Augmented Deepshadow Armor

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See also: Level 80 Gear Guide, Augmented Deepshadow Weapons and Augmented Deepshadow Accessories

Purchased from Shee-Tatch in Eulmore (x10.2,y11.8) for Deepshadow Twine or Deepshadow Coating

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Deepshadow Armguards of Casting Augmented deepshadow armguards of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Hands 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Intelligence +303, Spell Speed +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Armguards of Healing Augmented deepshadow armguards of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Mind +303, Determination +264, Piety +185
Augmented Deepshadow Bottoms of Scouting Augmented deepshadow bottoms of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Legs 889 889 2 Dexterity +492, Vitality +526, Determination +429, Skill Speed +300
Augmented Deepshadow Bottoms of Striking Augmented deepshadow bottoms of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 889 889 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Skill Speed +300, Direct Hit Rate +429
Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Aiming Augmented deepshadow breeches of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Legs 889 889 2 Dexterity +492, Vitality +526, Critical Hit +300, Direct Hit Rate +429
Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Casting Augmented deepshadow breeches of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Legs 647 1132 2 Vitality +473, Intelligence +492, Determination +300, Spell Speed +429
Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Fending Augmented deepshadow breeches of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Legs 1617 1617 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Critical Hit +300, Determination +429
Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Healing Augmented deepshadow breeches of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 647 1132 2 Vitality +473, Mind +492, Determination +300, Piety +429
Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Maiming Augmented deepshadow breeches of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Legs 1132 889 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Determination +300, Direct Hit Rate +429
Augmented Deepshadow Chapeau of Aiming Augmented deepshadow chapeau of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Head 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Skill Speed +185
Augmented Deepshadow Coat of Aiming Augmented deepshadow coat of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Body 889 889 2 Dexterity +492, Vitality +526, Determination +429, Direct Hit Rate +300
Augmented Deepshadow Cuirass of Fending Augmented deepshadow cuirass of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Body 1617 1617 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Critical Hit +300, Determination +429
Augmented Deepshadow Cuirass of Maiming Augmented deepshadow cuirass of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Body 1132 889 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Critical Hit +300, Skill Speed +429
Augmented Deepshadow Gauntlets of Fending Augmented deepshadow gauntlets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Hands 1155 1155 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Skill Speed +264, Tenacity +185
Augmented Deepshadow Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented deepshadow gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Hands 809 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Determination +264, Skill Speed +185
Augmented Deepshadow Gloves of Aiming Augmented deepshadow gloves of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Hands 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Determination +185
Augmented Deepshadow Gloves of Scouting Augmented deepshadow gloves of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Hands 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Determination +185
Augmented Deepshadow Gloves of Striking Augmented deepshadow gloves of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 635 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Skill Speed +185, Direct Hit Rate +264
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Aiming Augmented deepshadow greaves of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Feet 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Skill Speed +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Casting Augmented deepshadow greaves of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Feet 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Intelligence +303, Critical Hit +185, Direct Hit Rate +264
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Healing Augmented deepshadow greaves of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Mind +303, Spell Speed +185, Piety +264
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Scouting Augmented deepshadow greaves of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Feet 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Skill Speed +185
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Striking Augmented deepshadow greaves of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 635 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Determination +185
Augmented Deepshadow Halfmask of Striking Augmented deepshadow halfmask of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 635 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Helm of Fending Augmented deepshadow helm of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Head 1155 1155 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Tenacity +185
Augmented Deepshadow Helm of Maiming Augmented deepshadow helm of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Head 809 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Determination +185
Augmented Deepshadow Hood of Casting Augmented deepshadow hood of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Head 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Intelligence +303, Determination +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Hood of Healing Augmented deepshadow hood of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Mind +303, Determination +185, Piety +264
Augmented Deepshadow Mask of Scouting Augmented deepshadow mask of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Head 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +185, Direct Hit Rate +264
Augmented Deepshadow Scale Mail of Casting Augmented deepshadow scale mail of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Body 647 1132 2 Vitality +473, Intelligence +492, Critical Hit +429, Determination +300
Augmented Deepshadow Scale Mail of Healing Augmented deepshadow scale mail of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 647 1132 2 Vitality +473, Mind +492, Critical Hit +300, Determination +429
Augmented Deepshadow Scale Mail of Scouting Augmented deepshadow scale mail of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Body 889 889 2 Dexterity +492, Vitality +526, Determination +429, Direct Hit Rate +300
Augmented Deepshadow Scale Mail of Striking Augmented deepshadow scale mail of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 889 889 2 Strength +492, Vitality +526, Critical Hit +300, Skill Speed +429
Augmented Deepshadow Shield Augmented deepshadow shield icon1.png 80 470 GLA, PLD Shield 2200 2200 0 Strength +151, Vitality +162, Critical Hit +132, Determination +92
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Fending Augmented deepshadow sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Feet 1155 1155 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Determination +185, Tenacity +264
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Maiming Augmented deepshadow sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Feet 809 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Aiming Augmented deepshadow tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Waist 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Direct Hit Rate +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Casting Augmented deepshadow tassets of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, Red Mage, BLU Waist 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Intelligence +227, Determination +198, Direct Hit Rate +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Fending Augmented deepshadow tassets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Waist 1001 1001 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Skill Speed +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Healing Augmented deepshadow tassets of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Mind +227, Spell Speed +139, Piety +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Maiming Augmented deepshadow tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG Waist 701 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Skill Speed +139, Direct Hit Rate +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Scouting Augmented deepshadow tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN Waist 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Determination +139, Direct Hit Rate +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Striking Augmented deepshadow tassets of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 551 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Determination +139