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{{Dungeon Infobox
{{Duty infobox
|name= Kugane Castle
| description = Upon the western coast of Hingashi, caressed by the Ruby Sea, there lies the city of Kugane, the nation's sole open port. Dominating the vibrant cityscape is the majestic Kugane Castle, within whose halls a performance was unfolding, a spectacle to entertain visiting dignitaries. But comedy quickly turned to tragedy when a band of lawless shinobi stormed the castle. Ardently opposed to the influence of foreign nations, these interlopers took all present captive, the lord bugyo of Kugane included. The country now sits on a knife's edge, leaning perilously toward an international incident. Who will see that it falls to the other side?
|image= [[File:Header kugane castle.jpg]]
| image = y
|type= dungeon4
| type = dungeon
|patch= 4.0
| level = 70
|level= 70
| ilvl = 280
|ilevel= 280
| ilvl-sync = 340
|player= 4 (1 Tank / 1 Healer / 2 DPS)
| size = light
|time= 90 Minutes
| time-limit = 90
|roulette= expert
| roulette = level 70 dungeon
|tomestone= {{Tomestone Reward|Verity|80}} {{Tomestone Reward|Creation|50}}
| tomestone-mendacity = 80
|entrance=[[Kugane]] ( 12.6  , 6.2 )
| tomestone-genesis = 50
|questtype= side
| entrance = Kugane
|quest= [[King of the Castle]]
| entrance-coordinates = -1, -1
|boss= [[#Zuiko-maru|Zuiko-maru]], [[#Dojun-maru|Dojun-maru]], [[#Yojimbo|Yojimbo]]
| req-quest = King of the Castle
| patch = 4.0
| release = stormblood
{{Quote|Upon the western coast of Hingashi, caressed by the Ruby Sea, there lies the city of Kugane, the nation's sole open port. Dominating the vibrant cityscape is the majestic Kugane Castle, within whose walls a performance was unfolding, a spectacle to entertain visiting dignitaries. But comedy quickly turned to tragedy when a band of lawless shinobi stormed the castle. Ardently opposed to the influence of foreign nations, these interlopers took all present captive, the lord bugyo of Kugane included. The country now sits on a knife's edge, leaning perilously toward an international incident. Who will see that it falls to the other side?|Game Description}}
{{TOC limit|3}}
{{TOC limit|3}}

Revision as of 14:32, 17 September 2018


Kugane Castle

Kugane Castle (image).png
Item Level
280 (Sync: 340)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Level 70 dungeon"Level 70 dungeon" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Req. quest
Feature quest King of the Castle
Kugane (X:-1, Y:-1)

Upon the western coast of Hingashi, caressed by the Ruby Sea, there lies the city of Kugane, the nation's sole open port. Dominating the vibrant cityscape is the majestic Kugane Castle, within whose halls a performance was unfolding, a spectacle to entertain visiting dignitaries. But comedy quickly turned to tragedy when a band of lawless shinobi stormed the castle. Ardently opposed to the influence of foreign nations, these interlopers took all present captive, the lord bugyo of Kugane included. The country now sits on a knife's edge, leaning perilously toward an international incident. Who will see that it falls to the other side?

— In-game description

Kugane Castle is a level 70 dungeon introduced in patch 4.0 with Stormblood.



  1. Arrive at the Keisen Garden.
  2. Defeat Zuiko-maru.
  3. Arrive at the Budokan Training Grounds.
  4. Defeat Dojun-maru.
  5. Arrive at the Noh theater.
  6. Defeat Yojimbo.


Kugane Castle Video Guide


Avoid the frontal cone he occasionally casts.

Stack when someone is hit with the shareable damage marker.

He will spawn up to two bombs at a time that will tether to a player, chase them, and try to bind them. When a bomb is killed, it will stay in place and damage anyone in its radius AoE. Players who get tethered should keep to one side of the room to make it easier to avoid the very large AoE.

Healers should prepare to heal through his occasional casts of Kenki Release, which hits the whole party.


