With Heart and Steel
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With Heart and Steel
- Quest giver
- X'rhun Tia
- Location
- The Pillars (X:10.8, Y:10.4)
- Job
- Red Mage
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Child of Lilith
- Next quest
Succession of Steel
- Patch
- 4.0
“X'rhun seeks the wisdom of the thaumaturges.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- See also: Artifact Armor
- Speak with X'rhun at the Thaumaturges' Guild.
- Speak with X'rhun Tia.
- Speak with Jessie at Revenant's Toll.
- Speak with Jessie.
- Speak with X'rhun Tia.
- Speak with X'rhun Tia.
- X'rhun seeks the wisdom of the thaumaturges.
- X'rhun speaks of his own attempts to research voidsent possession, but admits that the subject is beyond his field of expertise. Reasoning that the Thaumaturges' Guild will have far more familiarity with the practices and history of ancient Mhach, your mentor bids you accompany him to the Arrzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah.
- You join X'rhun as he explains Arya's predicament to Prelate Yayake, and the be-monocled thaumaturge agrees to consult some of the guild's forbidden tomes. After studying the lore at hand, Yayake provides you with not only the location for Lilith's ritual, but also a hint for surviving the coming confrontation─a ready supply of antidotes. X'rhun then steps away to contact Jessie, and arrange an airship to carry you both to the ruined city in the middle of Yafaem's impassable swampland. Speak with him upon his return.
- X'rhun reports that Jessie is more than happy to provide transport after Arya's selfless assistance during that “assassination business.” Travel to Revenant's Toll, and speak with the Ironworks' deputy president.
- You meet with Jessie in Revenant's Toll, and it seems that the deputy president herself will be taking the helm of the Mhach-bound vessel. The plan is simple: cut through the ruins, find Lilith, and snatch Arya from the voidsent queen's dead claws. With Yayake's pointed order of “STOCK SOME ANTIDOTES” echoing in your mind, you prepare for combat, and set out to join Jessie on the northen bank of Silvertear Lake.
- After a climactic battle with Lilith, you have succeeded in slaying the undulating voidsent and putting a stop to her unholy ritual. Escort Arya out of the ruins, and return to Mor Dhona.
- Arya has been delivered from Lilith's tainted embrace, her blood cleansed and soul unharmed. Once more have you and your companions proven that the heart and steel of a red mage can conquer the most tyrannical of foes. Speak with X'rhun on the banks of Silvertear Lake.
- Your companions seek to express their gratitude to Jessie, but the deputy president dismisses her assistance as a mere balancing of the books. Jessie says her farewells, and you set off after your comrades as they head back to Revenant's Toll.
- X'rhun praises your phenomenal growth as a red mage, and declares that you have graduated from his lessons. On the other hand, however, Arya's liberation from Lilith's influence and subsequent loss of power means that she must relearn the arcane arts at the most fundamental level. Until she is once more ready to take the red, the Crimson Duelist means to hang up his mentor's mantle and return to his pilgrimage. But rather than mourn this separation, X'rhun seems positive that the paths of you who defy the tides of destiny will one day cross again...
Accepting the Quest
X'rhun Tia: [Forename], I've decided we should go to the Thaumaturges' Guild in Ul'dah...for help with tracking down Arya, of course. X'rhun Tia: I've been doing some research into voidsent and possessions, and as I suspected, the process is not a simple one. X'rhun Tia: Even so, I doubt we have the time for me to become a fully fledged expert on the subject. We need one right now. X'rhun Tia: The thaumaturges are one of the few organizations familiar with our quarry. Considering how they are also the modern successors to the arcane knowledge of Mhach, their shelves may even hold ancient lore that could tell us more about Lilith. Let us be away!
Speak with X'rhun at the Thaumaturges' Guild
X'rhun Tia: Ah, [Forename], I've just been explaining our woes to Prelate Yayake here.
Yayake: Well, well, when X'rhun spoke of another colleague, I did not expect to be meeting our very own avatar of devastation! Yayake: Now, then. The tomes with passages pertaining to the voidsent Lilith are all forbidden occult works─abhorrent volumes chained to the shelves in our deepest archives, never again to see the light of day. I'll just pop back there and grab one or two. Yayake: If you could wait over there for a moment... Yayake: ...By Thal, she's even more sinister than I imagined. With no mention of her presence in the past millennium I had thought Lilith destroyed, yet it would seem she is very much alive and exceedingly dangerous! Yayake: Her most fearsome aspect is the power to enslave a person's will. If we include all those with even a whisper of her essence within their veins, she has slithered inside the minds of a veritable army! Yayake: ...The sigil employed by this Lambard of yours is a secondhand manifestation of Lilith's ability. He would but need to coat a tool with his tainted blood, then engrave her name in the flesh of his victims to create the unthinking puppets you described.
X'rhun Tia: And that was but a faint echo of her true power?
