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“The hero who slew Valigarmanda has been crowned Dawnservant, has she? A most joyous moment in history. Indeed, I may even mark the event on my gravestone.
— In-game description
Tahrafahr is a Yok Huy in Urqopacha.
What do you do here?
Tahrafahr: Me? Well, most days I make sure everyone in the village gets enough to eat. I have also been charged with welcoming outsiders, as there are scant few among us confident in their command of the common tongue. Tahrafahr: I do not think myself especially eloquent compared to my neighbors here, but please do forgive us if we mispronounce a word or two.
What manner of place is this?
Tahrafahr: Worlar's Echo: where the clattering of stone upon stone gave rise to a great mountain. It is where the Yok Huy began, and it is where we will one day end. Tahrafahr: Isolated as we are from the rest of Tural, ours is a homogenous community. We seek only to live in peace with our ancestors and maintain the ancient stonework they've entrusted to us.