Avoid the narrow column AoEs that stretches from one end of the room to the other.

Kill the clones as soon as possible to avoid heavy groupwide damage.

When marked with the electric circle marker, spread out to avoid catching anyone in more than their own damage AoE.


During the first Payday phase, piles of gold will spawn around the room. His dog will lunge to pick them up, knocking aside anyone in his trajectory, filling the duty gauge with each pile he successfully picks up. Interact with as much gold as you can to pick it up; his dog prioritizes gold in the order in which it drops. When the Payday phase completes, Yojimbo will deal groupwide damage according to how much the duty gauge has filled.

Be ready for occasional groupwide damage from Metta-Giri.

Inoshi-Katcho casts circle AoEs on first the center of the room, then the outskirts. Move out of these.

Avoid his circle AoE he casts on himself.

During the second Payday phase, act as before, but destroy the dragon heads he summons during this phase. They cast column AoEs on players' locations, and don't take much punishment before dying. He may summon dragon heads after the second Payday phase is complete as well; deal with them when that time comes.


Zuiko-maru Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Bracelets of Aiming Arhat bracelets of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Bracelets of Casting Arhat bracelets of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Bracelets of Fending Arhat bracelets of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Tenacity +107
Arhat Bracelets of Healing Arhat bracelets of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +102, Determination +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Bracelets of Slaying Arhat bracelets of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Kyahan of Aiming Arhat kyahan of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Kyahan of Casting Arhat kyahan of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Feet 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Spell Speed +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Kyahan of Fending Arhat kyahan of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Tenacity +143
Arhat Kyahan of Healing Arhat kyahan of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Critical Hit +143, Spell Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Maiming Arhat kyahan of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Feet 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Scouting Arhat kyahan of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Feet 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Striking Arhat kyahan of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Obi of Aiming Arhat obi of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Skill Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Obi of Casting Arhat obi of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Waist 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Determination +75
Arhat Obi of Fending Arhat obi of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 588 588 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Obi of Healing Arhat obi of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Mind +102, Determination +75, Piety +107
Arhat Obi of Maiming Arhat obi of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Waist 411 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Determination +107
Arhat Obi of Scouting Arhat obi of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Waist 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Obi of Striking Arhat obi of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 323 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Ring of Aiming Arhat ring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Ring of Casting Arhat ring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Ring of Fending Arhat ring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Ring 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Healing Arhat ring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Ring 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Slaying Arhat ring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Ring 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75

Dojun-maru Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Earring of Aiming Arhat earring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Earring of Casting Arhat earring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Spell Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Earring of Fending Arhat earring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Earring of Healing Arhat earring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +107, Piety +75
Arhat Earring of Slaying Arhat earring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +102, Skill Speed +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Hanbo of Healing Arhat hanbo of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Determination +100, Piety +143
Arhat Hanbo of Striking Arhat hanbo of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Kabuto of Fending Arhat kabuto of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Determination +100
Arhat Kabuto of Maiming Arhat kabuto of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Head 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Kabuto of Scouting Arhat kabuto of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Head 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Skill Speed +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Kote of Fending Arhat kote of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Skill Speed +100, Tenacity +143
Arhat Kote of Maiming Arhat kote of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Hands 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Necklace of Aiming Arhat necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Necklace of Casting Arhat necklace of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Spell Speed +75
Arhat Necklace of Fending Arhat necklace of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Tenacity +75
Arhat Necklace of Healing Arhat necklace of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Piety +107
Arhat Necklace of Slaying Arhat necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Sandogasa of Aiming Arhat sandogasa of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Determination +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Sandogasa of Casting Arhat sandogasa of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Head 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Tekko of Aiming Arhat tekko of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Tekko of Casting Arhat tekko of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Hands 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Critical Hit +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Tekko of Healing Arhat tekko of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Critical Hit +143, Piety +100
Arhat Tekko of Scouting Arhat tekko of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Hands 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Determination +100
Arhat Tekko of Striking Arhat tekko of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Direct Hit Rate +143

