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“Perhaps I should prepare our finest agaves for distillation in honor of our new Dawnservants. No doubt they are busy with their many duties, but surely there will come a night where they can relax and enjoy a few glasses of mezcal.
— In-game description
Sovli is a Pelupelu in Urqopacha.
What do you do here?
Sovli: Oh, many things! I examine the soil and weather to ensure our agaves grow in the best conditions possible, decide the pace at which they are cultivated, and determine how many are prepared for distillation. Sovli: Nothing pleases me more than when someone takes an interest in the farm! My colleagues and I spend all day looking after the agaves─I suppose it just feels nice when our hard work is appreciated.
What kind of place is this?
Sovli: Why, it's an agave farm of course! We collect their sap and distill it to make mezcal. Sovli: As for the farm's namesake, well, just look at how neatly we have the plants lined up! Doesn't the view remind you of a wild beast's gaping maw? Er, not that I've seen one up close...