Difference between revisions of "User:JohnnySolas/Sandbox"
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JohnnySolas (talk | contribs) |
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*[[Janquetilaque]] | *[[Janquetilaque]] | ||
*[[Jayunja Butterfly (NPC)]] | *[[Jayunja Butterfly (NPC)]] |
Revision as of 17:20, 27 July 2024
- Janquetilaque
- Jayunja Butterfly (NPC)
- Justiciar
- Kaahe
- Kachaal Ja
- Kajeel Ja
- Kanilokka
- Kanuhanu
- Kaqool Ja
- Karisa
- Karporger
- Kayamene
- Keen-eyed Temple Knight
- Kemakka
- Kepayuwte
- Keshkwa
- Ketek
- Ketenramm
- Ketonye
- Kiishel Ja
- Kiluwsa
- Kind-eyed Xbr'aal
- Kindly Alchemist
- Kindly Hoobigo
- Kindly Lady
- Kipehwi
- Kipeshpe
- Kivaal Ja
- Knowledgeable Adventurer
- Knowledgeable Merchant
- Koana
- Kokonowa
- Kuiyki
- Kunuhali
- Kunuk
- Kupopo
- Kwikana
- Lafaal Ja
- Lalafellin Gleaner
- Landsguard Drum Major
- Landsguard Gate Sentry
- Landsguard Gatekeeper
- Landsguard Messenger
- Landsguard Sentry
- Landsguard Soldier
- Lanuhali
- Lanuhanu
- Larisa
- Laugh-weary Lalafell
- Leander
- Leblu
- Leering Delinquent
- Lenuhali
- Lenyikkwe
- Leophyne
- Letemenyi
- Lethargic Frog
- Levelheaded Resident
- Light-hearted Lady
- Liinel Ja
- Linuhali
- Linuhanu
- Listless Boy
- Lively Lass
- Liwine
- Liyukwa
- Loanyine
- Loasakwe
- Loashkana
- Loazenikwe
- Local Merchant (Earthenshire)
- Local Merchant (The Ty'iinbek Traverse)
- Local Merchant (The Ut'ohmu Horizon)
- Lonuhali
- Lormurlor
- Lost Rroneek Calf
- Luvli
- Luwatenine
- Luwyawa
- Maahwi
- Maatso
- Mablu
- Mahuwsa
- Malihali
- Malodorous Coffee Bean Thief
- Mamool Ja Landsguard
- Materia Melder (Exultation)
- Materia Melder (Residential Sector)
- Mavli
- Mechanical Guide
- Mechanical Sentry
- Mechanical Soldier
- Medicine Merchant
- Meerel Ja
- Melancholic Worker
- Melancholy
- Melancholy Hanu
- Melody
- Memeja
- Menacing Mamool Ja
- Mender (Delicate Designs)
- Mender (Earthenshire)
- Mender (Electrope Strike)
- Mender (Eshceyaani Wilds)
- Mender (Many Fires)
- Mender (Miyakabek'zoma)
- Mender (The Outskirts)
- Mender (The Ty'iinbek Traverse)
- Mender (The Ut'ohmu Horizon)
- Merchant (Ok'hanu)
- Meteshze
- Meticulous Mamool Ja
- Mevlu
- Mewazunte
- Middle-aged Mariner
- Miffed Milalla
- Miilal Ja
- Mild-mannered Adventurer
- Mild-mannered Mamool Ja
- Milos
- Miplu
- Misty-eyed Skygazer
- Mitepe
- Mivli
- Mobeel Ja
- Moblin Fisher
- Monom
- Morbol Seedling (NPC)
- Mosaal Ja
- Mournful Hanu
- Movamuq
- Mozeo
- Munahanu
- Murfurlur
- Museum Curator
- Myron
- Mysterious Spirit
- Naahe
- Nahanshe
- Nahueni
- Nakente
- Namikka
- Napikwe
- Narrator
- Neon
- Nervous Confederate
- Nervous Hanu
- Neshtezi
- Nettse
- Nexus Arcade Shopkeep
- Nikawtenhe
- Ninaaho
- Nishetezi
- Nitowikwe
- Nonchalant Ranch Hand
- Nopli
- Nostalgia
- Nostalgic Attendant
- Novice Fisher
