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===Tank Loot===
===Tank Loot===
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{armor table header}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Cuirass}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Gauntlets}}
!Item Level
{{armor table row|Brand-new Trousers}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Sabatons}}
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
!Training Exercise
|[[Brand-new Gauntlets]] ||[[File:novices gauntlets icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[Dark Knight|DRK]], [[Gunbreaker|GNB]] <br /> Level 15 || Hands || 37 || 37 || align = "left" |[[Strength]] +2, [[Vitality]] +2, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +1, [[Critical Hit]] +2 || [[Tank Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks]]
|[[Brand-new Sabatons]] ||[[File:brand-new sabatons icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[Dark Knight|DRK]], [[Gunbreaker|GNB]] <br /> Level 15 || Feet || 37 || 37 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +2, [[Vitality]] +2, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +1, [[Skill Speed]] +2  || [[Tank Training - Exercise 3: Execute a Combo in Battle]]
|[[Brand-new Trousers]] ||[[File:brand-new trousers icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[Dark Knight|DRK]], [[Gunbreaker|GNB]] <br /> Level 15 || Legs || 49 || 49 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +3, [[Vitality]] +3, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +2, [[Determination]] +3  || [[Tank Training - Exercise 5: Engage Multiple Targets]]
|[[Brand-new Cuirass]] ||[[File:novices cuirass icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]], [[Dark Knight|DRK]], [[Gunbreaker|GNB]] <br /> Level 15 || Body || 49 || 49 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +3, [[Vitality]] +3, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +2, [[Tenacity]] +3  || [[Tank Training - Exercise 7: Engage Enemy Reinforcements]]

===Disciples of War Loot===
===Disciples of War Loot===
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{armor table header}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Tabard}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Gloves}}
!Item Level
{{armor table row|Brand-new Skirt}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Boots}}
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
!Training Exercise
|[[Brand-new Gloves]] ||[[File:brand-new gloves icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 15 || Hands || 37 || 37 || align = "left" |[[Strength]] +2, [[Dexterity]] +2, [[Vitality]] +2, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +2, [[Determination]] +1 || [[DPS Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks]]
|[[Brand-new Boots]] ||[[File:brand-new boots icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 15 || Feet || 37 || 37 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +2, [[Dexterity]] +2, [[Vitality]] +2, [[Critical Hit]] +2, [[Determination]] +1  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 2: Assist Allies in Defeating a Target]]
|[[Brand-new Skirt]] ||[[File:brand-new skirt icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 15 || Legs || 49 || 49 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +3, [[Dexterity]] +3, [[Vitality]] +3, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +3, [[Determination]] +2  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged Targets]]
|[[Brand-new Tabard]] ||[[File:brand-new tabard icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 15 || Body || 49 || 49 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +3, [[Dexterity]] +3, [[Vitality]] +3, [[Skill Speed]] +3, [[Determination]] +2  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 6: Interact with the Battlefield]]

===Disciples of Magic Loot===
===Disciples of Magic Loot===
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{armor table header}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Robe}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Halfgloves}}
!Item Level
{{armor table row|Brand-new Waistwrap}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Thighboots}}
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
!Training Exercise
|[[Brand-new Halfgloves]] ||[[File:brand-new halfgloves icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of Magic]] <br /> Level 15 || Hands || 15 || 26 || align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +1, [[Intelligence]] +2, [[Mind]] +2, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +2, [[Determination]] +1 || [[DPS Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks]] <br /> [[Healer Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks]]
|[[Brand-new Thighboots]] ||[[File:brand-new thighboots icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of Magic]] <br /> Level 15 || Feet || 15 || 16 ||  align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +1, [[Intelligence]] +2, [[Mind]] +2, [[Critical Hit]] +2, [[Determination]] +1  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 2: Assist Allies in Defeating a Target]] <br /> [[Healer Training - Exercise 2: Heal an Ally]]
|[[Brand-new Waistwrap]] ||[[File:brand-new waistwrap icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of Magic]] <br /> Level 15 || Legs || 20 || 34 ||  align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +2, [[Intelligence]] +3, [[Mind]] +3, [[Critical Hit]] +3, [[Determination]] +2  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged Targets]] <br /> [[Healer Training - Exercise 3: Heal Multiple Allies]]
|[[Brand-new Robe]] ||[[File:brand-new robe icon1.png]] || 17 || [[Disciples of Magic]] <br /> Level 15 || Body || 20 || 34 ||  align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +2, [[Intelligence]] +3, [[Mind]] +3, [[Critical Hit]] +3, [[Determination]] +2  || [[DPS Training - Exercise 6: Interact with the Battlefield]] <br /> [[Healer Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged Targets]]

