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(Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" |- !Item !Icon !Level !Item Level !Requirement !Defense !Magic Defense !Materia Slots !Stats and Attributes |- | Ghos...")
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!Materia Slots
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
!Stats and Attributes
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 361 || 361 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +143, [[Vitality]] +160, [[Critical Hit]] +127, [[Skill Speed]] +89
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of casting icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 262 || 459 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +144, [[Intelligence]] +143, [[Critical Hit]] +127, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +89
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of fending icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 656 || 656 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +143, [[Vitality]] +160, [[Critical Hit]] +89, [[Determination]] +127
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of healing icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 262 || 459 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +144, [[Mind]] +143, [[Critical Hit]] +127, [[Determination]] +89
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 459 || 361 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +143, [[Vitality]] +160, [[Critical Hit]] +89, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +127
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 361 || 361 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +143, [[Vitality]] +160, [[Skill Speed]] +89, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +127
| [[Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking]] || [[File:deepgold plate belt of striking icon1.png]] || 70 || 385 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 361 || 361 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +143, [[Vitality]] +160, [[Skill Speed]] +89, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +127
| [[Ghost Barque Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:ghost barque belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 61 || 260 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]] || 162 || 162 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +72, [[Vitality]] +80, [[Skill Speed]] +57, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +40
| [[Ghost Barque Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:ghost barque belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 61 || 260 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]] || 162 || 162 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +72, [[Vitality]] +80, [[Skill Speed]] +57, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +40

Revision as of 09:21, 29 June 2019

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Deepgold Plate Belt of Aiming Deepgold plate belt of aiming icon1.png 70 385 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 361 361 1 Dexterity +143, Vitality +160, Critical Hit +127, Skill Speed +89
Deepgold Plate Belt of Casting Deepgold plate belt of casting icon1.png 70 385 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 262 459 1 Vitality +144, Intelligence +143, Critical Hit +127, Direct Hit Rate +89
Deepgold Plate Belt of Fending Deepgold plate belt of fending icon1.png 70 385 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 656 656 1 Strength +143, Vitality +160, Critical Hit +89, Determination +127
Deepgold Plate Belt of Healing Deepgold plate belt of healing icon1.png 70 385 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 262 459 1 Vitality +144, Mind +143, Critical Hit +127, Determination +89
Deepgold Plate Belt of Maiming Deepgold plate belt of maiming icon1.png 70 385 LNC, DRG 459 361 1 Strength +143, Vitality +160, Critical Hit +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Deepgold Plate Belt of Scouting Deepgold plate belt of scouting icon1.png 70 385 ROG, NIN 361 361 1 Dexterity +143, Vitality +160, Skill Speed +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Deepgold Plate Belt of Striking Deepgold plate belt of striking icon1.png 70 385 PGL, MNK, SAM 361 361 1 Strength +143, Vitality +160, Skill Speed +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Ghost Barque Belt of Aiming Ghost barque belt of aiming icon1.png 61 260 ARC, BRD, MCH 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Skill Speed +57, Direct Hit Rate +40
Ghost Barque Belt of Casting Ghost barque belt of casting icon1.png 61 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Intelligence +72, Critical Hit +57, Direct Hit Rate +40
Ghost Barque Belt of Fending Ghost barque belt of fending icon1.png 61 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 295 295 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +57, Determination +38
Ghost Barque Belt of Healing Ghost barque belt of healing icon1.png 61 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 118 206 1 Vitality +72, Mind +72, Determination +38, Piety +57
Ghost Barque Belt of Maiming Ghost barque belt of maiming icon1.png 61 260 LNC, DRG 206 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Determination +54, Direct Hit Rate +40
Ghost Barque Belt of Scouting Ghost barque belt of scouting icon1.png 61 260 ROG, NIN 162 162 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +40, Skill Speed +57
Ghost Barque Belt of Striking Ghost barque belt of striking icon1.png 61 260 PGL, MNK, SAM 162 162 1 Strength +72, Vitality +80, Critical Hit +57, Direct Hit Rate +40
Gaganaskin Belt of Gathering Gaganaskin belt of gathering icon1.png 62 190 Disciple of Land 87 153 1 Perception +35
Ruby Cotton Apron Ruby cotton apron icon1.png 62 190 Disciple of Hand 87 153 1 Control +70
Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Aiming Gyuki leather twinbelt of aiming icon1.png 62 265 ARC, BRD, MCH 146 146 1 Dexterity +68, Vitality +76, Critical Hit +37, Direct Hit Rate +52
Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Scouting Gyuki leather twinbelt of scouting icon1.png 62 265 ROG, NIN 146 146 1 Dexterity +68, Vitality +76, Determination +50, Skill Speed +37
Gyuki Leather Twinbelt of Striking Gyuki leather twinbelt of striking icon1.png 62 265 PGL, MNK, SAM 146 146 1 Strength +68, Vitality +76, Determination +50, Skill Speed +37
