Difference between revisions of "Lunar Envoy's Armor"

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!Block Strength
!Block Rate
!Magic Defense
!Materia Slots
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Feet||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +118, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield]]||[[File:lunar envoys kite shield icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[PLD]]||Shield||1267*||1267*||0||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +94, [[Vitality]] +101, [[Critical Hit]] +55, [[Determination]] +79
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Feet||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +168, [[Tenacity]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Head||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Feet||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Spell Speed]] +118, [[Piety]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Turban of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys turban of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Head||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Skill Speed]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Turban of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys turban of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Skill Speed]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Skill Speed]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Head||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys hairpin of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Head||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys face guard of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys hairpin of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Head||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Hands||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Tenacity]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Hands||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Hands||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Body||767||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +118, [[Skill Speed]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Hands||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Spell Speed]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Hands||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Spell Speed]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Hands||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Tenacity]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Hands||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Determination]] +118, [[Spell Speed]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Hands||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Determination]] +118, [[Spell Speed]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +118, [[Skill Speed]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys jacket of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Body||1096||1096||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Tenacity]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys gloves of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Hands||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Body||767||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys hairpin of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Head||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys jacket of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys hairpin of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Head||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys jacket of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Body||1096||1096||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Tenacity]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys gambison of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys jacket of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Body||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys justaucorps of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Body||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Intelligence]] +318, [[Spell Speed]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys justaucorps of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Body||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Intelligence]] +318, [[Spell Speed]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
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|[[Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys justaucorps of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Body||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Mind]] +318, [[Determination]] +268, [[Piety]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys justaucorps of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Body||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Mind]] +318, [[Determination]] +268, [[Piety]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield]]||[[File:lunar envoys kite shield icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[PLD]]||Shield||1267||1267||0||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +94, [[Vitality]] +101, [[Critical Hit]] +55, [[Determination]] +79
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Legs||1096||1096||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Legs||767||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys longkilt of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Legs||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Intelligence]] +318, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys longkilt of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Legs||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Intelligence]] +318, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
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|[[Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys longkilt of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Legs||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Mind]] +318, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys longkilt of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Legs||438||767||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +306, [[Mind]] +318, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys thighboots of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Feet||817||817||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +168, [[Tenacity]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys thighboots of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Feet||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +118, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys thighboots of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Feet||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +118, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Skill Speed]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Fending]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of fending icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]]||Legs||1096||1096||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Legs||767||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Determination]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Aiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys thighboots of aiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]]||Feet||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Determination]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Critical Hit]] +268, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +188
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Casting]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of casting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]]||Feet||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Intelligence]] +200, [[Critical Hit]] +118, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Striking]]||[[File:lunar envoys trousers of striking icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]]||Legs||603||603||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +318, [[Vitality]] +340, [[Determination]] +188, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +268
|[[Lunar Envoy's Boots of Healing]]||[[File:lunar envoys boots of healing icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]], [[SGE]]||Feet||327||572||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +193, [[Mind]] +200, [[Spell Speed]] +118, [[Piety]] +168
|[[Lunar Envoy's Turban of Maiming]]||[[File:lunar envoys turban of maiming icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[LNC]], [[DRG]], [[RPR]]||Head||572||449||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Skill Speed]] +168, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +118
|[[Lunar Envoy's Turban of Scouting]]||[[File:lunar envoys turban of scouting icon1.png|40px]]||90||620||[[ROG]], [[NIN]]||Head||449||449||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +200, [[Vitality]] +214, [[Critical Hit]] +168, [[Determination]] +118
&#42; Shields have [[Block Strength]] and [[Block Rate]]<noinclude>
[[Category:Armor Sets]] [[Category:Endwalker]]</noinclude>
[[Category:Armor Sets]] [[Category:Endwalker]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 21:45, 24 September 2022

See also: Level 90 Gear Guide, Lunar Envoy's Weapons and Lunar Envoy's Accessories

