Difference between revisions of "Feet/Level 71 - 80"

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| [[Edenchoir Sollerets of Striking]] || [[File:edenchoir sollerets of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 681 || 681 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +353, [[Vitality]] +391, [[Critical Hit]] +281, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +197
| [[Edenchoir Sollerets of Striking]] || [[File:edenchoir sollerets of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 681 || 681 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +353, [[Vitality]] +391, [[Critical Hit]] +281, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +197
| [[Weathered Estoqueur's Thighboots]] || [[File:weathered estoqueurs thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 430 || [[RDM]] || 429 || 751 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +236, [[Intelligence]] +250, [[Critical Hit]] +165, [[Spell Speed]] +236
| [[Shadowless Boots of Casting]] || [[File:shadowless boots of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 468 || 818 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +301, [[Intelligence]] +311, [[Critical Hit]] +267, [[Determination]] +187
| [[Shadowless Boots of Healing]] || [[File:shadowless boots of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 468 || 818 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +301, [[Mind]] +311, [[Determination]] +187, [[Piety]] +267
| [[Shadowless Greaves of Fending]] || [[File:shadowless greaves of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1169 || 1169 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +311, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Critical Hit]] +187, [[Skill Speed]] +267
| [[Shadowless Greaves of Maiming]] || [[File:shadowless greaves of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 818 || 643 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +311, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Determination]] +267, [[Skill Speed]] +187
| [[Shadowless Sabatons of Aiming]] || [[File:shadowless sabatons of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 643 || 643 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +311, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Determination]] +187, [[Skill Speed]] +267
| [[Shadowless Sabatons of Scouting]] || [[File:shadowless sabatons of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 643 || 643 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +311, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Determination]] +187, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +267
| [[Shadowless Sabatons of Striking]] || [[File:shadowless sabatons of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 475 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 643 || 643 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +311, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Critical Hit]] +187, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +267
| [[Idealized Arbatel Thighboots]] || [[File:idealized arbatel thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[SCH]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Mind]] +319, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Piety]] +270
| [[Idealized Bale Sollerets]] || [[File:idealized bale sollerets icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[DRK]] || 1182 || 1182 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +270, [[Determination]] +189
| [[Idealized Beckoner's Crakows]] || [[File:idealized beckoners crakows icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[SMN]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Intelligence]] +319, [[Determination]] +189, [[Spell Speed]] +270
| [[Idealized Bhikku Boots]] || [[File:idealized bhikku boots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[MNK]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Skill Speed]] +270
| [[Idealized Bodyguard's Thighboots]] || [[File:idealized bodyguards thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[GNB]] || 1182 || 1182 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Determination]] +189, [[Tenacity]] +270
| [[Idealized Boii Boots]] || [[File:idealized boii boots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[WAR]] || 1182 || 1182 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +270, [[Skill Speed]] +189
| [[Idealized Chevalier's Sollerets]] || [[File:idealized chevaliers sollerets icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[PLD]] || 1182 || 1182 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Determination]] +270
| [[Idealized Dancer's Shoes]] || [[File:idealized dancers shoes icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[DNC]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Skill Speed]] +270
| [[Idealized Ebers Thighboots]] || [[File:idealized ebers thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[WHM]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Mind]] +319, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Determination]] +270
| [[Idealized Estoqueur's Thighboots]] || [[File:idealized estoqueurs thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[RDM]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Intelligence]] +319, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Spell Speed]] +270
| [[Idealized Fili Shoes]] || [[File:idealized fili shoes icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[BRD]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Determination]] +270, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +189
| [[Idealized Gunslinger's Thighboots]] || [[File:idealized gunslingers thighboots icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[MCH]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Determination]] +189, [[Skill Speed]] +270
| [[Idealized Hattori Kyahan]] || [[File:idealized hattori kyahan icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[NIN]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Determination]] +270, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +189
| [[Idealized Kasuga Zori]] || [[File:idealized kasuga zori icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[SAM]] || 650 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Skill Speed]] +189, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +270
| [[Idealized Pteroslaver Greaves]] || [[File:idealized pteroslaver greaves icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[DRG]] || 828 || 650 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +319, [[Vitality]] +345, [[Critical Hit]] +270, [[Skill Speed]] +189
| [[Idealized Soothsayer's Sandals]] || [[File:idealized soothsayers sandals icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[AST]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Mind]] +319, [[Critical Hit]] +189, [[Piety]] +270
| [[Idealized Wicce Shoes]] || [[File:idealized wicce shoes icon1.png]] || 80 || 480 || [[BLM]] || 473 || 828 || 5 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +310, [[Intelligence]] +319, [[Spell Speed]] +270, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +189
