Head/Level 41 - 50

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Revision as of 16:43, 12 August 2020 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ripped Chef's Hat Ripped chefs hat icon1.png 41 36 All Classes 22 43 0
Aetherial Woolen Hat Aetherial woolen hat icon1.png 41 41 All Classes 26 51 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +6, Mind +6
Altered Mythril Magnifiers Altered mythril magnifiers icon1.png 41 41 All Classes 20 41 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +5, Mind +5, Direct Hit Rate +7
Linen Deerstalker Linen deerstalker icon1.png 41 41 All Classes 20 41 2 Control +20
Woolen Hat Woolen hat icon1.png 41 41 All Classes 20 41 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +5, Mind +5, Direct Hit Rate +7
Aetherial Mythril Barbut Aetherial mythril barbut icon1.png 41 42 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 53 39 0 Strength +6, Vitality +7
Vigil Coif Vigil coif icon1.png 41 43 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK, GNB 82 82 0 Strength +6, Vitality +7, Critical Hit +10, Skill Speed +7
Vigil Eyepatch Vigil eyepatch icon1.png 41 43 Disciple of War 45 45 0 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +7, Critical Hit +10, Determination +4
Vigil Hat Vigil hat icon1.png 41 43 Disciple of Magic 33 57 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Critical Hit +7, Determination +6
Vintage Chef's Hat Vintage chefs hat icon1.png 41 44 All Classes 23 45 3 Control +22, CP +2
Mythril Barbut Mythril barbut icon1.png 42 42 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 42 32 2 Strength +5, Vitality +5, Determination +5
Mythril Mesail Mythril mesail icon1.png 42 42 All Classes 21 42 2 Perception +44
Altered Woolen Hat Altered woolen hat icon1.png 43 43 Disciple of War 33 33 2 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +5, Skill Speed +8
Mythril Chain Coif Mythril chain coif icon1.png 43 43 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 44 33 2 Strength +5, Vitality +5, Direct Hit Rate +8
Ranger's Hat Rangers hat icon1.png 43 43 Disciple of War 33 33 2 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +5, Skill Speed +8
Woolen Beret Woolen beret icon1.png 43 43 All Classes 22 44 2 Control +21
Silver Tricorne Silver tricorne icon1.png 43 46 Disciple of War 36 36 3 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +6, Direct Hit Rate +9
Aetherial Cavalier's Hat Aetherial cavaliers hat icon1.png 44 44 All Classes 28 57 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +6, Mind +6
Aetherial Reinforced Mythril Elmo Aetherial reinforced mythril elmo icon1.png 44 44 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 85 85 0 Strength +6, Vitality +7
Altered Mythril Chain Coif Altered mythril chain coif icon1.png 44 44 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK, GNB 68 68 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +8
Cobalt Preserves Cobalt preserves icon1.png 44 44 All Classes 23 45 2 Control +22, Perception +45
Reinforced Mythril Elmo Reinforced mythril elmo icon1.png 44 44 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 68 68 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +8
Woolen Cavalier's Hat Woolen cavaliers hat icon1.png 44 44 All Classes 23 45 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +8
Buccaneer's Tricorne Buccaneers tricorne icon1.png 44 46 Disciple of War 45 45 2 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +9
Flame Sergeant's Beret Flame sergeants beret icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Control +25
Flame Sergeant's Circlet Flame sergeants circlet icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Mind +7, Critical Hit +11
Flame Sergeant's Mask Flame sergeants mask icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Spell Speed +11
Flame Sergeant's Pot Helm Flame sergeants pot helm icon1.png 44 46 Disciple of War 45 45 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Skill Speed +11
Harlequin's Cap Harlequins cap icon1.png 44 46 Disciple of Magic 30 60 2 Vitality +5, Mind +6, Spell Speed +9
Pince-nez Pince-nez icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Sentinel's Celata Sentinels celata icon1.png 44 46 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 91 91 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Tenacity +9
Serpent Sergeant's Beret Serpent sergeants beret icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Control +25
Serpent Sergeant's Circlet Serpent sergeants circlet icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Mind +7, Spell Speed +11
Serpent Sergeant's Coif Serpent sergeants coif icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Perception +53
Serpent Sergeant's Mask Serpent sergeants mask icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Determination +7
Storm Sergeant's Beret Storm sergeants beret icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Control +25
Storm Sergeant's Circlet Storm sergeants circlet icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Mind +7, Determination +7
Storm Sergeant's Mask Storm sergeants mask icon1.png 44 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Direct Hit Rate +11
Storm Sergeant's Sallet Storm sergeants sallet icon1.png 44 46 Disciple of War 45 45 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7, Determination +7
Templar's Chain Coif Templars chain coif icon1.png 44 46 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 60 45 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Determination +6
Moldering Jester's Cap Moldering jesters cap icon1.png 45 40 Disciple of Magic 25 49 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +5, Mind +5
Aetherial Felt Coif Aetherial felt coif icon1.png 45 45 All Classes 29 58 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Mind +7
Felt Coif Felt coif icon1.png 45 45 All Classes 23 47 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +9
Felt Coif of Gathering Felt coif of gathering icon1.png 45 45 All Classes 23 47 2 Perception +46
Aetherial Cobalt Elmo Aetherial cobalt elmo icon1.png 45 46 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 91 91 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7
Aetherial Felt Hat Aetherial felt hat icon1.png 45 46 All Classes 30 60 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7
Aetherial Cobalt Barbut Aetherial cobalt barbut icon1.png 45 47 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 62 47 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7
Aetherial Electrum Monocle Aetherial electrum monocle icon1.png 45 47 All Classes 31 62 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7
Aetherial Raptorskin Pot Helm Aetherial raptorskin pot helm icon1.png 45 47 Disciple of War 47 47 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7
Aetherial Cobalt Chain Coif Aetherial cobalt chain coif icon1.png 45 48 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 64 48 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8