Yojimbo Loot


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Astrometer of the Crimson Lotus Astrometer of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 AST 128 (Magical) 3.20 101.33 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Axe of the Crimson Lotus Axe of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 MRD WAR 95 (Physical) 3.36 106.40 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Skill Speed +175
Blade of the Crimson Lotus Blade of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 GLA PLD 95 (Physical) 2.24 70.93 2 Strength +169, Vitality +174, Determination +179, Tenacity +125
Cane of the Crimson Lotus Cane of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 CNJ WHM 128 (Magical) 3.44 108.93 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +175, Spell Speed +251
Claws of the Crimson Lotus Claws of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 PGL MNK 95 (Physical) 2.56 81.06 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Skill Speed +251
Codex of the Crimson Lotus Codex of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 SCH 128 (Magical) 3.12 98.80 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Daggers of the Crimson Lotus Daggers of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ROG NIN 95 (Physical) 2.56 81.06 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Greatsword of the Crimson Lotus Greatsword of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 DRK 95 (Physical) 2.96 93.73 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Tenacity +175
Grimoire of the Crimson Lotus Grimoire of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ACN SMN 128 (Magical) 3.12 98.80 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +175, Determination +251
Longbow of the Crimson Lotus Longbow of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ARC BRD 95 (Physical) 3.04 96.26 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Direct Hit Rate +251
Musketoon of the Crimson Lotus Musketoon of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 MCH 95 (Physical) 2.64 83.60 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Direct Hit Rate +175
Rapier of the Crimson Lotus Rapier of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 RDM 128 (Magical) 3.44 108.93 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +251, Spell Speed +175
Rod of the Crimson Lotus Rod of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 THM BLM 128 (Magical) 3.28 103.86 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +251, Spell Speed +175
Spear of the Crimson Lotus Spear of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 LNC DRG 95 (Physical) 2.80 88.66 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Skill Speed +251
Uchigatana of the Crimson Lotus Uchigatana of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 SAM 95 (Physical) 2.64 83.60 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Skill Speed +175, Direct Hit Rate +251


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Dogi of Casting Arhat dogi of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Body 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Intelligence +220, Critical Hit +163, Spell Speed +233
Arhat Dogi of Healing Arhat dogi of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Mind +220, Critical Hit +233, Piety +163
Arhat Hakama of Aiming Arhat hakama of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Determination +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Hakama of Casting Arhat hakama of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Legs 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Intelligence +220, Critical Hit +233, Determination +163
Arhat Hakama of Healing Arhat hakama of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Mind +220, Determination +233, Piety +163
Arhat Hakama of Scouting Arhat hakama of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Legs 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Skill Speed +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Hara-ate of Fending Arhat hara-ate of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 949 949 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Determination +233, Skill Speed +163
Arhat Hara-ate of Maiming Arhat hara-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Body 665 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Togi of Aiming Arhat togi of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Togi of Scouting Arhat togi of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Body 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Togi of Striking Arhat togi of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 522 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Determination +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Fending Arhat tsutsu-hakama of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 949 949 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Determination +163
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Maiming Arhat tsutsu-hakama of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Legs 665 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Striking Arhat tsutsu-hakama of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 522 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Skill Speed +163
Shield of the Crimson Lotus Shield of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 GLA, PLD Shield 940 940 0 Strength +68, Vitality +69, Determination +72, Tenacity +50

Additional Treasure Coffers

Treasure Coffer 1

Coordinates: (x12.1,y12.1)

Treasure Coffer 2

Coordinates: (x11,y7.2)