| [[Aesthete's Boots of Crafting]] || [[File:aesthetes boots of crafting icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[Disciple of Hand]] || 436 || 762 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Craftsmanship]] +41, [[Control]] +194
| [[Aesthete's Boots of Gathering]] || [[File:aesthetes boots of gathering icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[Disciple of Land]] || 436 || 762 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +44, [[Gathering]] +20, [[Perception]] +203
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian boots of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 599 || 599 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +301, [[Vitality]] +330, [[Critical Hit]] +174, [[Determination]] +247
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian boots of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 436 || 762 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +297, [[Intelligence]] +301, [[Spell Speed]] +174, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +247
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Healing]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian boots of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 436 || 762 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +297, [[Mind]] +301, [[Determination]] +247, [[Piety]] +174
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian boots of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 762 || 599 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +301, [[Vitality]] +330, [[Critical Hit]] +174, [[Determination]] +247
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Striking]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian boots of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 599 || 599 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +301, [[Vitality]] +330, [[Determination]] +247, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +174
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian sollerets of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1089 || 1089 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +301, [[Vitality]] +330, [[Determination]] +174, [[Skill Speed]] +247
| [[Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting]] || [[File:augmented neo-ishgardian sollerets of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 599 || 599 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +301, [[Vitality]] +330, [[Critical Hit]] +247, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +174
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Aiming]] || [[File:yorha type-53 boots of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 666 || 666 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +335, [[Vitality]] +367, [[Critical Hit]] +193, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +275
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Fending]] || [[File:yorha type-53 boots of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1210 || 1210 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +335, [[Vitality]] +367, [[Critical Hit]] +275, [[Tenacity]] +193
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Maiming]] || [[File:yorha type-53 boots of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 847 || 666 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +335, [[Vitality]] +367, [[Skill Speed]] +193, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +275
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Scouting]] || [[File:yorha type-53 boots of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 666 || 666 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +335, [[Vitality]] +367, [[Critical Hit]] +275, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +193
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Striking]] || [[File:yorha type-53 boots of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 666 || 666 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +335, [[Vitality]] +367, [[Skill Speed]] +193, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +275
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Thighboots of Casting]] || [[File:yorha type-53 thighboots of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 484 || 847 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +330, [[Intelligence]] +335, [[Critical Hit]] +193, [[Determination]] +275
| [[YoRHa Type-53 Thighboots of Healing]] || [[File:yorha type-53 thighboots of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 490 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 484 || 847 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +330, [[Mind]] +335, [[Spell Speed]] +275, [[Piety]] +193

Revision as of 16:29, 12 August 2020

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Smilodonskin Shoes of Crafting Smilodonskin shoes of crafting icon1.png 71 330 Disciple of Hand 267 467 2 Craftsmanship +26, Control +122
Smilodonskin Shoes of Gathering Smilodonskin shoes of gathering icon1.png 71 330 Disciple of Land 267 467 2 Vitality +30, Gathering +12, Perception +116
Lakeland Boots of Casting Lakeland boots of casting icon1.png 71 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Lakeland Greaves of Fending Lakeland greaves of fending icon1.png 71 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Lakeland Sabatons of Maiming Lakeland sabatons of maiming icon1.png 71 390 LNC, DRG 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Lakeland Shoes of Aiming Lakeland shoes of aiming icon1.png 71 390 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Skill Speed +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Lakeland Thighboots of Healing Lakeland thighboots of healing icon1.png 71 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Lakeland Thighboots of Scouting Lakeland thighboots of scouting icon1.png 71 390 ROG, NIN 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Lakeland Thighboots of Striking Lakeland thighboots of striking icon1.png 71 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Deepgold Sollerets of Maiming Deepgold sollerets of maiming icon1.png 72 395 LNC, DRG 541 425 2 Strength +201, Vitality +226, Determination +176, Skill Speed +123
Gliderskin Boots of Aiming Gliderskin boots of aiming icon1.png 72 395 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 425 425 2 Dexterity +201, Vitality +226, Determination +176, Direct Hit Rate +123
Gliderskin Boots of Casting Gliderskin boots of casting icon1.png 72 395 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 309 541 2 Vitality +203, Intelligence +201, Determination +123, Spell Speed +176
Gliderskin Boots of Healing Gliderskin boots of healing icon1.png 72 395 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 309 541 2 Vitality +203, Mind +201, Determination +123, Piety +176
Gliderskin Thighboots of Fending Gliderskin thighboots of fending icon1.png 72 395 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 773 773 2 Strength +201, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +123, Tenacity +176
Gliderskin Thighboots of Scouting Gliderskin thighboots of scouting icon1.png 72 395 ROG, NIN 425 425 2 Dexterity +201, Vitality +226, Determination +123, Direct Hit Rate +176
Gliderskin Thighboots of Striking Gliderskin thighboots of striking icon1.png 72 395 PGL, MNK, SAM 425 425 2 Strength +201, Vitality +226, Determination +123, Direct Hit Rate +176