High Steel Plate Belt of Fending High steel plate belt of fending icon1.png 62 265 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 266 266 1 Strength +68, Vitality +76, Determination +35, Skill Speed +52
High Steel Plate Belt of Maiming High steel plate belt of maiming icon1.png 62 265 LNC, DRG 186 146 1 Strength +68, Vitality +76, Critical Hit +37, Direct Hit Rate +52
Ruby Cotton Sash of Casting Ruby cotton sash of casting icon1.png 62 265 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 107 186 1 Vitality +68, Intelligence +68, Critical Hit +52, Spell Speed +37
Ruby Cotton Sash of Healing Ruby cotton sash of healing icon1.png 62 265 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 107 186 1 Vitality +68, Mind +68, Critical Hit +37, Piety +52
Shisui Obi of Aiming Shisui obi of aiming icon1.png 63 270 ARC, BRD, MCH 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Determination +57, Direct Hit Rate +42
Shisui Obi of Casting Shisui obi of casting icon1.png 63 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Intelligence +78, Spell Speed +59, Direct Hit Rate +42
Shisui Obi of Fending Shisui obi of fending icon1.png 63 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 297 297 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Determination +40, Tenacity +59
Shisui Obi of Healing Shisui obi of healing icon1.png 63 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 119 208 1 Vitality +79, Mind +78, Spell Speed +42, Piety +59
Shisui Obi of Maiming Shisui obi of maiming icon1.png 63 270 LNC, DRG 208 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Skill Speed +59, Direct Hit Rate +42
Shisui Obi of Scouting Shisui obi of scouting icon1.png 63 270 ROG, NIN 164 164 1 Dexterity +78, Vitality +88, Critical Hit +59, Direct Hit Rate +42
Shisui Obi of Striking Shisui obi of striking icon1.png 63 270 PGL, MNK, SAM 164 164 1 Strength +78, Vitality +88, Determination +40, Direct Hit Rate +59
Doman Iron Tassets of Fending Doman iron tassets of fending icon1.png 64 273 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 304 304 1 Strength +72, Vitality +81, Determination +52, Skill Speed +38
Doman Iron Tassets of Maiming Doman iron tassets of maiming icon1.png 64 273 LNC, DRG 213 167 1 Strength +72, Vitality +81, Critical Hit +54, Skill Speed +38
Kudzu Corset of Casting Kudzu corset of casting icon1.png 64 273 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 121 213 1 Vitality +73, Intelligence +72, Critical Hit +38, Determination +52
Kudzu Corset of Healing Kudzu corset of healing icon1.png 64 273 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 121 213 1 Vitality +73, Mind +72, Determination +52, Spell Speed +38
Tigerskin Ringbelt of Aiming Tigerskin ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 64 273 ARC, BRD, MCH 167 167 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +81, Critical Hit +54, Determination +36
Tigerskin Ringbelt of Scouting Tigerskin ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 64 273 ROG, NIN 167 167 1 Dexterity +72, Vitality +81, Critical Hit +54, Skill Speed +38
Tigerskin Ringbelt of Striking Tigerskin ringbelt of striking icon1.png 64 273 PGL, MNK, SAM 167 167 1 Strength +72, Vitality +81, Determination +52, Direct Hit Rate +38
Nomad's Belt of Aiming Nomads belt of aiming icon1.png 65 276 ARC, BRD, MCH 208 208 1 Dexterity +83, Vitality +91, Critical Hit +66, Determination +46
Nomad's Belt of Casting Nomads belt of casting icon1.png 65 276 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 151 264 1 Vitality +82, Intelligence +83, Spell Speed +66, Direct Hit Rate +47
Nomad's Belt of Fending Nomads belt of fending icon1.png 65 276 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 377 377 1 Strength +83, Vitality +91, Critical Hit +66, Tenacity +47
Nomad's Belt of Healing Nomads belt of healing icon1.png 65 276 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 151 264 1 Vitality +82, Mind +83, Spell Speed +47, Piety +66
Nomad's Belt of Maiming Nomads belt of maiming icon1.png 65 276 LNC, DRG 264 208 1 Strength +83, Vitality +91, Determination +46, Direct Hit Rate +66
Nomad's Belt of Scouting Nomads belt of scouting icon1.png 65 276 ROG, NIN 208 208 1 Dexterity +83, Vitality +91, Skill Speed +66, Direct Hit Rate +47
Nomad's Belt of Striking Nomads belt of striking icon1.png 65 276 PGL, MNK, SAM 208 208 1 Strength +83, Vitality +91, Critical Hit +47, Direct Hit Rate +66
Serge Apron Serge apron icon1.png 66 230 Disciple of Hand 103 181 1 Control +81
Tigerskin Belt of Gathering Tigerskin belt of gathering icon1.png 66 230 Disciple of Land 103 181 1 Perception +40
Marid Leather Belt of Fending Marid leather belt of fending icon1.png 66 279 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 376 376 1 Strength +77, Vitality +83, Skill Speed +46, Tenacity +66
Marid Leather Belt of Maiming Marid leather belt of maiming icon1.png 66 279 LNC, DRG 263 207 1 Strength +77, Vitality +83, Skill Speed +46, Direct Hit Rate +66
Marid Leather Corset of Aiming Marid leather corset of aiming icon1.png 66 279 ARC, BRD, MCH 207 207 1 Dexterity +77, Vitality +83, Critical Hit +66, Skill Speed +46
Marid Leather Corset of Casting Marid leather corset of casting icon1.png 66 279 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 150 263 1 Vitality +74, Intelligence +77, Critical Hit +46, Spell Speed +66
Marid Leather Corset of Healing Marid leather corset of healing icon1.png 66 279 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 150 263 1 Vitality +74, Mind +77, Spell Speed +66, Piety +46
Serge Longsash of Scouting Serge longsash of scouting icon1.png 66 279 ROG, NIN 207 207 1 Dexterity +77, Vitality +83, Determination +46, Direct Hit Rate +66
Serge Longsash of Striking Serge longsash of striking icon1.png 66 279 PGL, MNK, SAM 207 207 1 Strength +77, Vitality +83, Critical Hit +66, Direct Hit Rate +46
Yanxian Obi of Aiming Yanxian obi of aiming icon1.png 67 282 ARC, BRD, MCH 252 252 1 Dexterity +88, Vitality +93, Critical Hit +80, Determination +56
Yanxian Obi of Casting Yanxian obi of casting icon1.png 67 282 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 183 320 1 Vitality +83, Intelligence +88, Critical Hit +56, Spell Speed +80
Yanxian Obi of Fending Yanxian obi of fending icon1.png 67 282 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 457 457 1 Strength +88, Vitality +93, Critical Hit +56, Determination +80
Yanxian Obi of Healing Yanxian obi of healing icon1.png 67 282 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 183 320 1 Vitality +83, Mind +88, Critical Hit +80, Determination +56