- Nyikweni
- Nyipine
- O'onuhali
- Obstinate Chirwagur
- Old-fashioned Knight
- Onlooking Lass
- Opportunistic Moblin
- Oshce
- Otis
- Overwhelmed Official
- Ovli
- Pablu
- Packapik
- Pained Patient
- Pakwene
- Palace Seer
- Pameka
- Papawni
- Paranoid Resident
- Pashenine
- Passionate Phytologist
- Patient Gravekeeper
- Patient Proctor
- Pawkwena
- Pawmepya
- Peckish Pelupelu
- Pelupelu Cloth Merchant
- Pelupelu Fisherman
- Pelupelu Guest
- Pelupelu Onlooker
- Pelupelu Peddler (Special Orders, Special Deliveries)
- Pelupelu Tippler
- Pepoane
- Perplexed Hyune
- Perplexed Pelupelu
- Perplexed Weaver
- Personable Boonewa
- Peshekwa
- Peshiwa
- Petal
- Petra
- Philcox
- Philomon
- Phiniph
- Pinuhali
- Playful Girl
- Pobli
- Ponawme
- Ponuhanu
- Popoto Peddler
- Port Official
- Porta Praetoria Commander
- Povli
- Precocious Mamool Ja
- Preoccupied Radiant
- Preoccupied Resident
- Prestapik
- Prudent Hunter
- Punutiy
- Pyaaho
- Pyatta
- Qobli
- Queen Eternal
- Quroll Ja
- Radoll Ja
- Raholl Ja
- Railroad Clerk
- Railroad Engineer
- Railroad Foreman
- Railroad Inspector
- Rakorok
- Raplu
- Ravlu
- Rebli
- Recuperating Rroneek
- Red-Haired Hhetsarro
- Red-haired Daybreaker
- Red-headed Youth
- Rediroq
- Reed Farmer
- Refinery Engineer
- Relaxing Woman
- Relieved Dame
- Repair Unit
- Repli
- Reposing Officer
- Rerjuryar
- Researcher's Aide
- Resolute Temple Knight
- Resolution Clerk
- Resting Resident
- Restless Milalla
- Retired Mercenary
- Rhoa
- Rhodina
- Rinuri
- Rising Attendant (anniversary2024) (Gridania)
- Rising Attendant (anniversary2024) (Limsa Lominsa)
- Rising Attendant (anniversary2024) (Ul'dah)
- Rising Vendor (anniversary2024)
- Robor
- Roguish Boy
- Ropli
- Rostand
- Rral Br'aax
- Rral Majun
- Rral Soj
- Rral Ty'ukuk
- Rral Vaw
- Rral Wuruq
- Rugged Samurai
- Runaway Cat (NPC)
- Ryubool Ja
- Sajool Ja
- Samidare
- Sapped Notocactuar
- Sapphire (NPC)
- Saralla
- Sareel Ja
- Satisfied Endless
- Savvy Stable Master
- Scrip Exchange (Nexus Arcade)
- Scrip Exchange (The Resplendent Quarter)
- Seasoned Ninja
- Seasoned Radiant
- Sekiseigumi Samurai
- Self-assured Trader
- Serpent Captain
- Severe Yok Huy
- Shady Hoobigo
- Shale
- Shaloaci
- Shashepya
- Shcoahe
- Sheeho
- Shelowekwi
- Shemapi
- Shenza
- Shepetto
- Shepimenye
- Shetona Bandit
- Shetona Onlooker
- Shetona Painter
- Shetona Youth
- Shiidil Ja
- Shonihe
- Short-Haired Hhetsarro
- Shovlu
- Shunye
- Sickly Merchant
- Silver-haired Daybreaker
- Skarn
- Skittish Bandit
- So-called Viper
- Softspoken Man
- Softspoken Woman
- Soldier's Helm
- Soneel Ja
- Sopli
- Sovli
- Specimen-observing Endless
- Sphene (NPC)
- Sphene Actress
- Spirited Hhetsarro
- Spirited Temple Knight
- Splendors Vendor (Solution Nine)
- Startled Hhetsarro
- Stave-bearing Guard
- Stern Hhetsarro
- Stockpiling Citizen
- Stoic Chronicler
