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Worth a Candle

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Worth a Candle

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:19.1, Y:27.7)
Required items
1 20px  Blue-flamed Candle (Worth a Candle)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 606
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestSaying Good-bye

Alsa is excited to see you.

— In-game description



  • Alsa is excited to see you.


Accepting the Quest

Alsa: Ah, one of Master Matoya's guests. You've come at an opportune time.
Alsa: I was preparing to take a walk and tend to the candles about Slitherbough, and I would ask you assist me. I can think of no finer opportunity to learn more of our people.
Alsa: Take these three candles, and replace any that appear to be nearly spent. A simple task, I know, but I believe it will prove most illuminating. 
Alsa: You need only replace the three candles I gave you. I will take care of the rest. 

Placing the blue–flamed candles

Languid Laborer: Pay me no mind. I'll be returning to work soon enough.
<Using Blue–flamed Candle>
Languid Laborer: A fresh candle. How thoughtful of you.
Languid Laborer: Whenever I'm feeling stressed, watching the flames helps settle my nerves. Something about the way they flicker and dance is so soothing to me. Perhaps you should give it a try sometime. 
Loquacious Lass: Hey [miss/mister], why do you dress so funny? Is it for your work? Mama makes medicine and Papa is a guard. He's always busy outside, so I try to help lots and lots inside.
<Using Blue–flamed Candle>
Loquacious Lass: Thanks, [miss/mister]. You're real good at placing candles. 

(If not brought back the night)
Loquacious Lass: Mama says the night sky has candles. Lots and lots of candles. So many you can't count them all. I bet I could, though!
(If brought back the night)
Loquacious Lass: Have you seen the candles outside, in the sky? There's so many! Mama said there's too many to count, but I bet I could if I wanted.
Loquacious Lass: They're really pretty, but I think I like the candles in here more.
Warmhearted Woman: What do you see when you look into the flames?
<Using Blue–flamed Candle>
Warmhearted Woman: Beautiful, aren't they? Like the souls of the departed, burning bright in the sunless sea above.
Warmhearted Woman: I often come here to pay respects to our forebears, reflecting on the sacrifices that allowed us to live as we do now.

Speaking with Alsa

Alsa: You are returned, and enlightened by the experience, I trust. We are a quiet people, but conversation comes easy in the presence of the candles.
Alsa: Before the Flood, our worship would no doubt be seen as profane. Sacrilege...
Alsa: But it is the expression of our faith that defines us, not the object of our worship.
(If not brought back the night)
Alsa: I can but imagine what change may come to the Night's Blessed should the night ever return to us.

(If brought back the night)
Alsa: I can but imagine what change will come to the Night's Blessed now that the night has returned to us.