Item Level
Magic Defence
Stats and Attributes
Valor Coronet |
90 |
PLD Level 50 |
Head |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +21, Critical Hit +15
Warrior's Burgeonet |
90 |
WAR Level 50 |
Head |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Wyrm's Armet |
90 |
DRG Level 50 |
Head |
78 |
44 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +21, Determination +11
Melee Circlet |
90 |
MNK Level 50 |
Head |
61 |
61 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Bard's Chapeau |
90 |
BRD Level 50 |
Head |
61 |
61 |
Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Sorcerer's Petasos |
90 |
BLM Level 50 |
Head |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Critical Hit +15, Spell Speed +21
Summoner's Horn |
90 |
SMN Level 50 |
Head |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Cleric's Circlet |
90 |
WHM Level 50 |
Head |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Argute Mortarboard |
90 |
SCH Level 50 |
Head |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +11, Determination +15
Valor Surcoat |
90 |
PLD Level 50 |
Body |
158 |
158 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Determination +17
Warrior's Cuirass |
90 |
WAR Level 50 |
Body |
158 |
158 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Direct Hit Rate +24
Wyrm's Mail |
90 |
DRG Level 50 |
Body |
110 |
62 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +24, Determination +24
Melee Cyclas |
90 |
MNK Level 50 |
Body |
86 |
86 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +34, Skill Speed +24
Bard's Shirt |
90 |
BRD Level 50 |
Body |
86 |
86 |
Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +24, Critical Hit +34
Summoner's Doublet |
90 |
SMN Level 50 |
Body |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit +34, Determination +17
Sorcerer's Coat |
90 |
BLM Level 50 |
Body |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Direct Hit Rate +34, Spell Speed +24
Cleric's Robe |
90 |
WHM Level 50 |
Body |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Spell Speed +24
Argute Gown |
90 |
SCH Level 50 |
Body |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit +24
Valor Gauntlets |
90 |
PLD Level 50 |
Hands |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +21, Critical Hit +15
Warrior's Gauntlets |
90 |
WAR Level 50 |
Hands |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Wyrm's Gauntlets |
90 |
DRG Level 50 |
Hands |
78 |
44 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Melee Gloves |
90 |
MNK Level 50 |
Hands |
61 |
61 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Bard's Ringbands |
90 |
BRD Level 50 |
Hands |
61 |
61 |
Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Sorcerer's Gloves |
90 |
BLM Level 50 |
Hands |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Spell Speed +21
Summoner's Ringbands |
90 |
SMN Level 50 |
Hands |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +21, Spell Speed +15
Cleric's Gloves |
90 |
WHM Level 50 |
Hands |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Argute Gloves |
90 |
SCH Level 50 |
Hands |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15
Hero's Belt of Fending |
90 |
GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Level 50 |
Waist |
98 |
98 |
Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +16, Determination +8
Hero's Belt of Maiming |
90 |
LNC, DRG Level 50 |
Waist |
68 |
38 |
Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +16, Critical Hit +11
Hero's Belt of Striking |
90 |
PGL, MNK Level 50 |
Waist |
53 |
53 |
Strength +13, Vitality +15, Direct Hit Rate +11, Skill Speed +16
Hero's Belt of Aiming |
90 |
ARC, BRD Level 50 |
Waist |
53 |
53 |
Dexterity +13, Vitality +15, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Hero's Belt of Casting |
90 |
THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Level 50 |
Waist |
38 |
68 |
Vitality +14, Intelligence +13, Direct Hit Rate +11, Spell Speed +16
Hero's Belt of Healing |
90 |
CNJ, WHM, SCH Level 50 |
Waist |
38 |
68 |
Vitality +14, Mind +13, Piety +8, Critical Hit +16
Valor Cuisses |
90 |
PLD Level 50 |
Legs |
158 |
158 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +34, Direct Hit Rate +24
Warrior's Breeches |
90 |
WAR Level 50 |
Legs |
158 |
158 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Tenacity +24, Determination +24
Wyrm's Breeches |
90 |
DRG Level 50 |
Legs |
110 |
62 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +24, Skill Speed +34
Melee Gaskins |
90 |
MNK Level 50 |
Legs |
86 |
86 |
Strength +29, Vitality +33, Direct Hit Rate +34, Determination +17
Bard's Tights |
90 |
BRD Level 50 |
Legs |
86 |
86 |
Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit +34, Determination +17
Sorcerer's Tonban |
90 |
BLM Level 50 |
Legs |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit +24, Spell Speed +34
Summoner's Waistclout |
90 |
SMN Level 50 |
Legs |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Direct Hit Rate +34, Determination +17
Cleric's Culottes |
90 |
WHM Level 50 |
Legs |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Determination +17
Argute Culottes |
90 |
SCH Level 50 |
Legs |
62 |
110 |
Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit +24
Valor Sollerets |
90 |
PLD Level 50 |
Feet |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Warrior's Jackboots |
90 |
WAR Level 50 |
Feet |
113 |
113 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Tenacity +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Wyrm's Greaves |
90 |
DRG Level 50 |
Feet |
78 |
44 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Skill Speed +21
Melee Boots |
90 |
MNK Level 50 |
Feet |
61 |
61 |
Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Bard's Sandals |
90 |
BRD Level 50 |
Feet |
61 |
61 |
Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Sorcerer's Crakows |
90 |
BLM Level 50 |
Feet |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +15, Critical Hit +21
Summoner's Thighboots |
90 |
SMN Level 50 |
Feet |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Direct Hit Rate +21, Spell Speed +15
Cleric's Boots |
90 |
WHM Level 50 |
Feet |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +11, Determination +15
Argute Boots |
90 |
SCH Level 50 |
Feet |
44 |
78 |
Vitality +18, Mind +18, Piety +16, Spell Speed +15