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Resistance Armor are sets acquired in and associated with [[The Bozjan Southern Front]]. The Augmented versions carry a [[Haste]] effect only active in [[Save the Queen]] areas.
{{Shadowbringers expansion content}}
{{Relic Weapons Heading}}

[[Resistance Armor]] are sets acquired in and associated with [[The Bozjan Southern Front]]. The Augmented versions carry a [[Haste]] effect only active in [[Save the Queen]] areas.
=== [[Bozjan Armor]] ===
=== [[Bozjan Armor]] ===

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{{:Augmented Law's Order Armor}}
{{:Augmented Law's Order Armor}}
=== [[Blade's Armor]] ===
{{:Blade's Armor}}
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[[Category:Save the Queen]] [[Category:Patch 5.3 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.4 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.5 Features]]

Latest revision as of 05:41, 7 October 2023

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)

Resistance Armor are sets acquired in and associated with The Bozjan Southern Front. The Augmented versions carry a Haste effect only active in Save the Queen areas.

Bozjan Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bozjan Hood of Fending Bozjan hood of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Determination +81 
Bozjan Cap of Maiming Bozjan cap of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Head 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Determination +81 
Bozjan Goggles of Striking Bozjan goggles of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Head 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 
Bozjan Goggles of Scouting Bozjan goggles of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Head 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 
Bozjan Hood of Aiming Bozjan hood of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Skill Speed +81 
Bozjan Cap of Casting Bozjan cap of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Critical Hit +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 
Bozjan Cap of Healing Bozjan cap of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Piety +116 
Bozjan Coat of Fending Bozjan coat of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 759 759 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Tenacity +184 
Bozjan Coat of Maiming Bozjan coat of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Body 531 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 
Bozjan Gilet of Striking Bozjan gilet of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Body 417 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 
Bozjan Gilet of Scouting Bozjan gilet of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Body 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Bozjan Gilet of Aiming Bozjan gilet of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Bozjan Coat of Casting Bozjan coat of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 304 531 2 Intelligence +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Bozjan Coat of Healing Bozjan coat of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 304 531 2 Mind +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Bozjan Gloves of Fending Bozjan gloves of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Skill Speed +81 
Bozjan Gloves of Maiming Bozjan gloves of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Hands 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Bozjan Armguards of Striking Bozjan armguards of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Hands 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Bozjan Wristwraps of Scouting Bozjan wristwraps of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Hands 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Skill Speed +81 
Bozjan Armguards of Aiming Bozjan armguards of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Direct Hit Rate +116 Skill Speed +81 
Bozjan Halfgloves of Casting Bozjan halfgloves of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Spell Speed +116 
Bozjan Halfgloves of Healing Bozjan halfgloves of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Spell Speed +81 Piety +116 
Bozjan Breeches of Fending Bozjan breeches of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 759 759 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Bozjan Breeches of Maiming Bozjan breeches of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Legs 531 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Direct Hit Rate +129 
Bozjan Poleyns of Striking Bozjan poleyns of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Legs 417 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +184 Skill Speed +129 
Bozjan Poleyns of Scouting Bozjan poleyns of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Legs 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Determination +129 Direct Hit Rate +184 
Bozjan Poleyns of Aiming Bozjan poleyns of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Bozjan Trousers of Casting Bozjan trousers of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 304 531 2 Intelligence +187 Vitality +174 Direct Hit Rate +184 Spell Speed +129 
Bozjan Trousers of Healing Bozjan trousers of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 304 531 2 Mind +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Bozjan Boots of Fending Bozjan boots of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Skill Speed +81 Tenacity +116 
Bozjan Boots of Maiming Bozjan boots of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Feet 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 
Bozjan Boots of Striking Bozjan boots of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Feet 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Bozjan Boots of Scouting Bozjan boots of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Feet 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Direct Hit Rate +116 Skill Speed +81 
Bozjan Boots of Aiming Bozjan boots of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Bozjan Boots of Casting Bozjan boots of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Bozjan Boots of Healing Bozjan boots of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Piety +116 