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Bracelets of Aiming Arhat bracelets of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Bracelets of Casting Arhat bracelets of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Bracelets of Fending Arhat bracelets of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Tenacity +107
Arhat Bracelets of Healing Arhat bracelets of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +102, Determination +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Bracelets of Slaying Arhat bracelets of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Kyahan of Aiming Arhat kyahan of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Kyahan of Casting Arhat kyahan of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Feet 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Spell Speed +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Kyahan of Fending Arhat kyahan of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Tenacity +143
Arhat Kyahan of Healing Arhat kyahan of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Critical Hit +143, Spell Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Maiming Arhat kyahan of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Feet 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Scouting Arhat kyahan of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Feet 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Striking Arhat kyahan of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Obi of Aiming Arhat obi of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Skill Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Obi of Casting Arhat obi of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Waist 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Determination +75
Arhat Obi of Fending Arhat obi of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 588 588 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Obi of Healing Arhat obi of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 235 411 1 Vitality +94, Mind +102, Determination +75, Piety +107
Arhat Obi of Maiming Arhat obi of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Waist 411 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Determination +107
Arhat Obi of Scouting Arhat obi of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Waist 323 323 1 Dexterity +102, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Obi of Striking Arhat obi of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 323 323 1 Strength +102, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Ring of Aiming Arhat ring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Ring of Casting Arhat ring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Ring of Fending Arhat ring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Ring 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Healing Arhat ring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Ring 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Slaying Arhat ring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Ring 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75

Treasure Coffer 3

Coordinates: (x10.3,y9.2)

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Earring of Aiming Arhat earring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Earring of Casting Arhat earring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Spell Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Earring of Fending Arhat earring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Earring of Healing Arhat earring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +107, Piety +75
Arhat Earring of Slaying Arhat earring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +102, Skill Speed +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Hanbo of Healing Arhat hanbo of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Determination +100, Piety +143
Arhat Hanbo of Striking Arhat hanbo of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Head 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Kabuto of Fending Arhat kabuto of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Determination +100
Arhat Kabuto of Maiming Arhat kabuto of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Head 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Kabuto of Scouting Arhat kabuto of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Head 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Skill Speed +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Kote of Fending Arhat kote of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Skill Speed +100, Tenacity +143
Arhat Kote of Maiming Arhat kote of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Hands 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Necklace of Aiming Arhat necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Necklace of Casting Arhat necklace of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Spell Speed +75
Arhat Necklace of Fending Arhat necklace of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Tenacity +75
Arhat Necklace of Healing Arhat necklace of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Piety +107
Arhat Necklace of Slaying Arhat necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Sandogasa of Aiming Arhat sandogasa of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Determination +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Sandogasa of Casting Arhat sandogasa of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Head 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Arhat Tekko of Aiming Arhat tekko of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Tekko of Casting Arhat tekko of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Hands 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Critical Hit +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Tekko of Healing Arhat tekko of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Critical Hit +143, Piety +100
Arhat Tekko of Scouting Arhat tekko of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Hands 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Determination +100
Arhat Tekko of Striking Arhat tekko of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Hands 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Direct Hit Rate +143

Treasure Coffer 4

Coordinates: (x11.1,y14.5)

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Bracelets of Aiming Arhat bracelets of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +107, Skill Speed +75
Arhat Bracelets of Casting Arhat bracelets of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Determination +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Bracelets of Fending Arhat bracelets of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +75, Tenacity +107
Arhat Bracelets of Healing Arhat bracelets of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +102, Determination +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Bracelets of Slaying Arhat bracelets of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Dogi of Casting Arhat dogi of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Body 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Intelligence +220, Critical Hit +163, Spell Speed +233
Arhat Dogi of Healing Arhat dogi of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Mind +220, Critical Hit +233, Piety +163
Arhat Hakama of Aiming Arhat hakama of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Determination +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Hakama of Casting Arhat hakama of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Legs 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Intelligence +220, Critical Hit +233, Determination +163
Arhat Hakama of Healing Arhat hakama of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 380 665 2 Vitality +203, Mind +220, Determination +233, Piety +163
Arhat Hakama of Scouting Arhat hakama of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Legs 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Skill Speed +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Hara-ate of Fending Arhat hara-ate of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 949 949 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Determination +233, Skill Speed +163
Arhat Hara-ate of Maiming Arhat hara-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Body 665 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Ring of Aiming Arhat ring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Ring of Casting Arhat ring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Ring of Fending Arhat ring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Ring 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Healing Arhat ring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Ring 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Spell Speed +107
Arhat Ring of Slaying Arhat ring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Ring 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Togi of Aiming Arhat togi of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Togi of Scouting Arhat togi of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN Body 522 522 2 Dexterity +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Togi of Striking Arhat togi of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Body 522 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Determination +163, Skill Speed +233
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Fending Arhat tsutsu-hakama of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 949 949 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Determination +163
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Maiming Arhat tsutsu-hakama of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG Legs 665 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Direct Hit Rate +163
Arhat Tsutsu-hakama of Striking Arhat tsutsu-hakama of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM Legs 522 522 2 Strength +220, Vitality +226, Critical Hit +233, Skill Speed +163