Aetherial Electrum Circlet (Rubellite) Aetherial electrum circlet (rubellite) icon1.png 45 48 All Classes 32 64 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7
Aetherial Rainmaker's Hat Aetherial rainmakers hat icon1.png 45 48 Disciple of War 48 48 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8
Vintage Jester's Cap Vintage jesters cap icon1.png 45 48 Disciple of Magic 26 51 3 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Determination +7
Augmented Choral Chapeau Augmented choral chapeau icon1.png 45 50 BRD 51 51 0 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Augmented Drachen Armet Augmented drachen armet icon1.png 45 50 DRG 68 51 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +6, Direct Hit Rate +14
Augmented Evoker's Horn Augmented evokers horn icon1.png 45 50 SMN 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Augmented Fighter's Burgeonet Augmented fighters burgeonet icon1.png 45 50 WAR 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +9, Skill Speed +10
Augmented Gallant Coronet Augmented gallant coronet icon1.png 45 50 PLD 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +10, Direct Hit Rate +14
Augmented Healer's Circlet Augmented healers circlet icon1.png 45 50 WHM 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Spell Speed +10, Piety +7
Augmented Ninja Hatsuburi Augmented ninja hatsuburi icon1.png 45 50 NIN 51 51 0 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Augmented Scholar's Mortarboard Augmented scholars mortarboard icon1.png 45 50 SCH 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Determination +9, Piety +5
Augmented Temple Circlet Augmented temple circlet icon1.png 45 50 MNK 51 51 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Augmented Wizard's Petasos Augmented wizards petasos icon1.png 45 50 BLM 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Critical Hit +10, Spell Speed +14
Choral Chapeau Choral chapeau icon1.png 45 50 BRD 51 51 0 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Drachen Armet Drachen armet icon1.png 45 50 DRG 68 51 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +6, Direct Hit Rate +14
Evoker's Horn Evokers horn icon1.png 45 50 SMN 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Fighter's Burgeonet Fighters burgeonet icon1.png 45 50 WAR 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +9, Skill Speed +10
Gallant Coronet Gallant coronet icon1.png 45 50 PLD 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +10, Direct Hit Rate +14
Healer's Circlet Healers circlet icon1.png 45 50 WHM 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Spell Speed +10, Piety +7
Ninja Hatsuburi Ninja hatsuburi icon1.png 45 50 NIN 51 51 0 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Scholar's Mortarboard Scholars mortarboard icon1.png 45 50 SCH 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Determination +9, Piety +5
Temple Circlet Temple circlet icon1.png 45 50 MNK 51 51 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Direct Hit Rate +10
Wizard's Petasos Wizards petasos icon1.png 45 50 BLM 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Critical Hit +10, Spell Speed +14
Torn Coif Torn coif icon1.png 46 41 All Classes 26 51 0
Altered Cobalt Elmo Altered cobalt elmo icon1.png 46 46 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK, GNB 72 72 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +9
Cobalt Elmo Cobalt elmo icon1.png 46 46 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 72 72 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +9
Felt Hat Felt hat icon1.png 46 46 All Classes 24 48 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +9
Woolen Deerstalker Woolen deerstalker icon1.png 46 46 All Classes 24 48 2 Control +22
Vintage Coif Vintage coif icon1.png 46 49 All Classes 27 53 3 Perception +49
Cobalt Barbut Cobalt barbut icon1.png 47 47 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 50 37 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Determination +6
Cobalt Mesail Cobalt mesail icon1.png 47 47 All Classes 25 50 2 Perception +47
Electrum Monocle Electrum monocle icon1.png 47 47 All Classes 25 50 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Raptorskin Pot Helm Raptorskin pot helm icon1.png 47 47 Disciple of War 37 37 2 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Aetherial Cobalt Celata Aetherial cobalt celata icon1.png 47 49 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 99 99 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8
Aetherial Cobalt Sallet Aetherial cobalt sallet icon1.png 47 49 Disciple of War 50 50 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8
Aetherial Felt Cavalier's Hat Aetherial felt cavaliers hat icon1.png 47 49 All Classes 33 66 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7
Aurum Celata Aurum celata icon1.png 47 49 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK, GNB 99 99 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8, Determination +6, Skill Speed +13
Aurum Pot Helm Aurum pot helm icon1.png 47 49 Disciple of War 54 54 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +13, Determination +6
Aurum Temple Chain Aurum temple chain icon1.png 47 49 Disciple of Magic 40 69 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Critical Hit +9, Spell Speed +13
Cobalt Chain Coif Cobalt chain coif icon1.png 48 48 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 51 39 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Amber) Electrum circlet (amber) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Rubellite) Electrum circlet (rubellite) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Spinel) Electrum circlet (spinel) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline) Electrum circlet (tourmaline) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Turquoise) Electrum circlet (turquoise) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Electrum Circlet (Zircon) Electrum circlet (zircon) icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Direct Hit Rate +10
Felt Beret Felt beret icon1.png 48 48 All Classes 26 51 2 Control +23
Rainmaker's Hat Rainmakers hat icon1.png 48 48 Disciple of War 39 39 2 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +10
Altered Felt Hat Altered felt hat icon1.png 49 49 All Classes 27 53 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Direct Hit Rate +10
Cobalt Celata Cobalt celata icon1.png 49 49 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 80 80 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Tenacity +10
Cobalt Mask Cobalt mask icon1.png 49 49 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 80 80 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Tenacity +10
Cobalt Sallet Cobalt sallet icon1.png 49 49 Disciple of War 40 40 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +10