Yanxian Obi of Maiming Yanxian obi of maiming icon1.png 67 282 LNC, DRG 320 252 1 Strength +88, Vitality +93, Critical Hit +56, Determination +80
Yanxian Obi of Scouting Yanxian obi of scouting icon1.png 67 282 ROG, NIN 252 252 1 Dexterity +88, Vitality +93, Determination +80, Direct Hit Rate +56
Yanxian Obi of Striking Yanxian obi of striking icon1.png 67 282 PGL, MNK, SAM 252 252 1 Strength +88, Vitality +93, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +56
Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Aiming Gazelleskin twinbelt of aiming icon1.png 68 285 ARC, BRD, MCH 246 246 1 Dexterity +81, Vitality +84, Critical Hit +78, Skill Speed +55
Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Scouting Gazelleskin twinbelt of scouting icon1.png 68 285 ROG, NIN 246 246 1 Dexterity +81, Vitality +84, Critical Hit +55, Skill Speed +78
Gazelleskin Twinbelt of Striking Gazelleskin twinbelt of striking icon1.png 68 285 PGL, MNK, SAM 246 246 1 Strength +81, Vitality +84, Determination +55, Direct Hit Rate +78
Molybdenum Plate Belt of Fending Molybdenum plate belt of fending icon1.png 68 285 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 448 448 1 Strength +81, Vitality +84, Critical Hit +78, Determination +55
Molybdenum Plate Belt of Maiming Molybdenum plate belt of maiming icon1.png 68 285 LNC, DRG 313 246 1 Strength +81, Vitality +84, Critical Hit +78, Skill Speed +55
Twinsilk Sash of Casting Twinsilk sash of casting icon1.png 68 285 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 179 313 1 Vitality +76, Intelligence +81, Determination +78, Direct Hit Rate +55
Twinsilk Sash of Healing Twinsilk sash of healing icon1.png 68 285 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 179 313 1 Vitality +76, Mind +81, Critical Hit +55, Piety +78
Valerian Archer's Belt Valerian archers belt icon1.png 69 288 ARC, BRD, MCH 296 296 1 Dexterity +93, Vitality +95, Determination +67, Skill Speed +95
Valerian Brawler's Belt Valerian brawlers belt icon1.png 69 288 PGL, MNK, SAM 296 296 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Valerian Dark Priest's Belt Valerian dark priests belt icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 215 376 1 Vitality +85, Intelligence +93, Determination +67, Spell Speed +95
Valerian Priest's Belt Valerian priests belt icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 215 376 1 Vitality +85, Mind +93, Determination +67, Piety +95
Valerian Rune Fencer's Belt Valerian rune fencers belt icon1.png 69 288 LNC, DRG 376 296 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Determination +95
Valerian Vedette's Belt Valerian vedettes belt icon1.png 69 288 ROG, NIN 296 296 1 Dexterity +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Xenobian Belt Xenobian belt icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 538 538 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Gazelleskin Belt of Gathering Gazelleskin belt of gathering icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of Land 203 355 1 Perception +43
Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Aiming Gazelleskin ringbelt of aiming icon1.png 70 290 ARC, BRD, MCH 279 279 1 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Critical Hit +94, Direct Hit Rate +66
Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Scouting Gazelleskin ringbelt of scouting icon1.png 70 290 ROG, NIN 279 279 1 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Determination +66, Direct Hit Rate +94
Gazelleskin Ringbelt of Striking Gazelleskin ringbelt of striking icon1.png 70 290 PGL, MNK, SAM 279 279 1 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Determination +66, Skill Speed +94
Molybdenum Tassets of Fending Molybdenum tassets of fending icon1.png 70 290 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 508 508 1 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Determination +66, Tenacity +94
Molybdenum Tassets of Maiming Molybdenum tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 290 LNC, DRG 355 279 1 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Skill Speed +94, Direct Hit Rate +66
Twinsilk Apron Twinsilk apron icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of Hand 203 355 1 Control +96
Twinsilk Corset of Casting Twinsilk corset of casting icon1.png 70 290 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 203 355 1 Vitality +78, Intelligence +86, Critical Hit +66, Direct Hit Rate +94
Twinsilk Corset of Healing Twinsilk corset of healing icon1.png 70 290 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 203 355 1 Vitality +78, Mind +86, Spell Speed +66, Piety +94
Arhat Obi of Aiming Arhat obi of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Skill Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Obi of Casting Arhat obi of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Determination +75
Arhat Obi of Fending Arhat obi of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 588 588 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Obi of Healing Arhat obi of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Mind +102, Determination +75, Piety +107
Arhat Obi of Maiming Arhat obi of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG 411 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Determination +107
Arhat Obi of Scouting Arhat obi of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Obi of Striking Arhat obi of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM 323 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Speed Belt Speed belt icon1.png 70 300 All Classes 323 323 0
Ala Mhigan Belt of Aiming Ala mhigan belt of aiming icon1.png 70 310 ARC, BRD, MCH 336 336 1 Dexterity +108, Vitality +113, Critical Hit +111, Skill Speed +77
Ala Mhigan Belt of Casting Ala mhigan belt of casting icon1.png 70 310 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 245 428 1 Vitality +101, Intelligence +108, Spell Speed +77, Direct Hit Rate +111
Ala Mhigan Belt of Fending Ala mhigan belt of fending icon1.png 70 310 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 611 611 1 Strength +108, Vitality +113, Determination +77, Tenacity +111
Ala Mhigan Belt of Healing Ala mhigan belt of healing icon1.png 70 310 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 245 428 1 Vitality +101, Mind +108, Spell Speed +111, Piety +77
Ala Mhigan Belt of Maiming Ala mhigan belt of maiming icon1.png 70 310 LNC, DRG 428 336 1 Strength +108, Vitality +113, Critical Hit +77, Skill Speed +111