Yayake: Correct. A power she will not hesitate to bring to bear on the mortals she so despises. Archmagus Calowise made doubly sure of that when he lured her into his trap. Yayake: As well as a talent for draining the life force of her prey, Lilith is also known for spitting venom. A truly hideous opponent... Yayake: But the archmagus came prepared with potent antidotes. Undone by her summoner's treachery and the limitations of her mortal host, Lilith found herself divested of her beloved rod and sealed inside a Mhachi sarcophagus.
X'rhun Tia: And thence spent the next thousand years plotting her escape...
Yayake: It is as you say. But mere freedom is not her endgame. Above all else, I imagine Lilith desires a form which allows her to manifest the fullness of her terrible power. Yayake: She means to reinvest her soul within the perfect vessel, and thus enhance the strength of her incarnation by an order of magnitude.
X'rhun Tia: The perfect vessel... Lilith carefully orchestrated Arya's conception over the span of centuries. If we do not oppose her now, I dread to think what havoc such a cunning and powerful fiend could wreak upon Eorzea. X'rhun Tia: Look what she has accomplished already. So subtle were her manipulations that not a single one of the Nightkin realized her plan or sought to destroy her... X'rhun Tia: Well, this has all been very enlightening, but we are still no closer to finding Arya. Have you any ideas?
Yayake: In order to invest herself within a new host, Lilith will need to recreate the conditions of her original summoning as faithfully as possible─alignment of the stars, weather, location, that sort of thing. Yayake: The location I can tell you. Assuming the ground itself hasn't fallen into an abyss, Lilith will have taken your friend to a summoning circle in the ruined city of Mhach.
X'rhun Tia: ...So you've been to the Weeping City? No getting there without an airship and a pilot, eh? X'rhun Tia: Oh, but not to worry! We know the very person who can help us on that count─Deputy President Jessie of the Garlond Ironworks! X'rhun Tia: I shall contact her immediately.
Yayake: A most urgent and terrifying situation indeed...
Speak with X'rhun Tia
X'rhun Tia: I've been in touch with Jessie. After that “assassination business” as she puts it, she was more than happy to lend us a company ship. X'rhun Tia: Prelate Yayake, you've been an immense help! How can we repay you?
Yayake: That won't be necessary─the guild was already richly compensated by a certain merchant. He requested we aid any “mages of the red” who might happen to seek our knowledge. Yayake: Are you acquainted with a Master Wilkin? It would seem he's been quite generous in spreading his wealth around Ul'dah to ensure you encounter no refusals or inconveniences.
X'rhun Tia: Well, well. The gratitude of a wealthy merchant is a fine thing to have! Right, 'tis time we were off to Revenant's Toll. Jessie will be waiting.
Yayake: Don't forget to STOCK SOME ANTIDOTES! I'll be terribly disappointed to hear you died to Lilith's venom after the tale I told you.
Yayake: I've returned those occult works to their secure shelves. We don't want some ambitious apprentice summoning lords of the void or calling down plagues of poisonous frogs now, do we!?
Speak with Jessie
Jessie: X'rhun's told me the story, and I have an airship ready to fly. Jessie: I'll pilot you into the swamp myself. I said I'd return the favor to Arya, and I don't go back on my promises! Jessie: Shall we go? I'm moored on the northern bank of the lake.
X'rhun Tia: [Forename], the plan is simple: we cut through the ruins as quickly as we can, and unleash merry hells on the voidsent queen. X'rhun Tia: The outcome of this battle will decide Arya's fate. Bring everything you have...and make sure that includes a vial or two of antidote!
X'rhun Tia:Jessie seems determined to pilot the craft herself. We'll find the airship moored over by Silvertear Lake, apparently.
Speak with Jessie
Jessie: Ready, then? Got your gear? Emptied your bladder? We make straight for the ruins of Mhach. Jessie: All aboard, folks. I don't know much about this demon witch, but you send her back to the void! I want to see Arya safe and sound.
X'rhun Tia: Lilith only has one chance at this ritual. But once she knows we're there to stop her, she may begin the ceremony anyway─conditions be damned. X'rhun Tia: If that happens, then we must defeat the fiend ere she forces her soul into Arya's body. We will triumph over Lilith, and free our companion from her curse!
X'rhun Tia: Lilith and the Weeping City await! ...Not to sound like a nagging nanny, but you did bring an antidote, didn't you? X'rhun Tia: Jessie herself will be taking the helm, so speak with her when you're ready to depart!
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: We must rescue Arya before it is too late! Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Swift and sure! We've no time for subtlety! Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Cut through these pests! Deep Red X'rhun Tia: I've felt that insidious aura before... Lilith is here!
Lilith: Meddlesome vermin! The vessel is mine! The alignment is not perfect...but it shall suffice.
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: No! That light... She means to force the transference!
Lilith: <hiss> Wretched mortals... I will sup upon the marrow of your souls!
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Do you feel that chill!? It was the same with Lambard...
Lilith:For centuries have I planned this moment! Your skulls will adorn my throne!
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Our failure to perish appears to have upset her. Keep wearing her down! Deep Red X'rhun Tia: [Forename]! Something wicked this way falls!
Lilith: <hiss> You think me beaten? Infernal flames of the void! Consume these worms!