Augmented Bozjan Armor

Purchased from Resistance Supplier in Bozjan Southern Front (x15.3,y29.9) for 1 Bozjan Armor, 1 Bozjan Runner's Secrets.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Bozjan Hood of Fending Augmented bozjan hood of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Determination +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Cap of Maiming Augmented bozjan cap of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Head 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Determination +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Goggles of Striking Augmented bozjan goggles of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Head 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Goggles of Scouting Augmented bozjan goggles of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Head 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Hood of Aiming Augmented bozjan hood of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Skill Speed +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Cap of Casting Augmented bozjan cap of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Critical Hit +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Cap of Healing Augmented bozjan cap of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Piety +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Coat of Fending Augmented bozjan coat of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 759 759 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Tenacity +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Coat of Maiming Augmented bozjan coat of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Body 531 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Gilet of Striking Augmented bozjan gilet of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Body 417 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Gilet of Scouting Augmented bozjan gilet of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Body 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Gilet of Aiming Augmented bozjan gilet of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Coat of Casting Augmented bozjan coat of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 304 531 2 Intelligence +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Coat of Healing Augmented bozjan coat of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 304 531 2 Mind +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Gloves of Fending Augmented bozjan gloves of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +116 Skill Speed +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Gloves of Maiming Augmented bozjan gloves of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Hands 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Armguards of Striking Augmented bozjan armguards of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Hands 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Wristwraps of Scouting Augmented bozjan wristwraps of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Hands 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Skill Speed +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Armguards of Aiming Augmented bozjan armguards of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Direct Hit Rate +116 Skill Speed +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Halfgloves of Casting Augmented bozjan halfgloves of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Spell Speed +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Halfgloves of Healing Augmented bozjan halfgloves of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Spell Speed +81 Piety +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Breeches of Fending Augmented bozjan breeches of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 759 759 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Breeches of Maiming Augmented bozjan breeches of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Legs 531 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Determination +184 Direct Hit Rate +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Poleyns of Striking Augmented bozjan poleyns of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Legs 417 417 2 Strength +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +184 Skill Speed +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Poleyns of Scouting Augmented bozjan poleyns of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Legs 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Determination +129 Direct Hit Rate +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Poleyns of Aiming Augmented bozjan poleyns of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 417 417 2 Dexterity +187 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Trousers of Casting Augmented bozjan trousers of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 304 531 2 Intelligence +187 Vitality +174 Direct Hit Rate +184 Spell Speed +129 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Trousers of Healing Augmented bozjan trousers of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 304 531 2 Mind +187 Vitality +174 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 Haste +2
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Fending Augmented bozjan boots of fending icon1.png 80 495 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 566 566 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Skill Speed +81 Tenacity +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Maiming Augmented bozjan boots of maiming icon1.png 80 495 LNC DRG RPR Feet 396 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +116 Direct Hit Rate +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Striking Augmented bozjan boots of striking icon1.png 80 495 PGL MNK SAM Feet 311 311 2 Strength +118 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Scouting Augmented bozjan boots of scouting icon1.png 80 495 ROG NIN VPR Feet 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Direct Hit Rate +116 Skill Speed +81 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Aiming Augmented bozjan boots of aiming icon1.png 80 495 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 311 311 2 Dexterity +118 Vitality +121 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Casting Augmented bozjan boots of casting icon1.png 80 495 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 226 396 2 Intelligence +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Direct Hit Rate +116 Haste +1
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Healing Augmented bozjan boots of healing icon1.png 80 495 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 226 396 2 Mind +118 Vitality +109 Determination +81 Piety +116 Haste +1

Related item, but not part of the above set, strictly speaking. From the achievement Lost and found iv icon1.png  Lost and Found IV - "Have 1,000 forgotten fragments appraised."