Ala Mhigan Belt of Scouting Ala mhigan belt of scouting icon1.png 70 310 ROG, NIN 336 336 1 Dexterity +108, Vitality +113, Critical Hit +111, Direct Hit Rate +77
Ala Mhigan Belt of Striking Ala mhigan belt of striking icon1.png 70 310 PGL, MNK, SAM 336 336 1 Strength +108, Vitality +113, Critical Hit +77, Direct Hit Rate +111
Skallic Belt of Aiming Skallic belt of aiming icon1.png 70 315 ARC, BRD, MCH 340 340 1 Dexterity +112, Vitality +116, Critical Hit +112, Direct Hit Rate +78
Skallic Belt of Casting Skallic belt of casting icon1.png 70 315 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 248 433 1 Vitality +105, Intelligence +112, Determination +112, Direct Hit Rate +78
Skallic Belt of Fending Skallic belt of fending icon1.png 70 315 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 619 619 1 Strength +112, Vitality +116, Critical Hit +112, Tenacity +78
Skallic Belt of Healing Skallic belt of healing icon1.png 70 315 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 248 433 1 Vitality +105, Mind +112, Critical Hit +112, Piety +78
Skallic Belt of Maiming Skallic belt of maiming icon1.png 70 315 LNC, DRG 433 340 1 Strength +112, Vitality +116, Determination +112, Skill Speed +78
Skallic Belt of Scouting Skallic belt of scouting icon1.png 70 315 ROG, NIN 340 340 1 Dexterity +112, Vitality +116, Skill Speed +78, Direct Hit Rate +112
Skallic Belt of Striking Skallic belt of striking icon1.png 70 315 PGL, MNK, SAM 340 340 1 Strength +112, Vitality +116, Critical Hit +112, Determination +78
Genta Obi of Aiming Genta obi of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC, BRD, MCH 345 345 1 Dexterity +115, Vitality +120, Skill Speed +113, Direct Hit Rate +79
Genta Obi of Casting Genta obi of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 251 439 1 Vitality +108, Intelligence +115, Critical Hit +79, Spell Speed +113
Genta Obi of Fending Genta obi of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 627 627 1 Strength +115, Vitality +120, Determination +113, Skill Speed +79
Genta Obi of Healing Genta obi of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 251 439 1 Vitality +108, Mind +115, Determination +79, Piety +113
Genta Obi of Maiming Genta obi of maiming icon1.png 70 320 LNC, DRG 439 345 1 Strength +115, Vitality +120, Determination +79, Direct Hit Rate +113
Genta Obi of Scouting Genta obi of scouting icon1.png 70 320 ROG, NIN 345 345 1 Dexterity +115, Vitality +120, Critical Hit +79, Determination +113
Genta Obi of Striking Genta obi of striking icon1.png 70 320 PGL, MNK, SAM 345 345 1 Strength +115, Vitality +120, Skill Speed +79, Direct Hit Rate +113
Indigo Ramie Sash of Aiming Indigo ramie sash of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC, BRD, MCH 310 310 1 Dexterity +103, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +101, Direct Hit Rate +71
Indigo Ramie Sash of Casting Indigo ramie sash of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 226 395 1 Vitality +97, Intelligence +103, Spell Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +71
Indigo Ramie Sash of Fending Indigo ramie sash of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 564 564 1 Strength +103, Vitality +108, Skill Speed +101, Tenacity +71
Indigo Ramie Sash of Healing Indigo ramie sash of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 226 395 1 Vitality +97, Mind +103, Critical Hit +71, Spell Speed +101
Indigo Ramie Sash of Maiming Indigo ramie sash of maiming icon1.png 70 320 LNC, DRG 395 310 1 Strength +103, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +71, Skill Speed +101
Indigo Ramie Sash of Scouting Indigo ramie sash of scouting icon1.png 70 320 ROG, NIN 310 310 1 Dexterity +103, Vitality +108, Determination +71, Skill Speed +101
Indigo Ramie Sash of Striking Indigo ramie sash of striking icon1.png 70 320 PGL, MNK, SAM 310 310 1 Strength +103, Vitality +108, Determination +71, Direct Hit Rate +101
Farlander Belt of Aiming Farlander belt of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH 349 349 1 Dexterity +118, Vitality +124, Determination +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Casting Farlander belt of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 254 444 1 Vitality +111, Intelligence +118, Determination +80, Spell Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Fending Farlander belt of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 635 635 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Healing Farlander belt of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 254 444 1 Vitality +111, Mind +118, Critical Hit +114, Determination +80
Farlander Belt of Maiming Farlander belt of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG 444 349 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Determination +114
Farlander Belt of Scouting Farlander belt of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN 349 349 1 Dexterity +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Farlander Belt of Striking Farlander belt of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM 349 349 1 Strength +118, Vitality +124, Critical Hit +80, Skill Speed +114
Ivalician Astrologer's Belt Ivalician astrologers belt icon1.png 70 330 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 257 450 1 Vitality +115, Mind +122, Determination +115, Piety +80
Ivalician Enchanter's Belt Ivalician enchanters belt icon1.png 70 330 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 257 450 1 Vitality +115, Intelligence +122, Determination +115, Direct Hit Rate +80
Ivalician Fusilier's Belt Ivalician fusiliers belt icon1.png 70 330 ARC, BRD, MCH 353 353 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +115, Skill Speed +80
Ivalician Lancer's Belt Ivalician lancers belt icon1.png 70 330 LNC, DRG 450 353 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +115, Direct Hit Rate +80
Ivalician Martialist's Obi Ivalician martialists obi icon1.png 70 330 ROG, NIN 353 353 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +128, Determination +80, Skill Speed +115
Ivalician Samurai's Obi Ivalician samurais obi icon1.png 70 330 PGL, MNK, SAM 353 353 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Determination +115, Direct Hit Rate +80
Ivalician Squire's Belt Ivalician squires belt icon1.png 70 330 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 643 643 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Skill Speed +80, Tenacity +115
Lost Allagan Belt of Aiming Lost allagan belt of aiming icon1.png 70 330 ARC, BRD, MCH 353 353 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +115, Determination +80