Voeburtite Greaves of Fending Voeburtite greaves of fending icon1.png 73 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 868 868 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Voeburtite Greaves of Maiming Voeburtite greaves of maiming icon1.png 73 400 LNC, DRG 608 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +200, Skill Speed +140
Voeburtite Shoes of Casting Voeburtite shoes of casting icon1.png 73 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Intelligence +228, Critical Hit +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Voeburtite Shoes of Healing Voeburtite shoes of healing icon1.png 73 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Mind +228, Spell Speed +140, Piety +200
Voeburtite Thighboots of Aiming Voeburtite thighboots of aiming icon1.png 73 400 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Voeburtite Thighboots of Scouting Voeburtite thighboots of scouting icon1.png 73 400 ROG, NIN 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +140, Determination +200
Voeburtite Thighboots of Striking Voeburtite thighboots of striking icon1.png 73 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 477 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting Atrociraptorskin boots of crafting icon1.png 74 370 Disciple of Hand 293 513 2 Craftsmanship +30, Control +140
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering Atrociraptorskin boots of gathering icon1.png 74 370 Disciple of Land 293 513 2 Vitality +45, Gathering +14, Perception +135
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Healing Atrociraptorskin boots of healing icon1.png 74 403 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 313 548 2 Vitality +210, Mind +207, Determination +182, Piety +127
Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Aiming Atrociraptorskin leg guards of aiming icon1.png 74 403 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 431 431 2 Dexterity +207, Vitality +233, Critical Hit +127, Determination +182
Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Scouting Atrociraptorskin leg guards of scouting icon1.png 74 403 ROG, NIN 431 431 2 Dexterity +207, Vitality +233, Critical Hit +182, Direct Hit Rate +127
Atrociraptorskin Thighboots of Striking Atrociraptorskin thighboots of striking icon1.png 74 403 PGL, MNK, SAM 431 431 2 Strength +207, Vitality +233, Determination +182, Direct Hit Rate +127
Bluespirit Greaves of Casting Bluespirit greaves of casting icon1.png 74 403 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 313 548 2 Vitality +210, Intelligence +207, Critical Hit +127, Spell Speed +182
Bluespirit Sabatons of Fending Bluespirit sabatons of fending icon1.png 74 403 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 783 783 2 Strength +207, Vitality +233, Critical Hit +182, Tenacity +127
Bluespirit Sabatons of Maiming Bluespirit sabatons of maiming icon1.png 74 403 LNC, DRG 548 431 2 Strength +207, Vitality +233, Critical Hit +127, Determination +182
Ravel Keeper's Sandals of Aiming Ravel keepers sandals of aiming icon1.png 75 406 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 484 484 2 Dexterity +231, Vitality +260, Determination +144, Skill Speed +205
Ravel Keeper's Sandals of Casting Ravel keepers sandals of casting icon1.png 75 406 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 352 616 2 Vitality +234, Intelligence +231, Determination +205, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ravel Keeper's Sandals of Healing Ravel keepers sandals of healing icon1.png 75 406 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 352 616 2 Vitality +234, Mind +231, Critical Hit +144, Spell Speed +205
Ravel Keeper's Sandals of Scouting Ravel keepers sandals of scouting icon1.png 75 406 ROG, NIN 484 484 2 Dexterity +231, Vitality +260, Determination +144, Skill Speed +205
Ravel Keeper's Sandals of Striking Ravel keepers sandals of striking icon1.png 75 406 PGL, MNK, SAM 484 484 2 Strength +231, Vitality +260, Critical Hit +144, Skill Speed +205
Ravel Keeper's Thighboots of Fending Ravel keepers thighboots of fending icon1.png 75 406 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 880 880 2 Strength +231, Vitality +260, Determination +205, Skill Speed +144
Ravel Keeper's Thighboots of Maiming Ravel keepers thighboots of maiming icon1.png 75 406 LNC, DRG 616 484 2 Strength +231, Vitality +260, Skill Speed +144, Direct Hit Rate +205
Zonureskin Caligae of Fending Zonureskin caligae of fending icon1.png 76 409 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 814 814 2 Strength +210, Vitality +234, Critical Hit +190, Skill Speed +133
Zonureskin Caligae of Healing Zonureskin caligae of healing icon1.png 76 409 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 325 569 2 Vitality +211, Mind +210, Determination +133, Piety +190
Zonureskin Caligae of Maiming Zonureskin caligae of maiming icon1.png 76 409 LNC, DRG 569 447 2 Strength +210, Vitality +234, Determination +133, Skill Speed +190
Zonureskin Caligae of Scouting Zonureskin caligae of scouting icon1.png 76 409 ROG, NIN 447 447 2 Dexterity +210, Vitality +234, Critical Hit +190, Determination +133
Zonureskin Caligae of Striking Zonureskin caligae of striking icon1.png 76 409 PGL, MNK, SAM 447 447 2 Strength +210, Vitality +234, Critical Hit +133, Determination +190
Zonureskin Sandals of Aiming Zonureskin sandals of aiming icon1.png 76 409 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 447 447 2 Dexterity +210, Vitality +234, Critical Hit +133, Direct Hit Rate +190
Zonureskin Sandals of Casting Zonureskin sandals of casting icon1.png 76 409 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 325 569 2 Vitality +211, Intelligence +210, Critical Hit +133, Determination +190
Zonureskin Shoes of Crafting Zonureskin shoes of crafting icon1.png 77 400 Disciple of Hand 313 547 2 Craftsmanship +31, Control +149
Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering Zonureskin shoes of gathering icon1.png 77 400 Disciple of Land 313 547 2 Vitality +63, Gathering +15, Perception +146
Nabaath Crakows of Aiming Nabaath crakows of aiming icon1.png 77 412 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 510 510 2 Dexterity +236, Vitality +261, Determination +152, Skill Speed +217
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Fending Nabaath fringe boots of fending icon1.png 77 412 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 928 928 2 Strength +236, Vitality +261, Critical Hit +152, Tenacity +217
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Maiming Nabaath fringe boots of maiming icon1.png 77 412 LNC, DRG 650 510 2 Strength +236, Vitality +261, Determination +152, Direct Hit Rate +217
Nabaath Greaves of Striking Nabaath greaves of striking icon1.png 77 412 PGL, MNK, SAM 510 510 2 Strength +236, Vitality +261, Skill Speed +217, Direct Hit Rate +152
Nabaath Shoes of Casting Nabaath shoes of casting icon1.png 77 412 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 371 650 2 Vitality +235, Intelligence +236, Critical Hit +152, Spell Speed +217
Nabaath Shoes of Healing Nabaath shoes of healing icon1.png 77 412 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 371 650 2 Vitality +235, Mind +236, Critical Hit +152, Determination +217
