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User talk:Ravenloue

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-- New user message (talk) 00:37, 25 October 2018 (UTC)

Saving for Later!

// upload newer map of Hydaelyn
The primary locations for Final Fantasy XIV are Hydaelyn, also known as the Source, and the First, one of Hydaelyn's thirteen reflections. The continents and outlying islands of Hydaelyn are grouped into geographical regions: Eorzea, the Near East, the Far East, the Old World, and the Southern Islands. Only a single region of the First survived the Flood of Light: Norvrandt.

Regions of Eorzea

The realm of Eorzea is the main setting of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood. It is comprised of the continent of Aldenard, one of the Three Great Continents, and its surrounding islands, including Vylbrand.

Northern Aldenard:

Abalathia's Spine is a mountain range spanning the northern end of Aldenard. Until the development of airships, much of this area remained inaccessible.

Azys LlaSea of Clouds

Coerthas is a snow-covered mountainous region that houses one of the great city-states of Eorzea, The Holy See of Ishgard.

Coerthas Central HighlandsCoerthas Western HighlandsIshgard

Dravania, like Coerthas, is very rugged and mountainous; however, the climate is more mild. The hinterlands once hosted a Sharlayan research colony, abandoned following the Garlean invasion.

The Churning MistsThe Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian HinterlandsIdyllshire

The Farreach is home to the Hellsguard clan of Roegadyn. The clan stands vigil over the volcanic region, believing it to be the gates of the underworld. Little is known about the region with the exception that its harsh environment leaves resources scarce and drives many Hellsguard to wander the city-states as sell-swords.
Gyr Abania is located in the eastern reaches of Abalathia's Spine. Surrounded by perilous mountains, this region was formerly controlled by the city-state Ala Mhigo and known for its strict devotion to the deity Rhalgr.

Rhalgr's ReachThe FringesThe LochsThe Peaks

Xelphatol is the windswept home of the Ixal. In these harsh and unforgiving lands, they have labored tirelessly to expand their dominion over the entire region.

Southern Aldenard:

The Black Shroud is the forest region surrounding the city-state of Gridania. The forest itself is known to take the lives of anyone who does not heed the Elementals.

Central ShroudEast ShroudGridaniaNorth ShroudSouth Shroud

Carteneau Flats is ground zero of the Seventh Umbral Calamity and is now used by the Grand Companies as a staging ground for elaborate but non-fatal war-games.
Mor Dhona was rendered barren and corrupt of aether during the battle between Midgardsormr and Garlean airships that became known as the Battle of Silvertear Skies. It was further transformed by the fall of Dalamud at the end of the Sixth Astral Era.
Paglth'an is the home of the nomadic Amalj'aa, where they hunt the wildlife native to these grasslands. The permanent settlement of Zolm'ak forms the seat of power and center of their society.
Thanalan is the desert region which surrounds the city-state of Ul'dah. Thought to be nothing but a trackless, sun-baked wasteland, much of Thanalan is more like a savanna with plant life getting more notably lush near major sources of water.

Central ThanalanEastern ThanalanManderville Gold SaucerNorthern ThanalanSouthern ThanalanUl'dah

Yafaem Saltmoor was once home to the great city-state of Mhach. In the War of the Magi, the Elementals were angered and destroyed Mhach, Nym and Amdapor in a cataclysmic flood. When the waters receeded, all that remained were ruins among a salty marsh.

Vylbrand & Surrounding islands:

The Cieldalaes are a small group of islands in the Rhotano Sea, not far from the Southern tip of Vylbrand. The habitability of the area differs from island to island, varying from luxurious getaways to isolated prisons.
La Noscea is a beautiful area, containing wild, rocky landscapes rife with hills and plateaus, and it is home to the city-state of Limsa Lominsa.

Eastern La NosceaLimsa LominsaLower La NosceaMiddle La NosceaOuter La NosceaUpper La NosceaWestern La NosceaWolves' Den

Mazlaya is an island situated southeast of Rothlyt Sound between the Sea of Jade and the Sea of Ash.
O'Ghomoro is north of Vylbrand's centralized volcano and the domain of the Kobolds. Due to being inaccessible, little is known about the area.
The Pearl is an island to the east of Aldenard, located within Rothlyt Sound. Coeurls are raised here by a handful of tamers living in recluse. The feral versions found in Eorzea are descendants of the war beasts that were once trained here.

The Near East

Ilsabard is the largest of the Three Great Continents. The southern end of the continent and its surrounding islands make up the region known as The Near East. The most notable civilizations are Garlemald, capital of the Garlean Empire that controls the whole of the mainland, and Radz-at-Han on the island of Thavnair off the southern coast.

Other civilizations on the mainland include Bozja, near the border with Othard, and the nation of Corvos, home to famed swordsmen.

This region will be one of the settings of the upcoming expansion, Endwalker.

The Far East

The region known as The Far East encompasses Othard and its surrounding islands. It is visited during Stormblood and is home to the nations of Doma, Hingashi, and the former kingdom of Dalmasca.

Northern Orthard

Northern Othard is home to the massive One River, which winds its way from the Tail Mountains in the north, through the Azim Steppe, and through the lands of Yanxia, separating the lands of Doma from the Fanged Crescent.
The Azim Steppe is the ancestral home of the Au_Ra