Acronyms, abbreviations, and common terms
ACC = Accuracy
ACN = Arcanist
ALC = Alchemist
AP = [[Attributes|Attribute Points: points you get from leveling. You can spend the points to gain extra base attributes.
ARC = Archer
ARM = Armorer
ARR = A Realm Reborn
BLM = Black Mage
BRD = Bard
BSM = Blacksmith
BTN = Botanist
CNJ = Conjurer
CRP = Carpenter
CUL = Culinarian
DoH = Disciples of the Hand
DoL = Disciples of the Land
DoM = Disciples of Magic
DoW = Disciples of War
DF = Duty Finder
DEF = Defense
DEX = Dexterity
DRG = Dragoon
FFXIV = Final Fantasy XIV
FSH = Fisher
GH = Guildhest
GL = Guildleve
GLA = Gladiator
GSM = Goldsmith
INT = Intelligence
MND = Mind
MNK = Monk
MRD = Marauder
PGL = Pugilist
PIE = Piety
PLD = Paladin
PvP = Player vs. Player
SCH = Scholar
SQ = Square Enix
STR = Strength
THM = Thaumaturge
VIT = Vitality
WAR = Warrior
WHM = White Mage
WVR = Weaver
Y = Yalm, an unit of distance in FFXIV