Felt Cavalier's Hat Felt cavaliers hat icon1.png 49 49 All Classes 27 53 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Direct Hit Rate +10
Woolen Bandana Woolen bandana icon1.png 49 49 Disciple of War 40 40 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +10
Behemoth Helm Behemoth helm icon1.png 50 50 Disciple of War 51 51 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +10, Determination +9
Behemoth Mask Behemoth mask icon1.png 50 50 Disciple of Magic 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Mind +8, Critical Hit +10, Determination +9
Dark Divinity Auga Dark divinity auga icon1.png 50 50 Disciple of Magic 34 68 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Piety +7
Dark Divinity Hjalmr Dark divinity hjalmr icon1.png 50 50 Disciple of War 34 68 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7
Heavy Behemoth Helm Heavy behemoth helm icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +6, Tenacity +14
Hjalmr Hjalmr icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 102 102 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +14, Tenacity +10
Legionary Visor Legionary visor icon1.png 50 50 All Classes 27 55 0
Patrician's Wedge Cap Patricians wedge cap icon1.png 50 50 All Classes 27 55 2 Control +24
Replica Allagan Circlet of Casting Replica allagan circlet of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +8
Replica Allagan Circlet of Healing Replica allagan circlet of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Mind +7, Determination +7, Piety +4
Replica Allagan Helm Replica allagan helm icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 82 82 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Direct Hit Rate +8, Tenacity +11
Replica Allagan Visor of Aiming Replica allagan visor of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH 41 41 2 Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Replica Allagan Visor of Maiming Replica allagan visor of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG 55 41 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +11, Determination +5
Replica Allagan Visor of Striking Replica allagan visor of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 41 41 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +10, Determination +7
Replica Dreadwyrm Barbut of Maiming Replica dreadwyrm barbut of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG 55 41 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +8
Replica Dreadwyrm Chapeau of Aiming Replica dreadwyrm chapeau of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH 41 41 2 Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +8, Skill Speed +11
Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Scouting Replica dreadwyrm circlet of scouting icon1.png 50 50 ROG, NIN 41 41 2 Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +11, Determination +5
Replica Dreadwyrm Circlet of Striking Replica dreadwyrm circlet of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, MNK, SAM 41 41 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +11, Direct Hit Rate +8
Replica Dreadwyrm Coronet of Fending Replica dreadwyrm coronet of fending icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 82 82 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Direct Hit Rate +11, Tenacity +8
Replica Dreadwyrm Hood of Healing Replica dreadwyrm hood of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Mind +7, Spell Speed +11, Direct Hit Rate +3, Piety +4
Replica Dreadwyrm Petasos of Casting Replica dreadwyrm petasos of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Replica High Allagan Circlet of Fending Replica high allagan circlet of fending icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 82 82 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Skill Speed +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Replica High Allagan Circlet of Healing Replica high allagan circlet of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Mind +7, Spell Speed +8, Direct Hit Rate +3, Piety +6
Replica High Allagan Headgear of Maiming Replica high allagan headgear of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG 55 41 2 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Replica High Allagan Headgear of Striking Replica high allagan headgear of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 41 41 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +10
Replica High Allagan Mask of Aiming Replica high allagan mask of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH 41 41 2 Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Determination +5, Direct Hit Rate +11
Replica High Allagan Mask of Casting Replica high allagan mask of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 27 55 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Explorer's Bandana Explorers bandana icon1.png 50 52 Disciple of War 52 52 0 Dexterity +8, Vitality +9, Critical Hit +10, Direct Hit Rate +14
Explorer's Calot Explorers calot icon1.png 50 52 All Classes 35 69 0 Control +28, Perception +59
Red Onion Helm Red onion helm icon1.png 50 52 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 103 103 0 Strength +8, Vitality +9, Direct Hit Rate +14, Tenacity +10
Veteran's Pot Helm Veterans pot helm icon1.png 50 52 Disciple of War 52 52 0 Strength +8, Vitality +9, Determination +6, Direct Hit Rate +14
Alchemist's Monocle Alchemists monocle icon1.png 50 55 ALC 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Armorer's Visor Armorers visor icon1.png 50 55 ARM 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Blacksmith's Goggles Blacksmiths goggles icon1.png 50 55 BSM 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Butcher's Crown Butchers crown icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Paralysis Resistance +5, Silence Resistance +5, Blind Resistance +5, Poison Resistance +5, Sleep Resistance +5
Carpenter's Hood Carpenters hood icon1.png 50 55 CRP 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Chronicler's Crown Chroniclers crown icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Slashing Resistance +2, Piercing Resistance +2, Blunt Resistance +2
Culinarian's Hat Culinarians hat icon1.png 50 55 CUL 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Dalamud Horn Dalamud horn icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0
Gambler's Crown Gamblers crown icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Increased Spiritbond Gain +1
Goldsmith's Turban Goldsmiths turban icon1.png 50 55 GSM 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Gridanian Officer's Cap Gridanian officers cap icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +10, Direct Hit Rate +14
Hamlet Cutter's Hat Hamlet cutters hat icon1.png 50 55 BTN 29 56 2 Perception +56
Hamlet Digger's Helmet Hamlet diggers helmet icon1.png 50 55 MIN 29 56 2 Perception +56
Hamlet Puller's Hat Hamlet pullers hat icon1.png 50 55 FSH 29 56 2 Perception +56