Lost Allagan Belt of Casting Lost allagan belt of casting icon1.png 70 330 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 257 450 1 Vitality +115, Intelligence +122, Critical Hit +80, Direct Hit Rate +115
Lost Allagan Belt of Fending Lost allagan belt of fending icon1.png 70 330 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 643 643 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +80, Determination +115
Lost Allagan Belt of Healing Lost allagan belt of healing icon1.png 70 330 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 257 450 1 Vitality +115, Mind +122, Critical Hit +80, Piety +115
Lost Allagan Belt of Maiming Lost allagan belt of maiming icon1.png 70 330 LNC, DRG 450 353 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Determination +80, Skill Speed +115
Lost Allagan Belt of Scouting Lost allagan belt of scouting icon1.png 70 330 ROG, NIN 353 353 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +128, Skill Speed +115, Direct Hit Rate +80
Lost Allagan Belt of Striking Lost allagan belt of striking icon1.png 70 330 PGL, MNK, SAM 353 353 1 Strength +122, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +80, Direct Hit Rate +115
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Aiming Augmented lost allagan belt of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC, BRD, MCH 362 362 1 Dexterity +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +117, Determination +82
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Casting Augmented lost allagan belt of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 263 461 1 Vitality +123, Intelligence +129, Critical Hit +82, Direct Hit Rate +117
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Fending Augmented lost allagan belt of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 658 658 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +82, Determination +117
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Healing Augmented lost allagan belt of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 263 461 1 Vitality +123, Mind +129, Critical Hit +82, Piety +117
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Maiming Augmented lost allagan belt of maiming icon1.png 70 340 LNC, DRG 461 362 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Determination +82, Skill Speed +117
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Scouting Augmented lost allagan belt of scouting icon1.png 70 340 ROG, NIN 362 362 1 Dexterity +129, Vitality +137, Skill Speed +117, Direct Hit Rate +82
Augmented Lost Allagan Belt of Striking Augmented lost allagan belt of striking icon1.png 70 340 PGL, MNK, SAM 362 362 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +82, Direct Hit Rate +117
Genji Obi of Aiming Genji obi of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC, BRD, MCH 362 362 1 Dexterity +129, Vitality +137, Determination +82, Skill Speed +117
Genji Obi of Casting Genji obi of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 263 461 1 Vitality +123, Intelligence +129, Determination +117, Spell Speed +82
Genji Obi of Fending Genji obi of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 658 658 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +82, Skill Speed +117
Genji Obi of Healing Genji obi of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 263 461 1 Vitality +123, Mind +129, Spell Speed +117, Piety +82
Genji Obi of Maiming Genji obi of maiming icon1.png 70 340 LNC, DRG 461 362 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +117, Determination +82
Genji Obi of Scouting Genji obi of scouting icon1.png 70 340 ROG, NIN 362 362 1 Dexterity +129, Vitality +137, Determination +117, Direct Hit Rate +82
Genji Obi of Striking Genji obi of striking icon1.png 70 340 PGL, MNK, SAM 362 362 1 Strength +129, Vitality +137, Critical Hit +117, Determination +82
Onishi Obi Onishi obi icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Hand 237 415 1 Control +128
Yamashi Obi Yamashi obi icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Land 237 415 1 Perception +62
Bonewicca Protector's Belt Bonewicca protectors belt icon1.png 70 345 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 666 666 1 Strength +132, Vitality +141, Determination +84, Skill Speed +120
Bonewicca Shadow's Belt Bonewicca shadows belt icon1.png 70 345 ROG, NIN 366 366 1 Dexterity +132, Vitality +141, Critical Hit +120, Direct Hit Rate +84
Bonewicca Skinner's Belt Bonewicca skinners belt icon1.png 70 345 LNC, DRG 466 366 1 Strength +132, Vitality +141, Critical Hit +120, Direct Hit Rate +84
Bonewicca Soother's Belt Bonewicca soothers belt icon1.png 70 345 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 267 466 1 Vitality +127, Mind +132, Spell Speed +84, Piety +120
Bonewicca Tracker's Belt Bonewicca trackers belt icon1.png 70 345 ARC, BRD, MCH 366 366 1 Dexterity +132, Vitality +141, Critical Hit +120, Direct Hit Rate +84
Bonewicca Whisperer's Belt Bonewicca whisperers belt icon1.png 70 345 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 267 466 1 Vitality +127, Intelligence +132, Critical Hit +84, Spell Speed +120
Bonewicca Wildling's Belt Bonewicca wildlings belt icon1.png 70 345 PGL, MNK, SAM 366 366 1 Strength +132, Vitality +141, Critical Hit +120, Skill Speed +84
Carborundum Tassets of Aiming Carborundum tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC, BRD, MCH 371 371 1 Dexterity +135, Vitality +145, Determination +86, Skill Speed +122
Carborundum Tassets of Casting Carborundum tassets of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 270 472 1 Vitality +130, Intelligence +135, Determination +86, Spell Speed +122
Carborundum Tassets of Fending Carborundum tassets of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 674 674 1 Strength +135, Vitality +145, Determination +122, Tenacity +86
Carborundum Tassets of Healing Carborundum tassets of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 270 472 1 Vitality +130, Mind +135, Determination +86, Spell Speed +122
Carborundum Tassets of Maiming Carborundum tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 350 LNC, DRG 472 371 1 Strength +135, Vitality +145, Determination +86, Direct Hit Rate +122
Carborundum Tassets of Scouting Carborundum tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 350 ROG, NIN 371 371 1 Dexterity +135, Vitality +145, Critical Hit +122, Direct Hit Rate +86