Nabaath Shoes of Scouting Nabaath shoes of scouting icon1.png 77 412 ROG, NIN 510 510 2 Dexterity +236, Vitality +261, Determination +217, Direct Hit Rate +152
Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Aiming Dwarven mythril shoes of aiming icon1.png 78 415 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 471 471 2 Dexterity +214, Vitality +235, Critical Hit +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Fending Dwarven mythril shoes of fending icon1.png 78 415 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 857 857 2 Strength +214, Vitality +235, Critical Hit +140, Determination +200
Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Maiming Dwarven mythril shoes of maiming icon1.png 78 415 LNC, DRG 600 471 2 Strength +214, Vitality +235, Critical Hit +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Dwarven Mythril Shoes of Scouting Dwarven mythril shoes of scouting icon1.png 78 415 ROG, NIN 471 471 2 Dexterity +214, Vitality +235, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Swallowskin Shoes of Casting Swallowskin shoes of casting icon1.png 78 415 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 343 600 2 Vitality +211, Intelligence +214, Determination +140, Spell Speed +200
Swallowskin Shoes of Healing Swallowskin shoes of healing icon1.png 78 415 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 343 600 2 Vitality +211, Mind +214, Determination +140, Piety +200
Swallowskin Shoes of Striking Swallowskin shoes of striking icon1.png 78 415 PGL, MNK, SAM 471 471 2 Strength +214, Vitality +235, Critical Hit +140, Skill Speed +200
The Forgiven's Boots of Aiming The forgivens boots of aiming icon1.png 79 418 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 537 537 2 Dexterity +240, Vitality +261, Determination +160, Skill Speed +228
The Forgiven's Caligae of Scouting The forgivens caligae of scouting icon1.png 79 418 ROG, NIN 537 537 2 Dexterity +240, Vitality +261, Determination +160, Direct Hit Rate +228
The Forgiven's Caligae of Striking The forgivens caligae of striking icon1.png 79 418 PGL, MNK, SAM 537 537 2 Strength +240, Vitality +261, Determination +160, Direct Hit Rate +228
The Forgiven's Greaves of Maiming The forgivens greaves of maiming icon1.png 79 418 LNC, DRG 683 537 2 Strength +240, Vitality +261, Critical Hit +160, Determination +228
The Forgiven's Sabatons of Fending The forgivens sabatons of fending icon1.png 79 418 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 976 976 2 Strength +240, Vitality +261, Critical Hit +228, Skill Speed +160
The Forgiven's Sandals of Casting The forgivens sandals of casting icon1.png 79 418 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 390 683 2 Vitality +235, Intelligence +240, Critical Hit +160, Direct Hit Rate +228
The Forgiven's Sandals of Healing The forgivens sandals of healing icon1.png 79 418 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 390 683 2 Vitality +235, Mind +240, Critical Hit +160, Determination +228
Swallowskin Boots Swallowskin boots icon1.png 80 430 Disciple of Land 386 676 2 Vitality +69, Gathering +16, Perception +156
Swallowskin Shoes Swallowskin shoes icon1.png 80 430 Disciple of Hand 386 676 2 Craftsmanship +33, Control +157
Weathered Arbatel Thighboots Weathered arbatel thighboots icon1.png 80 430 SCH 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Piety +236
Weathered Bale Sollerets Weathered bale sollerets icon1.png 80 430 DRK 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Beckoner's Crakows Weathered beckoners crakows icon1.png 80 430 SMN 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Determination +165, Spell Speed +236
Weathered Bhikku Boots Weathered bhikku boots icon1.png 80 430 MNK 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Bodyguard's Thighboots Weathered bodyguards thighboots icon1.png 80 430 GNB 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Tenacity +236
Weathered Boii Boots Weathered boii boots icon1.png 80 430 WAR 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Skill Speed +165
Weathered Chevalier's Sollerets Weathered chevaliers sollerets icon1.png 80 430 PLD 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Dancer's Shoes Weathered dancers shoes icon1.png 80 430 DNC 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Ebers Thighboots Weathered ebers thighboots icon1.png 80 430 WHM 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Estoqueur's Boots Weathered estoqueurs boots icon1.png 80 430 RDM 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +165, Spell Speed +236
Weathered Fili Shoes Weathered fili shoes icon1.png 80 430 BRD 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Gunslinger's Thighboots Weathered gunslingers thighboots icon1.png 80 430 MCH 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Hattori Kyahan Weathered hattori kyahan icon1.png 80 430 NIN 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Kasuga Zori Weathered kasuga zori icon1.png 80 430 SAM 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Skill Speed +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Pteroslaver Greaves Weathered pteroslaver greaves icon1.png 80 430 DRG 751 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Skill Speed +165
Weathered Soothsayer's Sandals Weathered soothsayers sandals icon1.png 80 430 AST 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Piety +236
Weathered Wicce Shoes Weathered wicce shoes icon1.png 80 430 BLM 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Spell Speed +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Boltfiend's Boots Boltfiends boots icon1.png 80 440 WVR 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Cauldronfiend's Shoes Cauldronfiends shoes icon1.png 80 440 ALC 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Fieldfiend's Workboots Fieldfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 BTN 436 762 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +19, Perception +185
Forgefiend's Leggings Forgefiends leggings icon1.png 80 440 BSM 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Galleyfiend's Pattens Galleyfiends pattens icon1.png 80 440 CUL 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Gemfiend's Boots Gemfiends boots icon1.png 80 440 GSM 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Hammerfiend's Workboots Hammerfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 ARM 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Hidefiend's Thighboots Hidefiends thighboots icon1.png 80 440 LTW 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Millfiend's Workboots Millfiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 CRP 436 762 0 Craftsmanship +39, Control +186
Minefiend's Workboots Minefiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 MIN 436 762 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +19, Perception +185
Ronkan Boots of Fending Ronkan boots of fending icon1.png 80 440 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1089 1089 2 Strength +257, Vitality +264, Critical Hit +168, Determination +240
Ronkan Shoes of Casting Ronkan shoes of casting icon1.png 80 440 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 436 762 2 Vitality +238, Intelligence +257, Critical Hit +240, Determination +168