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bozjan Earring Bozjan earring icon1.png 71 430 Disciples of War or Magic Earrings 1 1 0 Main Attribute +78, Vitality +80, Secondary Attribute +79, Determination +79, Haste +3

Law's Order Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Law's Order Helm of Fending Laws order helm of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Skill Speed +121 
Law's Order Helm of Maiming Laws order helm of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Head 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Law's Order Elmo of Striking Laws order elmo of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Head 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +85 Determination +121 
Law's Order Elmo of Scouting Laws order elmo of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Head 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 
Law's Order Elmo of Aiming Laws order elmo of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Law's Order Helm of Casting Laws order helm of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Determination +85 Spell Speed +121 
Law's Order Helm of Healing Laws order helm of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 
Law's Order Mail of Fending Laws order mail of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 784 784 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Skill Speed +134 
Law's Order Mail of Maiming Laws order mail of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Body 549 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Determination +191 
Law's Order Corselet of Striking Laws order corselet of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Body 431 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Direct Hit Rate +191 Skill Speed +134 
Law's Order Corselet of Scouting Laws order corselet of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Body 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Direct Hit Rate +134 
Law's Order Corselet of Aiming Laws order corselet of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Skill Speed +134 
Law's Order Corselet of Casting Laws order corselet of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 314 549 5 Intelligence +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +191 Determination +134 
Law's Order Corselet of Healing Laws order corselet of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 314 549 5 Mind +195 Vitality +182 Determination +191 Spell Speed +134 
Law's Order Gauntlets of Fending Laws order gauntlets of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Tenacity +85 
Law's Order Gauntlets of Maiming Laws order gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Hands 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Skill Speed +85 
Law's Order Gauntlets of Striking Laws order gauntlets of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Hands 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 
Law's Order Gauntlets of Scouting Laws order gauntlets of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Hands 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 
Law's Order Gauntlets of Aiming Laws order gauntlets of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Determination +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 
Law's Order Gloves of Casting Laws order gloves of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Spell Speed +121 
Law's Order Gloves of Healing Laws order gloves of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Piety +121 
Law's Order Cuisses of Fending Laws order cuisses of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 784 784 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Skill Speed +134 Tenacity +191 
Law's Order Cuisses of Maiming Laws order cuisses of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Legs 549 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Determination +191 
Law's Order Brayettes of Striking Laws order brayettes of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Legs 431 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Skill Speed +191 
Law's Order Brayettes of Scouting Laws order brayettes of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Legs 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +134 Direct Hit Rate +191 
Law's Order Brayettes of Aiming Laws order brayettes of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +191 Determination +134 
Law's Order Hose of Casting Laws order hose of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 314 549 5 Intelligence +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +134 Direct Hit Rate +191 
Law's Order Hose of Healing Laws order hose of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 314 549 5 Mind +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +191 Spell Speed +134 
Law's Order Sollerets of Fending Laws order sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 
Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming Laws order sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Feet 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Law's Order Sabatons of Striking Laws order sabatons of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Feet 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 
Law's Order Sabatons of Scouting Laws order sabatons of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Feet 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Skill Speed +85 
Law's Order Sabatons of Aiming Laws order sabatons of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Law's Order Greaves of Casting Laws order greaves of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Law's Order Greaves of Healing Laws order greaves of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Piety +121 