Carborundum Tassets of Striking Carborundum tassets of striking icon1.png 70 350 PGL, MNK, SAM 371 371 1 Strength +135, Vitality +145, Critical Hit +122, Determination +86
Handking's Tool Belt Handkings tool belt icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of Hand 270 472 0 Control +152
Landking's Survival Belt Landkings survival belt icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of Land 270 472 0 Perception +74
Slothskin Belt of Aiming Slothskin belt of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC, BRD, MCH 334 334 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +130, Determination +110, Direct Hit Rate +77
Slothskin Belt of Casting Slothskin belt of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 243 425 1 Vitality +117, Intelligence +122, Critical Hit +110, Determination +77
Slothskin Belt of Fending Slothskin belt of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 607 607 1 Strength +122, Vitality +130, Critical Hit +77, Skill Speed +110
Slothskin Belt of Healing Slothskin belt of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 243 425 1 Vitality +117, Mind +122, Critical Hit +77, Piety +110
Slothskin Belt of Maiming Slothskin belt of maiming icon1.png 70 350 LNC, DRG 425 334 1 Strength +122, Vitality +130, Critical Hit +77, Determination +110
Slothskin Belt of Scouting Slothskin belt of scouting icon1.png 70 350 ROG, NIN 334 334 1 Dexterity +122, Vitality +130, Determination +110, Skill Speed +77
Slothskin Belt of Striking Slothskin belt of striking icon1.png 70 350 PGL, MNK, SAM 334 334 1 Strength +122, Vitality +130, Critical Hit +77, Skill Speed +110
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Aiming Royal volunteers belt of aiming icon1.png 70 355 ARC, BRD, MCH 375 375 1 Dexterity +138, Vitality +149, Critical Hit +125, Direct Hit Rate +88
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Casting Royal volunteers belt of casting icon1.png 70 355 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 273 477 1 Vitality +134, Intelligence +138, Critical Hit +88, Direct Hit Rate +125
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Fending Royal volunteers belt of fending icon1.png 70 355 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 682 682 1 Strength +138, Vitality +149, Critical Hit +125, Determination +88
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Healing Royal volunteers belt of healing icon1.png 70 355 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 273 477 1 Vitality +134, Mind +138, Critical Hit +88, Determination +125
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Maiming Royal volunteers belt of maiming icon1.png 70 355 LNC, DRG 477 375 1 Strength +138, Vitality +149, Critical Hit +88, Direct Hit Rate +125
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Scouting Royal volunteers belt of scouting icon1.png 70 355 ROG, NIN 375 375 1 Dexterity +138, Vitality +149, Determination +88, Direct Hit Rate +125
Royal Volunteer's Belt of Striking Royal volunteers belt of striking icon1.png 70 355 PGL, MNK, SAM 375 375 1 Strength +138, Vitality +149, Determination +88, Skill Speed +125
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Aiming Augmented slothskin belt of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 341 341 1 Dexterity +127, Vitality +138, Determination +115, Direct Hit Rate +81
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Casting Augmented slothskin belt of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 248 434 1 Vitality +124, Intelligence +127, Critical Hit +115, Determination +81
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Fending Augmented slothskin belt of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 621 621 1 Strength +127, Vitality +138, Critical Hit +81, Skill Speed +115
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Healing Augmented slothskin belt of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 248 434 1 Vitality +124, Mind +127, Critical Hit +81, Piety +115
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Maiming Augmented slothskin belt of maiming icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 434 341 1 Strength +127, Vitality +138, Critical Hit +81, Determination +115
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Scouting Augmented slothskin belt of scouting icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 341 341 1 Dexterity +127, Vitality +138, Determination +115, Skill Speed +81
Augmented Slothskin Belt of Striking Augmented slothskin belt of striking icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 341 341 1 Strength +127, Vitality +138, Critical Hit +81, Skill Speed +115
Ivalician Archer's Belt Ivalician archers belt icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 379 379 1 Dexterity +142, Vitality +154, Determination +128, Skill Speed +90
Ivalician Arithmetician's Belt Ivalician arithmeticians belt icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 276 483 1 Vitality +138, Intelligence +142, Critical Hit +90, Spell Speed +128
Ivalician Ark Knight's Belt Ivalician ark knights belt icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 690 690 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Determination +90, Tenacity +128
Ivalician Chemist's Belt Ivalician chemists belt icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 276 483 1 Vitality +138, Mind +142, Determination +128, Piety +90
Ivalician Shikari's Belt Ivalician shikaris belt icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 379 379 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +90, Determination +128
Ivalician Thief's Belt Ivalician thiefs belt icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 379 379 1 Dexterity +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +128, Direct Hit Rate +90
Ivalician Uhlan's Belt Ivalician uhlans belt icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 483 379 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +128, Skill Speed +90
Ryumyaku Obi of Aiming Ryumyaku obi of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 379 379 1 Dexterity +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +90, Skill Speed +128
Ryumyaku Obi of Casting Ryumyaku obi of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 276 483 1 Vitality +138, Intelligence +142, Determination +128, Direct Hit Rate +90
Ryumyaku Obi of Fending Ryumyaku obi of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 690 690 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Skill Speed +90, Tenacity +128