Ronkan Shoes of Healing Ronkan shoes of healing icon1.png 80 440 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 436 762 2 Vitality +238, Mind +257, Spell Speed +240, Piety +168
Ronkan Thighboots of Aiming Ronkan thighboots of aiming icon1.png 80 440 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 599 599 2 Dexterity +257, Vitality +264, Critical Hit +240, Direct Hit Rate +168
Ronkan Thighboots of Maiming Ronkan thighboots of maiming icon1.png 80 440 LNC, DRG 762 599 2 Strength +257, Vitality +264, Critical Hit +240, Direct Hit Rate +168
Ronkan Thighboots of Scouting Ronkan thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 440 ROG, NIN 599 599 2 Dexterity +257, Vitality +264, Determination +240, Skill Speed +168
Ronkan Thighboots of Striking Ronkan thighboots of striking icon1.png 80 440 PGL, MNK, SAM 599 599 2 Strength +257, Vitality +264, Determination +240, Direct Hit Rate +168
Tacklefiend's Workboots Tacklefiends workboots icon1.png 80 440 FSH 436 762 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +19, Perception +185
Warg Greaves of Fending Warg greaves of fending icon1.png 80 445 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1100 1100 2 Strength +265, Vitality +273, Critical Hit +244, Tenacity +171
Warg Greaves of Maiming Warg greaves of maiming icon1.png 80 445 LNC, DRG 770 605 2 Strength +265, Vitality +273, Critical Hit +244, Determination +171
Warg Shoes of Aiming Warg shoes of aiming icon1.png 80 445 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 605 605 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +273, Determination +244, Direct Hit Rate +171
Warg Shoes of Casting Warg shoes of casting icon1.png 80 445 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 440 770 2 Vitality +246, Intelligence +265, Determination +244, Direct Hit Rate +171
Warg Shoes of Healing Warg shoes of healing icon1.png 80 445 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 440 770 2 Vitality +246, Mind +265, Critical Hit +244, Determination +171
Warg Shoes of Scouting Warg shoes of scouting icon1.png 80 445 ROG, NIN 605 605 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +273, Critical Hit +244, Determination +171
Warg Shoes of Striking Warg shoes of striking icon1.png 80 445 PGL, MNK, SAM 605 605 2 Strength +265, Vitality +273, Determination +244, Skill Speed +171
Edengate Greaves of Aiming Edengate greaves of aiming icon1.png 80 450 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 611 611 2 Dexterity +272, Vitality +282, Determination +248, Direct Hit Rate +174
Edengate Greaves of Fending Edengate greaves of fending icon1.png 80 450 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1111 1111 2 Strength +272, Vitality +282, Critical Hit +174, Tenacity +248
Edengate Greaves of Maiming Edengate greaves of maiming icon1.png 80 450 LNC, DRG 778 611 2 Strength +272, Vitality +282, Critical Hit +248, Direct Hit Rate +174
Edengate Sandals of Healing Edengate sandals of healing icon1.png 80 450 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 444 778 2 Vitality +254, Mind +272, Critical Hit +248, Spell Speed +174
Edengate Sandals of Striking Edengate sandals of striking icon1.png 80 450 PGL, MNK, SAM 611 611 2 Strength +272, Vitality +282, Determination +248, Direct Hit Rate +174
Edengate Thighboots of Casting Edengate thighboots of casting icon1.png 80 450 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 444 778 2 Vitality +254, Intelligence +272, Determination +248, Direct Hit Rate +174
Edengate Thighboots of Scouting Edengate thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 450 ROG, NIN 611 611 2 Dexterity +272, Vitality +282, Critical Hit +174, Determination +248
Facet Boots of Aiming Facet boots of aiming icon1.png 80 450 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 550 550 2 Dexterity +245, Vitality +254, Critical Hit +223, Skill Speed +156
Facet Boots of Casting Facet boots of casting icon1.png 80 450 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 400 700 2 Vitality +229, Intelligence +245, Critical Hit +156, Spell Speed +223
Facet Boots of Healing Facet boots of healing icon1.png 80 450 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 400 700 2 Vitality +229, Mind +245, Critical Hit +156, Piety +223
Facet Sabatons of Fending Facet sabatons of fending icon1.png 80 450 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1000 1000 2 Strength +245, Vitality +254, Determination +156, Skill Speed +223
Facet Sabatons of Maiming Facet sabatons of maiming icon1.png 80 450 LNC, DRG 700 550 2 Strength +245, Vitality +254, Determination +223, Skill Speed +156
Facet Sandals of Striking Facet sandals of striking icon1.png 80 450 PGL, MNK, SAM 550 550 2 Strength +245, Vitality +254, Critical Hit +156, Skill Speed +223
Facet Thighboots of Scouting Facet thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 450 ROG, NIN 550 550 2 Dexterity +245, Vitality +254, Determination +156, Skill Speed +223
Anamnesis Boots of Striking Anamnesis boots of striking icon1.png 80 455 PGL, MNK, SAM 617 617 2 Strength +279, Vitality +292, Determination +252, Skill Speed +176
Anamnesis Sollerets of Fending Anamnesis sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 455 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1122 1122 2 Strength +279, Vitality +292, Skill Speed +252, Tenacity +176
Anamnesis Sollerets of Maiming Anamnesis sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 455 LNC, DRG 785 617 2 Strength +279, Vitality +292, Critical Hit +176, Determination +252
Anamnesis Thighboots of Aiming Anamnesis thighboots of aiming icon1.png 80 455 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 617 617 2 Dexterity +279, Vitality +292, Determination +252, Skill Speed +176
Anamnesis Thighboots of Casting Anamnesis thighboots of casting icon1.png 80 455 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 449 785 2 Vitality +263, Intelligence +279, Determination +176, Direct Hit Rate +252
Anamnesis Thighboots of Healing Anamnesis thighboots of healing icon1.png 80 455 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 449 785 2 Vitality +263, Mind +279, Critical Hit +176, Spell Speed +252
Anamnesis Thighboots of Scouting Anamnesis thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 455 ROG, NIN 617 617 2 Dexterity +279, Vitality +292, Determination +176, Skill Speed +252
Augmented Facet Boots of Aiming Augmented facet boots of aiming icon1.png 80 460 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 561 561 2 Dexterity +258, Vitality +272, Critical Hit +230, Skill Speed +161
Augmented Facet Boots of Casting Augmented facet boots of casting icon1.png 80 460 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 408 714 2 Vitality +245, Intelligence +258, Critical Hit +161, Spell Speed +230
Augmented Facet Boots of Healing Augmented facet boots of healing icon1.png 80 460 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 408 714 2 Vitality +245, Mind +258, Critical Hit +161, Piety +230
Augmented Facet Sabatons of Fending Augmented facet sabatons of fending icon1.png 80 460 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1020 1020 2 Strength +258, Vitality +272, Determination +161, Skill Speed +230