Augmented Law's Order Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Law's Order Helm of Fending Augmented laws order helm of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Skill Speed +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Helm of Maiming Augmented laws order helm of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Head 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Elmo of Striking Augmented laws order elmo of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Head 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +85 Determination +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Elmo of Scouting Augmented laws order elmo of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Head 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Elmo of Aiming Augmented laws order elmo of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Helm of Casting Augmented laws order helm of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Determination +85 Spell Speed +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Helm of Healing Augmented laws order helm of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Mail of Fending Augmented laws order mail of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 784 784 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Skill Speed +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Mail of Maiming Augmented laws order mail of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Body 549 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Determination +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Striking Augmented laws order corselet of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Body 431 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Direct Hit Rate +191 Skill Speed +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Scouting Augmented laws order corselet of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Body 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Direct Hit Rate +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Aiming Augmented laws order corselet of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +191 Skill Speed +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Casting Augmented laws order corselet of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 314 549 5 Intelligence +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +191 Determination +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Healing Augmented laws order corselet of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 314 549 5 Mind +195 Vitality +182 Determination +191 Spell Speed +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Fending Augmented laws order gauntlets of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Tenacity +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented laws order gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Hands 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Skill Speed +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Striking Augmented laws order gauntlets of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Hands 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Scouting Augmented laws order gauntlets of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Hands 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Aiming Augmented laws order gauntlets of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Determination +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gloves of Casting Augmented laws order gloves of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Spell Speed +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Gloves of Healing Augmented laws order gloves of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Piety +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Cuisses of Fending Augmented laws order cuisses of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 784 784 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Skill Speed +134 Tenacity +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Cuisses of Maiming Augmented laws order cuisses of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Legs 549 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Determination +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Brayettes of Striking Augmented laws order brayettes of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Legs 431 431 5 Strength +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +134 Skill Speed +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Brayettes of Scouting Augmented laws order brayettes of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Legs 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Determination +134 Direct Hit Rate +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Brayettes of Aiming Augmented laws order brayettes of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 431 431 5 Dexterity +195 Vitality +202 Critical Hit +191 Determination +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Hose of Casting Augmented laws order hose of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 314 549 5 Intelligence +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +134 Direct Hit Rate +191 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Hose of Healing Augmented laws order hose of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 314 549 5 Mind +195 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +191 Spell Speed +134 Haste +3
Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Fending Augmented laws order sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 585 585 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Determination +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming Augmented laws order sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC DRG RPR Feet 410 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Striking Augmented laws order sabatons of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL MNK SAM Feet 322 322 5 Strength +123 Vitality +127 Determination +121 Direct Hit Rate +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Scouting Augmented laws order sabatons of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG NIN VPR Feet 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Critical Hit +121 Skill Speed +85 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Aiming Augmented laws order sabatons of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 322 322 5 Dexterity +123 Vitality +127 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Greaves of Casting Augmented laws order greaves of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 234 410 5 Intelligence +123 Vitality +114 Determination +85 Direct Hit Rate +121 Haste +2
Augmented Law's Order Greaves of Healing Augmented laws order greaves of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 234 410 5 Mind +123 Vitality +114 Critical Hit +85 Piety +121 Haste +2

