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You Had One Jobb

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You Had One Jobb

Quest giver
Ungainly Guardsman
Lakeland (X:36.1, Y:19.7)
Required items
1 20px  Slobbery Sack
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 706
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Party Soon Divided

The ungainly guardsman has made a fine mess of things.

— In-game description



  • The ungainly guardsman has made a fine mess of things.


Accepting the Quest

Ungainly Guardsman: Oh, curse my clumsy feet! I've really done it this time! I was on my way back from an assignment in Weathering, when─would you believe it?─I slipped and fell, sending the sack I was carrying flying out of my hand and high into the heavens.
Ungainly Guardsman: And as if that wasn't bad enough, a massive beast from out of nowhere snatched up my precious belongings in its jaws and carried them off to the gods know where!
Ungainly Guardsman: Suffice to say that if I return empty-handed, my commanding officer is like as not to put me on privy cleaning duty for a week! You must help me, friend!

Delivering the sack to the ungainly guardsman

Ungainly Guardsman: Welcome back, friend! You found my supplies, yes? Oh, please say that you did! Just the thought of scouring the privy with a toothbrush again is sending shivers down my spine!
<Hand Over Slobbery Sack>
Ungainly Guardsman: Could it be? Oh, but it is─my sack! My lovely, lovely sack! And though it's looking rather worse for wear, the contents appear to be entirely intact!
Ungainly Guardsman: What exactly are the contents, you ask? Among other things, there happens to be a remarkable device that's been entrusted to us in the guard by the Crystal Exarch himself, who is said to have exhumed it from the Crystal Tower!
Ungainly Guardsman: Though it simply looks like a pretty round gemstone, it somehow has the ability to measure the concentration of aether in the air and matter around us. Needless to say, it's not something that anyone─not even the artisans at the Mean─can just toss together. If I had lost it for good...
Ungainly Guardsman: ...But thanks to you, I don't have to think about that anymore, now do I? I know it isn't much, but please take this as a token of my thanks. And with that, I'd best hurry back, lest I get punished anyway for my tardiness. Fare thee well!