Imperial Operative Hat Imperial operative hat icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of Magic 29 56 2 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Determination +5, Spell Speed +11
Imperial Operative Tricorne Imperial operative tricorne icon1.png 50 55 ARC, BRD, MCH 42 42 2 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +11, Direct Hit Rate +8
Leatherworker's Hat Leatherworkers hat icon1.png 50 55 LTW 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Lominsan Officer's Cap Lominsan officers cap icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Skill Speed +10, Direct Hit Rate +14
Mercenary's Pot Helm Mercenarys pot helm icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of War 53 53 0 Dexterity +9, Vitality +9, Critical Hit +10, Determination +10
Militia Armet Militia armet icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 83 83 2 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +5, Tenacity +11
Militia Barbut Militia barbut icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of War 42 42 2 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +11, Determination +5
Militia Hat Militia hat icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of Magic 29 56 2 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Critical Hit +8, Direct Hit Rate +11
Paragon's Crown Paragons crown icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Intelligence +8, Mind +8, Piety +7
Partisan's Crown Partisans crown icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0
Sipahi Turban Sipahi turban icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of War 53 53 0 Strength +9, Vitality +9, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +14
Ul'dahn Officer's Cap Uldahn officers cap icon1.png 50 55 All Classes 36 70 0 Vitality +8, Intelligence +8, Mind +8, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +14
Vermilion Chain Coif Vermilion chain coif icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 104 104 0 Strength +9, Vitality +9, Direct Hit Rate +10, Tenacity +14
Warlock's Hat Warlocks hat icon1.png 50 55 Disciple of Magic 36 70 0 Vitality +8, Intelligence +9, Mind +9, Critical Hit +14, Determination +7
Weaver's Gibus Weavers gibus icon1.png 50 55 WVR 29 56 2 Control +27, CP +2
Wolf Cavalier's Hat Wolf cavaliers hat icon1.png 50 55 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 29 56 2 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Determination +5, Direct Hit Rate +11
Wolf Celata Wolf celata icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 83 83 2 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +8, Tenacity +11
Wolf Elmo Wolf elmo icon1.png 50 55 LNC, DRG 56 42 2 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Determination +5, Skill Speed +11
Wolf Hat Wolf hat icon1.png 50 55 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 29 56 2 Vitality +7, Mind +8, Critical Hit +8, Piety +7
Wolf Ranger's Hat Wolf rangers hat icon1.png 50 55 ARC, BRD, MCH 42 42 2 Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +8
Wolf Sallet Wolf sallet icon1.png 50 55 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 42 42 2 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +10
Blessed Monocle Blessed monocle icon1.png 50 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 38 72 0 Vitality +10, Mind +10, Critical Hit +11, Determination +10
Demagogue Mask Demagogue mask icon1.png 50 60 Disciple of Magic 38 72 0 Vitality +10, Intelligence +10, Determination +10, Spell Speed +11
Hetairos Elmo Hetairos elmo icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK 72 55 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11, Skill Speed +15, Direct Hit Rate +11
Hoplite Circlet Hoplite circlet icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 106 106 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11, Direct Hit Rate +15, Tenacity +11
Lord's Celata Lords celata icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 106 106 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11, Skill Speed +11, Tenacity +15
Noble's Goggles Nobles goggles icon1.png 50 60 ARC, BRD, MCH 55 55 0 Dexterity +10, Vitality +11, Determination +10, Skill Speed +11
Peltast Helm Peltast helm icon1.png 50 60 Disciple of War 55 55 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11, Determination +7, Direct Hit Rate +15
Strategos Coif Strategos coif icon1.png 50 60 Disciple of Magic 38 72 0 Vitality +10, Mind +10, Spell Speed +11, Piety +9
Thick Chain Coif Thick chain coif icon1.png 50 60 LNC, DRG 72 55 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11, Critical Hit +11, Determination +10
Toxotes Bandana Toxotes bandana icon1.png 50 60 Disciple of War 55 55 0 Dexterity +10, Vitality +11, Critical Hit +11, Direct Hit Rate +15
War Mesail War mesail icon1.png 50 60 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 55 55 0 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +11, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +11
Artisan's Spectacles Artisans spectacles icon1.png 50 70 All Classes 41 75 0 Craftsmanship +4, Control +39, CP +3
Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming Darklight eyepatch of aiming icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH 58 58 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +16, Direct Hit Rate +11
Darklight Eyepatch of Striking Darklight eyepatch of striking icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 58 58 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Skill Speed +11, Direct Hit Rate +16
Darklight Helm Darklight helm icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG 75 58 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Determination +11, Direct Hit Rate +11
Darksteel Chain Coif Darksteel chain coif icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG 60 46 2 Strength +11, Vitality +11, Determination +6, Direct Hit Rate +13
Fistfighter's Goggles Fistfighters goggles icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 58 58 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +16
Flame Elite's Armet Flame elites armet icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 109 109 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +16
Flame Elite's Helm Flame elites helm icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of War 58 58 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Skill Speed +16, Direct Hit Rate +11
Flame Elite's Hood Flame elites hood icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of Magic 41 75 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Mind +12, Critical Hit +11, Determination +11
Forager's Hat Foragers hat icon1.png 50 70 All Classes 41 75 0 Gathering +4, Perception +82, GP +3
Gryphonskin Bandana Gryphonskin bandana icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 46 46 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +11, Critical Hit +11, Determination +9
