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Xeven is a Hrothgar in The Bozjan Southern Front.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Eagles Nest Feature quest 80 Marsak

Additional Information


See also: Field Notes on Xeven

Believed to be a native of Bozja, Xeven was a powerful mage who fought for the Blades of Gunnhildr. A well-traveled Hrothgar, Xeven had visited many lands and learned their spellcraft, eventually culminating in a totally unique school of magic. He wields his spells with a destructive hatred against the Garlean Empire that took his home and his mother from him.

As a young boy, He and his father searched for a way to heal his mother of the terminal ailment she suffered from, but to no avail, as she passed before he could find a cure. Blaming the illness on the invasion of the Empire, he swore vengeance against them, and began working to hone his craft, eventually becoming one of the most deadly mages in history. However, he did not share his arcane knowledge with any others, fully recognizing the destructive power of the spells he wove and didn't wish any to abuse them.

On the battlefield, his presence was akin to a vengeful god, inspiring awe and terror in equal measure. He was known for charging ahead into deadly situations with no regard for his own safety. This invitation to death came from the fact that while traveling through Dalmasca, Xeven was witness to a prophecy spoken to him by a seer in a foreign language. Though what they said was unintelligible to his ear, he was nevertheless able to understand it: "When the fires of revolution stained the skies of Bozja, his doom would be at hand". And with the raging war on the Bozjan Southern Front, he took this to mean that his death was close at hand. Instead of fearing it, however, he seeks it out, doing his part as a member of the Blades to destroy any and all Garleans in his people's way.

True to the prophecy, Xeven would meet his doom on the battlefield. He took part in the attack on Castrum Lacus Litore, where the traitor Misija confronted them, using the ancient weapon Save the Queen. Forcing the Warrior of Light and Mikoto to use the Echo to enter into the blade's latent memories, which she twisted to turn the power of the Queen against her enemies. Harnessing the Primal-like power of the blade, she Tempered several of the members of the Blades present, Xeven included, and twisted them into cruel, horrific monsters that were later slain by the Warrior of Light.