Ryumyaku Obi of Healing Ryumyaku obi of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 276 483 1 Vitality +138, Mind +142, Critical Hit +128, Spell Speed +90
Ryumyaku Obi of Maiming Ryumyaku obi of maiming icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 483 379 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Determination +128, Skill Speed +90
Ryumyaku Obi of Scouting Ryumyaku obi of scouting icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 379 379 1 Dexterity +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +90, Skill Speed +128
Ryumyaku Obi of Striking Ryumyaku obi of striking icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 379 379 1 Strength +142, Vitality +154, Critical Hit +128, Direct Hit Rate +90
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Aiming Dai-ryumyaku obi of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC, BRD, MCH 388 388 1 Dexterity +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +93, Skill Speed +133
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Casting Dai-ryumyaku obi of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 282 494 1 Vitality +147, Intelligence +149, Determination +133, Direct Hit Rate +93
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Fending Dai-ryumyaku obi of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 705 705 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Skill Speed +93, Tenacity +133
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Healing Dai-ryumyaku obi of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 282 494 1 Vitality +147, Mind +149, Critical Hit +133, Spell Speed +93
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Maiming Dai-ryumyaku obi of maiming icon1.png 70 370 LNC, DRG 494 388 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Determination +133, Skill Speed +93
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Scouting Dai-ryumyaku obi of scouting icon1.png 70 370 ROG, NIN 388 388 1 Dexterity +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +93, Skill Speed +133
Dai-ryumyaku Obi of Striking Dai-ryumyaku obi of striking icon1.png 70 370 PGL, MNK, SAM 388 388 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +133, Direct Hit Rate +93
Diamond Tassets of Aiming Diamond tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC, BRD, MCH 388 388 1 Dexterity +149, Vitality +163, Determination +133, Skill Speed +93
Diamond Tassets of Casting Diamond tassets of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 282 494 1 Vitality +147, Intelligence +149, Critical Hit +93, Spell Speed +133
Diamond Tassets of Fending Diamond tassets of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 705 705 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +133, Skill Speed +93
Diamond Tassets of Healing Diamond tassets of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 282 494 1 Vitality +147, Mind +149, Determination +133, Piety +93
Diamond Tassets of Maiming Diamond tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 370 LNC, DRG 494 388 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +133, Direct Hit Rate +93
Diamond Tassets of Scouting Diamond tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 370 ROG, NIN 388 388 1 Dexterity +149, Vitality +163, Critical Hit +133, Direct Hit Rate +93
Diamond Tassets of Striking Diamond tassets of striking icon1.png 70 370 PGL, MNK, SAM 388 388 1 Strength +149, Vitality +163, Determination +93, Skill Speed +133
Alliance Belt of Aiming Alliance belt of aiming icon1.png 70 375 ARC, BRD, MCH 392 392 1 Dexterity +152, Vitality +168, Critical Hit +136, Determination +95
Alliance Belt of Casting Alliance belt of casting icon1.png 70 375 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 285 499 1 Vitality +151, Intelligence +152, Critical Hit +95, Direct Hit Rate +136
Alliance Belt of Fending Alliance belt of fending icon1.png 70 375 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 713 713 1 Strength +152, Vitality +168, Critical Hit +95, Skill Speed +136
Alliance Belt of Healing Alliance belt of healing icon1.png 70 375 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 285 499 1 Vitality +151, Mind +152, Determination +95, Spell Speed +136
Alliance Belt of Maiming Alliance belt of maiming icon1.png 70 375 LNC, DRG 499 392 1 Strength +152, Vitality +168, Determination +136, Direct Hit Rate +95
Alliance Belt of Scouting Alliance belt of scouting icon1.png 70 375 ROG, NIN 392 392 1 Dexterity +152, Vitality +168, Critical Hit +136, Determination +95
Alliance Belt of Striking Alliance belt of striking icon1.png 70 375 PGL, MNK, SAM 392 392 1 Strength +152, Vitality +168, Skill Speed +95, Direct Hit Rate +136
Omicron Tassets of Aiming Omicron tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC, BRD, MCH 397 397 1 Dexterity +156, Vitality +172, Skill Speed +97, Direct Hit Rate +139
Omicron Tassets of Casting Omicron tassets of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 288 505 1 Vitality +155, Intelligence +156, Critical Hit +97, Direct Hit Rate +139
Omicron Tassets of Fending Omicron tassets of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 721 721 1 Strength +156, Vitality +172, Determination +139, Skill Speed +97
Omicron Tassets of Healing Omicron tassets of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 288 505 1 Vitality +155, Mind +156, Critical Hit +139, Spell Speed +97
Omicron Tassets of Maiming Omicron tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 380 LNC, DRG 505 397 1 Strength +156, Vitality +172, Critical Hit +139, Determination +97
Omicron Tassets of Scouting Omicron tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 380 ROG, NIN 397 397 1 Dexterity +156, Vitality +172, Skill Speed +97, Direct Hit Rate +139
Omicron Tassets of Striking Omicron tassets of striking icon1.png 70 380 PGL, MNK, SAM 397 397 1 Strength +156, Vitality +172, Critical Hit +139, Determination +97
Rakshasa Obi of Aiming Rakshasa obi of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC, BRD, MCH 357 357 1 Dexterity +140, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +87, Skill Speed +125
Rakshasa Obi of Casting Rakshasa obi of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 260 454 1 Vitality +140, Intelligence +140, Critical Hit +87, Spell Speed +125
Rakshasa Obi of Fending Rakshasa obi of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 649 649 1 Strength +140, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +125, Determination +87