Gryphonskin Hat Gryphonskin hat icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH 46 46 2 Dexterity +11, Vitality +11, Skill Speed +9, Direct Hit Rate +13
Hussar's Goggles Hussars goggles icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG 75 58 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +16, Determination +8
Magician's Hat Magicians hat icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 41 75 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Spell Speed +11, Direct Hit Rate +16
Pilgrim's Eyepatch Pilgrims eyepatch icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 41 75 0 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Determination +8, Spell Speed +16
Protector's Barbut Protectors barbut icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 109 109 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Determination +11, Tenacity +11
Rose Gold Circlet Rose gold circlet icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of Magic 33 60 2 Vitality +10, Intelligence +11, Mind +11, Critical Hit +9, Determination +9
Serpent Elite's Circlet Serpent elites circlet icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of Magic 41 75 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Mind +12, Critical Hit +11, Determination +11
Serpent Elite's Helm Serpent elites helm icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 109 109 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +16
Serpent Elite's Mask Serpent elites mask icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of War 58 58 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Skill Speed +16, Direct Hit Rate +11
Shikaree's Mask Shikarees mask icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH 58 58 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Determination +11
Storm Elite's Bicorne Storm elites bicorne icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of War 58 58 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Skill Speed +16, Direct Hit Rate +11
Storm Elite's Cap Storm elites cap icon1.png 50 70 Disciple of Magic 41 75 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Mind +12, Critical Hit +11, Determination +11
Storm Elite's Sallet Storm elites sallet icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 109 109 0 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Skill Speed +16
Vanya Hat of Casting Vanya hat of casting icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 33 60 2 Vitality +10, Intelligence +11, Critical Hit +9, Determination +9
Vanya Hat of Healing Vanya hat of healing icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 33 60 2 Vitality +10, Mind +11, Critical Hit +9, Piety +8
Warwolf Barbut of Fending Warwolf barbut of fending icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 109 109 2 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +11, Determination +11
Warwolf Eyepatch of Striking Warwolf eyepatch of striking icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 58 58 2 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Determination +11, Skill Speed +11
Warwolf Hat of Casting Warwolf hat of casting icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 41 75 2 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Critical Hit +11, Spell Speed +16
Warwolf Hat of Healing Warwolf hat of healing icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 41 75 2 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Determination +11, Spell Speed +11
Warwolf Mask of Aiming Warwolf mask of aiming icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH 58 58 2 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit +16, Skill Speed +11
Warwolf Sallet of Maiming Warwolf sallet of maiming icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG 75 58 2 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Determination +8, Skill Speed +16
Ballad Crown Ballad crown icon1.png 50 80 ARC, BRD, MCH 60 60 0 Dexterity +15, Vitality +17, Determination +13, Skill Speed +13
Circlet of the Divine Harvest Circlet of the divine harvest icon1.png 50 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 43 77 0 Vitality +15, Mind +15, Critical Hit +13, Piety +13
Crimson Hat Crimson hat icon1.png 50 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 43 77 0 Vitality +15, Intelligence +15, Critical Hit +19, Determination +9
Crown of Light Crown of light icon1.png 50 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 111 111 0 Strength +15, Vitality +17, Determination +9, Tenacity +19
Eyepatch of the Divine Hero Eyepatch of the divine hero icon1.png 50 80 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 60 60 0 Strength +15, Dexterity +15, Vitality +17, Critical Hit +19, Skill Speed +13
Fuma Gantai Fuma gantai icon1.png 50 80 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 60 60 0 Strength +15, Dexterity +15, Vitality +17, Determination +9, Skill Speed +19
Hat of the Divine Light Hat of the divine light icon1.png 50 80 ARC, BRD, MCH 60 60 0 Dexterity +15, Vitality +17, Critical Hit +19, Direct Hit Rate +13
Helm of the Divine War Helm of the divine war icon1.png 50 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 111 111 0 Strength +15, Vitality +17, Critical Hit +19, Tenacity +13
Mask of Divine Wisdom Mask of divine wisdom icon1.png 50 80 LNC, DRG 77 60 0 Strength +15, Vitality +17, Determination +13, Skill Speed +13
Monocle of Divine Death Monocle of divine death icon1.png 50 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 43 77 0 Vitality +15, Intelligence +15, Determination +13, Spell Speed +13
Onion Mask Onion mask icon1.png 50 80 LNC, DRG 77 60 0 Strength +15, Vitality +17, Critical Hit +13, Direct Hit Rate +19
Royal Crown Royal crown icon1.png 50 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 43 77 0 Vitality +15, Mind +15, Determination +9, Spell Speed +19
Allagan Circlet of Casting Allagan circlet of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Determination +15, Direct Hit Rate +15
Allagan Circlet of Healing Allagan circlet of healing icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Determination +15, Piety +11
Allagan Helm Allagan helm icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 113 113 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +15, Tenacity +21
Allagan Visor of Aiming Allagan visor of aiming icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH 61 61 0 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Allagan Visor of Maiming Allagan visor of maiming icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG 78 61 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +21, Determination +11
Allagan Visor of Striking Allagan visor of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 61 61 0 Strength +18, Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Determination +15
Argute Mortarboard Argute mortarboard icon1.png 50 90 SCH 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Determination +15, Piety +11