Purchased from Cihanti in Radz-at-Han (X:10.8 Y:10.4) for Allagan Tomestone of Causality 495-825 Allagan Tomestone of Causality.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield Lunar envoys kite shield icon1.png 90 620 GLA, PLD Shield 1267* 1267* 0 Strength +94, Vitality +101, Critical Hit +55, Determination +79
Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Fending Lunar envoys face guard of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Head 817 817 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Turban of Maiming Lunar envoys turban of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC, DRG, RPR Head 572 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Skill Speed +168, Direct Hit Rate +118
Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Striking Lunar envoys face guard of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 449 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Determination +168, Direct Hit Rate +118
Lunar Envoy's Turban of Scouting Lunar envoys turban of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG, NIN Head 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Face Guard of Aiming Lunar envoys face guard of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Head 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Skill Speed +118
Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Casting Lunar envoys hairpin of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Head 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Intelligence +200, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Hairpin of Healing Lunar envoys hairpin of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST, SGE Head 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Mind +200, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Fending Lunar envoys gloves of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Hands 817 817 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Tenacity +118
Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Maiming Lunar envoys fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC, DRG, RPR Hands 572 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Striking Lunar envoys gloves of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 449 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Scouting Lunar envoys gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG, NIN Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +118, Skill Speed +168
Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Lunar envoys fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Critical Hit +168, Determination +118
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Casting Lunar envoys gloves of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Hands 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Intelligence +200, Spell Speed +168, Direct Hit Rate +118
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Healing Lunar envoys gloves of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST, SGE Hands 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Mind +200, Determination +118, Spell Speed +168
Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Fending Lunar envoys jacket of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Body 1096 1096 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Determination +188, Tenacity +268
Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Maiming Lunar envoys gambison of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC, DRG, RPR Body 767 603 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Determination +268, Direct Hit Rate +188
Lunar Envoy's Jacket of Striking Lunar envoys jacket of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 603 603 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Determination +188, Direct Hit Rate +268
Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Scouting Lunar envoys gambison of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG, NIN Body 603 603 2 Dexterity +318, Vitality +340, Determination +188, Direct Hit Rate +268
Lunar Envoy's Gambison of Aiming Lunar envoys gambison of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Body 603 603 2 Dexterity +318, Vitality +340, Determination +268, Direct Hit Rate +188
Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Casting Lunar envoys justaucorps of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Body 438 767 2 Vitality +306, Intelligence +318, Spell Speed +188, Direct Hit Rate +268
Lunar Envoy's Justaucorps of Healing Lunar envoys justaucorps of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST, SGE Body 438 767 2 Vitality +306, Mind +318, Determination +268, Piety +188
Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Fending Lunar envoys trousers of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Legs 1096 1096 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Critical Hit +268, Determination +188
Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Maiming Lunar envoys trousers of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC, DRG, RPR Legs 767 603 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Critical Hit +268, Determination +188
Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Striking Lunar envoys trousers of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 603 603 2 Strength +318, Vitality +340, Determination +188, Direct Hit Rate +268
Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Scouting Lunar envoys trousers of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG, NIN Legs 603 603 2 Dexterity +318, Vitality +340, Critical Hit +268, Direct Hit Rate +188
Lunar Envoy's Trousers of Aiming Lunar envoys trousers of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Legs 603 603 2 Dexterity +318, Vitality +340, Critical Hit +188, Direct Hit Rate +268
Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Casting Lunar envoys longkilt of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Legs 438 767 2 Vitality +306, Intelligence +318, Critical Hit +268, Determination +188
Lunar Envoy's Longkilt of Healing Lunar envoys longkilt of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST, SGE Legs 438 767 2 Vitality +306, Mind +318, Critical Hit +268, Determination +188
Lunar Envoy's Boots of Fending Lunar envoys boots of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB Feet 817 817 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Skill Speed +168, Tenacity +118
Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Maiming Lunar envoys thighboots of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC, DRG, RPR Feet 572 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Skill Speed +118, Direct Hit Rate +168
Lunar Envoy's Boots of Striking Lunar envoys boots of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 449 449 2 Strength +200, Vitality +214, Determination +168, Skill Speed +118
Lunar Envoy's Boots of Scouting Lunar envoys boots of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG, NIN Feet 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Determination +168, Direct Hit Rate +118
Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Aiming Lunar envoys thighboots of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC Feet 449 449 2 Dexterity +200, Vitality +214, Determination +168, Direct Hit Rate +118
Lunar Envoy's Boots of Casting Lunar envoys boots of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU Feet 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Intelligence +200, Critical Hit +118, Direct Hit Rate +168
Lunar Envoy's Boots of Healing Lunar envoys boots of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST, SGE Feet 327 572 2 Vitality +193, Mind +200, Spell Speed +118, Piety +168

* Shields have Block Strength and Block Rate