- Stowastiq
- Strapping Young Lad
- Stricken Sentry
- Strika
- Stunned Woman
- Sulking Youth
- Sunbaked Stablekeep
- Sunny Yellowjacket
- Sunperch Guard
- Supply Crate (NPC)
- Surly Youth
- Swarthy Sailor
- Sweaty Guest
- Swipostik
- Sword-wielding Guard
- Taapu
- Taciturn Weaponsmith
- Tahrafahr
- Tahwe
- Tapipya
- Tarnotik
- Tassos
- Tawmezi
- Tawzenza
- Tempatriq
- Temple Chronicler
- Temple Guard
- Tenacious Tour Guide
- Tentoawa
- Tepeke
- Tepli
- Terminal-gazing Endless
- Terrified Tourist
- Tezenye
- Theron
- Tiisol Ja
- Timid Bandit
- Timid Lady
- Timid Trader
- Tipsy Man
- Toanzohe
- Toashana
- Toashiua
- Tobli
- Togaal Ja
- Tojoll Ja
- Tokot
- Tonahanu
- Tonakwe
- Tonawawtan Bandit
- Tonawawtan Onlooker
- Tonawawtan Worker
- Tonawawtan Youth
- Tonot
- Tonuhanu
- Train Passenger
- Train Watchguard
- Trainee Hunter
- Trainee Mechanic
- Traumatized Adventurer
- Traveling Peddler
- Trembling Man
- Troubled Civilian
- Troubled Craftsman
- Tsabli
- Tsanaya
- Tseppi
- Tsivlu
- Tsuuhe
- Tsuvli
- Tuliyollal Youth
- Tunuhali
- Turali Swordswoman
- Ty'at Br'aax
- Ty'at Evu
- Ty'at Ilyik
- Ty'at Qat
- Ty'at Roh
- Ty'at Soj
- Ty'at Tst'ei
- U'ulihali
- U'unuhanu
- Uaauashe
- Uah'shepya
- Uapyota
- Uataaye
- Ubuyu
- Ui'she
- Unakite
- Unassuming Merchant
- Uncouth Thug
- Unnerved Hunter
- Unsavory Thug
- Unsure Citizen
- Upright Knight
- Uvlo
- Valigarmanda
- Vanu Vanu Guide
- Vapli
- Vedoll Ja
- Veegal Ja
- Veenil Ja
- Vendavoq
- Vendor Unit
- Veteran Hunter
- Virazahn
- Virazahn's Father
- Vocal Varmint
- Vopli
- Voracious Moblin
- Vorporlor
- Vorporlor's Aide
- Vugeel Ja
- Vyurvarjur
- Wakkwaze
- Warsowok
- Washezeka
- Watchful Man
- Water-watching Endless
- Wavlu
- Wawkepe
- Wawkesa
- Wawkwa
- Wawlika
- Wayakkwe
- Waylaid Merchant
- Waylaid Peddler
- Wayward Artisan
- Wayward Child
- Weary Adventurer
- Weeping Citizen
- Wesanpe
- Wezetonyi
- Wihoakwe
- Wihuwte
- Wild-eyed Alpaca
- Windspath Gardens Guard
- Wing of Protection Scout
- Wistful Woman
- Witemenye
- Wopli
- Working Resident
- Worried Gentleman
- Worried Weaver
- Worried Wivre-handler
- Wuk Duxun
- Wuk Evu
- Wuk Ts'on
- Wuk Ty'ukuk
- Wyssulm
- Xax Akoh
- Xax Ilyik
- Xax Ogaw
- Xax Rruk
- Xax Tei
- Xbalyav Ty'e Kitchen Hand
- Xbr'aal Customer
- Xbr'aal Landsguard
- Xbr'aal Onlooker
- Xbr'aal Youth
- Xeerol Ja
- Yafaal Ja
- Yamehwi
- Yarjorzur
- Yavli
- Yesterland Guard
- Yok Huy Guide
- Yok Huy Stonemason
- Yorgerwor
- Young Mercenary
- Young Xbr'aal
- Young Yok Huy
- Youthful Hhetsarro
- Yuplu
- Yyopya
- Yyopyicana
- Zale
- Zanuhali
- Zanuhanu
- Zarwarkur
- Zatekwine
- Zatepepya
- Zawpya
- Zeebil Ja
- Zekowa
- Zemoweni
- Zerborlor
- Zereel Ja
- Zerig
- Zeseel Ja
- Zeycihan
- Zilekke
- Zircon (NPC)
- Zitekkwa
- Zomenike
- Zonuhanu
- Zoraal Ja
- Zotenine
- Zulihali
- Zundu Warrior
- Zurferlar
- Zurmurwur