Bard's Chapeau Bards chapeau icon1.png 50 90 BRD 61 61 0 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Cashmere Hat of Aiming Cashmere hat of aiming icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH 49 49 2 Dexterity +16, Vitality +16, Determination +12, Skill Speed +12
Cashmere Hat of Casting Cashmere hat of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 36 63 2 Vitality +15, Intelligence +16, Spell Speed +12, Direct Hit Rate +17
Cleric's Circlet Clerics circlet icon1.png 50 90 WHM 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Spell Speed +15, Piety +16
Direwolf Bandana of Striking Direwolf bandana of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 61 61 2 Strength +18, Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +21, Skill Speed +15
Direwolf Hat of Casting Direwolf hat of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 44 78 2 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Critical Hit +15, Determination +15
Direwolf Helm of Fending Direwolf helm of fending icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 113 113 2 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Determination +15
Direwolf Mask of Maiming Direwolf mask of maiming icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG 78 61 2 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Direwolf Monocle of Healing Direwolf monocle of healing icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 44 78 2 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Spell Speed +21, Piety +11
Direwolf Ranger's Hat Direwolf rangers hat icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH 61 61 2 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Skill Speed +21
Gold Spectacles Gold spectacles icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 36 63 2 Vitality +15, Mind +16, Critical Hit +17, Piety +9
Heavy Wolfram Helm Heavy wolfram helm icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 90 90 2 Strength +16, Vitality +16, Critical Hit +17, Tenacity +12
Koga Hatsuburi Koga hatsuburi icon1.png 50 90 NIN 61 61 0 Dexterity +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Melee Circlet Melee circlet icon1.png 50 90 MNK 61 61 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Saurian Bandana of Striking Saurian bandana of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 49 49 2 Strength +16, Dexterity +16, Vitality +16, Skill Speed +15, Direct Hit Rate +17
Sorcerer's Petasos Sorcerers petasos icon1.png 50 90 BLM 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Critical Hit +15, Spell Speed +21
Summoner's Horn Summoners horn icon1.png 50 90 SMN 44 78 0 Vitality +18, Intelligence +18, Critical Hit +21, Direct Hit Rate +15
Valor Coronet Valor coronet icon1.png 50 90 PLD 113 113 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +15, Direct Hit Rate +21
Warrior's Burgeonet Warriors burgeonet icon1.png 50 90 WAR 113 113 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +15, Skill Speed +15
Wolfram Mask Wolfram mask icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG 63 49 2 Strength +16, Vitality +16, Critical Hit +12, Skill Speed +17
Wyrm's Armet Wyrms armet icon1.png 50 90 DRG 78 61 0 Strength +18, Vitality +20, Determination +11, Direct Hit Rate +21
Amon's Hat Amons hat icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Determination +16, Skill Speed +16
Batsight Okabuto Batsight okabuto icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN 63 63 2 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Skill Speed +16
Bearsmaw Armet Bearsmaw armet icon1.png 50 100 MRD, WAR 114 114 2 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Determination +11, Skill Speed +23
Birdsong Mask Birdsong mask icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD 63 63 2 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +16, Determination +16
Bogatyr's Blinder of Casting Bogatyrs blinder of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Spell Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Bogatyr's Cap of Aiming Bogatyrs cap of aiming icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Bogatyr's Circlet of Healing Bogatyrs circlet of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Determination +11, Direct Hit Rate +5, Piety +18
Elkhorn Hat Elkhorn hat icon1.png 50 100 ACN, SMN 46 80 2 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Critical Hit +23, Determination +11
Elktail Hat Elktail hat icon1.png 50 100 SCH 46 80 2 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Spell Speed +23, Piety +12
Flame Lieutenant's Helm Flame lieutenants helm icon1.png 50 100 All Classes 46 80 0 Strength +19, Dexterity +19, Vitality +22, Intelligence +19, Mind +19
Hawkwing Armet Hawkwing armet icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK 63 63 2 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +16, Determination +16
Lionsmane Armet Lionsmane armet icon1.png 50 100 GLA, PLD 114 114 2 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Skill Speed +16
Lynxfang Armet Lynxfang armet icon1.png 50 100 DRK 114 114 2 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +16, Skill Speed +23
Owlsight Hood Owlsight hood icon1.png 50 100 AST 46 80 2 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Spell Speed +23, Piety +12
Parrotbeak Mask Parrotbeak mask icon1.png 50 100 MCH 63 63 2 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +16, Determination +16
Phlegethon's Mask Phlegethons mask icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Picaroon's Eyepatch of Striking Picaroons eyepatch of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK, SAM 63 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Skill Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Picaroon's Headgear of Maiming Picaroons headgear of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG 80 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Determination +16, Direct Hit Rate +16
Picaroon's Mask of Scouting Picaroons mask of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Scylla's Helm of Casting Scyllas helm of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Determination +11, Spell Speed +23
Scylla's Helm of Healing Scyllas helm of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +5, Piety +12
Serpent Lieutenant's Hat Serpent lieutenants hat icon1.png 50 100 All Classes 46 80 0 Strength +19, Dexterity +19, Vitality +22, Intelligence +19, Mind +19
Snakestongue Helm Snakestongue helm icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG 80 63 2 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Determination +11
Storm Lieutenant's Tricorne Storm lieutenants tricorne icon1.png 50 100 All Classes 46 80 0 Strength +19, Dexterity +19, Vitality +22, Intelligence +19, Mind +19
Swansgrace Hood Swansgrace hood icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM 46 80 2 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Determination +11, Spell Speed +23