Augmented Facet Sabatons of Maiming Augmented facet sabatons of maiming icon1.png 80 460 LNC, DRG 714 561 2 Strength +258, Vitality +272, Determination +230, Skill Speed +161
Augmented Facet Sandals of Striking Augmented facet sandals of striking icon1.png 80 460 PGL, MNK, SAM 561 561 2 Strength +258, Vitality +272, Critical Hit +161, Skill Speed +230
Augmented Facet Thighboots of Scouting Augmented facet thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 460 ROG, NIN 561 561 2 Dexterity +258, Vitality +272, Determination +161, Skill Speed +230
Deepshadow Greaves of Aiming Deepshadow greaves of aiming icon1.png 80 460 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 623 623 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +302, Skill Speed +256, Direct Hit Rate +179
Deepshadow Greaves of Casting Deepshadow greaves of casting icon1.png 80 460 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 453 793 2 Vitality +272, Intelligence +287, Critical Hit +179, Direct Hit Rate +256
Deepshadow Greaves of Healing Deepshadow greaves of healing icon1.png 80 460 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 453 793 2 Vitality +272, Mind +287, Spell Speed +179, Piety +256
Deepshadow Greaves of Scouting Deepshadow greaves of scouting icon1.png 80 460 ROG, NIN 623 623 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +256, Skill Speed +179
Deepshadow Greaves of Striking Deepshadow greaves of striking icon1.png 80 460 PGL, MNK, SAM 623 623 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +256, Determination +179
Deepshadow Sollerets of Fending Deepshadow sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 460 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1133 1133 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Determination +179, Tenacity +256
Deepshadow Sollerets of Maiming Deepshadow sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 460 LNC, DRG 793 623 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +256, Direct Hit Rate +179
Facet Boots of Crafting Facet boots of crafting icon1.png 80 460 Disciple of Hand 408 714 2 Craftsmanship +37, Control +177
Facet Boots of Gathering Facet boots of gathering icon1.png 80 460 Disciple of Land 408 714 2 Vitality +69, Gathering +18, Perception +180
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Aiming Yorha type-51 boots of aiming icon1.png 80 460 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 623 623 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +179, Determination +256
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting Yorha type-51 boots of casting icon1.png 80 460 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 453 793 2 Vitality +272, Intelligence +287, Critical Hit +256, Determination +179
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending Yorha type-51 boots of fending icon1.png 80 460 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1133 1133 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +256, Determination +179
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Healing Yorha type-51 boots of healing icon1.png 80 460 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 453 793 2 Vitality +272, Mind +287, Critical Hit +256, Determination +179
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Maiming Yorha type-51 boots of maiming icon1.png 80 460 LNC, DRG 793 623 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +179, Direct Hit Rate +256
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Scouting Yorha type-51 boots of scouting icon1.png 80 460 ROG, NIN 623 623 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +302, Critical Hit +179, Direct Hit Rate +256
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Striking Yorha type-51 boots of striking icon1.png 80 460 PGL, MNK, SAM 623 623 2 Strength +287, Vitality +302, Determination +179, Direct Hit Rate +256
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Aiming Augmented deepshadow greaves of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Skill Speed +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Casting Augmented deepshadow greaves of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Intelligence +303, Critical Hit +185, Direct Hit Rate +264
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Healing Augmented deepshadow greaves of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Mind +303, Spell Speed +185, Piety +264
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Scouting Augmented deepshadow greaves of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Skill Speed +185
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Striking Augmented deepshadow greaves of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM 635 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Determination +185
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Fending Augmented deepshadow sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1155 1155 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Determination +185, Tenacity +264
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Maiming Augmented deepshadow sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG 809 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Edengrace Greaves of Aiming Edengrace greaves of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +185, Determination +264
Edengrace Greaves of Fending Edengrace greaves of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1155 1155 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +264, Skill Speed +185
Edengrace Greaves of Maiming Edengrace greaves of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG 809 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Determination +185, Skill Speed +264
Edengrace Sandals of Healing Edengrace sandals of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Mind +303, Critical Hit +185, Piety +264
Edengrace Sandals of Striking Edengrace sandals of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM 635 635 2 Strength +303, Vitality +324, Skill Speed +264, Direct Hit Rate +185
Edengrace Thighboots of Casting Edengrace thighboots of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 462 809 2 Vitality +291, Intelligence +303, Determination +185, Spell Speed +264
Edengrace Thighboots of Scouting Edengrace thighboots of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN 635 635 2 Dexterity +303, Vitality +324, Critical Hit +185, Determination +264
Professional's Boots of Gathering Professionals boots of gathering icon1.png 80 470 Disciple of Land 462 809 0 Vitality +81, Gathering +21, Perception +213
Professional's Shoes of Crafting Professionals shoes of crafting icon1.png 80 470 Disciple of Hand 462 809 0 Craftsmanship +43, Control +207
Edencall Boots of Casting Edencall boots of casting icon1.png 80 480 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 473 828 2 Vitality +310, Intelligence +319, Critical Hit +270, Determination +189
Edencall Boots of Healing Edencall boots of healing icon1.png 80 480 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 473 828 2 Vitality +310, Mind +319, Critical Hit +270, Spell Speed +189
Edencall Shoes of Aiming Edencall shoes of aiming icon1.png 80 480 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 650 650 2 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Determination +189, Direct Hit Rate +270