Rakshasa Obi of Healing Rakshasa obi of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 260 454 1 Vitality +140, Mind +140, Determination +125, Piety +87
Rakshasa Obi of Maiming Rakshasa obi of maiming icon1.png 70 380 LNC, DRG 454 357 1 Strength +140, Vitality +155, Determination +87, Skill Speed +125
Rakshasa Obi of Scouting Rakshasa obi of scouting icon1.png 70 380 ROG, NIN 357 357 1 Dexterity +140, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +87, Determination +125
Rakshasa Obi of Striking Rakshasa obi of striking icon1.png 70 380 PGL, MNK, SAM 357 357 1 Strength +140, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +87, Skill Speed +125
Ivalician Brave's Belt Ivalician braves belt icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 405 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Ivalician Holy Knight's Belt Ivalician holy knights belt icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 737 737 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Tenacity +101
Ivalician Mercenary's Belt Ivalician mercenarys belt icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Mystic's Belt Ivalician mystics belt icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Mind +163, Spell Speed +101, Piety +144
Ivalician Oracle's Belt Ivalician oracles belt icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Royal Knight's Belt Ivalician royal knights belt icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 516 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Belt Ivalician sky pirates belt icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Skill Speed +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Scaevan Tassets of Aiming Scaevan tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +144, Determination +101
Scaevan Tassets of Casting Scaevan tassets of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163, Critical Hit +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Scaevan Tassets of Fending Scaevan tassets of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 737 737 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +144, Tenacity +101
Scaevan Tassets of Healing Scaevan tassets of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Mind +163, Critical Hit +144, Determination +101
Scaevan Tassets of Maiming Scaevan tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 516 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +144, Skill Speed +101
Scaevan Tassets of Scouting Scaevan tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +144, Skill Speed +101
Scaevan Tassets of Striking Scaevan tassets of striking icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 405 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Skill Speed +101
Yama Obi of Aiming Yama obi of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 365 365 1 Dexterity +147, Vitality +164, Critical Hit +91, Determination +130
Yama Obi of Casting Yama obi of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 265 464 1 Vitality +148, Intelligence +147, Critical Hit +91, Spell Speed +130
Yama Obi of Fending Yama obi of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 663 663 1 Strength +147, Vitality +164, Critical Hit +130, Determination +91
Yama Obi of Healing Yama obi of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 265 464 1 Vitality +148, Mind +147, Determination +130, Piety +91
Yama Obi of Maiming Yama obi of maiming icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 464 365 1 Strength +147, Vitality +164, Determination +91, Skill Speed +130
Yama Obi of Scouting Yama obi of scouting icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 365 365 1 Dexterity +147, Vitality +164, Critical Hit +91, Determination +130
Yama Obi of Striking Yama obi of striking icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 365 365 1 Strength +147, Vitality +164, Critical Hit +91, Skill Speed +130
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Aiming Augmented scaevan tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC, BRD, MCH 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Determination +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Casting Augmented scaevan tassets of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Intelligence +171, Critical Hit +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Fending Augmented scaevan tassets of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 752 752 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Tenacity +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Healing Augmented scaevan tassets of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Mind +171, Critical Hit +150, Determination +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Maiming Augmented scaevan tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC, DRG 527 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Skill Speed +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Scouting Augmented scaevan tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG, NIN 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Skill Speed +105
Augmented Scaevan Tassets of Striking Augmented scaevan tassets of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 414 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Determination +150, Skill Speed +105
Omega Tassets of Aiming Omega tassets of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC, BRD, MCH 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +105, Skill Speed +150
Omega Tassets of Casting Omega tassets of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Intelligence +171, Critical Hit +105, Determination +150
Omega Tassets of Fending Omega tassets of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 752 752 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Skill Speed +150, Tenacity +105
Omega Tassets of Healing Omega tassets of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Mind +171, Determination +105, Piety +150
Omega Tassets of Maiming Omega tassets of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC, DRG 527 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
Omega Tassets of Scouting Omega tassets of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG, NIN 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Determination +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Omega Tassets of Striking Omega tassets of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 414 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +150, Determination +105