The Guardian's Helm of Maiming The guardians helm of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG 80 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Determination +16, Skill Speed +16
The Guardian's Helm of Striking The guardians helm of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 63 63 0 Strength +21, Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Determination +11, Skill Speed +23
Varlet's Sallet Varlets sallet icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Tenacity +16
Weathered Astrum Helm Weathered astrum helm icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG 80 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Skill Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Weathered Auroral Coif Weathered auroral coif icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Skill Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Weathered Daystar Circlet Weathered daystar circlet icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Critical Hit +16, Determination +16, Direct Hit Rate +5
Weathered Evenstar Hat Weathered evenstar hat icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Critical Hit +23, Spell Speed +16
Weathered Gloam Coif Weathered gloam coif icon1.png 50 100 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 63 63 0 Strength +21, Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +23, Skill Speed +16
Weathered Noct Circlet Weathered noct circlet icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit +16, Determination +16
Wolfseye Hat Wolfseye hat icon1.png 50 100 THM, BLM 46 80 2 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Determination +16, Spell Speed +16
Arachne Bandana of Scouting Arachne bandana of scouting icon1.png 50 110 ROG, NIN 52 52 2 Dexterity +22, Vitality +22, Critical Hit +14, Determination +14
Arachne Bandana of Striking Arachne bandana of striking icon1.png 50 110 PGL, MNK, SAM 52 52 2 Strength +22, Vitality +22, Determination +10, Skill Speed +20
Astrum Helm Astrum helm icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG 82 65 0 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Skill Speed +25, Direct Hit Rate +18
Auroral Coif Auroral coif icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH 65 65 0 Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Skill Speed +25, Direct Hit Rate +18
Batliege Okabuto Batliege okabuto icon1.png 50 110 ROG, NIN 65 65 2 Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Skill Speed +18, Direct Hit Rate +25
Bearliege Armet Bearliege armet icon1.png 50 110 MRD, WAR 116 116 2 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Determination +12, Skill Speed +25
Birdliege Mask Birdliege mask icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD 65 65 2 Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +25, Skill Speed +18
Daystar Circlet Daystar circlet icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 48 82 0 Vitality +25, Mind +24, Critical Hit +18, Determination +18, Direct Hit Rate +5
Elkliege Hat Elkliege hat icon1.png 50 110 ACN, SMN 48 82 2 Vitality +25, Intelligence +24, Critical Hit +18, Determination +18
Elklord Hat Elklord hat icon1.png 50 110 SCH 48 82 2 Vitality +25, Mind +24, Critical Hit +25, Spell Speed +18
Evenstar Hat Evenstar hat icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 48 82 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +24, Critical Hit +25, Spell Speed +18
Gloam Coif Gloam coif icon1.png 50 110 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 65 65 0 Strength +24, Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +25, Skill Speed +18
Hawkliege Armet Hawkliege armet icon1.png 50 110 PGL, MNK 65 65 2 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +25
High Allagan Circlet of Fending High allagan circlet of fending icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 116 116 0 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Skill Speed +18, Direct Hit Rate +25
High Allagan Circlet of Healing High allagan circlet of healing icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 48 82 0 Vitality +25, Mind +24, Spell Speed +18, Direct Hit Rate +5, Piety +19
High Allagan Headgear of Maiming High allagan headgear of maiming icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG 82 65 0 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +25
High Allagan Headgear of Striking High allagan headgear of striking icon1.png 50 110 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN, SAM 65 65 0 Strength +24, Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Determination +18, Direct Hit Rate +18
High Allagan Mask of Aiming High allagan mask of aiming icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH 65 65 0 Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Determination +12, Direct Hit Rate +25
High Allagan Mask of Casting High allagan mask of casting icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 48 82 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +24, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +25
Kirimu Tricorne Kirimu tricorne icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH 52 52 2 Dexterity +22, Vitality +22, Critical Hit +14, Determination +14
Lionliege Armet Lionliege armet icon1.png 50 110 GLA, PLD 116 116 2 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +25, Skill Speed +18
Lynxliege Armet Lynxliege armet icon1.png 50 110 DRK 116 116 2 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +25, Skill Speed +18
Noct Circlet Noct circlet icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 116 116 0 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +18, Determination +18
Owlliege Hood Owlliege hood icon1.png 50 110 AST 48 82 2 Vitality +25, Mind +24, Critical Hit +18, Spell Speed +25
Parrotliege Mask Parrotliege mask icon1.png 50 110 MCH 65 65 2 Dexterity +24, Vitality +28, Critical Hit +18, Skill Speed +25
Platinum Circlet of Casting Platinum circlet of casting icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 38 66 2 Vitality +20, Intelligence +22, Determination +14, Direct Hit Rate +14
Platinum Circlet of Healing Platinum circlet of healing icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 38 66 2 Vitality +20, Mind +22, Critical Hit +20, Direct Hit Rate +5, Piety +11
Snakeliege Helm Snakeliege helm icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG 82 65 2 Strength +24, Vitality +28, Determination +18, Skill Speed +18
Swanliege Hood Swanliege hood icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM 48 82 2 Vitality +25, Mind +24, Determination +12, Spell Speed +25
Wolfliege Hat Wolfliege hat icon1.png 50 110 THM, BLM 48 82 2 Vitality +25, Intelligence +24, Determination +12, Spell Speed +25
Wootz Mask Wootz mask icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG 66 52 2 Strength +22, Vitality +22, Critical Hit +20, Determination +10
