands Bards ringbands icon1.png 90 BRD
Level 50
Hands 61 61 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Sorcerer's Gloves Sorcerers gloves icon1.png 90 BLM
Level 50
Hands 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Spell Speed +21
Summoner's Ringbands Summoners ringbands icon1.png 90 SMN
Level 50
Hands 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +21, Spell Speed +15
Cleric's Gloves Clerics gloves icon1.png 90 WHM
Level 50
Hands 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Argute Gloves Argute gloves icon1.png 90 SCH
Level 50
Hands 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Hero's Belt of Fending Heros belt of fending icon1.png 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 98 98 Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +16, Determination +8
Hero's Belt of Maiming Heros belt of maiming icon1.png 90 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 68 38 Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +16, Critical Hit +11
Hero's Belt of Striking Heros belt of striking icon1.png 90 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 53 53 Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +11, Skill Speed +16
Hero's Belt of Aiming Heros belt of aiming icon1.png 90 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Waist 53 53 Dexterity +13, Vitality +15, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Hero's Belt of Casting Heros belt of casting icon1.png 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Waist 38 68 Vitality +14, Intelligence +13, Direct Hit Rate +11, Spell Speed +16
Hero's Belt of Healing Heros belt of healing icon1.png 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Waist 38 68 Vitality +14, Mind +13, Piety +8, Critical Hit +16
Valor Cuisses Valor cuisses icon1.png 90 PLD
Level 50
Legs 158 158 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Direct Hit Rate +24
Warrior's Breeches Warriors breeches icon1.png 90 WAR
Level 50
Legs 158 158 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +24, Determination +24
Wyrm's Breeches Wyrms breeches icon1.png 90 DRG
Level 50
Legs 110 62 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +24, Skill Speed +34
Melee Gaskins Melee gaskins icon1.png 90 MNK
Level 50
Legs 86 86 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +34, Determination +17
Bard's Tights Bards tights icon1.png 90 BRD
Level 50
Legs 86 86 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +34, Determination +17
Sorcerer's Tonban Sorcerers tonban icon1.png 90 BLM
Level 50
Legs 62 110 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit +24, Spell Speed +34
Summoner's Waistclout Summoners waistclout icon1.png 90 SMN
Level 50
Legs 62 110 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Direct Hit Rate +34, Determination +17
Cleric's Culottes Clerics culottes icon1.png 90 WHM
Level 50
Legs 62 110 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Determination +17
Argute Culottes Argute culottes icon1.png 90 SCH
Level 50
Legs 62 110 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit +24
Valor Sollerets Valor sollerets icon1.png 90 PLD
Level 50
Feet 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Warrior's Jackboots Warriors jackboots icon1.png 90 WAR
Level 50
Feet 113 113 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Wyrm's Greaves Wyrms greaves icon1.png 90 DRG
Level 50
Feet 78 44 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Skill Speed +21
Melee Boots Melee boots icon1.png 90 MNK
Level 50
Feet 61 61 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Bard's Sandals Bards sandals icon1.png 90 BRD
Level 50
Feet 61 61 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Sorcerer's Crakows Sorcerers crakows icon1.png 90 BLM
Level 50
Feet 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Summoner's Thighboots Summoners thighboots icon1.png 90 SMN
Level 50
Feet 44 78 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +21, Spell Speed +15
Cleric's Boots Clerics boots icon1.png 90 WHM
Level 50
Feet 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +11, Determination +15
Argute Boots Argute boots icon1.png 90 SCH
Level 50
Feet 44 78 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Hero's Earrings of Fending Heros earrings of fending icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Vitality +15, Tenacity +11, Skill Speed +16
Hero's Earrings of Slaying Heros earrings of slaying icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +13, Direct Hit Rate +16, Skill Speed +11
Hero's Earrings of Aiming Heros earrings of aiming icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Dexterity +13, Direct Hit Rate +11, Critical Hit +16
Hero's Earrings of Casting Heros earrings of casting icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Intelligence +13, Determination +8, Spell Speed +16
Hero's Earrings of Healing Heros earrings of healing icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Mind +13, Piety +8, Critical Hit +16
Hero's Necklace of Fending Heros necklace of fending icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Vitality +15, Tenacity +11, Skill Speed +16
Hero's Necklace of Slaying Heros necklace of slaying icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Strength +13, Direct Hit Rate +11, Critical Hit +16
Hero's Necklace of Aiming Heros necklace of aiming icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Dexterity +13, Determination +11, Skill Speed +11
Hero's Necklace of Casting Heros necklace of casting icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Intelligence +13, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Hero's Necklace of Healing Heros necklace of healing icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Mind +13, Piety +12, Critical Hit +11
Hero's Bracelet of Fending Heros bracelet of fending icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Vitality +15, Tenacity +16, Critical Hit +11
Hero's Bracelet of Slaying Heros bracelet of slaying icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Strength +13, Direct Hit Rate +11, Determination +11
Hero's Bracelet of Aiming Heros bracelet of aiming icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Dexterity +13, Direct Hit Rate +16, Skill Speed +11
Hero's Bracelet of Casting Heros bracelet of casting icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Intelligence +13, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Hero's Bracelet of Healing Heros bracelet of healing icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Mind +13, Piety +12, Critical Hit +11
Hero's Ring of Fending Heros ring icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +15, Tenacity +11, Direct Hit Rate +16
Hero's Ring of Slaying Heros ring icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +13, Determination +11, Skill Speed +11
Hero's Ring of Aiming Heros ring icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Dexterity +13, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Hero's Ring of Casting Heros ring icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Intelligence +13, Critical Hit +16, Spell Speed +11
Hero's Ring of Healing Heros ring icon1.png 90 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +13, Piety +8, Critical Hit +16