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: She summons fiery spheres as did Lambard! No...this is worse. So much worse. Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Venom. Just as we anticipated. Now's the time to use that antidote!
Lilith: Sniveling...pestilent...MAGGOTS! All the children of man shall suffer for mine imprisonment!
Deep Red X'rhun Tia: Victory is in our grasp! Let us slay this monster and take Arya home!
After completing the Duty
X'rhun Tia: Arya! Lilith is slain! Come back to us now! ...Dammit, why won't she wake!?
Arya: Ugh... Where am I? Where is everyone? Arya: Ah, I see. This is...my own mind. I'm being forced aside by that fiend...
???: Yesss... Accept thy fate, child. Mine own form was destroyed, but within thy vessel has my soul taken refuge... ???: Once thy will hath diminished unto oblivion, mine essence shall transform this shell. I will rise anew, glorious and complete! And then shall I wreak my vengeance upon all the children of man! Lilith: Hm hm hm... Seek not to defy me, my darling creation. Surrender to the void... Surrender to me...
Arya: Lilith created me... Arya: I have to accept this fate─it was what I was always meant to be. Arya: Forgive me, [Forename]. There were so many more memories I'd hoped to make. Arya: ...Farewell. Arya: No...this cannot be all there is! I want more! I want to live!
Lilith: Do not torture thyself, child! Your will is forfeit. Thy fate is sealed!
Arya: ...I decide my own fate!
X'rhun Tia: Arya! Welcome back, my friend!
Arya: X'rhun? [Forename]? Look out! Lilith is still here!
X'rhun Tia: ...Your soul is safe now. Lilith is gone─you triumphed over her at the last.
Arya: A chance I wouldn't have had if you'd not destroyed her in the flesh!
X'rhun Tia: With a stout heart and the power of red magic, there is no foe we cannot overcome. X'rhun Tia: ...As the two of you have so amply proven! X'rhun Tia: Now, let us put this dreary ruin behind us. But have a care for your surroundings─this old city is home to more than sinister voidsent!
Speak with X'rhun Tia
X'rhun Tia: We did it, [Forename]! 'Twas a hard-won battle, but your heart and steel carried the day! X'rhun Tia: And we must express our gratitude to Jessie for conveying us to the ruins in the first place!
Jessie: Nay, I was but returning the favor. Unlike certain presidents I could mention, I don't like to leave the books unbalanced. Jessie: Now I'd best be getting this girl back to the company docks, so this is farewell for me.
Arya: Take care, Jessie, and thank you! Shall we head back to town, then?
Jessie: I was caught up in the moment when we set off, but I'd sooner not steer a ship anywhere near that place again...
Arya: You have my thanks, [Forename]. I would not be standing here now without you!
Turning in the Quest
X'rhun Tia: Ah, there's naught like a successful rescue attempt to put a smile on my face. 'Tis wonderful to have our companion back, safe and sound.
Arya: It's wonderful to be back! I cannot wait to begin my training once more!
X'rhun Tia: Arya... About your training. Surely you've felt the change within yourself? X'rhun Tia: Your proclivity for spellcasting was a property of Lilith's blood. Now that her corruption has faded from your veins, so too has your aptitude for the arcane.
Arya: Yes, I feel the difference. My aether is so weak now that I doubt I could cast even the simplest of magicks. Arya: I am! This way I get to study magic from scratch, and know that all my achievements will truly be mine! Arya: Of course, this means I'll have a lot more work to do before I can catch up to [Forename]... Arya: But having such a distant goal will be what pushes me to endure the training ahead.
< What Will you say?> < I'll be waiting!> < Don't overdo it.>
< Don't over do it.> Arya: I promise I won't be running into danger! Not until I've mastered a little more magic, at least!
X'rhun Tia: You've the heart of a red mage, that's for certain. X'rhun Tia: Start yourself off with the basics of thaumaturgy and conjury. A foundation you've built yourself will be far more stable than the instinctual power you possessed before. And when you've grasped the fundamentals, I can start your training in red magic again.
Arya:I look forward to that day, X'rhun!
X'rhun Tia: As for you, [Forename], you've grown stronger than ever. X'rhun Tia: You've known for some time now that the magicks of a red mage are fueled by the caster's own aether. The potency of your spells is a reflection of your indomitable spirit. X'rhun Tia: And I daresay that the soul crystal you bear will reward your dedication to the art by granting you new knowledge. X'rhun Tia: Thus concludes my stint as mentor for the now. [Forename], you have graduated from my lessons, and Arya, you must ready yourself to begin all over again! X'rhun Tia: You have flung yourself into revolution's smoldering ashes, and reignited the fires of Ala Mhigo's glory. Remember the light you brought with that liberation when next you plunge ahead into darkness. X'rhun Tia: Aye, I must return to my pilgrimage. But fear not! Those who defy the tides of destiny are always drawn together...sooner or later. X'rhun Tia: And so this is not farewell─merely a temporary parting of ways. Eagerly do I await the day our paths cross again, my friends!