===All Roles Loot===
===All Roles Loot===
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{armor table header}}
{{armor table row|Brand-new Ring}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
!Training Exercise
|[[Brand-new Ring]] ||[[File:aetheryte ring icon1.png]] || 30 || [[Disciples of War]] or [[Disciples of Magic|Magic]] <br /> Level 1 || Ring || 1 || 1 ||  align = "left" |[[Strength]] +3, [[Dexterity]] +3, [[Vitality]] +3, [[Intelligence]] +3, [[Mind]] +3, [[Piety]] +3<br>+30% [[EXP]] gain when at or below level 30 || [[DPS Training - Exercise 7: Final Exercise]] or <br /> [[Tank Training - Exercise 8: Final Exercise]] or <br /> [[Healer Training - Exercise 5: Final Exercise]]

Revision as of 04:14, 5 February 2023

Npcs offering quests related to the Hall of the Novice icon.png

Hall of the Novice

Hall of the Novice map.png
Map of Hall of the Novice

Skull Valley

Hall of the Novice1.png
Hall of the Novice

Hall of the Novice is a series of challenges designed to prepare new adventurers for the rigors of party combat. It was a feature introduced in patch 3.2.

— In-game description

Hall of the Novice is a landmark in Skull Valley, Western La Noscea.

Additional Information

The Hall of the Novice can be found in Western La Noscea at (x28,y24).

Entry Requirements

Upon reaching level 15 with at least one combat class, players can speak with The Smith NPCs located at the Adventurers' Guild in each city and several other locations to register for Hall of the Novice training. The Main Scenario Quests will also lead to the Smith near to the first dungeon you are expected to complete for it. Once this is achieved, it can be accessed through the Duty tab in the Action bar.

Registration locations:

Types of Training

Players can undertake several training exercises depending on the role of their current class or job. Each role will have a different number of exercises to complete. Tank roles have eight total, DPS roles have seven total, and healer roles have five total.

Class/job roles are as follows:

Jobs introduced in Stormblood and later expansions cannot participate in the Hall of the Novice.

Hall of the Novice Loot

Tank Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Brand-new Cuirass Brand-new cuirass icon1.png 15 17 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 49 49 0 Strength +3 Vitality +3 Direct Hit Rate +2 Tenacity +3 
Brand-new Gauntlets Brand-new gauntlets icon1.png 15 17 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 37 37 0 Strength +2 Vitality +2 Critical Hit +2 Direct Hit Rate +1 
Brand-new Trousers Brand-new trousers icon1.png 15 17 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 49 49 0 Strength +3 Vitality +3 Determination +3 Direct Hit Rate +2 
Brand-new Sabatons Brand-new sabatons icon1.png 15 17 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 37 37 0 Strength +2 Vitality +2 Direct Hit Rate +1 Skill Speed +2 