Blade's Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Blade's Circlet of Fending Blades circlet of fending icon1.png 80 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 604 604 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Determination +125 Tenacity +88 
Blade's Circlet of Maiming Blades circlet of maiming icon1.png 80 525 LNC DRG RPR Head 423 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +125 Direct Hit Rate +88 
Blade's Headband of Striking Blades headband of striking icon1.png 80 525 PGL MNK SAM Head 332 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +88 Determination +125 
Blade's Headband of Scouting Blades headband of scouting icon1.png 80 525 ROG NIN VPR Head 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +88 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Blade's Headband of Aiming Blades headband of aiming icon1.png 80 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +125 Skill Speed +88 
Blade's Circlet of Casting Blades circlet of casting icon1.png 80 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 242 423 2 Intelligence +127 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +88 Determination +125 
Blade's Circlet of Healing Blades circlet of healing icon1.png 80 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 242 423 2 Mind +127 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +125 Piety +88 
Blade's Harness of Fending Blades harness of fending icon1.png 80 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 810 810 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +139 Tenacity +198 
Blade's Harness of Maiming Blades harness of maiming icon1.png 80 525 LNC DRG RPR Body 567 446 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Determination +198 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Blade's Jerkin of Striking Blades jerkin of striking icon1.png 80 525 PGL MNK SAM Body 446 446 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +139 Direct Hit Rate +198 
Blade's Jerkin of Scouting Blades jerkin of scouting icon1.png 80 525 ROG NIN VPR Body 446 446 2 Dexterity +202 Vitality +212 Determination +198 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Blade's Jerkin of Aiming Blades jerkin of aiming icon1.png 80 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 446 446 2 Dexterity +202 Vitality +212 Determination +139 Direct Hit Rate +198 
Blade's Acton of Casting Blades acton of casting icon1.png 80 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 324 567 2 Intelligence +202 Vitality +191 Critical Hit +198 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Blade's Acton of Healing Blades acton of healing icon1.png 80 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 324 567 2 Mind +202 Vitality +191 Determination +198 Spell Speed +139 
Blade's Gauntlets of Fending Blades gauntlets of fending icon1.png 80 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 604 604 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Skill Speed +88 Tenacity +125 
Blade's Gauntlets of Maiming Blades gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 80 525 LNC DRG RPR Hands 423 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Determination +125 Skill Speed +88 
Blade's Wristguards of Striking Blades wristguards of striking icon1.png 80 525 PGL MNK SAM Hands 332 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Determination +125 Direct Hit Rate +88 
Blade's Wristguards of Scouting Blades wristguards of scouting icon1.png 80 525 ROG NIN VPR Hands 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Determination +125 Skill Speed +88 
Blade's Wristguards of Aiming Blades wristguards of aiming icon1.png 80 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +125 Determination +88 
Blade's Gloves of Casting Blades gloves of casting icon1.png 80 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 242 423 2 Intelligence +127 Vitality +121 Determination +125 Spell Speed +88 
Blade's Gloves of Healing Blades gloves of healing icon1.png 80 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 242 423 2 Mind +127 Vitality +121 Critical Hit +88 Determination +125 
Blade's Cuisses of Fending Blades cuisses of fending icon1.png 80 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 810 810 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +139 Determination +198 
Blade's Cuisses of Maiming Blades cuisses of maiming icon1.png 80 525 LNC DRG RPR Legs 567 446 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +198 Determination +139 
Blade's Hose of Striking Blades hose of striking icon1.png 80 525 PGL MNK SAM Legs 446 446 2 Strength +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +198 Determination +139 
Blade's Hose of Scouting Blades hose of scouting icon1.png 80 525 ROG NIN VPR Legs 446 446 2 Dexterity +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +198 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Blade's Hose of Aiming Blades hose of aiming icon1.png 80 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 446 446 2 Dexterity +202 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +198 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Blade's Tights of Casting Blades tights of casting icon1.png 80 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 324 567 2 Intelligence +202 Vitality +191 Critical Hit +198 Spell Speed +139 
Blade's Tights of Healing Blades tights of healing icon1.png 80 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 324 567 2 Mind +202 Vitality +191 Critical Hit +139 Piety +198 
Blade's Shoes of Fending Blades shoes of fending icon1.png 80 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 604 604 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +125 Skill Speed +88 
Blade's Shoes of Maiming Blades shoes of maiming icon1.png 80 525 LNC DRG RPR Feet 423 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Determination +88 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Blade's Longboots of Striking Blades longboots of striking icon1.png 80 525 PGL MNK SAM Feet 332 332 2 Strength +127 Vitality +134 Direct Hit Rate +125 Skill Speed +88 
Blade's Longboots of Scouting Blades longboots of scouting icon1.png 80 525 ROG NIN VPR Feet 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +125 
Blade's Longboots of Aiming Blades longboots of aiming icon1.png 80 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 332 332 2 Dexterity +127 Vitality +134 Determination +88 Skill Speed +125 
Blade's Thighboots of Casting Blades thighboots of casting icon1.png 80 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 242 423 2 Intelligence +127 Vitality +121 Determination +88 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Blade's Thighboots of Healing Blades thighboots of healing icon1.png 80 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 242 423 2 Mind +127 Vitality +121 Determination +125 Spell Speed +88