Cedar Accessories

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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide, Cedar Weapons and Cedar Armor

These accessories are crafted from level 51 recipes with Heavensward zone materials, in addition to being HQ icon.png high quality rewards from various quests. They can also be bought (NQ) at various HW zone vendors.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Mythrite Earrings of Fending Mythrite earrings of fending icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Determination +12, Direct Hit Rate +12
Mythrite Earrings of Slaying Mythrite earrings of slaying icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +12
Mythrite Earrings of Aiming Mythrite earrings of aiming icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 0 0 1 Dexterity +17, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +18, Skill Speed +12
Mythrite Earrings of Healing Mythrite earrings of healing icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Mind +17, Critical Hit +12, Determination +12
Mythrite Earrings of Casting Mythrite earrings of casting icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Intelligence +17, Spell Speed +12, Direct Hit Rate +18
Rainbow Ribbon of Fending Rainbow ribbon of fending icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Necklace 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +12
Rainbow Ribbon of Slaying Rainbow ribbon of slaying icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Necklace 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Determination +9, Skill Speed +18
Rainbow Ribbon of Aiming Rainbow ribbon of aiming icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Necklace 0 0 1 Dexterity +17, Vitality +20, Determination +12, Direct Hit Rate +12
Rainbow Ribbon of Healing Rainbow ribbon of healing icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Necklace 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Mind +17, Determination +9, Piety +13
Rainbow Ribbon of Casting Rainbow ribbon of casting icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Necklace 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Intelligence +17, Determination +12, Direct Hit Rate +12
Mythrite Bangle of Fending Mythrite bangle of fending icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Bracelets 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Skill Speed +12, Direct Hit Rate +18
Mythrite Bangle of Slaying Mythrite bangle of slaying icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Bracelets 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Determination +9, Direct Hit Rate +18
Mythrite Bangle of Aiming Mythrite bangle of aiming icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Bracelets 0 0 1 Dexterity +17, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +18, Determination +9
Mythrite Bangle of Healing Mythrite bangle of healing icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Bracelets 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Mind +17, Critical Hit +18, Spell Speed +12
Mythrite Bangle of Casting Mythrite bangle of casting icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Bracelets 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Intelligence +17, Critical Hit +12, Spell Speed +18
Agate Ring of Fending Agate ring of fending icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Ring 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Direct Hit Rate +12, Tenacity +18
Agate Ring of Slaying Agate ring of slaying icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Ring 0 0 1 Strength +17, Vitality +20, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +12
Agate Ring of Aiming Agate ring of aiming icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Ring 0 0 1 Dexterity +17, Vitality +20, Skill Speed +12, Direct Hit Rate +18
Agate Ring of Healing Agate ring of healing icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Ring 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Mind +17, Critical Hit +12, Piety +13
Agate Ring of Casting Agate ring of casting icon1.png 50 115 Disciples of War or Magic Ring 0 0 1 Vitality +18, Intelligence +17, Critical Hit +18, Direct Hit Rate +12