Edencall Sollerets of Fending Edencall sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 480 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1182 1182 2 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +270, Skill Speed +189
Edencall Sollerets of Maiming Edencall sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 480 LNC, DRG 828 650 2 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Skill Speed +189, Direct Hit Rate +270
Edencall Sollerets of Scouting Edencall sollerets of scouting icon1.png 80 480 ROG, NIN 650 650 2 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Determination +270, Skill Speed +189
Edencall Sollerets of Striking Edencall sollerets of striking icon1.png 80 480 PGL, MNK, SAM 650 650 2 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Determination +189, Skill Speed +270
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming Neo-ishgardian boots of aiming icon1.png 80 480 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 585 585 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +311, Critical Hit +170, Determination +243
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting Neo-ishgardian boots of casting icon1.png 80 480 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 426 745 2 Vitality +279, Intelligence +287, Spell Speed +170, Direct Hit Rate +243
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Healing Neo-ishgardian boots of healing icon1.png 80 480 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 426 745 2 Vitality +279, Mind +287, Determination +243, Piety +170
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming Neo-ishgardian boots of maiming icon1.png 80 480 LNC, DRG 745 585 2 Strength +287, Vitality +311, Critical Hit +170, Determination +243
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Striking Neo-ishgardian boots of striking icon1.png 80 480 PGL, MNK, SAM 585 585 2 Strength +287, Vitality +311, Determination +243, Direct Hit Rate +170
Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending Neo-ishgardian sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 480 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1064 1064 2 Strength +287, Vitality +311, Determination +170, Skill Speed +243
Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting Neo-ishgardian sollerets of scouting icon1.png 80 480 ROG, NIN 585 585 2 Dexterity +287, Vitality +311, Critical Hit +243, Direct Hit Rate +170
Crystarium Boots of Aiming Crystarium boots of aiming icon1.png 80 490 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 666 666 2 Dexterity +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Skill Speed +193
Crystarium Boots of Casting Crystarium boots of casting icon1.png 80 490 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 484 847 2 Vitality +330, Intelligence +335, Spell Speed +275, Direct Hit Rate +193
Crystarium Boots of Scouting Crystarium boots of scouting icon1.png 80 490 ROG, NIN 666 666 2 Dexterity +335, Vitality +367, Determination +275, Skill Speed +193
Crystarium Shoes of Healing Crystarium shoes of healing icon1.png 80 490 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 484 847 2 Vitality +330, Mind +335, Critical Hit +275, Spell Speed +193
Crystarium Shoes of Striking Crystarium shoes of striking icon1.png 80 490 PGL, MNK, SAM 666 666 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Skill Speed +193
Crystarium Thighboots of Fending Crystarium thighboots of fending icon1.png 80 490 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1210 1210 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Skill Speed +193
Crystarium Thighboots of Maiming Crystarium thighboots of maiming icon1.png 80 490 LNC, DRG 847 666 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Skill Speed +193
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Aiming Augmented crystarium boots of aiming icon1.png 80 500 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 681 681 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Skill Speed +197
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Casting Augmented crystarium boots of casting icon1.png 80 500 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 495 866 2 Vitality +352, Intelligence +353, Spell Speed +281, Direct Hit Rate +197
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Scouting Augmented crystarium boots of scouting icon1.png 80 500 ROG, NIN 681 681 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +391, Determination +281, Skill Speed +197
Augmented Crystarium Shoes of Healing Augmented crystarium shoes of healing icon1.png 80 500 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 495 866 2 Vitality +352, Mind +353, Critical Hit +281, Spell Speed +197
Augmented Crystarium Shoes of Striking Augmented crystarium shoes of striking icon1.png 80 500 PGL, MNK, SAM 681 681 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Skill Speed +197
Augmented Crystarium Thighboots of Fending Augmented crystarium thighboots of fending icon1.png 80 500 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1238 1238 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Skill Speed +197
Augmented Crystarium Thighboots of Maiming Augmented crystarium thighboots of maiming icon1.png 80 500 LNC, DRG 866 681 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Skill Speed +197
Edenchoir Boots of Casting Edenchoir boots of casting icon1.png 80 500 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 495 866 2 Vitality +352, Intelligence +353, Critical Hit +197, Direct Hit Rate +281
Edenchoir Boots of Healing Edenchoir boots of healing icon1.png 80 500 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 495 866 2 Vitality +352, Mind +353, Determination +281, Piety +197
Edenchoir Shoes of Aiming Edenchoir shoes of aiming icon1.png 80 500 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 681 681 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +197, Determination +281
Edenchoir Sollerets of Fending Edenchoir sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 500 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1238 1238 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Determination +281, Tenacity +197
Edenchoir Sollerets of Maiming Edenchoir sollerets of maiming icon1.png 80 500 LNC, DRG 866 681 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +197, Determination +281
Edenchoir Sollerets of Scouting Edenchoir sollerets of scouting icon1.png 80 500 ROG, NIN 681 681 2 Dexterity +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Direct Hit Rate +197
Edenchoir Sollerets of Striking Edenchoir sollerets of striking icon1.png 80 500 PGL, MNK, SAM 681 681 2 Strength +353, Vitality +391, Critical Hit +281, Direct Hit Rate +197
Weathered Estoqueur's Thighboots Weathered estoqueurs thighboots icon1.png 80 430 RDM 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +165, Spell Speed +236
Shadowless Boots of Casting Shadowless boots of casting icon1.png 80 475 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 468 818 2 Vitality +301, Intelligence +311, Critical Hit +267, Determination +187
Shadowless Boots of Healing Shadowless boots of healing icon1.png 80 475 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 468 818 2 Vitality +301, Mind +311, Determination +187, Piety +267