Wootz Sallet Wootz sallet icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 93 93 2 Strength +22, Vitality +22, Determination +10, Tenacity +20
Mythrite Circlet of Striking Mythrite circlet of striking icon1.png 50 115 PGL, MNK, SAM 59 59 2 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +16, Direct Hit Rate +23
Mythrite Sallet of Fending Mythrite sallet of fending icon1.png 50 115 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 105 105 2 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Direct Hit Rate +23, Tenacity +16
Mythrite Sallet of Maiming Mythrite sallet of maiming icon1.png 50 115 LNC, DRG 75 59 2 Strength +23, Vitality +27, Determination +17, Direct Hit Rate +16
Nameless Hachigane Nameless hachigane icon1.png 50 115 SAM 66 66 0 Strength +26, Vitality +30, Critical Hit +26, Direct Hit Rate +18
Rainbow Cap of Aiming Rainbow cap of aiming icon1.png 50 115 ARC, BRD, MCH 59 59 2 Dexterity +23, Vitality +27, Critical Hit +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Rainbow Cap of Casting Rainbow cap of casting icon1.png 50 115 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 44 75 2 Vitality +24, Intelligence +23, Critical Hit +16, Direct Hit Rate +23
Rainbow Cap of Healing Rainbow cap of healing icon1.png 50 115 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 44 75 2 Vitality +24, Mind +23, Critical Hit +16, Piety +18
Rainbow Coif of Scouting Rainbow coif of scouting icon1.png 50 115 ROG, NIN 59 59 2 Dexterity +23, Vitality +27, Skill Speed +23, Direct Hit Rate +16
Red Hat Red hat icon1.png 50 115 RDM 49 83 0 Vitality +27, Intelligence +26, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +26
Demon Circlet of Maiming Demon circlet of maiming icon1.png 50 120 LNC, DRG 84 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Determination +13, Skill Speed +27
Demon Circlet of Scouting Demon circlet of scouting icon1.png 50 120 ROG, NIN 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +19, Skill Speed +27
Demon Circlet of Striking Demon circlet of striking icon1.png 50 120 PGL, MNK, SAM 66 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Determination +19, Skill Speed +19
Demon Hat of Aiming Demon hat of aiming icon1.png 50 120 ARC, BRD, MCH 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +27, Direct Hit Rate +19
Demon Hat of Casting Demon hat of casting icon1.png 50 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +27, Critical Hit +27, Spell Speed +19
Demon Hat of Healing Demon hat of healing icon1.png 50 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Mind +27, Critical Hit +27, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +5
Demon Helm of Fending Demon helm of fending icon1.png 50 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 118 118 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Determination +19, Skill Speed +19
Ironworks Helm of Fending Ironworks helm of fending icon1.png 50 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 118 118 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +27, Direct Hit Rate +19
Ironworks Hood of Casting Ironworks hood of casting icon1.png 50 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +27, Determination +13, Spell Speed +27
Ironworks Mask of Aiming Ironworks mask of aiming icon1.png 50 120 ARC, BRD, MCH 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Determination +13, Direct Hit Rate +27
Ironworks Mask of Scouting Ironworks mask of scouting icon1.png 50 120 ROG, NIN 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Skill Speed +19, Direct Hit Rate +27
Ironworks Optics of Healing Ironworks optics of healing icon1.png 50 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Mind +27, Critical Hit +19, Direct Hit Rate +5, Piety +21
Ironworks Visor of Maiming Ironworks visor of maiming icon1.png 50 120 LNC, DRG 84 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +19, Direct Hit Rate +27
Ironworks Visor of Striking Ironworks visor of striking icon1.png 50 120 PGL, MNK, SAM 66 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit +19, Direct Hit Rate +27
Augmented Ironworks Helm of Fending Augmented ironworks helm of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 119 119 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Augmented Ironworks Hood of Casting Augmented ironworks hood of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 51 85 0 Vitality +32, Intelligence +31, Determination +14, Spell Speed +29
Augmented Ironworks Mask of Aiming Augmented ironworks mask of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC, BRD, MCH 68 68 0 Dexterity +31, Vitality +36, Determination +14, Direct Hit Rate +29
Augmented Ironworks Mask of Scouting Augmented ironworks mask of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG, NIN 68 68 0 Dexterity +31, Vitality +36, Skill Speed +20, Direct Hit Rate +29
Augmented Ironworks Optics of Healing Augmented ironworks optics of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 51 85 0 Vitality +32, Mind +31, Critical Hit +20, Direct Hit Rate +6, Piety +22
Augmented Ironworks Visor of Maiming Augmented ironworks visor of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC, DRG 85 68 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +20, Direct Hit Rate +29
Augmented Ironworks Visor of Striking Augmented ironworks visor of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL, MNK, SAM 68 68 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +20, Direct Hit Rate +29
Dreadwyrm Barbut of Maiming Dreadwyrm barbut of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC, DRG 85 68 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Determination +21, Direct Hit Rate +20
Dreadwyrm Chapeau of Aiming Dreadwyrm chapeau of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC, BRD, MCH 68 68 0 Dexterity +31, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +20, Skill Speed +29
Dreadwyrm Circlet of Scouting Dreadwyrm circlet of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG, NIN 68 68 0 Dexterity +31, Vitality +36, Critical Hit +29, Determination +14
Dreadwyrm Circlet of Striking Dreadwyrm circlet of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL, MNK, SAM 68 68 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Skill Speed +29, Direct Hit Rate +20
Dreadwyrm Coronet of Fending Dreadwyrm coronet of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 119 119 0 Strength +31, Vitality +36, Direct Hit Rate +29, Tenacity +20
Dreadwyrm Hood of Healing Dreadwyrm hood of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 51 85 0 Vitality +32, Mind +31, Spell Speed +29, Direct Hit Rate +6, Piety +15
Dreadwyrm Petasos of Casting Dreadwyrm petasos of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 51 85 0 Vitality +32, Intelligence +31, Critical Hit +20, Direct Hit Rate +29
Magus's Mask Maguss mask icon1.png 50 130 BLU 51 85 0 Vitality +32, Intelligence +31, Critical Hit +29, Spell Speed +20