Zenith Zodiac Weapons

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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide and Zodiac Weapons

Unlike all other upgrades, upgrading to a Zenith Relic Weapon is extremely easy and simply involves 3 Thavnairian mist icon1.png  Thavnairian Mists. When upgraded at the furnace near Gerolt, Zenith Zodiac Weapons get a faint coloured glow (colour varies depending on weapon) when unsheathed.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Curtana Zenith Curtana zenith icon1.png 50 90 PLD 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +22 Vitality +24 Direct Hit Rate +26 Tenacity +18 
Bravura Zenith Bravura zenith icon1.png 50 90 WAR 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +31 Vitality +33 Skill Speed +26 Tenacity +37 
Gae Bolg Zenith Gae bolg zenith icon1.png 50 90 DRG 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +31 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +26 Direct Hit Rate +37 
Sphairai Zenith Sphairai zenith icon1.png 50 90 MNK 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +31 Vitality +33 Direct Hit Rate +37 Skill Speed +26 
Yoshimitsu Zenith Yoshimitsu zenith icon1.png 50 90 NIN 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +31 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +37 Direct Hit Rate +26 
Artemis Bow Zenith Artemis bow zenith icon1.png 50 90 BRD 61 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +31 Vitality +33 Direct Hit Rate +37 Skill Speed +26 
Stardust Rod Zenith Stardust rod zenith icon1.png 50 90 BLM 61 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +31 Vitality +30 Determination +26 Spell Speed +37 
The Veil of Wiyu Zenith The veil of wiyu zenith icon1.png 50 90 SMN 61 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +31 Vitality +30 Determination +26 Spell Speed +37 
Thyrus Zenith Thyrus zenith icon1.png 50 90 WHM 61 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +31 Vitality +30 Determination +37 Spell Speed +26 
Omnilex Zenith Omnilex zenith icon1.png 50 90 SCH 61 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +31 Vitality +30 Determination +26 Spell Speed +37 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Holy Shield Zenith Holy shield zenith icon1.png 50 90 PLD 227 227 0 Strength +9 Vitality +9 Skill Speed +8 Tenacity +11