Shadowless Greaves of Fending Shadowless greaves of fending icon1.png 80 475 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1169 1169 2 Strength +311, Vitality +334, Critical Hit +187, Skill Speed +267
Shadowless Greaves of Maiming Shadowless greaves of maiming icon1.png 80 475 LNC, DRG 818 643 2 Strength +311, Vitality +334, Determination +267, Skill Speed +187
Shadowless Sabatons of Aiming Shadowless sabatons of aiming icon1.png 80 475 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 643 643 2 Dexterity +311, Vitality +334, Determination +187, Skill Speed +267
Shadowless Sabatons of Scouting Shadowless sabatons of scouting icon1.png 80 475 ROG, NIN 643 643 2 Dexterity +311, Vitality +334, Determination +187, Direct Hit Rate +267
Shadowless Sabatons of Striking Shadowless sabatons of striking icon1.png 80 475 PGL, MNK, SAM 643 643 2 Strength +311, Vitality +334, Critical Hit +187, Direct Hit Rate +267
Idealized Arbatel Thighboots Idealized arbatel thighboots icon1.png 80 480 SCH 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Mind +319, Critical Hit +189, Piety +270
Idealized Bale Sollerets Idealized bale sollerets icon1.png 80 480 DRK 1182 1182 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +270, Determination +189
Idealized Beckoner's Crakows Idealized beckoners crakows icon1.png 80 480 SMN 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Intelligence +319, Determination +189, Spell Speed +270
Idealized Bhikku Boots Idealized bhikku boots icon1.png 80 480 MNK 650 650 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +189, Skill Speed +270
Idealized Bodyguard's Thighboots Idealized bodyguards thighboots icon1.png 80 480 GNB 1182 1182 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Determination +189, Tenacity +270
Idealized Boii Boots Idealized boii boots icon1.png 80 480 WAR 1182 1182 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +270, Skill Speed +189
Idealized Chevalier's Sollerets Idealized chevaliers sollerets icon1.png 80 480 PLD 1182 1182 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +189, Determination +270
Idealized Dancer's Shoes Idealized dancers shoes icon1.png 80 480 DNC 650 650 5 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +189, Skill Speed +270
Idealized Ebers Thighboots Idealized ebers thighboots icon1.png 80 480 WHM 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Mind +319, Critical Hit +189, Determination +270
Idealized Estoqueur's Thighboots Idealized estoqueurs thighboots icon1.png 80 480 RDM 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Intelligence +319, Critical Hit +189, Spell Speed +270
Idealized Fili Shoes Idealized fili shoes icon1.png 80 480 BRD 650 650 5 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Determination +270, Direct Hit Rate +189
Idealized Gunslinger's Thighboots Idealized gunslingers thighboots icon1.png 80 480 MCH 650 650 5 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Determination +189, Skill Speed +270
Idealized Hattori Kyahan Idealized hattori kyahan icon1.png 80 480 NIN 650 650 5 Dexterity +319, Vitality +345, Determination +270, Direct Hit Rate +189
Idealized Kasuga Zori Idealized kasuga zori icon1.png 80 480 SAM 650 650 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Skill Speed +189, Direct Hit Rate +270
Idealized Pteroslaver Greaves Idealized pteroslaver greaves icon1.png 80 480 DRG 828 650 5 Strength +319, Vitality +345, Critical Hit +270, Skill Speed +189
Idealized Soothsayer's Sandals Idealized soothsayers sandals icon1.png 80 480 AST 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Mind +319, Critical Hit +189, Piety +270
Idealized Wicce Shoes Idealized wicce shoes icon1.png 80 480 BLM 473 828 5 Vitality +310, Intelligence +319, Spell Speed +270, Direct Hit Rate +189
Aesthete's Boots of Crafting Aesthetes boots of crafting icon1.png 80 490 Disciple of Hand 436 762 2 Craftsmanship +41, Control +194
Aesthete's Boots of Gathering Aesthetes boots of gathering icon1.png 80 490 Disciple of Land 436 762 2 Vitality +44, Gathering +20, Perception +203
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming Augmented neo-ishgardian boots of aiming icon1.png 80 490 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 599 599 2 Dexterity +301, Vitality +330, Critical Hit +174, Determination +247
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting Augmented neo-ishgardian boots of casting icon1.png 80 490 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 436 762 2 Vitality +297, Intelligence +301, Spell Speed +174, Direct Hit Rate +247
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Healing Augmented neo-ishgardian boots of healing icon1.png 80 490 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 436 762 2 Vitality +297, Mind +301, Determination +247, Piety +174
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming Augmented neo-ishgardian boots of maiming icon1.png 80 490 LNC, DRG 762 599 2 Strength +301, Vitality +330, Critical Hit +174, Determination +247
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Striking Augmented neo-ishgardian boots of striking icon1.png 80 490 PGL, MNK, SAM 599 599 2 Strength +301, Vitality +330, Determination +247, Direct Hit Rate +174
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending Augmented neo-ishgardian sollerets of fending icon1.png 80 490 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1089 1089 2 Strength +301, Vitality +330, Determination +174, Skill Speed +247
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting Augmented neo-ishgardian sollerets of scouting icon1.png 80 490 ROG, NIN 599 599 2 Dexterity +301, Vitality +330, Critical Hit +247, Direct Hit Rate +174
YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Aiming Yorha type-53 boots of aiming icon1.png 80 490 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 666 666 2 Dexterity +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +275
YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Fending Yorha type-53 boots of fending icon1.png 80 490 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1210 1210 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Tenacity +193
YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Maiming Yorha type-53 boots of maiming icon1.png 80 490 LNC, DRG 847 666 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Skill Speed +193, Direct Hit Rate +275
YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Scouting Yorha type-53 boots of scouting icon1.png 80 490 ROG, NIN 666 666 2 Dexterity +335, Vitality +367, Critical Hit +275, Direct Hit Rate +193
YoRHa Type-53 Boots of Striking Yorha type-53 boots of striking icon1.png 80 490 PGL, MNK, SAM 666 666 2 Strength +335, Vitality +367, Skill Speed +193, Direct Hit Rate +275
YoRHa Type-53 Thighboots of Casting Yorha type-53 thighboots of casting icon1.png 80 490 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 484 847 2 Vitality +330, Intelligence +335, Critical Hit +193, Determination +275
YoRHa Type-53 Thighboots of Healing Yorha type-53 thighboots of healing icon1.png 80 490 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 484 847 2 Vitality +330, Mind +335, Spell Speed +275, Piety +193