Treasure Coffer 5

Coordinates: (x11.6,y15.8)


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Astrometer of the Crimson Lotus Astrometer of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 AST 128 (Magical) 3.20 101.33 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Axe of the Crimson Lotus Axe of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 MRD WAR 95 (Physical) 3.36 106.40 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Skill Speed +175
Blade of the Crimson Lotus Blade of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 GLA PLD 95 (Physical) 2.24 70.93 2 Strength +169, Vitality +174, Determination +179, Tenacity +125
Cane of the Crimson Lotus Cane of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 CNJ WHM 128 (Magical) 3.44 108.93 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +175, Spell Speed +251
Claws of the Crimson Lotus Claws of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 PGL MNK 95 (Physical) 2.56 81.06 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Skill Speed +251
Codex of the Crimson Lotus Codex of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 SCH 128 (Magical) 3.12 98.80 2 Vitality +219, Mind +237, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Daggers of the Crimson Lotus Daggers of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ROG NIN 95 (Physical) 2.56 81.06 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Determination +175
Greatsword of the Crimson Lotus Greatsword of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 DRK 95 (Physical) 2.96 93.73 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Tenacity +175
Grimoire of the Crimson Lotus Grimoire of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ACN SMN 128 (Magical) 3.12 98.80 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +175, Determination +251
Longbow of the Crimson Lotus Longbow of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 ARC BRD 95 (Physical) 3.04 96.26 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Direct Hit Rate +251
Musketoon of the Crimson Lotus Musketoon of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 MCH 95 (Physical) 2.64 83.60 2 Dexterity +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +251, Direct Hit Rate +175
Rapier of the Crimson Lotus Rapier of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 RDM 128 (Magical) 3.44 108.93 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +251, Spell Speed +175
Rod of the Crimson Lotus Rod of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 THM BLM 128 (Magical) 3.28 103.86 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +237, Critical Hit +251, Spell Speed +175
Spear of the Crimson Lotus Spear of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 LNC DRG 95 (Physical) 2.80 88.66 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +175, Skill Speed +251
Uchigatana of the Crimson Lotus Uchigatana of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 SAM 95 (Physical) 2.64 83.60 2 Strength +237, Vitality +243, Skill Speed +175, Direct Hit Rate +251


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Crimson Lotus Shield of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 GLA, PLD Shield 940 940 0 Strength +68, Vitality +69, Determination +72, Tenacity +50


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Arhat Earring of Aiming Arhat earring of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Critical Hit +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Earring of Casting Arhat earring of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Spell Speed +75, Direct Hit Rate +107
Arhat Earring of Fending Arhat earring of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Critical Hit +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Earring of Healing Arhat earring of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +107, Piety +75
Arhat Earring of Slaying Arhat earring of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +102, Skill Speed +107, Direct Hit Rate +75
Arhat Necklace of Aiming Arhat necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +102, Determination +75, Skill Speed +107
Arhat Necklace of Casting Arhat necklace of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +102, Critical Hit +107, Spell Speed +75
Arhat Necklace of Fending Arhat necklace of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +38, Vitality +104, Determination +107, Tenacity +75
Arhat Necklace of Healing Arhat necklace of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +102, Critical Hit +75, Piety +107
Arhat Necklace of Slaying Arhat necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +102, Critical Hit +75, Direct Hit Rate +107