Disciples of War Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Brand-new Tabard Brand-new tabard icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of War Body 49 49 0 Strength +3 Dexterity +3 Vitality +3 Determination +2 Skill Speed +3 
Brand-new Gloves Brand-new gloves icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of War Hands 37 37 0 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Vitality +2 Determination +1 Direct Hit Rate +2 
Brand-new Skirt Brand-new skirt icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of War Legs 49 49 0 Strength +3 Dexterity +3 Vitality +3 Determination +2 Direct Hit Rate +3 
Brand-new Boots Brand-new boots icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of War Feet 37 37 0 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Vitality +2 Critical Hit +2 Determination +1 

Disciples of Magic Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Brand-new Robe Brand-new robe icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of Magic Body 20 34 0 Intelligence +3 Mind +3 Vitality +3 Critical Hit +3 Determination +2 
Brand-new Halfgloves Brand-new halfgloves icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of Magic Hands 15 26 0 Intelligence +2 Mind +2 Vitality +2 Determination +1 Direct Hit Rate +2 
Brand-new Waistwrap Brand-new waistwrap icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of Magic Legs 20 34 0 Intelligence +3 Mind +3 Vitality +3 Critical Hit +3 Determination +2 
Brand-new Thighboots Brand-new thighboots icon1.png 15 17 Disciple of Magic Feet 15 26 0 Intelligence +2 Mind +2 Vitality +2 Critical Hit +2 Determination +1 

All Roles Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Brand-new Ring Aetheryte ring icon1.png 1 30 Disciple of War or Magic Ring 1 1 0 Strength +3 Dexterity +3 Intelligence +3 Mind +3 Vitality +3 

Hall of the Novice Role Exercises

Tank Exercises

Exercise Description
Tank Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks Master moving out of the way of attacks from caster and melee targets.
Tank Training - Exercise 2: Execute a Combo to Increase Enmity Practice your class's specific attack combo designed to generate enmity.
Tank Training - Exercise 3: Execute a Combo in Battle Use your expertise from the previous training exercise on live targets.
Tank Training - Exercise 4: Accrue Enmity from Multiple Targets Practice using your conal attack against multiple dummy targets.
Tank Training - Exercise 5: Engage Multiple Targets Use your expertise from the previous training exercise against three live targets, making sure to keep them away from your party members.
Tank Training - Exercise 6: Execute a Ranged Attack to Increase Enmity Use your class's ranged attack to get the attention of pairs of targets, picking them off one by one instead of charging into the group.
Tank Training - Exercise 7: Engage Enemy Reinforcements Use any tools in your new arsenal to make sure your healer doesn't get attacked by current, and then new, enemies.
Tank Training - Exercise 8: Final Exercise Put all of your training to use in one final exercise.

DPS Exercises

Exercise Description
DPS Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks Master moving out of the way of attacks from caster and melee targets.
DPS Training - Exercise 2: Assist Allies in Defeating a Target Use your offensive skills to bring the enemy down.
DPS Training - Exercise 3: Defeat an Occupied Target Take down multiple enemies in specific order.
DPS Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged Targets Avoid the targeted attacks from an enemy that's engaged with a different party member.
DPS Training - Exercise 5: Engage Enemy Reinforcements Defeat the reinforcements before they bring down a party member.
DPS Training - Exercise 6: Interact with the Battlefield Find the way to close out the enemies and interact with it, then take down the rest of the enemies left on the battlefield.
DPS Training - Exercise 7: Final Exercise Put all of your training to use in one final exercise.

Healer Exercises

Exercise Description
Healer Training - Exercise 1: Avoid Area of Effect Attacks Master moving out of the way of attacks from caster and melee targets
Healer Training - Exercise 2: Heal an Ally Use your classes healing abilities to keep your party members alive.
Healer Training - Exercise 3: Heal Multiple Allies Use your expertise from the previous training exercise on more than one target, while enemy reinforcements arrive periodically.
Healer Training - Exercise 4: Avoid Engaged Targets Practice moving out of the way of attacks that may hit you but are focused on your party members, and keep your attacks clear of your party members.
Healer Training - Exercise 5: Final Exercise Put all of your training to use in one final exercise.
